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5th Annual Counselor Connections Agenda Friday, October 4 & Saturday, October 5 AmericInn Chamberlain, SD

Agenda: Friday, October 4 8:00-8:30 8:30-8:50

Location 9:00-9:50

Registration Welcome in the Moose Lodge Room

Moose Lodge Room

NCAA Initial Eligibility Educational Session Presenter: Jamie Oyen The NCAA will be changing initial eligibility standards for Division I & Division II student-athletes in 2016. Current high school students hoping to continue participating in athletics while in college will need to meet these new requirements. You will receive information on current requirements and the Initial Eligibility changes that affect students starting with last years freshman class (2012). NEW SDMyLife 2.0 Presenter: Dr. Janeen Outka Come learn the tips and tricks for utilizing the NEW updated version of SDMyLife 2.0 with your students. SDMyLife continues to offer the same features as before with an updated, cleaner look and user-friendly interface, as well as more intuitive landing pages to increase student interaction in career, secondary, and post-secondary planning. This session will conclude with a few minutes focusing on SDMyLifes postsecondary planning tools for juniors and seniors.

Rooster Room
Career Curriculum & Activities for K-12 Presenter: Andrea Diehm Stop spending countless hours searching for career activities!! Leave this session with practical activity ideas, lesson plans, and valuable web resources!



Question, Persuade, Refer (QPR) Presenter: Shari Wirkus QPR is designed to help you help someone who may be considering suicide. QPR consists of three life-saving skills. How to: Questiona person about suicide Persuadethe person to get help Referthe person to the appropriate resource

WATCH D.O.G.S. (Dads Of Great Students) Presenter: Keith Shumacher WATCH D.O.G.S. (Dads Of Great Students) is an innovative program focusing on education and safety in our childrens schools by using the positive influence of fathers and father-figures for a two-fold purpose: (1) to provide positive male role models for the students, demonstrating by their very presence that education is important, and (2) to provide extra sets of eyes and ears to enhance school security and reduce bullying. Fathers, stepfathers, grandfathers and uncles are asked to spend at least one day at their students school volunteering. They will support the school through monitoring the school property, working one-on-one or in small groups, reading, flashcards, homework, sports referees, listening ears, or for whatever needs to be done to plant seeds of success in the lives of the students. Lollipop Moments With SADD (Students Against Destructive Decisions) Presenter: Dodi Haug What does it mean to be a leader? What can a leadership program such as SADD do for your school/community? This session will provide a time to learn about SADD chapters and training opportunities in South Dakota. Resources will be made available for those interested in starting a chapter or for those who have a chapter but feel the need for resources to revitalize.

Lunch is on your own

1:00-1:50 Bullying Prevention Resources for Schools Presenter: Michelle Majores Provide an overview of bully prevention resources and training available across the state. Including an overview of the Olweus Bully Prevention Program. The Power of a Purple Bracelet Presenter: Karelyn Farrand Did you know most people complain 15 to 30 times a day? Often times people do not even realize they are complaining. You might be asking yourself, so whats wrong with complaining? Well for one complaining keeps people focused on the problem rather than solutions. It deteriorates morale and negatively impacts peoples attitudes and environment in which they live. In this session learn: What is complaining, What is Wrong with Complaining, Why We Complain and how a Purple Bracelet can help you become Complaint Free. Implementing the Olweus Bully Prevention Program in a K-12 School Presenter: Kim Goebel Starting school wide programs such as the Olweus Bully Prevention Program in a K-12 School has its' own set of challenges. This presentation will focus on how the Gettysburg School District implemented the Olweus Bully Prevention Program beginning last year. Information will include the steps taken and timeline to complete those steps, bully policy, the various forms that were developed by the Coordinating Committee and more! Participants will walk away with concrete steps to take and sample forms and letters to use to help them start the program in their school.


FAFSA: Unique Situations Presenter: Jessica Bivens This presentation covers unique situations that may arise when helping students and parents understand and complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid or FAFSA. The topics addressed include dependency status, parental classification and parental circumstances, and finances. This session also touches on where FAFSA information goes and how it is used to determine financial need, resources for further questions, and the discussion of various unique situation case studies.



LGBT 101: Counseling Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgendered Clients of all ages. Presenter: Joel Filmore Currently 13 states, plus the District of Columbia, now have legalized gay marriage. The Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) has been struck down by the Supreme Court, and there has been a massive, positive seachange in attitudes towards the LGBT community. With this in mind, it is imperative that clinical and school counseling professionals not only increase their knowledge of LGBT issues, but also their competency in working with this increasingly visible population. The American Counseling Associations (ACA) Code of Ethics requires counseling professionals to not only avoid discrimination, but implores them to become multiculturally competent. The Multicultural Competencies (MC) that have been adopted by the ACA clearly include the LGBT community amongst cultural groups. This session will focus on providing counselors with introductory knowledge necessary to develop competency in working with individuals from the LGBT community. Elementary Guidance Share Session Presenter: Jeff Heavlin Counselors who work with elementary students are invited to bring their favorite lessons on topics including (but not limited to) career development/exploration, social skills, conflict resolution skills, and communication. It is an opportunity to learn from other dedicated professional school counselors.

Take A Stand Presenter: Karelyn Farrand The Take A Stand Program will aid you in teaching students life skills and is designed to stimulate discussion and engage youth in the opportunity to learn: How to work out conflicts using peaceful methods while learning how to express themselves with their words instead of physical actions. Skills in communication, teamwork, cultural awareness and etiquette which will assist them in working out current conflicts. Life skills which will help them in their future relationships, community organizations and in their careers. The Take A Stand Program is for 3-5 Grades; 6-8 Grades and 9-12 Grades

School Counselor Evaluation Presenter: Levi Reindl During this session you will learn about the new Charlotte Danielson based school counselor evaluation. Help your administration understand your role and how you should be evaluated!

Agenda: Saturday, October 5

8:00-8:50 Executive Functions in Kids & Teens Presenter: Brian Eclov This session will explore the concept of Executive Functioning (i.e. selfregulation) in students. Deficits in EF can results in disorganization, emotional outbursts, impulsivity, low frustration tolerance, and many other challenging behaviors. New research from Dr. Russell Barkley and Dr. Ross Greene will be presented along with experience from my outpatient practice at Sioux Falls Psychological Services. Participants will learn practical ways to recognize and help students with EF deficits. Supporting All Students: LGBTQIA Resources and Supports Presenter: Tobin Bakkedahl School counselors and their programs are designed to support all students and their vast needs. Often an invisible minority, LGBTQIA (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer, Intersex, Allies) individuals need to know they are welcome and have support. This session will provide the knowledge, practical application and resources to make your school and counseling program a support to all students and the diverse families they come from. Suicide Education and Prevention Presenter: Anna Eidem The American Foundation for Suicide Prevention's programs for teens and young adults cover a variety of different topics that range from educating teens to recognize the signs and symptoms of depression to providing guidance and information to schools that have been touched by the tragedy of a suicide. Learn about current statistics, prevention and education programs, and how you can help prevent suicide. Best Practices Round Table Presenter: SDSCA Vice Presidents Please join the vice presidents of SDSCA in a roundtable discussion of best practices for a variety of situations and hot topics school counselors face on a daily basis. The session will be flexible and interactive. Have a question? Bring it along to get feedback from the group. Ethics for School Counselors Presenter: Kristin Bruns


Ethics for School Counselors


Ethics for School Counselors


Ethics for School Counselors

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