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Generic Reading Questions for Commencement Addresses __________________________________________________________

1. What are the key features of a convocation address and does this speech meet expectations? 2. Who is the speaker? a. How does his or her background inform your expectations of the address? b. Does he or she live up to his or her reputation in writing/delivery of the speech? 3. What is the theme and/or thesis of the speech? 4. Is the theme appropriate for the target audience? Why or why not? 5. What is the overall structure of the speech and how does it support or undermine the thesis? 6. What are the major arguments used to support the thesis? a. What sort of evidence is used to support the arguments? b. Are they appropriate or would other arguments/examples/anecdotes be better? 7. What rhetorical devices does the speaker use to enhance his or her delivery and message? Are these devices effective? 8. How did you personally react to the speech? a. Did you find the speech effective or ineffective? Why? b. For you, what were the highlights and lowlights? c. For better or for worse, what were the three most memorable lines? Why did these stand out to you? d. What personal experiences have you had that might be influencing your perceptions and reception of the piece? e. Have your personal experiences biased you towards or against this piece?

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