Aptitude Test For Campus 2013

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#Aptitude Test for Campus Recr.

# Total Questions -25 # Total Time 30 Minutes #

This Aptitude test is designed by Rohit Girdhar

Each question carries 4 marks, Negative marking is there, 1 (one) mark will be deducted for wrong answer. So avoid wild guesses. Tick the correct option only. Do rough work in your own rough copy. Do not do any rough work on this sheet. Name of Student :__________________________Branch________Sem_____ Mobile no._______________________ Email id:_______________________
(1). Suppose you have a currency , named Miso, in three denomination : 1 Miso, 10 Miso and 50 Misos. In how many ways can you pay a bill of 107 Misos ? (A) 16 (B) 18 (C) 15 (D) 19 (2). When you reverse the digits of the number 13, the number increases by 18. How many other two digit numbers increases by 18 when their digits are reversed? (A) 5 (B) 6 (C) 7 (D) 8 (3). What will be the value of the product. 283 x 284 x 289 x 296 = ? (A) 6875342386 (B) 6857342352 (C) 16857342364 (D) 6875342368 (4). If 8 + 12 = 2 and 7 + 14 = 3, what would 10 + 18 be ? (A) 1 (B) 2 (C) 5 (D) 7

(5). The owner of a local Jewellery store hired 3 watchman to guard his diamonds, but a thief still got in and stole some diamond. On the way out, the thief met each watchman, one at a time. To each he gave of the diamonds he had then and 2 more besides. He escaped with one diamond. How many did he steal originally? (A) 40 (B) 36 (C) 25 (D) None of these (6). Three friends, returning from a moving, stopped to eat at a restaurant. After dinner, they paid their bill and noticed a bowl of mints at the front counter. Sita took 1/3 of the mints, but returned four because she had a monetary pang of guilt. Fatima then took of what was left but returned three for similar reasons. Eswari then took half of the reminder but threw two back into the bowl. The bowl had only 17 mints left when the raid was over. How many mints were originally in the bowl? (A) 38 (B) 31 (C) 41 (D) None of these (7). What is the last digit of the expansion of 232 ? (A) 2 (B) 4 (C) 8 (D) 6

(8). My mother gave me Rs. 10 to buy chocolates. Rs. 1 is worth 3 chocolates. Each chocolate comes with a wrapper. 3 wrapper can be exchanged with a chocolate. What will be the maximum no. of chocolates I can have ? (A) 30 (B) 40 (C) 44 (D) 45 (9). If all the prime numbers between 1 to 100 are written and multiplied together what will be the last digit of the product. (A) 3 (B) 0 (C) 5 (D) 7 (10). Replace the question mark with right option :- 4, 32, 288, ? , 31680 (A) 25600 (B) 2880 (C) 7420 (D) 10000

(11). 4 bells ring together at 9AM They ring after every 7, 8, 11 and 12 seconds respectively. How many times will they ring together in the next 3 hrs ? (A) 5 (C) 6 (C) 7 (D) 8 (12). Which is the largest among the following nos.? (A) 21/2 (B) 31/3 (C) 41/4 (D) 121/12 (13). We have just interviewed an applicant . the committee believes is best qualified for the position. ( Fill in the blank with correct option ) (A) who (B) whom (14). Your criteria .. not valid. ( Fill in the blank with correct option ) (A) is (B) are Note :- For question no. 15 to 18 select the most suitable SYNONYM-SAME MEANING word for the underlined word. (15). The book did not get much acclaim because of its pedantic style of writing. (A) Radical (B) Dogmatic (C) Esoteric (D) Applicative (16). The policy announcement was made to the much chagrin of the farmers. (A) Euphoria (B) Placation (C) Glee (D) Mortification (17). The leader summoned the group and told that the time has come to act not genuflect. (A) Grovel (B) Procrastinate (C) Renounce (D) Incriminate (18). The stentorian honks of the marching fleet could be heard for miles. (A) Rhythmic (B) Euphonious (C) Blaring (D) Subdued (19). Apathy means (A) Extreme anger (B) Dishonesty (C) Lack of interest (D) Disappear (D) Recommend (D) Happiness

(20). Which of the following words is spelled in a wrong way ? (A) Grammer (B) Advice (C) Supersede (21). Which of the following words is spelled in a wrong way ? (A) Inoculate (B) definitaly (C) Irresistible

(22). Which is the following sentences is correct ? 1. Either the driver if the Uttarbanga express, who died in the accident, disregarded the signal; or the signal failed. 2. Driver of the Uttarbanga express, who died in the accident, either disregarded the signal; or the signal failed. (A) 1 (B) 2 (C)both (D) none of these

(23). Choose the right word -- We were totally disinterested / uninterested in the offer. (A) Disinterested (B) uninterested (C) Both are appropriate (24). Who is the Author of the book A BETTER INDIA A BETTER WORLD. (A) Nandan Nilekani (B) Ratan Tata (C) Narayan Murti (D) APJ ABDUL KALAM (25). Which company owns the auto brand LAND ROVER. (A) Mahindra (B) Tata (C) Toyota (D) Volkswagen

# Good Luck # This Aptitude test is designed by Rohit Girdhar MBA-CAT Expert #

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