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How do Mexicans celebrate their Independence Day?

In Mexico, September is known as Mes de la Patria and this year they celebrate the 203rd anniversary of their independence from the Spanish, so you will see all of Mexico join together as the country is painted red, white, and green (colors of the Mexican flag). My names Tom, Im an American tourist and t his is going to be my first year celebrating Mexicos Independence Day (in Puerto Vallarta) and Im very excited. I have a lot of pride when it comes to the Fourth of July (Independence Day in my country, the U.S.A), it was really hard for me to spend it away from home this year but I am really looking forward to immersing myself in Mexicos celebrations. However, one thing I am completely clue less of is HOW they celebrate! So in order to make the most of this experience, I asked my Mexican friends to advise me on what I can expect this upcoming Independence Day. My friend explained me that it is a holiday full of parties. The celebration actually starts before the 16th of September where kids usually attend to school and throw a mini-fiesta complete with food stands, games and Mexican music. Either celebrating with family or with friends, there is always a large dinner prepared first. The traditional foods most commonly served are pozole, chiles rellenos, tamales, chiles en nogada and so forth. It is also a custom to drink agua de jamaica and agua de horchata. After dinner, the tequila drinking and piata hitting that we all associate with Mexican fiestas begin.

School Fiestas

Chiles en Nogada

Novelty Vendors

Following dinner, its time for El Grito where crowds of people meet in the gathering places of the cities and towns. The Zcalos are dazzled in red, white and green; people, flags, flowers and twinkling lights while vendors are lined selling whistles, horns, noise makers, face painting, sombreros, and anything in the colors of Mexicos flag. If not participating live, usually people just watch the broadcasting of their respective state, or the largest gathering in Mexicos capital, Distrito Federal (D.F.), on TV. At the last strike of 11 o clock, the anxious crowd becomes silent as the President of Mexico (or the respective citys official) steps out and rings a bell, symbolic of when Miguel Hidalgo rang the bell in 1810 to launch the fight against the Spanish. The bell rung by the President in D.F. is actually the original bell rung centuries ago in Guanajuato. It is proceeded with the Grito de Dolores where the leader shouts the names of heroic characters that were part of the war and the crowd echoes back viva!. It ends with viva Mexico! and viva la independencia!, as a series of more echoes of viva! are shouted in unison all across the country at the exact same time while showers of red, white and green confetti and steamers explode in the air. The national hymn is usually sung after with a display of fireworks and everyone keeps partying or heads home.

The 16th of September in Mexico is probably the most comparable to the 4 thof July in the U.S.A. (a day off work filled with parades, school bands, cheerleaders and military). You will also occasionally find rodeos and a mariachi band. What I find most absolutely interesting about Mexicos celebrations opposed to any custom in the USA, is that it sounds so united. Everyone truly comes together too loudly and proudly fuse together at one single moment to commemorate their country and pride for it. The streets of Puerto Vallarta are boasting red, white and green and I am looking forward to celebrating in their series of events. I will report back after and let you know how my first Mexican Independence Day was.

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