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Karltrail (Thorp): Conventional, Al.

: LE; GP Limit: 40 gp, Wealth of 66 gp; Population: 33; Mixed (79% Human, 9% Dwarf, 5% Gnome, 3% Halfling, 2% Elf, 1% Half Elf, 1% Half Orc). Authority: Korhild, Female Hill Dwarf War 1. Important Characters: Takhild, Female Hill Dwarf Exp 1 (Blacksmith), Xanastrianna, Female High Elf Dru 2 of Obad Hai (Healer), Koussain, Male Oeredian Human Sor 1 (Scroll maker), Boddynock, Male Rock Gnome Rog 4 (Black marketer and Tavernkeeper). Others: Rog 2 (2), Com 1 (26).

DUNGEON FEATURES The following features are true unless otherwise noted in a specific room description - Walls: All walls are standard masonary walls. Masonary walls are the most common kind of dungeon wall. Often these ancient walls sport cracks and crevices, and sometimes dangerous slimes or small monsters live in these areas and wait for prey. Masonary walls stop all but the loudest noises. (Typical thickness 1ft.; break DC 35; hardness 8; hp 90; climb DC 20). See Table 3-9:Walls in the Dungeon Master's Guide for other wall stats. - Floor: All floors in the dungeon are Flagstone. Like masonary walls, flagstone floors are made of fitted stones, they are usually cracked and only somewhat level. Slime and mold grows in these cracks. Sometimes water runs in rivulets between the stones or sits in stagnant puddles. Flagstone is the most common dungeon floor. - Ceiling: The average heigth of the ceiling in the dungeon is 15 ft. - Doors: All doors have their qualities listed in the room descriptions below. You may replace any or all doors with different types. An average door would have the following qualities (Wooden Door: 1in. thick; hardness 5; hp 10; AC5; break DC 18). - Light: Many rooms are lightless. A light source is required for characters to see without darkvision. - Ventilation: All rooms contain an adequate air supply. The air is renewed from small vents leading to the exterior of the dungeon. These vents are individually too small for any but Fine creatures to navigate. WANDERING MONSTERS Monsters wander in areas of the dungeon not already populated with monsters. For every 4 hours the PCs spend in the dungeon, roll d% on the following table while the PCs are in an accessible hallway or room. (Characters who have locked themselves in a room or secret area are immune from wandering encounters.) On a roll of 41 or higher, no encounter occurs. On a roll of 1-40, read the result on the table and apply the suggested encounter. d% Monster Information

1-8 Darkmantle (1): hp 8. [Amount: 1, HD: 1d10+1 (6), CR: 1, Source: Monster Manual] 9-16 Human Warrior Skeletons (4): hp 6, 9, 7, 8. [Amount: 1d4, HD: 1d12 (6), CR: 1/3, Source: Monster Manual] 17-24 Tatterdemanimal (raggamoffyn) (1): hp 4. [Amount: 1, HD: 1d10 (5), CR: 1, Source: Monster Manual II] 25-32 Thri-Kreen (1): hp 5. [Amount: 1, HD: 2d8 (9), CR: 1, Source: Expanded Psionics Handbook] 33-40 Spider Swarm (1): hp 11. [Amount: 1, HD: 2d8 (8), CR: 1, Source: Monster Manual] 41+ No Encounter 1st Floor: Sala 1. Door: Wood, good, stuck. [1-1/2 in. thick; hardness 5; hp 15; break DC 18] Sala 2 Doors: Wood, simple, locked. [1 in. thick; hardness 5; hp 10; break DC 15] Monsters: Halfling Warrior Skeleton (2): hp 3, 3. [Amount: 1d3, HD: 1d12 (6), CR: 1/3, Source: Libris Mortis] Features: Flint and tinder, Pipe (smoking pipe), Dust. Hidden Treasure (Search DC 21) Coins: 600 sp (60 gp) Roll 1 time on Table 7-1: Random Magic Items (minor) in the Dungeon Masters Guild (Total Value: 60 gp) Sala 3 Doors: Wood, good, stuck. [1-1/2 in. thick; hardness 5; hp 15; break DC 18] Monsters: Tiny Viper Snakes (animal) (4): hp 1, 1, 1, 1. [Amount: 1d4+1, HD: 1/4d8 (1), CR: 1/3, Source: Monster Manual] Sala 4 Doors: Wood, strong, stuck. [2 in. thick; hardness 5; hp 20; break DC 23] Monsters: Howler Wasp (1): hp 9. [Amount: 1, HD: 2d8+4 (13), CR: 1, Source: Monster Manual IV] Features: Hourglass, Equipment (usable). [1d4 Minor Features] Sala 5 Doors: Wood, strong, locked. [2 in. thick; hardness 5; hp 20; break DC 25] Secret Door: Door slides down rather than opening normally. Stone, stuck. [4 in. thick; hardness 8; hp 60; break DC 29 -- Secret Door Search Check DC 20] Monsters

Orc Warriors (1): hp 3. [Amount: 1d3, HD: 1d8+1 (5), CR: 1/2, Source: Monster Manual] Features Candelabra, Pottery shard, Charcoal bin, Font. [1d4 Minor Features and 1d4 Major Features] Sala 5a Monsters Dire Rat Skeleton (1): hp 8. [Amount: 1d3, HD: 1d12 (6), CR: 1/3, Source: Libris Mortis] Features Ramp, Evil symbol, Chair, Bench. [1d4 Major Features] Sala 6: Door: Door slides down rather than opening normally. Wood, simple, stuck. [1 in. thick; hardness 5; hp 10; break DC 14] Features: Pillows. [1d4 Minor Features] Sala 7: Door: Wood, good. [1-1/2 in. thick; hardness 5; hp 15] Secret Door: North 20 feet from west wall. Wood, simple, stuck. [1 in. thick; hardness 5; hp 10; break DC 13 -- Secret Door Search Check DC 20] Monsters: Thri-Kreen (1): hp 11. [Amount: 1, HD: 2d8 (9), CR: 1, Source: Expanded Psionics Handbook] Sala 7a: Monsters: Small Monstrous Spiders (vermin) (1): hp 2. [Amount: 1d3, HD: 1d8 (4), CR: 1/2, Source: Monster Manual] Features: Collapsed wall, Recess, Fireplace, Pillory. [1d4 Major Features] Sala 8: Doors: Door slides down rather than opening normally. Wood, simple, stuck. [1 in. thick; hardness 5; hp 10; break DC 14] Monsters: Kobold Warriors (6): hp 5, 2, 5, 5, 3, 6. [Amount: 1d4+2, HD: 1d8 (4), CR: 1/4, Source: Monster Manual] Features: Rags, Paint, Hook. [1d4 Minor Features] Sala 9: Door: Wood, strong, stuck.

[2 in. thick; hardness 5; hp 20; break DC 23] Secret Door: Wood, simple, stuck. [1 in. thick; hardness 5; hp 10; break DC 13 -- Secret Door Search Check DC 20] Features Ash, Flint and tinder. [1d4 Minor Features] Sala 9a: Features: Scattered stones, Ash, Twine, Pedestal, Stuffed beast, Door (broken), Carpet. [1d4 Minor Features and 1d4 Major Features] Hidden Treasure (Search DC 21) Coins: 130 gp (Total Value: 130 gp) Sala 10: Doors: Wood, strong, stuck. [2 in. thick; hardness 5; hp 20; break DC 23] Nothing B1 Floor Sala 1: Doors: Wood, simple, locked. [1 in. thick; hardness 5; hp 10; break DC 15] Monsters: Wererat (lycanthrope) (1): hp 13. [Amount: 1, HD: 1d8+1 plus 1d8+2 (12), CR: 2, Source: Monster Manual] Features: Pipe (smoking pipe). [1d4 Minor Features] Hidden Treasure (Search DC 22) Coins: 1,400 sp (140 gp) Roll 1 time on Table 3-8: Mundane Items in the Dungeon Masters Guild (Total Value: 140 gp) Trap Swinging Block Trap; CR:1 Sala 2: Doors: Stone, locked. [4 in. thick; hardness 8; hp 60; break DC 28] Hidden Treasure (Search DC 22)

- Coins: 50 pp (500 gp) - Roll 1 time on Table 3-8: Mundane Items in the Dungeon Masters Guild (Total Value: 500 gp) Sala 3: Doors: Iron, locked. [2 in. thick; hardness 10; hp 60; break DC 28] Secret Door: North 30 feet from west wall. Wood, simple. [1 in. thick; hardness 5; hp 10 -- Secret Door Search Check DC 30, well-hidden] Monsters: Iron Cobra (1): hp 27. [Amount: 1, HD: 2d10+20 (31), CR: 2, Source: Fiend Folio] Sala 3a: Features: Iron bars, Steps, Charcoal bin, Ladder. [1d4 Major Features] Sala 4: Door: Stone, locked. [4 in. thick; hardness 8; hp 60; break DC 28] Trap: Swinging Block Trap; CR:1 Sala 5: Door: Wood, good. [1-1/2 in. thick; hardness 5; hp 15] Monsters Greenspaen Sneak (1): hp 16. [Amount: 1, HD: 2d10 (11), CR: 2, Source: Monster Manual IV] Features Broken glass, Candelabra, Stool, Chute, Catwalk. [1d4 Minor Features and 1d4 Major Features] The mines Sala 1: Door: Wood, strong, locked. [2 in. thick; hardness 5; hp 20; break DC 25] Monsters: Locust Swarm (1): hp 19. [Amount: 1, HD: 6d8-6 (21), CR: 3, Source: Monster Manual]

Features: Manacles, Font. [1d4 Major Features] Sala 2: Door: Wood, good, locked. [1-1/2 in. thick; hardness 5; hp 15; break DC 18] Features: Mold, Razor, Grinder. [1d4 Minor Features] Sala 3: Doors: Wood, good. [1-1/2 in. thick; hardness 5; hp 15] Monsters: Boggle (1): hp 17. [Amount: 1, HD: 4d8 (18), CR: 3, Source: Monster Manual II] Sala 4: Doors: Door slides down rather than opening normally. Wood, strong, locked, and trapped. [2 in. thick; hardness 5; hp 20; break DC 26 -- Fusillade of Darts; CR:1] Sala 5: Doors: Stone, and trapped. [4 in. thick; hardness 8; hp 60 -- Roling Rock Trap; CR:1] Monsters: Crypt Thing (1): hp 30. [Amount: 1, HD: 6d12 (39), CR: 3, Source: Fiend Folio]

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