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Jalan Bedugul No. 1, PerumahanDaanMogotBaru Kalideres JakartaBarat 11840

Name Class Date Material

: : : : Elijah Lewis

English Test

Reflection:_______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ___

PART 1 Answer the following questions. 1. What land did the Lewis family acquire after the war between the North and South? How did they get the land? The Glory Field. When the war between the States had ended and the Yankees had helped parcel out the land to blacks who wanted to stay andfarm the only land that most of them knew, the Lewis family had been given the eight acres that bordered Live Oaks. 2. How does the field Elijah is working in get the name Glory Field? Moses Lewis tries to pray after the war; all he says is glory. 3. What do the blacks and whites have to learn after the war?

The white people around Curry had to learn that the blacks were free, and the blacks had to learn just what being free meant. To some it meant being hungry for the first time and trying to take care of themselves for the first time. To others it meant working the land as they always had, but working it for themselves. 4. What is the group called that terrorizes blacks in the South? What two reasons are given for the groups action? Klan. Being disrespectful to whites, not working hard enough 5. Where does Richard work? Why? Pulp mills in Savannah and Valdosta. Probably to get money for taxes. 6. What land does the family come together to consecrate? Slave burying ground at Live Oaks Plantation 7. How did Lem die and what did the Lewis family do with his body? He is killed in the Civil War. They buried him in the Glory Field without any mark for his grave. 8. With whom is Mr. Turners blind son? Why is this a concern? Foster. He is a known drunk. 9. Why does Mr. Turner come to Grandma Sarans picnic? He is looking for Mr. Foster and David 10. Before Elijah goes to look for David, what does Richard tell him? You a Lewis, boy. Dont forget that 11. What type of music does Abby want to play on the guitar and why does Grandma Saran object to it? Ragtime. Grandma Saran feels that it is a devils music.

12. What does Lizzy remember about someone being whipped harshly? What makes him get his punishment? xxxxx 13. What does Elijah plan to ask Mr. Turner? To give him the reward money to pay the taxes in exchange for looking for David. 14. How much reward money does Mr. Turner offer the white men? The black men? $25. $10. 15. How much money does Elijah tell Mr. Turner he will charge for rescuing David? $35 16. Who goes with Elijah and Abby? What does he carry with him? Sheriff Glover. A gun. 17. Describe the boat trip to James Bank. Difficult and frightening. 18. Why does Sheriff Glover pull the gun on Elijah? Glover wants to go back but Elijah says no. 19. What condition are David and Mr. Foster in when Elijah finds them? David is trembling with cold and Foster is hurt. 20. How much of the reward does Glover say Elijah can have? Half of it. 21. How does the newspaper describe the rescue? Sheriff does the rescue; Foster died of a heart attack; no mention of Elijah and Abby.

22. What is stuck money, and why dont most black people have it? Stuck money is money that comes in hand and sticks there for more than two minutes. Because its very rare for the Blacks to have a lot of stuck money at that time. 23. With whom does Elijah have an argument about the use of his boat? Frank Petty 24. Why does Sheriff Glover come to the farm? What does Elijah decide to do because of his visit? To warn the family that Frank Petty is coming to whip Elijah. Go to Chicago where Joshua and Neely live. 25. Why does Grandpa Moses show Elijah the shackles? How are they part of the Lewis family history? To remind Elijah about where they come from, and what they overcome. The shackles of Muhammad recollects their memories about Muhammads spirit and their thick blood ties.

PART 2 True or False Read each statement closely. Indicate whether it is true or false. If the statement is false, change the word(s) that make it so and put the correct word(s) in the blank. 1. Elijah Lewis called to Silky, the mule, knowing that he would be ignored. False. The mules name is Sukey 2. Most people from Live Oaks had taken the name Lewis, so those who had been sold away could find them if they made their way back. True. 3. Goldie is Elijahs girlfriend in the story. True.

4. David had been blind since he was born. False. He could see when he was first born.

5. Elijah loves to play ragtime with his guitar. False. Abby loves it. 6. Since the name of his boat is Pele Queen, Elijah promises Goldie that he will call her his Second Queen after he marries her. True. 7. The Gazette carried a story that Sheriff Virgil Glover had rescued David Turner from Curry Island. False. From Key Island. 8. James Foster finally died because of the excessive loss of blood. False. Because of heart attack. 9. Elijah demands $50.00 from Mr. Turner. False. $35. 10. Elijah decides to leave Curry Island for Harlem, New York. False. Chicago.

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