Door Alarm: Check List: Parts

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Check list:

1. recordable greeting card 2. tape 3. string 4. cardboard

This is what youll find in a recordable greeting card.

Door Alarm
This is the speaker. This is the trigger tab. This is the recording button.

Her es How It Works:

To record a message: Disconnect the trigger tab. Press the recording button, talk into the speaker and release the button when you have finished recording your message. To set the alarm: Put the trigger tab under the metal clip on the recording device. Now your alarm is ready for action. To make the alarm go off: Pull the white trigger tab out and your recording will play.

Now You r e Ready To Make Your Door Alarm

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Using tape, stick the recording device on the wall.

Peel back the greeting card to remove the parts. Be very careful you dont want to tear the wires.

Tape the recording device to a piece of cardboard.

Measure a piece of string from where your alarm is on the wall to the doorknob. Tie the string to the trigger tab.

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You can decorate your alarm any way you like if you want to disguise it.

Tie the other end of the string to the doorknob.

Set your alarm by inserting the trigger tab under the metal clip on the recording device.

Now close the door and waitWhen someone opens the door, the trigger tab will be pulled out from under the metal clip and your message will play. GET OUT OF MY ROOM!

You can use the exact same steps to make an alarm for your lunch box. Just tape the parts to the inside of your lunch box, tie the string to the zipper on your lunch box, insert the trigger tab, and set your trap.

It s a gr eat way to catch someone in the actArtzooka style!

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