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Exploring Websites:

Weebly ( 1. Go to and create a free account. It will ask you to give your website a name so be thinking of what you will call it. 2. Next it will ask you to Choose Your Website Domain. You will need to select Use a Subdomain of (that one is free). Click Continue.

This is basically a drag and drop type environment. You select something from the toolbar at the top and drag it down to your page!! (Easy!) 3. Once you have created an account you will be taken to the Weebly editor page. You will see tabs across the top: BUILD, DESIGN, PAGES, and SETTINGS. We will review each one.

a. BUILD tab The Build Tab has 4 selections to the left (Basic, Structure, Media, Commerce, and More). Each selection you click will show different things on the toolbar.
Basic where you can add titles, text, image and text, just an image, photo gallery or slide show, Google Map, and either contact or assignment forms.

Structure where you can add a divider on your page, include additional columns, a search

box, or a button.

Media where you add a video, audio, a document, YouTube video, Flash file, or just a file.

Commerce where you add product information or Google ad. (We will not be using this section in our class).

More where you can add a block quote, embed code (using HTML), a poll, social icons, an RSYP form, survey, feed reader, bookings, or forums.

b. Design tab - The Design Tab is where you will select the Theme for your website.

You can browse the many Theme choices by color or topic. You can also change the fonts for your site title, paragraph titles, paragraph text, and links. You can change the font, font color, and font size for these.

c. Pages tab - The Pages Tab is where you will add additional pages to your site. (You add them, give them a name for your navigation links, choose a Page Layout, etc.) This is also where you can reorder the pages in the order you would like them displayed in the navigation.

d. Settings tab shows all the settings for your Weebly website. Now that we have reviewed all the elements and features of Weebly, we are ready to get started! 1. The first thing you probably would like to do is choose your design (theme). Click on the Design tab and then click on Change Theme. Scroll through the various themes available and click on the one you would like. Click the Preview button to see it. If you want to use it click the blue Choose button at the top. If not, click the gray Cancel button to return to the themes to choose another. (You can pick any one of them.)

2. Now you are ready to start adding elements to your pages. Remember, this is basically a drag and drop type environment. Click on the Build tab, then select an element from the task pane at the left and drag it over to your page! 3. Start experimenting with all the elements available in Weebly. If you drag one down and decide you dont want it, just delete it. You can also reposition these elements where you would like them on the page. 4. Have Fun with this!!! 2

Weebly Grading Checklist:

(What you need in Weebly (

A personalized design (theme) Create your first page. Call it Home.

Include a 2 column layout somewhere on this page. (The other pages can be whatever layout you would like.) Include a title at the top of your Home page describing your website On the first page insert 2-3 paragraphs about your website topic On the first page insert a minimum of 2 pictures pertaining to your website topic (one of these can be the banner at top) On the first page insert a hyperlink to another site by using the Button. Edit the Button Text and link to the website site you are going to. (Make sure it works.) On the second page insert a photo gallery or slide show. Include a minimum of six (6) pictures in the gallery or slide show. On the second page include the Social Icons at the bottom of the page. On the third page insert an embedded video using the Custom HTML button and copy and paste the embedded html code off YouTube (or the shared drive). On the third page insert a Google map. Change the map to be Indianapolis (or if your topic is pertaining to a certain city, you can change the location to that city.) Add an embedded document. You can embed your own document or embed the Weebly .pdf assignment sheet. (Make sure this is public so I can see it.) On this page insert a Quote from someone famous! Make sure to give that person credit. Insert 2 additional elements of Weebly. Experiment with the other cool features of Weebly that are free. Include a paragraph telling me what the 2 additional elements are that you are adding.

Create a second page. Call it Photo Gallery.

Create a third page. Call it Multimedia.

Create a fourth page. Call it More.


All unused templates and placeholders not used or not connected with your website and theme must be deleted.

= 50 points possible (3 points each) Save your website and then publish it! (To publish and allow others to see it, you must click the Publish button in the upper right hand corner.) Next email me the name and link to your published site, so I can find it to grade it. Send the email to 1. Put your Name and Program name in the subject line (Ex. Lynda Ludlow Weebly) 2. In the body of the email include the link to your Weebly website. For example it should look similar to this:

*** Make sure the link is going to YOUR website, and not going to the main page of Weebly. (Check this before emailing me.)

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