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Activity 1peek-a-boo Age group: 0-18mos Originating Idea Provide opportunities for infants to play, explore and problem

solving Materials Scarves and blankets

Curriculum Content Approaches to learning # 1, initiative #2, problem solving

Beginning Put out the materials, teacher initiative peek-a-boo.

Middle Infants are watching, and they play with scarves, and they initiative peek-a-boo.

Extensions Teacher uses the scarf to cover her face, and the infant would try to move the scarf from the teachers face. Put out some small stuff animals or small toy, use a blanket to cover a stuff animal, and see if the infant would move the blanket and find the stuff animal.

End Tell them five more munities to play, and sing the clean-up song when starting clean up.

Follow-up idea Use different objects, such as small buckets, and then hide a small stuff animal under or put it in one of the buckets, so that infants could practice to look for the stuff animal.

Activity 2crawl through the tunnel Age group: 0-18mos Originating Idea: Infants start to crawl.

Materials: Several large, empty boxes, masking tape Curriculum Content: Physical development and health--#12 moving part of the body, #13moving the whole body

Beginning: Tell younger children that we are going to make a tunnel with large boxes. Put out those large boxes, and tape them end to end to create a long tunnel. And then, place children on the floor near the tunnel.

Middle: Children explore the tunnel with their hands, their eyes. And they crawl around the tunnel or crawl through the tunnel.

Extensions: Teacher stay on the other side of the tunnel, and called a childs name, and see if she/he would crawl through the tunnel. Place a doll or stuff animal inside the tunnel, and see if the child would go inside or move near the tunnel and investigate it

End: Tell them we are about to go outside, and we will take the tunnel outside and play.

Follow-up idea: Next time, put out the caterpillar tunnel for them to explore after reading the book of the very hungry caterpillar.

Activity 3 rolls the ball Age group: 0-18mos Originating Idea: Children love to play balls.

Materials: Balls

Curriculum Content: Physical development and health#12moving parts of the body Cognitive development#22 exploring objects Beginning: Have children sit on the carpet, teacher sits across from a toddler, approximately 34 feet, then roll the ball to him/her and say, Here comes the ball, to invite the child to catch the ball.

Middle: Children play with the ball, roll the ball, and throw the ball.

Extensions: Teacher rolls the ball to the child, and see if he/she could trap it. Teacher asks the children to roll the ball back, and see if he/she could roll it back.

End: Sing our good bye song to the ball, and tell them we need to come to the table for table time.

Follow-up idea: Next time, we will try to practice kick the ball with our foot.

Activity 4matching game Age group: 0-18mos Originating Idea: Help children to develop their cognitive development

Materials: Different felt shapes cutouts, a cardboard with the same different shapes which drew on it Curriculum Content: Cognitive development-- #22 exploring object, #24exploring same and different, Beginning: Put out all the materials, and tell children to find the shape felts, and put them on the cardboard for matching the same shape.

Middle: Children explore the felt shapes, and look for the same shapes on the cardboard.

Extensions: Teacher provides help like tells children the name of the shapes, and put the circle on the cardboard. Put out some shape with different color, and see if the children could match the same shapes with the same color.

End: Tell children it is time to go outside, and sing the cleanup song.

Follow-up idea: Next time, we are going to do a match game with number, so that children cloud explore numbers.

Activity 5 Age group: 18-36mos Originating Idea: young children love to pretend their favorite animals.

Materials: imagination

Curriculum Content: Approaches to learning # 1, initiative #2, problem solving

Beginning: Tell children to pretend their favorite animals, lets jump like s frog! or lets fly like a bird.

Middle: They will listen to the teacher, and fly like a bird when the teacher say lets fly like a bird. And they will try to pretend be their own favorite animals.

Extensions: The teacher may initiative first, so that the young children could initiative. The teacher may put out pictures of animals and see if the children could recognize the animals and pretend the animals.

End: Tell them it is time for going outside, so let hop like a bunny to the playground.

Follow-up idea: Next time, teacher could make the different animals sounds, and see if the children would recognize the different animal sounds and imitate the sound while they are pretending the animals movements.

Activity 6 -- stop and go dance Age group: 18-36mos Originating Idea: Introduce toddlers to the concept of stop and go.

Materials: music

Curriculum Content: physical development and health--#13moving the whole body

Beginning: Play music and everyone dances. Turn the music off, and tell them we will go or dance when the music is on, and we will stop when the music stops.

Middle: Children move, walk, jump and dance when the music on.

Extensions: Teacher initiative go and stop when the music on and off. When the music is on, tell the children go fast or slow, and see if they could imitative.

End: Turn off the music and tell them to put shoes on because it is time to go outside.

Follow-up idea: Next time we could play musical chair.

Activity 7 read book

Age group: 18-36 mos Originating Idea: Children love to read book.

Materials: Goodnight moon by Margaret Wise Brown

Curriculum Content: communication, language, and literacy-- #16listening and responding, #17 nonverbal communication #20 exploring print

Beginning: Show children the book, and tell them today we are going to read a book about goodnight moon.

Middle: Children are listening and looking at the book, and guess what happen next.

Extensions: While reading the goodnight moon book, put those little magnetic pictures of the characters from the book on the board. When you read the book about goodnight mitten, and pick a child to pick up mitten and say goodnight to it. End: Tell children to go to the table and sit down for our table time after reading the book.

Follow-up idea: Give opportunities children to practice say goodnight, so tell children when we go to bed at night and say goodnight to daddy, mommy and their toys.

Activity 8what is inside? Age group: 18--36mos

Originating Idea: Introduce fruit are good for our healthy, encourage children eat different fruit.

Materials: Any type of fruit and knife

Curriculum Content: cognitive development -- #22exploring objects, #25 exploring more, #30 taking apart and putting together

Beginning: Put the watermelon in a box and let them guess what is inside the box, give them a hinta fruit. After guessing, show children that is a watermelon.

Middle: Let them explore the watermelon, touch it, smell it, and then let them talk about the size, color and texture.

Extensions: Opening question, like is the watermelon big or small? what color is the watermelon? Opening question let them guess what color do you think the inside of the watermelon? When you cut it open, what is inside? Are there any seeds?

End: Tell them to wash their hands, and we are going to eat the watermelon for snack today.

Follow-up idea: We cut the watermelon open, and let them taste it, and talk about how it tastes, sweet or sour, any seeds inside, and let them count the seeds.

Activity 9 snip soup Age group: preschoolers Originating Idea From observation, most of childrens have hard time by using scissors to cut a straight line on the paper. So this snip soup activity provides the opportunity for children's small motor skills. Materials 1, different color construction papers cut into strips 2, scissors 3, small plastic bowls Curriculum Content 1, Develop childrens fine motor control 2, dramatic art pretend that they are cutting vegetable for soup Beginning Set up all the materials on the table. Have all the children come to the table. Then say Today we are going to cut the different color of construction papers, one color at a time, into the bowl. You can pretend that they are cutting vegetables or noodles for your soup.

Middle Earlier: they know how to use scissors and are able to cut the strips well. Strategies: I will let them cut papers into strips next time. Middle: they might not know how to use scissors very well, but still able to cut snip the strips. Strategies: I will tell them to hold the scissors with thumb up so that they can cut well. Later: they dont know how to hold the scissors. Strategies: I will show them to hold scissors with thumb up, help them to hold the scissors correctly.

End (Warning and transition to next part of routine) Tell we are going outside, so five more minutes for cutting, and have them to help clean up.

Follow-up Ideas Next time we will try to cut out coupons.

Activity 10 Alphabet B Age group: preschoolers Originating Idea Since some children have problem recognize alphabets, so I want to create an alphabet theme. This is one of the alphabet activities, and it is about letter B. Materials 1, magazines or picture books 2, scissors 3, balloon 4, glue Curriculum Content Approaches to learning Language, literacy, and communication Classification Social studies Fine-motor skills Beginning (Opening Statement) First, I will blow a balloon, and ask Who knows Balloon begins with what letter? After them tell me it begins with letter B, I will tell them we are going to find as many as items begin with letter B or words begin with letter B in the magazines or the picture books. And then, we need to cut them out and glue the items on the balloon.

Middle (What will children do? How will you scaffold their learning?) Earlier: they are able to find many items and words begin with letter B, and they can cut them out well and glue them onto the balloon. Strategies: I will teach them how to read some of the words begin with letter B, and tell the meaning of the words. I will let them count how many they cut out. they might find some items and words begin with letter B, and they can also cut them out and glue them on the balloon. Strategies: I will give them some hints so that they can find out more. Also, I will let them count how many they cut out. Middle: Later: they might only be able to find a little bit of items or words begin with letter B, and might not able to cut them out well. Strategies: I will point to the items begin with letter B, and ask them Does xx begin with letter B?

End (warning and transition to next part of routine) Let the children glue all the items on the balloon, and have them to clean up the table with me. Then we move to the next activity. Follow-up Ideas Next day, we are going to bat the balloon by passing it around the children, and whoever gets the balloon needs to tell everyone one of the items on the balloon.

Activity 11 counting sticks Age group: preschoolers

Originating Idea Childrens interest most of them like classification, but I have never seen them count when they sorting. So this activity will provide them an opportunity to count when they are sorting.

Materials 1, small plastic pincers 2, small different color wooden sticks 3, small plastic plates (red, green, blue, yellow, orange), every plate is taped a small paper with one number (under number 10) Curriculum Content Fine-motor skills Mathematic (counting objects) Sorting and matching Filling and emptying

Beginning (Opening Statement) set up all the materials on the table, tell children, I know you are like sorting, so today we will do sorting again, but this time is a little bit different, we need to use the pincers to pick up the correct number of wooden sticks and put them in the plates which need to be the exactly number that tapes in the plates.

Middle (What will children do? Earlier:

How will you scaffold their learning?)

they are able to use the pincers to pick up the correct number of wooden sticks and put them in the plate that matching the color. Strategies: I will give them some number that up 10 to count Middle: they might able to use the pincers to pick up wooden sticks, but might be they dont get the correct number of sticks or maybe not matching the color Strategies: I will tell them to match the color, and help them to count. Later: they might use hand to pick up the sticks, and they might dont know to read the numbers on the plates yet. Strategies: I show them how to hold the pincers; I will tell them what the number is on the plates that they pick, and help them to count and match the color.

End (warning and transition to next part of routine) I will remind them we will go outside in five minutes so have them help me to clean up the table.

Follow-up Ideas
Next time, I will put in different lengths wooden sticks so that they can practice comparing attributes.

Activity 12 Counting in Chinese Age group: preschoolers Originating Idea Since Emma was showing curiosity by asking Do you live in China? I would like to plan an activity that reading all the children a Chinese book about number, and try to teach them how to count in Chinese and how to write number one. Therefore, I could show them Chinese character and pronunciation. Materials 1, a simple Chinese book for children 3, papers and markers Curriculum Content Language, literacy, and communication Social and emotional development (ask them how do you think about Chinese, like it or not) Math (counting objects) Beginning (Opening Statement) Tell children today we are going to have a special activity which is to learn how to count one to five in Chinese and how to write number one in Chinese character. I will tell them number one in Chinese is a line horizontally instead of horizontal.

Middle (What will children do?

How will you scaffold their learning?)

Earlier: they are able to count one to five after I repeat to them couple times, and they can draw a line horizontally Strategies: I will invite them to count to ten, and invite them to try to write number two in Chinese character (just two horizontal, the top one is shorter than the bottom one) Middle: they might be able to count one to three, and they might draw a not straight line horizontally. Strategies: I will count with them couple more times and encourage them to repeat after me. Later: they might be able to say number one and two, and they might be not draw a curve line. Strategies: I will repeat to them couple more times until they can count one to three in Chinese.

End (warning and transition to next part of routine) Tell them to count in Chinese to their family or friends when they see their family or friends since they learn how to count in Chinese. And then we move on to the next activity.

Follow-up Ideas Next time, I might teach them to sing a Chinese number song for helping them to remember how to count in Chinese.

Activity 13Sink or Float Age group: preschoolers Originating Idea As I observed, I noticed that many children like to play with water. I want to plan a sink or float activity by putting things that sink or float in the water. Materials 1, clear large container with water 2, things that sink or float, such as a cork, crayon, cotton ball, feather, small plastic toy boat, metal toy car, plastic Easter egg, paper, plastic straw, outdoor twigs, small bars of soap, a small balloon which blow up, leaves, rocks and so on)

Curriculum Content Language and communication Science Social studies Sensory experience

Beginning (Opening Statement) Tell children today we will have water table for play, but they need to explore the items I put out will sink or float.

Middle (What will children do?

How will you scaffold their learning?)

Earlier: they are able to tell what kind of items would sink or float before I put in the water.. Strategies: I will ask them why rocks sink, but leaves float. Middle: they might able to tell some of the items would sink or float before I put in the water Strategies: I will show them by putting the items in the water or let them put the items in the water. Later: they might not just play with the water and the items. Strategies: I will use some items to get their attention then invited them to put items in the water, let them explore. End (warning and transition to next part of routine) After discussing why this happen, remind children five more minutes left for play, then, have them to help me to pick up all the items from the water.

Follow-up Ideas At next table time, create Sink or Float Experiment book, give each child a sheet of paper with a bowl of water outlined on the sheet. Ask them to draw pictures of the objects that were place into the water. Place the pictures of objects that float at the top of the water line and objects that sink down at the bottom of the bowl.

Activity 14Draw and paint flower Age group: preschoolers Originating Idea Childrens interest one time Emma brought a real flower in the classroom for the teacher, and she said I like flowers. So I plan an activity that they draw flowers and paint their flowers. Materials 1, Heavy white paper 2, crayon 3, syrup 4, paint brushes 5, smocks 6, red, blue, and yellow paint Curriculum Content Approaches to learning (making and expressing choices, plans, and decisions) Creative expression Small motor skills Experiment with color mixing Visual art

Beginning After reading them a storybook about flowers blooming in spring, then say today you are going to draw a flower or many flowers, then you are going to use paint with syrup to paint your flowers. You can mix the colors if you want. And explain why mix with syrup, because syrup will make our flowers look shinny. Middle Earlier: they are able to draw a nice flower with leaves, and they paint their flowers with different colors. When they mixed the colors, they could tell like blue mix yellow is green. Strategies: I will invite them to draw couple more flowers, and paint them with different colors. Middle: they might be able to draw something looks like flower, and they are able to paint with colors, and mix colors. They might say it is green, when they mixed colors. Strategies: I will ask them question like, do you know which two color mix together and become green? Later: they might be not able to draw a flower, but they might draw a circle. And they paint the circle with the colors that they like. Strategies: I will show them how to draw a simple flower, and invite them to try. End After have all the children talk about their flowers, and remind them they will have five more minutes for the projects, and we will have snack time after cleaning up.

Follow-up Ideas The next day, after the flower projects dry, I will have the children help me to cut them because we will use the flowers to make a flower garden bulletin board.

Activity 15Sunshine painting Age group: preschoolers Originating Idea

Childrens interest children like to paint. This sunshine painting activity not only for children to paint, but also

encourages them to mix colors and to use a variety of different painting items. Materials 1, large paper 2, Yellow, white and orange paint. 3, Painting items such as; brushes, swabs, feathers, fingers Curriculum Content Approaches to learning (making and expressing choices, plans, and decisions) Small motor skills Experiment with color mixing Visual art Sensory experience if they use fingers to paint Language and communication Social and emotional development (talk about how they the like summer) Beginning First, talk about how summer means many hot days and that the sun provides them. Ask what color the sun is and let children choose the colors they would like to use to make their sunny picture Middle Earlier: they probably paint a nice sun with yellow or orange, and they might use different items to paint. Strategies: have them to talk about their paint experiences of use different items to pain. Middle: they might use yellow or orange to paint their sun, and they might mix color. Strategies: I will invite them to mix the colors, and help them recognize if we mix yellow or orange with white, the color will looks lighter. Later: they might just scribble on the paper with the brush or hands, and might use all the color to paint. Strategies: I will invite them to use different items to paint, and show them how to paint a circle that looks like a sun.

End Have the children talk about what items they had used to paint, and which one they like better. Remind them we will move to the next activity in five minutes.

Follow-up Ideas Next time, we can do sunshine finger play by singing the song you are my sunshine.

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