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Brand name: Fluimucil

Generic name: Acetylcysteine

Indication: Treatment of respiratory affections characterized by thick and viscous
hypersecretions: acute bronchitis, chronic bronchitis and its exacerbations; pulmonary
emphysema, mucoviscidosis and bronchiectasis.
Drug Classification: Therapeutic category: Mucolytic agent
Mechanism of Action: Exerts mucolytic action through its free sulfhydryl group which opens
up the disulfide bonds in the mucoproteins thus lowering mucous viscosity. The exact
mechanism of action in acetaminophen toxicity is unknown. It is thought to act by providing
substrate for conjugation with the toxic metabolite.
Dosage: Adults:
1 sachet of Acetylcysteine 200 mg or 2 sachets of Acetylcysteine
100 mg, 2-3 times a day
1 Acetylcysteine 600 mg effervescent tablet daily ( preferably in the evening)
For the prevention of exacerbation, the use of FLUIMUCIL 200 mg sachets is
Aged up to 2 years: 1 sachet of 200 mg daily or 2 sachets of 100 mg daily.
3-7 years: 1 sachet of 200 mg twice daily or 2 sachets of 100 mg twice a day.
The duration of treatment should be 5-10 days in acute phase, whereas it may be
continued in the chronic state for several months, according to the advise of
Special Precaution: Use with caution in patients > 60 years of age. Use with caution in
patients with High blood pressure, ischemic heart disease, diabetes, increased intraocular
pressure, GI or GU obstruction, asthma, thyroid disease, or prostatic hypertrophy. Not
recommended for use in children.
Pregnancy risk category B
Adverse Effects: Hypersensitivity reactions have been reported in patients receiving
acetylcysteine, including bronchospasm, angioedema, rashes and pruritus, may occur. Other
adverse effects reported include nausea and vomiting, fever, syncope, sweating, arthralgia,
blurred vision, disturbances of liver function.
Contraindication: MAO inhibitor therapy within 14 days initiating therapy; severe
hypertension; severe. Coronary artery disease, hypersensitivity to pseudoedephrine,
acrivastine or any component; renal impairment.
Form: Solution, as Sodium: 10%; 20%
Nursing Responsibilities:
 Monitor effectiveness of therapy and advent of adverse/allergic effects. Instruct
patient in appropriate use and adverse effects to report.

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