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Mugging with Muscles

Facial Muscles Lab


Origin: Stable region of the muscle. Insertion: Movable region of the muscle. Action: What the muscle does when it shortens.


Origin: Sternum and Clavicle Insertion: Mastoid process Action: Tilts head side to side or tilts head downward (flexion)

Orbicularis oculi
Origin: Maxilla and Frontal Bones Insertion: Dermis near origin Action: Closes Eye

Procerus muscle
Origin: Bridge of Nose Insertion: Frontalis Muscle

Action: Wrinkles between eyes


Origin: Bridge of Nose Insertion: Frontalis Muscle Action: Wrinkles between eyes

Origin: Maxilla Insertion: Bridge and ala of nose Action: Flares nostrils

Levator labii superioris group

Origin: Maxilla Insertion: Skin, Orbicularis Oris, upper lip Action: Elevates upper lip

Corrugator supercilii

Origin: orbit near frontonasal suture

Insertion: eyebrow

Origin: Platysma and Masseter Fascia Insertion: Orbicularis Oris; corners of mouth Action: Widens mouth

Zygomaticus major and minor

Origin: Zygomatic bone Insertion: Angle of mouth and Orbicularis Oris Action: Lifts corners of mouth

Galea aponeurosis

Frontalis or Occipitofrontalis or Epicranius

Origin: Occipital bone
Insertion: Skin of eyebrow and nose Action: Elevates eyebrows; moves scalp

Occipital region of the Occipitofrontalis

Orbicularis Oris

Origin: Mandible and Maxilla

Insertion: Fascia or muscles of the lips Action: Closes lip as in making an O.

Origin: Posterior Mandible and Maxilla Insertion: Orbicularis oris Action: Puckers lips

Depressor Labii Inferioris

Origin: Lateral body of Mandible
Insertion: skin and muscle of lower lip Action: Assists frowning


Origin: Mandible near incisors Insertion: Skin of chin

Action: Wrinkles chin and protrudes lower lip

Depressor anguli oris

Origin: Body of mandible below incisors Insertion: skin at angle of mouth Action: Frowning

Origin: Zygomatic arch and maxilla Insertion: Angle of mandibular ramus Action: Closes jaw as in chewing

Origin: Temporal fossa Insertion: Mandibular ramus and coronoid process Action: Elevates and protracts mandible

Lateral Pterygoid

Medial Pterygoid

Lateral Pterygoid helps open the jaw Medial Pterygoid helps close the jaw

Lateral Ptyerygoid Origin: lateral side of lateral pterygoid, greater wing of sphenoid Insertion: Mandibular condyle Action: Opens jaw

Medial Pterygoid Origin: medial side of lateral pterygoid, palatine and maxilla Insertion: Lower angle of mandible Action: Closes jaw

Medial Pterygoid Lateral Pterygoid


Origin: Fascia of chest Insertion: Lower margin of mandible Action: Tightens neck

Origin: lower margin of mandible and mastoid process

Insertion: Loop above hyoid bone

Action: elevates hyoid and opens mouth


Origin: lower margin of mandible and mastoid process Insertion: Loop above hyoid bone Action: elevates hyoid and opens mouth



Origin: Styloid Process Insertion: Hyoid Bone Action: Elevates hyoid

Origin: Styloid Process

Insertion: Hyoid
Action: Raises Hyoid

Origin: Styloid Process

Insertion: Tongue
Action: Retracts Tongue

Origin: Mylohyoid line of mandible Insertion: Hyoid bone Action: Elevates floor of mouth


Origin Genu of the Chin
Insertion: Tongue Action: Depresses and protrudes tongue

Origin: Chin Insertion: Hyoid bone Action: Depresses mandible; protracts hyoid

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