SPM 4551 2005 Biology k1

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Time: t houi 15 minutes

onz This question paper consistsof 50 questions.Answer allquestions.

Section A Ihe following information are features of an organelle in a cell. . Spherical or oblong shaPed . Smooth outer membrane and folded inner membrane Which of the following organelles has features as stated above? A Vacuole B Nucleus C Chloroplast D Mitochondria The diagram shows an aquatic organism' 4 The main components of a plant ceII membrane are A lipid and carbohYdrate , B protein and carbohYdrate C protein and liPid D protein, lipid and. carbohydr.ate Gl, G2, M and S in the figure shows the phases of a cell cycle in an organism.

Carbon dioxide Oxygen

Which of the following is the. correct sequence of the interPhase stage?

What is the process of substances moving in and out as shown by the organism? A Osmosis B Diffusion C Facilitated diffusion D Active transport The figure shows the breaking down of a complex molecule by an enzyme. Which of the mole'culesA, B, C or D, represents the substrate?


G1 -------+ S ---------) G2 --------+ M '-------+

s G2 M G1

---:+ --------+ ----------+ --------+

G2 M Gl S


The diagram shows the liquid compooition of the human body.

Blood cafillq S



Gp*G* tt+

rt ig

Which of the following form t"be internal environment? C P , R, S A P,Q,R I) P , Q , S B Q,R,S


of the following is a connective

1l The figure shows the circulatory system of

a fish.
Blood capillaries gills

Orygenated blood

Blood capillaries in body tissue

The information below shows four food classes and their energT content. Which of the following rePresents fats? Food class

What is organ X? A Lung B Kidney


Stomach Heart

Enerry contcnU kI Per 10o g 30 3 300 1 700 1 600

The figure shows a cross section of a young dieotyledon root consisting of a few main tissues.


The diagram shows the structure of a chloroplast seen under an electron microscope.

What is Y? A Phloem B Xylem

C Cortex D Cambium

Which of the following processes ocflrrs ln Reduction ofcarbon dioxide by hydrogen Dissociation of water molecule Ot -"8 htn sunlight C Production of glucose D Production of starch A Glucose + oxygen -+ carbon dioxide + water + ATP


In an experiment to investigate the vascular system ofa plant, the root ofa balsam plant is immersed into eosin solution' This is to A stain the :rYlem tissues B stain the Phloem tissues C strengthen the xYlem cell wall D increase turgiditY of root cells The diagram shows a knee joint'

10 The above equation shows


condensation of glucose hydrolysis of glucose anaerobicresPiration aerobic resPiration

Which of the following tissues joins X to Y? C AdiPose A Ligament D Cartilage B Tendon

l5 The diagram shows, parts of the human


19 The figure shows a pair of homologous

chromosomes.The alphabets represent the genes in the chromosomes. PqRsTUvW

P Which of the following pairs of part of brain and its function is correct?



T and t represent A alleles B genotype


phenotype linked genes

Part of brain AP

Function Controls peristalsis movement Controls balancing of body Controls thinking Controls rate of heart beat


$ 20 Which of the following traits was used in Mendel's experiments? A Colour of leaf B Number of seeds C Size of fruit D Height of plant 21 The diagram shows a karyotype of a male suffering from a type of genetic disease.

,16 What is the function of the axon of a sensory


neuron? A To release neurotransmitter in the synaptic cleft B To carry impulse away from the cell body C To speed up the conduction of impulse D To carry impulse towards the cell body

ffi lflt fn

It tf ilfi

ilf lltf trn r)t f5r(rll nx

10 11 t2

lflf ,fx rflf

13 L4 15

j3t )rr 6r(

16 t7 18

lx r x
L9 20

lr x



.,17 What is the name of the processof shedding skin in insects? A ehemotaxis B Thrombosis C Dialysis S 22 D Ecdysis tr18 What best describes double fertilization? A One male gamete fertilizes two polar nuclei B One male gamete fertilizes one egg cell and two fused polar nuclei One male gamete fertilizes one egg ceII and another male gamete fertilizes two polar nuclei D One male gamete fertilizes one egg cell and another male gamete fertilizes one polar nucleus

The genetic disease suffered by the man rs A haemophilia B Turner's syndrome C Down's syndrome D Klinefelter's syndrome T}l.e diagram shows the feeding method of organism X.

What is the feeding method of organism X? C Saprohytic A Holozoic D Autotrophic B Parasitic

i.,2l A former mining gtound can form a primary forest. Which of the following sequencesis correct in the formation of the primary forest? A Successor,climax community, pioneer B Pioneer, climax community, successor C Successor,pioneer, climax community - D Pioneer, successor,climax community v 24 What is "biochemical oxygen demand" . GOD)? A The quantity ofoxygen produced by an aquatic organism B The quantity of oxygen used by an aquatic organism C Indicator t0 measure the level of,water pollution D Indicator of the amount of a water pollutant ,'.25 The following eutrophication. information is about

C Site of protein synthesis D Site ofglycoprotein synthesis

Site of lipid synthesis Site of protein synthesis

27 An experiment was'carried out to investigate the effect ofconcentration ofsucrose solution on the mass of potato. The initial mass of potato pieces was obtained. They were left in sucrose solution and the final mass was obtained. The graph shows the result of the experiment. Which of the graphs, A, B, C and D, may be expected if the concentration of the sucrose solution is increased bevond 0.04 mol dm-3?
+ Mass change/g

P - Algae grow and cover the surface of the lake The rate of bacteria reproduction Q increases R - BOD value increases S - Organic fertilizer flows into the lake Which of the following sequencesis correct about the eutrophication process? A S--------+ P ---------) Q ---------+R ,g rR-----------+Q B P ---------+ ------) C S R ---------+P Q D Q P-)R 'S fp6 The diagram shows a typical animal cell.

28 The diagram shows . an experiment

to iuvestigate the changes of sucrose concentration in a Visking tubing.

solution Ft$.r.nl Visking tubin g -f+f-r.l ] Distilled *"t"r


Boiling tube --HI BZo sucrose F-.ffii -TlE{l

-J-ffi t-+l

Beginning of experiment


Which of the following graphs A, B, C and D represents the change?

Which of the.following is true about the functions of organelles X and Y? Function of organelle X Function of organelle Y Site of protein modification Site of protein synthesis

Concentration of sucrose Time

A Site of lipid

B Site of protein

29 The graph shows the optimum pH of an ell'zyrne Y in its reaction.

Rate of reaction of enzyme Y

33 An experiment was carried out to investigate the rate of water loss from a plant in a day. The wind and relative humidity factors were kept constant. The graph shows the result obtained from 0600 to 1300 hours. Which of the curyes A, B, C or D, is expected to show the rate of water loss in the plant after 1300 hours?
160 Rauof 14 Tatr lr0

I2345 67 89 10 pH

Enzyme Y is A salivary amylase C B pepsin D

trypsin rennin

30 The diagram shows cross sections of the leaves offow different hibiscus species. Which of the following leaves A B, C or D, will produce the highest rate of photosynthesis?

rm F*. nff'
m m n
ffimm lm umlm $m18m 20m 2mmm m00 0400 0600 Tine/hour 40

a34 The diagram shows the structure of human forearm.

31 The diagram shows a human digestive system. Which of the parts A, B, C or D, produces an enzyme that hydrolyses fats?

What happens to the parts P, Q, R and S which cause the arm to be in the position as shown in the diagram? P A Relaxes

Contracts Is pushed downwards B Contracts Relaxes Is pushed downwards c Relaxes Contracts Is pulled upwards D Contracts Relaxes Is pulled upwards

S Is pushed downwards Is pushed dorrynwards Is pulled upwards Is pulled upwards

32 Which of the following information is true for both photosynthesis and aerobic respiration?

A B C D Cell that carriesout the process Substrate Products Cellswith chloroplasts Waterand carbon dioxide Glucose, oxygen and water Conditionat which process takesplace Presence of light

Aerobic respiration All types of living cells Absence of light Glucose Carbondioxide,ethanoland energy

1 : | 5 A child runs very fast when chased bY

38 The figure shows the inheritance of two

traits in pea plants. The allele for smooth seed (S) is dominant to the allele for wrinkled seed' The allele for purple flower (U) is dominant to the allele for white flower. Key: S : snooth seed lU: PurPleflower doninant allele I dominant allele s : wrinkled seed lu : white flower recessiveallele I recessiveallele Parents Parents' genotype

a fierce dog. Which of the following reactions occur in the child's body? I Blood glucose level increases II Metabolic rate increases ''' III Body temperature decreases fV Rate of heart beat increases '' A I and II only B III and fV only C I, II and fV onIY D II, III and IV only

36 The figure shows stages in the development

of an embryo sac in the ovule of a flowering plant. P 4 megaspore Embryo sac ceIIs cell mother

Offsprings' phenotype Genotype of plant Q is What are P, Q and R? P

Smooth $eed,

i putpl" i flower C s s UU D SsUu

R 4 haploid nuclei 8 haploid nuclei 4 haploid nuclei 8 haploid nuclei

Meiosis Meiosis

39 The mango plant bas laves of various sizes'

Which of the fo[owing eraphs represents the variation shown by the characteristic of the leaves?

A Mitosis B Mitosis



D Meiosis Mitosis
of the root of a Plant.

i37 The diagram shows a longitudinal section

Zone III

Icngth of leaves/cm Number of leaves Length of leavedcm Length of leaves/cm

Which of the cells P, Q, R or S are present

in Zone III?
N: k\



PandQ QandR

ffi )v

t\tl idl
PandS RandS


40 The increase in global temperature due to deforestation causes I soil erosion II climatic change III air pollution fV rise in sea level A I and II onIY B II and fV onIY C I, II and fV onIY D II, ilI and fV onlY

41 The table shows changes in a cell during mitosis. Stage


Structuri in cell
Nucleus membrane Chromosome

P Present At cell poles

Move towards cell poles Does not divide



S Nil Randornly distributed in cell Does not divide Present

At the equator of cell Does not divide Present

Spindle fibre

Divides Nil

R Prophase Telophase Metaphase Anaphase S Telophase Anaphase Prophase Metaphase

What are P, Q, R and S? P Metaphase A Anaphase Prophase B Metaphase Anaphase C Telophase Telophase D Prophase

42 The photograph shows a child suffering

from a disease.

Types of food Rice



Energy/kJ per 100 g

200 50 100 200 50 100

2 000 3 000 500 300 50 800

Potatoes Milk Banana Chicken Which of the foods A, B, C or D, should be taken often by the child to recover from the disease?

The total energT obtained by the student


A 6 425 kJ B 6 650 kJ

C 7 425 kJ D 8 9 5 0k I

A medical check-up shows that a patient's pancreas is damaged and has to be removed. '44 Which of the following should be done by the patient to maintain a normal blood sugar level? A Take glucose injections B Teke a balanced diet C Take insulin and glucagon injections D Reduce intake of high calorie food

The table shows the types and quantity of food taken by a student in a day.

45 An experiment was carried out to investigate

the rate of transpiration in a plant using a potometer. tUe ngrr"" shows the set up of the apparatus, tirne taken in minutes andthe distance covered by the meniscus of the water in cm'

47 Figure 1 shows the response of a maize coleoptile to auxin in an experiment'

Jelly block with


:""lTJ"'j",to - fi__-..._ Maize coleoPtile

I l|


End of experiment

li.\:ii..j;::l la!'t;ngj
geginniDg of exPeriment

Figure 1
Movement of water colunn

Another experiment produces a'response as shown in Figure 2.


Time/ minute


of meniscus

l, ffi
Figure 2
Which of the following treatment will 6P If 'produce the resPonse as shown- in Figure 2?

Beginning of exPeriment



End of experiment


r Light






The rate of transpiration in the plant is A 0.2 cm minute-l B 2,0 cm minute-l C 5.0 cm minute-l D 50.0 cm minute-l ii. 46 The diagram shows human bones'


RS C D P,RandS Q,RandS
lmplantation Time/daY


PandR QandS

48 The graph shows the changes ofprogesterone level in a woman.

Progesterone level



Which bones are part of the axial skeleton? A PandS B QandR C P,QandR D Q,RandS

Which of the following occurs at point Y? A The embryo continues to grow B The growth of the embryo slows down C The woman has a miscarriage D The woman has an ectopic pregnancy

49 The figure shows a monohybrid cross 'r' 50 The table shows the result of a study on the between durian tree P and durian tree Q. population of garden snails in a vegetable 507o of the offspring are tall and 507o arc garden. dwarf. Number of garden snails Parents Durian tree P X Durian tree Q (Tall) Visit Marked (Dwarf) Unrnarked I

Offspring VV Durian tree R (Tall) Durian tree S (Dwarf) Second (After a week)

200 50


Ifdurian tree R is crossedwith durian tree S, what percentage of the trees produced will be dwarfl A OVo C 50Vo B 25Vo D 75Vo

The estimated population size of the garden

snails is A20 B L25

C3 2 0 D 520

SPM DGMINATION PAPER 2OO5 Paper I 2B 4C 1D 3B 10D 8B 9B 7A 15B 1 6 8 .1 7 1 3A 14 A 2 0 D, 21 C 22 B 1 9A 2 6 A 27C28C29C3 0 8 2 5A 32 A 33D 34 D 31 C 3 8 ,D 39A 40 B 37A 44c 45 A 46 A 4 3c 50D 4 9C

5A 11D D 23 D 35C 4 rC 47 A

6A 12 A 18C 24 B 36D 42 B 48 C

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