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AMD - Accelerated Muscular Development

Exercise Guide
WARM-UP Exerccyle - general Treadmill - general Concept II - general Bear Complex Military Press Back Squat Military Press Front Squat UPPER CHEST Push-ups BTR Push-ups Hindu Push-ups BTR Hindu Push-ups Flat Barbell Bench Press Close Grip Barbell Bench Press DB Flat Bench Press DB Flat Bench Press - Neutral Incline Barbell Bench Press Incline DB Bench Press Elastic Band - Quick 5 Band Circuit - Squats Band Circuit - Chest Press Band Circuit - Side Laterals Band Circuit - Front Laterals Band Circuit - Military Press Band Circuit - RDL's Band Circuit - Curls Band Circuit - Bent Over Rows General Leg Swings Inch Worms Inch Worm Striders Inch Worm Striders with Rotation Jumping Jacks Seal Jumps Jump Roping Bodyweight Squats Reach, Roll and Lift Quadraped Extension + Rotation Lunge and Reach Tin Man High Hurdles Arm Swings / Circles Levator Scapulae Stretch Body Circles Bodyweight Military Press Band / Stick Dislocates Pec Wall Stretches Plate Halos Hindu Push-ups Banded Good Mornings Banded Good Mornings w/ Iron Cross Seated DB Clean with Ext. Rotation Plate Pushes Prowler Pushes Sled Dragging Forward Sled Dragging Backward TRICEPS Close Grip Barbell Bench Press DB Floor Press Tates ARMS BICEPS Chin-ups Barbell Curls Reverse Barbell Curls EZ Curls Reverse EZ Curls DB Curls Hammer Grip DB Curls Alternating DB Curls Cable Curls Rope Cable Curls BACK Pull-ups Chin-ups Narrow Grip Pull-ups Barbell Bent Over Rows T-bar Rows DB Bent Over Rows-Version 1 DB Bent Over Rows-Version 2 DB Rows Seated Cable Rows Inverted Rows Inverted Chins Straight Arm Pull Downs BTR Straight Arm Pull Downs Wide Grip Lat Pull Downs Narrow Grip Lat Pull Downs Underhand Lat Pull Downs Reverse Hypers Back Extensions LOWER LEGS Full Back Squats Full Front Squats Box Squats Sumo Deadlifts Conventional Deadlifts Romanian Deadlifts Sumo Romanian Deadlifts DB Romanian Deadlifts Good Mornings Snatch Grip Deadlifts Zercher Squats Glute Ham Raises (GHR) Leg Press Goblet Squats DB Front Squats DB Swings Kettlebell Swings Cable Pullthroughs Lunges Lunges with DB's Overhead Plate Lunges Backward Lunges from Deficit - 1 Backward Lunges from Deficit - 2 Bulgarian Split Squats One Leg Squats to Box Incline DB Bench Press - Neutral DB Floor Press SHOULDERS Barbell Military Press DB Military Press DB Military Press - "Y" DB Military Press - Neutral Seated DB Military Press Seated DB Military Press - "Y" Seated DB Military Press - Neutral One Arm DB Military Press One Arm DB Clean & Press Barbell Shrugs DB Shrugs Plate Front Raises DB Front Laterals - Neutral Alternating Front Laterals DB Side Laterals Posterior DB Flyes UPPER GRIP Hex Holds Blockweight Holds Plate Pinch 2 Hand Pinch


TRICEPS (cont.) Incline Tates Crush Flat Press - Version 1 Crush Flat Press - Version 2 Crush Incline Press - Version 1 Crush Incline Press - Version 2 JM Press Dips Band Tricep Extension Plate Tricep Extension

LEG (cont.) Step-ups Step-ups with DB's Reverse Hypers Back Extensions

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