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We have such condence in it that we provide you and
your traders the capital to trade!
long time
the risk
How Much Money Can I Make by Running
a Trading Floor?
To give you a sense of what people like you have been making, here is a sample of actual
trading oors monthly prots (in U.S. dollars).
We intentionally excluded the highest prot trading oors.
91V Shanghai Northeast 143,200.04
91U Haikou 120,831.34
92Q Nanchang 86,162.44
91K Seoul Korea 71,500.57
95Z Zhejiang - Taizhou 70,343.06
83E Halifax 68,438.77
97K Seoul #2 63,591.57
88J Rio De Janeiro 54,698.85
94A Beijing - ShijingshanDistrict 53,139.18
97S Seoul #3 50,610.55
95C Changping - NEW 211,770.32
95V Beijing-Haidian #2 181,350.28
95F Fuzhou - NEW 172,083.82
91V Shanghai Northeast 129,893.29
92Q Nanchang 105,559.03
99K Taiyuan - Shanxi Province 83,663.77
91X Xia Men 78,870.61
95A Shanghai - ChangningDistrict 60,157.99
95Z Zhejiang - Taizhou 46,838.47
97K Seoul #2 36,963.64
SEPT 2009
DEC 2009
JUN 2010
92Q Nanchang 255,258.83
99V Huizhou City Zhejiang Prov. 95,913.24
95F Fuzhou - NEW 80,704.56
96R Dhaka 71,314.55
91X Xia Men 66,959.92
71J Shanghai Minhang 64,773.68
95C Changping - NEW 58,962.99
92J Tianjin 46,775.31
87H Haifa 43,531.43
95Z Zhejiang - Taizhou 36,841.80
Obviously, expenses are deducted from these trading prots. First, we take a little cut and the traders
have to be paid, getting anywhere from 20% to 60% (negotiated between you and the traders and
which are the two largest administrative expenses.
MAR 2010
92Q Nanchang 160,730.33
91V Shanghai Northeast 155,628.46
95F Fuzhou - NEW 146,747.25
95C Changping - NEW 143,122.98
99V Huizhou City Zhejiang Prov. 81,545.15
91X Xia Men 80,275.91
95Z Zhejiang - Taizhou 75,270.87
94A Beijing - ShijingshanDistrict 69,601.24
95V Beijing-Haidian #2 66,234.32
85F Llobregat 48,263.74
So let us give you a monthly P&L picture for a
typical, protable trading oor (in U.S. dollars):
This is the reality for many like you who
were reading an earlier version of this
brochure and made the right decision to
join us. And there are many of our 240+
trading oor owners who would look at
has made 10, 20 or 30 times that much in a
month. The upside is almost limitless. It is
an incredibly scalable business. You can
bring in more traders, trade multiple time
zones and grow the business to six gure
prots a month.
Trading Prot 57,000
Day Trade The Worlds cut
Payment to traders
Rent 1200
Internet expense 600
Accounting 50
Total Expenses 37,960
Net Prot 24740
0 0 3 h c t i w S
0 0 4 r e t u o R
6 computers, 2 monitors each 4,200
Furniture for 5 traders and manager 1,800
Other equipment (headsets, scanner) 300
Network setup and installation 400
Setup fee 500
0 0 9 , 7 l a t o T
Refundable Deposit 3,000
What are my Costs
of Setting up a Trading Floor?
Depending on which country you live in, the costs below (in US dollars) may vary:
It is advisable to have access to additional funds to cover expenses for the rst few months before
protability can be reached, such as trading losses, rent, internet service, etc.
Day Trade The World takes 9% of all trading prots made on the US markets and 17% on all other markets, so
you would keep 91% and 83% respectively. In this example, we are taking 13% as an average of the two cuts,
since most trading oors earn prots in both such markets.
As mentioned above, traders get paid 20% to 60% depending on the market. We are using a 40% payout in
our example.
What are the Steps I Need to Take to Have a
Brand New Trading Floor?
Congratulations, by reading this brochure you have already taken the rst step to
becoming a successful trading oor owner with Day Trade The World. The ability to
make lots of money is now closer to you. So what comes next?
Respond to the email that sent you this brochure. Send your phone number or Skype
ID and either Ottavio or Tom will call you shortly to answer all your questions.
After you have digested that conversation, we are certain you will have some
additional questions. Ottavio or Tom will be able to answer those as well. They have
extensive experience in the business, as you can see from their bios below.
Take as much time as you need to make your decision. Investigate, research, make
sure that this is what you want to do. Our reps will be there at every step to guide
you. No pressure, just plain old-fashioned help.
Once you have decided to become a trading oor owner, Ottavio or Tom will get
your paperwork set up and you are on the road to becoming a successful trading
oor owner.
The training program. Here you learn about the markets
(optional, if you do not know them) and the proven Three
Pillars of Success, our recipe to successfully operating a
trading oor.
Setting up your trading oor. Our service department
will help you all the way.
Start operating your brand new trading oor!
Who will Help me to Run a Successful Trading Floor.
As we only make money when you make money, it is our number one concern to support you to make your trading
oor protable. We have a well trained, professional team providing service levels that are the highest in the industry.
Their main duty is to help you succeed in this exciting business. Here are some of the team members:
Ocentro La Sabana Edicio 6, piso Local 28 San Jose, Costa Rica.
44 Charles St. West - Unit 1617, Toronto, ON M4Y1R7
nada | Phone: + 1 416 341 6933
Daniel Schlaepfer, President: Daniel holds a B. Comm. from the Rotman School of
Management, University of Toronto and an MBA from the John Molson School of Business,
Concordia, and is also a CFA Charterholder. He started as a trader in 2003, successfully trading
North American and European markets. He went on to open and run two successful trading
oors. n 2011, Daniel assumed his current role as President.
Rosalyn A. De La O Manager of Operations, After graduating from business school,
Rosalyn A. De La O majored in communications, PR and Marketing. n 2002, she moved to
Florence, taly where she attended the prestigious school of Accadeniataliana. With her 15
cations skills to an exceptional operations team.
Gabriel Marin Supervisor of the Accounts Processing Department: n 2008, Cabriela
joined the company as an executive assistant and simultaneously to support the Customer
Service department. Thanks to her experience with the daily processes for new offices, in
2011 she was promoted to supervise the Accounts Processing Department; guiding our
new and existing Customers through the necessary steps to set up their Trading Floor and
serving as a bridge between our sales department and the trade Support Department.
Jorge Munoz Zamora, Shift Supervisor of Trade Support Services. Jorge started out
as trader in 2005. For the next two years he succeeded as a protable equity trader in the US
markets. n 2007, he joined the rm as part of the Trade Support team. Due to his extensive
experience and hard work, Jorge has risen to the group supervisory role for the Eastern time
zone shift.
Carlos Tabora Flores, Shift Supervisor of Trade Support Services: Carlos started as a
trader in 2008 trading on North American exchanges. For a while he managed a trading oor
for its owner. n 2011, he joined the Trade Support Department and quickly rose to the supervi-
sor role for the Asian and European markets shift.
Ottavio Esquivel, Manager of Sales and Marketing: Ottavio holds an undergraduate
degree in Business Administration, specializing in Banking and Finance, and an MBA in Market-
ing. He has been with the company since 2008, starting in the Trade Support Departnent. n
2011, he assumed his current role in Sales and Marketing utilizing skills acquired during his
Tom Wang, Manager of Sales and Marketing, China: Tom has been involved in the
business for over seven years. He is a successful trading oor owner. Not only has he set up
and operated his own trading oor, he helped a number of people to start in this business. His
longevity in the business is directly attributable to Day Trade The Worlds Three Pillars of
Success methodology. His previous experience in sales and marketing made him a natural
candidate to represent Day Trade The World in China.

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