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Cuspal Interlinks Theory - Micro Astrology

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Cuspal Interlinks Theory

Cuspal Interlinks Theory | Golden Rules of Cuspal Interlinks Astrology | Role of Star, Sub and Sub-Sub Lord in Cuspal Interlinks | Inter-relation of Cusp and Planets in Cuspal Interlinks Theory | Positional and Stellar Status of Planets in Cuspal Interlinks | Significator Planet | Accuracy of in Cuspal Interlinks | Dasha Application in Cuspal Interlinks | Transit Agreement in Cuspal Interlinks | CIL
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-B.K. Kumar Ascendant is rising continuously, moment after moment, on geocentric eastern horizon at advanced longitude (degreeminute-second) . This is called Cuspal longitude of ascendant where certain sign, star, sub and sub-sub rise. With respect to ascendant Cuspal longitude, other houses and Cuspal positions form. Cuspal position is co-ruled by the sign lord, star lord, sub lord and sub-sub lord. In Cuspal Interlinks ( Khullar System ), sub-sub arc is practically ultimate division and Cuspal sub-sub lord is the agent who interacts with other Cusps and Bhava. The interaction or inter-relationship of Cuspal sub-sub lords with other Cusps/ Bhava is termed as Cuspal Interlinks. In Cuspal Interlinks Theory Mr. S.P. Khullar has uniquely described all about the interaction and interlinks or interrelationship of Cuspal sub-sub lords. Every sub-sub lord establishes relation with other cusps and Bhavas in a definite way. A Cuspal sub-sub lord (i.e. a planet) establishes relationship with other cusp on the basis of its Stellar Status and Positional Status. Nature of such established relation of Cuspal sub-sub lord and cusp is further specified and modified by the sub lord of the Cuspal sub-sub lord. That Cuspal sub-sub lord is meaningfully related with that cusp or not; it is revealed the sub-sub lord of the Cuspal sub-sub lord. In other words, In Cuspal Interlinks Matrix, a planet relates with others cusp or becomes significator of that cusp(s) where Nakshatra Lord of a planet or planet itself (in case of PS) appears in the Cuspal position. It is termed as the planet involved the cusp through its star lord. Likewise, wherever sub lord of the planet appears in Cuspal position, it

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Cuspal Interlinks Theory - Micro Astrology

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understood that the planet committed to the cusp through sub lord. If this committed cusp is in favourable position with respect to involved cusp then we say that the planet is fruitful significator of the involved cusp (where planets star lord has appeared). The Sub Sub Lord of Sub Sub Lord of planet will declare the culmination of the involvement and commitment of the planet. That is, Sub Sub Lord of Cuspal Sub Sub Lord is a planet that gives hint of fruitfulness of the significationship of the planet for involved cusp(s). Clearly, a planet becomes significator and gives result of only those cusp(s)/ Bhava where star lord of the planet or planet itself appears. It becomes fruitful significator of those cusps if the planet is favourably com mitted.

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Golden Rules of Khullar Astrology System (Cuspal Interlinks Theory)

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Cuspal Interlinks rule (1) : A native enjoys significations of those houses only to which Ascendant Sub Sub Lord maintain relation.

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Cuspal Interlinks rule (2) : A planet gives favourable result of cusp(s) involved through star lord if that planet is committed through sub lord to favourable or supporting cusp(s)/ Bhava w.r.t involved cusp and entrusted through Sub Sub Lord to favourable or supporting cusp(s) w.r.t involved cusp / Bhava.

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Cuspal Interlinks rule (3) : disposes.

Star Lord Proposes, Sub Lord


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Cuspal Interlinks rule (4) : and Sub Lord Commitment.

Star Lord shows involvement

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Cuspal Interlinks rule (5) : result.

Sub-Sub Lord shows the end

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Cuspal Interlinks rule (6) : From involved cusp, 4th, 7th, 8th and 12th Cusp/House are unfavourable, 2nd, 6th and 10th Cusp/House is neutral and 1st, 3rd, 5th, 9th and 11th Cusp/ House are favourable.

Cuspal Interlinks rule (7) : Transit agreement is shown by the way of signification and excitation of relevant cusps in the natal chart.

Cuspal Interlinks rule (8) : Apply Principles of Vimshottari Dasha System for timing the event.

Cuspal Interlinks rule (9) : A promised event happens in the joint period of planets that are fruitful significator of those

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Cuspal Interlinks Theory - Micro Astrology

Cuspal Interlinks rule (10): Vimshottari Dasha is sequential in nature, which has a hidden meaning. Each succeeding period can enact an event only when it's proceeding Dasha Period Lord permits the event.

(Read more in Books - TRUE ASTROLOGY: Kalamsa & Cuspal Interlink Theory (New Edition), "KEY TO LEARN Sub Sub & Cuspal Interlinks Theory" and "Horary Astrology and Cuspal Interlinks' - written by Sh SP Khullar)
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