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Food Animals Eat and Ways They Get Their Food


Animals that eat only plants or certain plant parts Animals that eat grass are called grazers. Grazers have big teeth that help them chew grass. Examples: Cows , carabaos, horses, cow, sheep, goat , giraffe These animals eat leaves of plants or grass Rabbit Grass and also carrots Squirrels Fruits and nuts Butterfly and Bees These animals have long, tube like mouth called proboscis. They use their proboscis to suck nectar, a sweet liquid produced in flowers.


Animals that eat flesh or meat of other animals. Most carnivores have sharp teeth which enable them to tear meat into small pieces and chew them. Many carnivores also have claws for catching and holding their prey. Predator animal that kills and eats other animals Prey animal taken by a predator as food Examples: Lion Tiger Wolves Crocodile Snake Frog ( it uses its long sticky tongues to get their food) Lizard Hawk Eagle Owl Kingfisher Pelicans


Animals that eat both plants and other animals. Examples: Birds Chicken Duck Fish Bear Dog Cat Monkey

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