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Conclusion Schedule 1: With the present bed capacity of 89 and operation limitation of 40 per day the hospital underutilizes

its room and operating capacity on Wednesday where we have only 9 operations being performed, leading to a total of only 129 operations being performed in a week. Schedule 2: Increasing the bed capacity by 50% increases the number of rooms to 134 (rounded figure) but here as the number of operations are still 40 per day we under utilize the rooms; the maximum occupation is of 120 rooms. The total operations in a week are increased to 160. Recommendation: instead of increasing the bed capacity by 50% we should look at increasing it by 45% as this will give us exactly 120 rooms based on present 89 rooms which is exactly the total occupation capacity based on number of operations which can be performed. Schedule 3: By including Saturday as a working day with the present bed capacity of 89 the total number of operations increases to 169 in a week, this increase our bed utilization rate of the hospital but when compared with schedule 2 it only increases the number of operations in a week by 9. Recommendation: As the hospital is known for its Doctors who in turn enjoy the balance of work and life provide by the 5 day working hours of the hospital this move has the potential of backfiring and would not be the ideal move by the company, this could lead to doctors becoming dissatisfied and quitting. Alternate Recommendation: Schedule 4: Apart from the schedule 2, I would like to recommend an alternate plan, by increasing the work hours by just 1 hour and increasing the bed capacity by 50%, the hospital can increase the total number of operations in day to 45 and the total number of operations in a week to 179. This utilizes the doctors to the optimum level, as each doctor can handle maximum of 4 patents in a day at 45 operations in a day the doctor utilization per patient = 45/12 = 3.75.

This will ensure that the doctors are not burdened more than their daily ability and will still give them the 5 day a week work life balance and still give the hospital a 39% increase in its weekly operation abilities.

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