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Revision Notes

My Case Study
- Christchurch earthquake - 4th Sept 2010 (7.1 mag) No Deaths - 22nd February 2011 (6.3 mag) 185 Deaths

Definition of Extreme Natural Events

Natural Event is caused by Natural Processes - process is a series of related actions Extreme Natural Events occur less frequently - these processes are likely to change or modify the natural environment. - a hazard when people are involved


Natural reasons for Vulnerability

1. Major Faultlines - Strike Slip zone (transform fault) - Alpine and Greendale Faults 2. Water and ground conditions - Soil Composition - sand, silt and swamp - Large braided rivers (Rakaia and Waimakariri) made up of shingle

Within the Earth

Earthquakes occur where plates collide

Movement at plate margins

Transform faults - the Alpine and Greendale faults

On the Surface of the Earth

Transform fault - stress energy that has built up is released - P waves, S waves and L waves

Effects on the Natural Environment

Liquefaction - Christchurchs eastern suburbs Bexley, Avondale and Avonside

Landslides - Port Hills, Sumner Valley and Redcliffs - Rocks the size of houses

Uplift - 1.5m uplift along the north eastern side of the Port Hills

Land Movements (Fissures) - railway line near Rolleston buckled as the Greendale fault fractured

Effects on the Cultural Environment

Different groups response

Student army - set up by Sam Johnson as a way for him and his friends to assist people with the clean up - the group grew to 3000+ members - main aim to help with non life-saving recovery

Civil Defence - immediate response Main roles - evacuated people - rescue survives and remove dead - provide the communities with updates - set up welfare centres like at Burnside High and Addington raceway

Govt - Set up CERA (Canterbury Earthquake Recovery Agency) Main Roles - fast track rebuilding process - Assess and classify all buildings - work with council and other agencies to fix essential infrastructure

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