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Impulse and Momentum

Impact: short time in contact, but large magnitude of force.

Impulse: another way of quantifying the effect of force at very short period of time - F t Cf: Work scalar Impulse vector = = F s = 1/2 m vt2 - 1/2 m vo2 F t = m v t - m vo

The example demonstrates that: -The impulse-momentum equation applies to a variable force because 1) the duration is very short and 2) the effect was measured by an equivalent average constant force which has the same effect as the actual variable force to change the momentum. -Mechanical energy is not conserved during an impact. The lost KE is converted into heat and sound. -The force of gravity acts during the impact, but its impulse is negligible over such a short time, which is ______. Question The magnitude of the momentum of an object is often thought of as its resistance to being stopped. Compare the momentum and kinetic energy of: -a cricket ball of mass 0.15 kg bowled very fast at 40 m/s, and -a 20 tonne railway truck moving at a very slow speed of 1 cm per second. Which would you rather be hit by, an object with high momentum and low kinetic energy, or one with high kinetic energy and low momentum?

So J = ______i + ______j Magnitude of impulse |J| = (______2+ ______2) = ______. Direction: = tan-1(0.06/0.056) = 47o

= 133o to the initial

direction of velocity.
So impulse has magnitude of 0.082 Ns at an angle of 133o to the initial motion of the cue ball.

N3L tells us that both vehicles receive equal magnitude of impulse Ft but of opposite direction (t the time in contact). iv) Work out the distance each car travels during the time interval of 1/20 s between impact and separation. This gives an idea of the amount of damage there would be. [van 1/4 m ; car 3/8 m] Is it better for cars to be made strong so that there is little damage, or to be designed to crumple under impact? to absorb energy]


Elasticity is described by Hooks law: in dynamics, if force F and deflection x satisfy: F = k x ( k - equivalent stiffness as a constant ), we say the system is elastic. In material mechanics, the equivalent stiffness k is referred to as Youngs modulus.


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