Maciej Matasek - Zdania Angielskie W Parafrazie

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Unit 1 Zaimki dzierawcze my - mine Unit 2 Zaimki zwrotne / each other - one another Unit 3 Zaimki nieokrelone any

- no Unit 4 Zaimek nieokrelony no - no other Unit 5 Zaimek nieokrelony none - no one Unit 6 Zaimki zoone somebody - anybody - nobody Unit 7 Zaimki zoone somewhere - anywhere - nowhere Unit 8 Zaimek both, both ... and . Unit 9 Zaimek either, either ... ar . Unit 10 Zaimek neither, neither ... nor ... Unit 11 Zaimki al/- every - each Unit 12 Zaimki wzgldne who - whom - which Unit 13 Zaimki wzgldne whose - ot which Unit 14 Zaimki wzgldne whe,,"-- where - why Unit 15 Zaimki wzgldne - zdania bezokolicznikowe Unit 16 Zaimki wzgldne - zdania imiesowowe Unit 17 Zdania wzgldne nie-definiujce Unit 18 Zaimki wzgldne z przyimkami (1) Unit 19 Zaimki wzgldne z przyimkami (2) Unit 20 There + is I was I can be I may be Unit 21 It is .. , to do lit is ... who Unit 22 There - It Unit 23 Przymiotnik + bezokolicznik Uriit24 :Przymiotniki z kocwk - ing / - ed Unit 25 Przymiotnik + przyimek (1) Unit 26 Przymiotnik + przyimek (2) Przymiotniki possible - probabIe - likely Unit 28 Przyswek sposobu Unit 29 Przyswek miejsca nowhere Przyswki czstotliwoci ever - hardly ever Unit 31 Przyswki czasu ever since - since Unit 32 Przyswki czasu tor - since rU Konstrukcja It is ... since ... , \ ./ U KonstrukCja It was not unti! ... that .. , Unit 35 Przyswek hardly + any, ever 43 Unit 36 Stopie wyszy przymiotnika 44 : Unit 37 Stopniowanie opadajce less ... than ... 45 Unit 38 Stopie najwyszy przymiotnika 46 IC-: :: Unit 39 Stopie wyszy i najwyszy przymiotnika /'47 .Ii Unit 40 Porwnanie as ... as - not 50 ... as 48 Unit 41 Porwnanie such ... that - 50 ... that 49 Unit 42 Porwnanie the ... , the ... 50 Unit 43 Porwnanie czasownik + as + przyswek + as 51 Unit 44 Porwnanie the same ... as 52 Unit 45 Przyswek too 53 Unit 46 Przyswek enough 54 I: Unit 47 Przyswki stil/ - yet 55 Unit 48 Miejsce przyimka w zdaniu : : :: Unit 49 Przyimek to lUnit 50 Wyraenia przyimkowe 58 '" \ Unit 51 Przyimek until 59 I Unit 52 Przyimki on - upon / On - Vpon + -ing ... 60 I i Unit 53 Przyimki but - except 61 \ Unit 54 Przyimki during - while 62 i \ Unit 55 Czasownik + przyimek (1) 63 \ Unit 56 Czasownik + przyimek (2) 64 J Unit 57 Rzeczownik + przyimek 65 i rni! 58 Have it done - forma 'kauzatywna' 66 r Unit 59 Be + bezokolicznik / perfect intinitive 67 \ Unit 60 Be about to - be on the point ot 68 l:Jilit6:r- Had better 69 Unit 62 Do - forma 'emfatyczna' 70 :30< = Unit 63 Can - be able to 71 Unit 64 May - be al/owed to 72 Unit 65 Be capable ot - have an ability to - manage to 73 Unit 66 Could l ... ? - Do / Would you mind it l ... ? 7 4 =--" -=--:: Unit 67 May - might / It's possible / probabIe /Iikely 75 Unit 68 Be likely to - There is a probability / likelihood 76 Unit 69 May / Might / Could + have dane 77 Unit 70 Can't / Couldn't + do / have dane 78 4


43 44 I

Unit 72

Unit 71 Likely to have dane -lik eli hood ot having dane Be certa in to - be bound to 80


45 46A / 47 I 48 I 49 50 51 I 52 53 54 55 56 I 57 58 59 60 61 I 62 63 64 I 65 I 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 I 75 76 77 78 ' 5

Unit 74 Unit 75 Unit 76 I I Unit 78 Unit 79

Unit 73 Must - have to 81 Be obliged to - be under / have an obligation to Must do - must have dane Need do - need to do 84 83


Unit 84

Unit 77 There is a / no need tor ... to ... 85 Oidn't have / need to do - needn't have dane Ought to - should - be advisable to 87 Unit 80 Ought (not) to / should (not) + have dane Unit 81 Usedto 89 Unit 82 Shalll ... ? - Would you like me to o ? Unit 83 Past Simple - Present Perfect 91 Be going to - intend to - have an intention ot Unit 85 Present Continuous - arrange to 93 .Unit 86 Nastpstwo czasw 94 Unit 87 Tryb warunkowy I - unless 95

86 88 90 92

I Unit 88 Unit 89

Tryb warunkowy I - should / happen to 96 On condition that / provided that 97 Unit 90 Tryb warunkowy II 98 Unit 91 Tryb warunkowy II - /f I were / Were I Unit 92 Tryb warunkowy III 100 Unit 93 Tryb warunkowy III - /f I had / Had I 101 Unit 94 But tor - /f it weren't / hadn't be en tor Unit 95 In case - in case ot 103 Unit 96 Wish / /f only + Past Simple 104 Unit 97 Wish / /f only + Past Perfect 105 Unit 98 Preter - would preter - would rather Unit 99 Would rather / preter + have dane Unit 100 Would rather / preter + you ... 108 Unit 101 Would like to have dane 109 Unit 102 Regret - rather than 110 I Unit 103 s it, as though 111 I Unit 104 /t is high / about time ... 112 Unit 105 Konstrukcje bezokolicznikowe (1) Unit 106 Konstrukcje bezokolicznikowe (2) '-

99 102

106 107

113 114

Unit 107 Unit 108 Unit 109 Unit 110 Unit 111 Unit 112 Unit 113 Unit 114 Unit 115 Unit 116 Unit 117 Unit 118 I \ Unit 119 \ Unit 120 hnit 121 \ nit 122 Unit 123 Unit 124 Unit 125 Unit 126 Unit 127 Unit 128 Unit 129 Unit 130 Unit 131 Unit 132 Unit 133 Unit 134 Konstrukcje bezokolicznikowe (3) Konstrukcje bezokolicznikowe (4) Konstrukcje bezokolicznikowe (5) Konstrukcje bezokolicznikowe (6) Gerund (1) Gerund (2) Gerund (3) Imiesw czynny Imiesw czynny i bierny Strona bierna (1) . -Strona bierna (2) ) Strona bierna (3) Mowa zalena (1) Mowa zalena (2) Mowa zalena (3) Zdania okolicznikowe celu in order to - sa that Zdania okolicznikowe ugody although - however - no matter Zdania okolicznikowe czasu as soon as - after - betore Spjniki (1) besides - despite - tor tear ot - however Spjniki (2) in spite ot - in view ot - seeing that Inwersja czasownika Idiomy, zwroty, kolokacje (1) Idiomy, zwroty, kolokacje (2) Idiomy, zwroty, kolokacje (3) Idiomy, zwroty, kolokacje (4) Idiomy, zwroty, kolokacje (5) Idiomy, zwroty, kolokacje (6) Idiomy, zwroty, kolokacje (7) Idiomy, zwroty, kolokacje (8)

ZDANIA ANGIELSKIE W PARAFRAZIE to ksika wiczeniowa adresowana do osb posiadajcych przynajmniej podstawow wiedz o gramatyce jzyka angielskiego. wiczenia zawarte w testach pozwalaj na sprawdzenie oraz utrwalenie materiau gramatycznego na poziomie rednio-zaawansowanym oraz zaawansowanym. Parafraza jest to strukturalna zmiana konstrukcji zdania z zachowaniem oryginalnego znaczenia jakie wyraa. Celem wicze z uyciem parafrazy jest opanowanie umiejtnoci wypowiedzenia okrelonej myli na kilka rnych sposobw. Jzyk angielski, jak wikszo innych jzykw, jest materi elastyczn. Moliwo stosowania transformacji stylistycznych oraz zastpienia jednej struktury inn wzbogaca form wypowiedzi oraz pomaga rozwin wachlarz struktur, ktre wpywaj na gitko oraz barw jzyka. Jzyk angielski nie musi, a co wicej, nie powinien by jednolity i nudny, gdy dostpna obszerna gama konstrukcji gramatycznych oraz bogactwo leksykalne znacznie uatwiaj swobod wypowiedzi. wiczenia dostpne w ksice podzielone zostay wedug kategorii gramatycznych oraz leksykalnych zawartych w 135 jednostkach wiczeniowych. W wielu przypadkach pojedyncza forma gramatyczna lub leksykalna poddana zostaa przerbce na dwie lub trzy inne kategorie stylistyczne. Dokonujc parafrazy oryginalnego zdania na kilka sposobw ucze nabywa zdolno posugiwania si szerszym wachlarzem konstrukcji, a tym samym poszerza swoje kompetencje jzykowe. Ksika ZDANIA ANGIELSKIE W PARAFRAZIE moe stanowi bogat baz wicze dla samouka lub te dla nauczyciela jzyka angielskiego. Ksika nie zostaa zaopatrzona w adne wyjanienia gramatyczne, tote w przypadku niepewnoci zalecane jest odwoanie si do KLUCZA, podrcznika gramatyki lub pomocy nauczyciela. KLUCZ do wicze znajdujcy si na kocu ksiki zawiera optymalne odpowiedzi oraz rozwizania. Naley jednak zwrci uwag na fakt, i w wielu przypadkach moliwych rozwiza mogoby by kilka - dokonujc choby przesunicia okrele miejsca lub czasu z koca zdania na pocztek, czy te dodajc lub opuszczajc niektre sowa nie majce istotnego wpywu na znaczenie caego zdania. Z tego powodu autor ograniczy si do podania - zasugerowania - odpowiedzi najbardziej orzejrzystej. 7

Unit 1 II Zaimki dzierawcze my - mlne I. Przepisz zdania wedug przykadu. 1. This is my new record-player. 2. Are these your glasses? 3. That was her idea. 4. These aren't our records. 5. Is that his boarding card? 6. Those are their tools. 7. Is that your electric razor? 8. That wasn't my photograph. 9. This is his newspaper. 10. Are these our tickets? II. Przepisz zdania stosujc konstrukcj 'rzeczownik + of + mine I yours etc.' 1 . One ot your !eachers will supervise the game. A teacher of . 2. One ot my triends works as an orderly . . 3. One ot their employees has had an accident. 4. One ot his relatives owns a tarm . 5. One ot her lovers was a millionaire . III. Przepisz zdania stosujc inwersj czasownika. 1. Your plan was the best ot alI. y ours . 2. Her attitude is the most tavourable. Hers . 3. His character is very sympathetic. His . 4. Their systems are the most effective. Theirs . 5. aur parties were really noisy. Ours . 9 Unit 2 I [ Zaimki zwrotne I each other - one another I. Przepisz zdania stosujc zaimek zwrotny each other. 1. George knows Michael and Michael knows George . 2. Ilove her and she loves me . 3. Pam supports her best friend and her best friend supports her. 4. The Boultons helped the Gales and the Gales helped the Boultons . 5. Cindy likes Ken and Ken likes Cindy . II. Przepisz zdania stosujc zaimek zwrotny one another. 1. Did you recognise Jim and did he recognise you? 2. Brian used to hate Eric and Eric used to hate Brian . 3. Sue doesn't remem ber Alice and Alice doesn't remember Sue . 4. Does Ronald look after you and do you look after Ronald? 5. Mr Red never talks to Mr Green and Mr Green never talks to Mr Red . . ... III. Przepisz zdania stosujc zaimek zwrotny each other. 1 . Have you been introduced to Sony and has Sony been introduced to you? 2. Jenny is angry with her brother and her brother is angry with hero 3. Steve is known to dislike Paul and Paul is known to dislike Steve . 4. I don't disturb you and you don't disturb me . 5. Jim was made to reconcile with Sam and Sam was made to reconcile wit h Jim . 10

, another tons. r Red. ced to you? er. ve . concile with Jim. Unit 3 II Zaimki nie okrelone any - no l Przepisz zdania przeczce stosujc zaimek no. 1. My cousin hasn't got any hobbies .

2. There weren't any keys in the bag . 3. Jules didn't make any progress at alI. 4. The company hasn't received any subsidies as yet. 5. I don't usually have any time tor watching TV in the afternoon . 11. Napisz zdania przeczce stosujc zaimek any. 1. The castaways had no chance to survive . 2. She shows no interest in chemistry . 3. I can see you put no effort in your job . 4. There is no mora washing powder in that bag . 5. We make no exceptions to this rule . III. Przepisz zdania w trybie rozkazujcym stosujc zaimek any. 1. Give no chance to your opponents . 2. Say no more ot this lie, please. 3. Put no trust in these people. 4. Make no losses this time . 5. Show no sig n ot irritation in the chairman's presence . Unit 4 II Zaimek nieokrelony no - no other I. Przepisz zdania stosujc zaimek no. 1. We didn't find any free seats for ourselves. 2. Peter's mother doesn't have any objections to the idea. 3. The medicine didn't do any good to me. 4. He doesn't put any effort in his work. 5. I do not see any point in using this complicated equipment. II. Przepisz zdania rozpoczynajc je od No other. 1. Jeff was the only singer who sang without accompaniment. No other . 2. Mike is the only child who can paint so beautifully. 3. Angelica is the only swimmer who can beat the record. 4. Simon was the only pupil who could read so fast. 1 0 5. Mr Dean is the only worker who has been promoted so far. III. Przepisz zdania w stronie biernej rozpoczynajc je od No. 1. The party members didn't submit any resolutions at the assembly. No resolutions . 2. He doesn't accept any changes in the system. 3. The farmers haven't ploughed any fields yet. 4. They won't lay any wreath at the tomb. 5. You mustn't touch any exhibits in the museum. 12 her nbly. Unit 5 II Zaimek nieokrelony none - no one t Przepisz zdania stosujc zaimek none of . . Not a single member ot the band retused to give an interview. None ot . 2. Neither them nor me want to leave early. 3. Julia isn't going to spend her money, nor is her sister. 4. Not a single player ot aur team has been shown a red card. 5. This story doesn't sound true, neither does that one. 6. Neither Mike's comments nor George's ones made me angry. 7. The chairman's offer didn't come up to our expectations, nor did the boss's one. 8. Not a single one ot us has operated the panel yet. 9. You have no complaints about the scheme. I don't have any, either. . O. Not a single actor trom our group is popular yet. II. Przepisz zdania rozpoczynajc je od No one. )We>ancould recite more poems than anyone else. No one . 2. Our cousin has the biggest collection ot old coins. 3. You have a better knowledge ot languages than the rest ot us. 4. I haven't been given any warning by anyone. 5. Robert can run taster than anyone else in his class. 13 Unit 6 II Zaimki somebody - anybody - nobody I. Przepisz zdania w postaci twierdzcej. 1. We have not seen anyone in the celi ar. 2. They did not tell us anything important. 3. Alex is not waiting tor anybody at the moment. 4. You should not do anything about the case. 5. Ronald was not inquired about the accident by anyone. II. Utwrz zaprzeczenia z podanych zda.


We have something expensive in these boxes. We have . 2. I can see someone stand ing on the root ot the building. I cannot . 3. Brian has bought something tor us. Brian has not . 4. Somebody suggested changing the schedule. 5. He usually does something in his tree time. He never . III. Przepisz zdania stosujc konstrukcj bezokolicznikow. 1. There is nothing we can do on a rainy day like this. There isn't . 2. I haven't anyone who I can talk to. I have . 3. We have nobody who we can rely on. We haven't . 4. There isn't anything that I can expect. There is . 5. She doesn't knowanyone who she can trust in. She knows . body Unit 7 II Zaimki somewhere - anywhere - nowhere Przepisz zdania zmieniajc posta zaimka. 1. She is going nowhere tonight. She isn't . 2. We could find you nowhere last night. We couldn't . 3. There isn't anywhere that we can feel safe. There is . 4. Arnold has been nowhere this summ er. Arnold hasn't . 5. You did not travel anywhere last year, did you? y ou travelled . I.. Przepisz zdania stosujc zaimki z konstrukcj bezokolicznikow. :. The children need som e place where they could play. 2. We didn't have a place where we could hide. 3. Let's fin d a place where we can set up a camp. 4. They want to have a place in which they could speak about their problems . 5. There is no place where we can sleep peacefully . JI. Przepisz zdania rozpoczynajc je od Nowhere . . (You won't find a better resting area anywhere. Nowhere . 2. I don't feel so well anywhere as I do at my own home . 3. We couldn't buy anymore of these tapes anywhere . 1. You won't be able to eat so much for so little anywhere else . 5. You cannot find more hospitable people anywhere else in the world . 15 Unit 8 II Zaimek both, both ... and .. '. I. Przepisz zdania rozpoczynajc je od 80th ot 1. They bot h are as competitive as their tather iso 2. We both want to tind out the truth. 3. You both look like a million dollars. 4. We both have suggested changing the strategy. 5. They bot h must write the test again. II. Przepisz zdania stosujc zwrot both ... and 1. Peter studies mathematics. He also studies economics. 2. llike sweets and so does my wite. 3. We buy shares and we also sell them. 4. George is going to retire. Mickey is going to retire, too. 5. Jenny is very pretty. She is also very intelligent. III. Przepisz zdania stosujc zaimek both (ot) lub zwrot both ... and 1. Neither my mother nor my tather work at school. 2. Neither ot us panicked. We . 3. Neither Mr Robson nor Mr Hardy earn more than Mr Twickey. 4. Neither ot these two paintings is more expensive than that one. 5. Neither ot the roads was closed. 16

Unit 9 II Zaimek either, either .. o Dr o o o Przepisz zdania stosujc zaimek either + rzeczownik . . . One ot these twa maps ean be usetul to us. 2. You will have to ehoose one ot the sets. 3. We will subsidise one ot the twa taetories. !. Any one ot the hoardings will have to be removed. 5. The eommission can inspect one ot our two plants. I. Przepisz zdania stosujc zwrot either ... or -. We will go abroad ar we will travel around Poland. 2. Jack can leave ar he ean stay and wark tor less. 3. Let's move naw or let's wait till the next year .

1. You could wash the curtains ar clean the windows . 5. She will put on a cocktail dress or she will put on a skirt . nd . Przepisz zdania stosujc zwrot either ... or . . Jeff neither composes musie nor plays a musical instrument. 2. This scheme is neither practical nor sensible . 3. We neither eomplained to the manager nor were willing to do it. . She has got neither a computer nor a printer. 5. The installers have neither phoned us nor left a message . 17 I Unit 10 II Zaimek neither, neither ... nor ... I. Przepisz zdania stosujc zaimek neither of. 1. They both dislike tast tood . 2. Both ot these newspapers sell badly. 3. We both don't want to take part in the game. 4. Both these teachers are unpleasant. 5. Both ot you have scored poorly at the test. II. Przepisz zdania stosujc zwrot neither ... nor 1. I don't know Ann Parker. I don't know Lisa Bones, either. 2. We haven't got dogs. We haven't got cats, either. 3. Louis cannot speak Italian. He cannot speak German, either. 4. This jacket isn't elegant. It isn't tashionable, either. 5. She will not recite a poem. She will not sing a song, either. III. Przepisz zdania stosujc zwrot neither ... nor 1. My grandtather wasn't either very rich or very poor. 2. It isn't either hot or cold outside. 3. Mrs Blank doesn't either teel well or look healthy. 4. I don 't practise either running or swimming. 5. It didn't either rain or snow last Saturday. 18

Unit 11 II Zaimki aU - every - each Przepisz zdania rozpoczynajc je od zaimka Each of. '. We are al! pleased with the quality ot the services. Each of . 2.. Ali ot us expected some kind ot compensation. 3. They all have to report on their progress . .!. Ali these houses were built betore the war. 5. We all spend a lot ot money on clothes. &. Przepisz zdania rozpoczynajc je od zaimkw podanych w nawiasach . . Ali units were ordered to march quickly. (EACH) 2. Each ot us noticed the mistake he made. (EVERY) 3. We each are ted up with the noise. (ALL) 1,. Ali these artetacts are hand-made. (EVERY) 50. Every pet animai needs to be looked atter. (AL L) . Przepisz zdania rozpoczynajc je od zaimka Ali . '. She doesn't eat anything else but porridge. Ali . He told us nothing but his name and age . l- I am only going to buy a pair ot socks . .. 1. We don't need anything else but tresh air . 5. The only thing he asked tor was a cup ot tea . 19 I Unit 12 II Zaimki wzgldne who - whom - which I. Pocz zdania przy uyciu zaimka who. 1. This is the man. He saved my life. 2. I have met a gir!. She com es fram Australia. 3. We have neighbours. They breed goats. 4. They are the people. They represent our schoo!. 5. He is the one. He created the machine. II. Pocz zdania przy uyciu zaimka which . 1. These are the buildings. We own them. 2. Ilike the picture. You are looking at it. 3. My brother recorded the musie. I am listening to it.

4. This is the statue. We spoke about it last week. 5. She knows the place. She lived in it before. III. Pocz zdania przy pomocy zaimka whom . 1. He is the boy. I offered him my help. 2. They were the people. We trusted them very much. 3. Mr Taylor is the neighbour. I invited him for a drink . 4. The Cusacs are the relatives. We have not seen them for so long . . 5. This is the film star. I am going to ask her for an interview . 20

Unit 13 II Zaimki wzgldne whose - ot which vhich 1. Pocz zdania przy uyciu zaimka whose . . . This is Peter. His parents are divorced. 2. My novel is about castaways. Their ship sank in a storm. 3. Angela is the one. Her ideas are very successful. 4. I will introduce you to a film director. His films win international awards. 5. They travelled with a guide. His knowledge about Egypt was amazing. I. Przepisz zdania przy uyciu zaimka whose. :. We stayed in a room with windows looking south. 2. I was passed by a car with a roaring engine. 3. You have chosen a box with a broken cover. !. It was a strange machine wit h lights flashing in different colours. 5. She was reading a book wit h dog-eared pages. m. Przepisz zdania stosujc zaimek of which . 1. They showed us a sink whose surface was enamelled. 2. This is the recorder whose qualities are unmatched. 3. We own a house whose price was tremendous. J. 4. I picked out the mirror whose frame was beautifully ornamented. 5. Let's cut down the tree whose branches are thick. 21

I Unit 14 II Zaimki wzgldne when - where - wh I. Przepisz zdania stosujc zaimki when, where lub why. 1. Dortmund is the city in which Jens was bom . 2. I broke my leg the same day on which you broke yours. 3. The restaurant in which we had aur din ner was rather expensive. 4. High temperature was the reason tor which we made the baby stay at home. 5. He still remem bers the year in which the war broke out. 6. The garden in which the treasure was dug out belongs to Mr Lean. 7. Tell me the reason tor which you dropped out ot school. 8. What was the age in which the Roman Empire collapsed? 9. The place in which we are supposed to gather is at Walton Street. 10. Poverty wasn't the only reason tor which the poor man committed suicide. II. Przepisz zdania stosujc zaimki wzgldne z waciwymi przyimkami. 1. The hotel where we stayed is high in. the mountains. 2. Honestly, I don't rememberwhy she was sa angry with us. (uyj: reason) 3. We need to know the correct place where the suspect was seen. 4. I don 't know when the accident happened. (uyj: time) 5. Do you know why they refused to talk to us yesterday? (uyj: reason) 22 -why re. stay at home. et. ed suicide . vimkami. i: reason) reason) Unit 15 II Zaimki wzgldne - zdania bezokolicznikowe Przepisz zdania stosujc konstrukcj bezokolicznikow . Thomas was the first student who was awarded a scholarship . 2. Are you the only employee who looks after the premises? 3. She is the last person who will interfere in other people's matters . 4. You are the third customer who asks this question . 5. Is Marie the only child who comes from abroad? 6. I've heard you were the only one who was promoted . 7. They are the only workers who are being supervised constantly . 8. 1'11 be the second manager who will be sent on a course abroad.

9. Hopefully, it is the last match that you have to play. iO. Peter's reports are the only ones that we need to check carefully. 11. Joan Hill wasn't the only foreign reporter who took part in the conference . 12. You are the first competitor who has scored the maximum points. 13. Unhappily, lam the only person who has been removed from the office . 14. It's said that David is the last man who saw Ms W oods . 15. Is it the only fault that has been found in the construction? 23 I Unit 16 II Zaimki wzgldne - zdania imiesowowe I. Przepisz zdania stosujc imiesw czynny. 1. In the hall, there were a lot of people who were waiting for a departure cali . 2. We sawa crowd of photographers who wished to take a photo of the film star. 3. Everybody who hopes for a subsidy will have to fili in a few forms . , . 4. He is the doctor who recommends to drink a glass of dry wine daily . 5. We have created a machine which facilitates the process of restoring pictures . 6. The boy-scouts who travelled south lost their way . 7. This a project which provides for life essentials. 8. Paul, who wished to earn more money, moved abroad for a few years . 9. This is a decision which creates a possibility of further progress in our action. 10. There are a few of us who expect to be interviewed. , , , . II. Przepisz zdania zastpujc imiesw zaimkiem wzgldnym. 1. I hate people showing too much pride. 2. Let's get rid ot the old machine making 50 much noise. 3. The man following us at night was dressed in a black leather coat. ., . 4. In our centre, we have cured quite a few patients suffering from insomnia. 5. Ted, assuming that I was home, kept knocking at the door for five minutes. 24

owowe iparture calI. of the film star. ns. jaily. >toringpictures. I years. in aur action. at. insomnia. le minutes. Unit 17 II Zdania wzgldne nie-definiujce L Pocz zdania stosujc zaimki wzgldne podane w nawiasach. 1. Mr Robson is aur best neighbour. He offered to hel p wit h installing the pipes. Mr Robson, (who) 2. I met Michael in the street. He invited me for a cup of coffee. Michael, (whom) 3. I have worn the leather jacket for six years. It was given to me by my uncle. The leather jacket, (which) l. We offered the Browns a loan. They are aur relatives. The Browns, (whom) 5. Our van broke down yesterday. We have only owned it for a week. Our van, (which) 5. She trusts her husband very much. He is very loyal to her. Her husband, (whom) 7. Alex works as a ticket collector. His earnings are poor. Alex, (whose) a. Doctor Railey wrote this prescription. He has treated me for twa years. Doctor Railey, (who) 9. Ms Duli has just phoned to book a place. She always spends holidays in aur resort. Ms Duli, (who) O. David will open the ceremany. He is preparing a speech. David, (who) '1. The minister apologised to the press yesterday. His secretary acted irresponsibly. The minister, (whose) '2. Muriel will make a perfect accountant. I trust her very much. Muriel, (whom) "3. This crime story makes my flesh creep. It is by Agatha Christie. This crime story, (which) l. Our solicitor has disappointed us recently. We have hired him for three years.

Our solicitor, (whom) - 5. Her younger brother seldom leaves home. He was barn with a physical defect. Her younger brother (who) 25

I Unit 18 I I. Pocz zdania wedug przykadu. 1. This is the man. 1 worked with him. Th s. s. tne VV\.CV'v wno I wovf ec;\ w tn. 2. Those were the magazines. I was looking tor them 3. These are the pictures. She was looking at them. 4. He is the officer. The brietcase belongs to him. 5. This was the hotel. We stayed in it tor ten days. II. Przepisz zdania przenoszc przyimek za czasownik lub przymiotnik. 1. Is she the woman tor whom you have longed? 2. We have removed the cloth with which the table was covered. 3. I didn't recognise the boy with whom you were speaking. 4. You are the men tor whose well-being I am responsible. 5. Is this the strange sculpture at which they laughed? 6. The gun with which the murder was committed hasn't been tound yet. 7. The businessmen tor whom we were waiting were arriving trom Japan. 8. Did you go to the party to which you had been invited by Greg? 9. I don't know the place trom which she comes. 10. Will you show us the house in which you lived betore? 26

(1) 'miotnik . d yet. Japan . Unit 19 II Zaimki wzgldne z przyimkami (2) 1. Przepisz zdania przenoszc przyimek przed zaimek wzgldny. l. Robert was the boy Mary smiled at. 2. The danger which we had warned you about was real. 3. Whose was the article you reterred to? 4. Nobody could understand the theory I believed in. 5. My mother was the only person I depended on . . .. D. Przepisz zdania przenoszc przyimek przed zaimek wzgldny. 1. Celine, who Ilived with, was the only girlI loved. 2. Our villa, which we have spent a tortune on, is well protected. 3. Mr Ray, who you will have to talk to, is a very demanding employer . 4. The Simpsons, who you quarrelled with, are rather intolerant people . ... , . 5. Mr Davies, who we must report to, never makes us teel interior. III. Utwrz zdania nie-definiujce stosujc zaimki podane w nawiasach. 1. Peter can be really naughty at times. I have shouted at him. (WHOM) 2. Frank never works hardo Everyone complains about his laziness. (WHOSE) 3. Ms Conway is a tamous artist. I talked to her last week. (WHO) .. 4. Daniel Dickinson runs a store in Leeds. We co-operate with him. (WHO) 5. My relatives arrived late. I waited for them at the station. (WHOM) 27 I Unit 20 II There + is / was / can be / may be I. Przepisz zdania rozpoczynajc je od There. 1. A cupboard is in the living room. 2. Bushes are near the fence. 3. Jam is in the jar. 4. Fruit are in the basket. 5. A pen was in the drawer. 6. Workers are in the canteen. 7. A radio is on the shelf. 8. Some papers were on my desko 9. Clouds are in the sky. 10. A camera is on the display. There . II. Przepisz zdania rozpoczynajc je od There. 1. Someone is at the door. 2. We can do nothing to hel p you. 3. Something is wrong with my radio. 4. 1 know somebody in the city. 5. They couldn't do much for us. 6. She has nobody she can talk to. 7. 1 have liUle to say in this case.

8. 9. 10.

Do you do anything for your body? He knows nothing about it. I have someone who I can trust in. There . III. Przepisz zdania stosujc there oraz czasowniki modalne. 1. 1 am sure that there is someone in the cellar. (MUST) 2. Is it possible that there is a mistake in the calculations? (COULD) 3. It is probabie that there was frost in the morning. (MIGHT) 4. It is impossible that there are defects in this device. (CANNOT) 5. We were sure there was somebody who showed them the way. (MUST) 28

MUST) Unit 21 II I is u. to do / I is ... who i;, Przepisz zdania rozpoczynajc je od It. '. Michael argued with Susan, not wit h Eddie. 2. We bought a cat, not a dog. 3. They come from Spain, not Portugal. 4. Ilike strawberries, not cherries. 5. He lost a key ring, not a wallet. I. Przepisz zdania rozpoczynajc je od It . . . She didn't stop at the red light, which was unwise. 2. Adam often comes late, which is typical. 3. He offered his coat to her, which was very noble. 4. They paid for our meals, which was generous. 5. You forgot about Ann's birthday, which was unkind . m. Przepisz zdania rozpoczynajc je od It. 1. Drinking cold water is bad for your throat. 2. Making offensive remarks in front of the boss is inadvisable. 3. Taking photographs in this area is forbidden. 4. Earning money without working hard is difficult. 5. Practising sports in free time is good for your health. 29 30 I Unit 22 II There - I I. Przepisz zdania rozpoczynajc je od There. 1. It is a sunny room. 2. It is a crowded place. 3. It was a dirty area. 4. It isn't a very grassy field. 5. It is a sandy beach. 6. It wasn't a stormy weekend. 7. It was a very funny party. 8. It is a cloudy sky. 9. It isn't windy outside. 10. It is a fatty soup. II. Przepisz zdania rozpoczynajc je od It. 1. There are a lot of stones on the road. 2. There was plenty of snow on the hill. 3. There is a thick fog outdoors. 4. There was a lot of blood on the cloth. 5. There are plenty of flowers on the skirt. 6. There wasn't much rain yesterday. 7. There is a great deal of rust on the lid. 8. There was a lot of smoke in the hall. 9. There is a big mess in the cellar. 10. There wasn't any gloss on the surface. Unit 23 II Przymiotnik + bezokolicznik Przepisz zdania stosujc konstrukcj It is ... of ... to. 1. You gave the waiter a tipo This was generous. Itwas . 2. She drove too fast. This was careless. 3. Tom brought flowers. This was nice. !. You refuse to talk to the men. This is unkind. 5. They beat the boy with wooden clubs. This was cruel. 5. Sheila buys sweets for herself only. This is selfish. -. He has begun to learn hardo This is sensible. 3. We hid the truth. This was wrong. 9. He puts his hand in the lion's cage. This is brave . J. Sam apologised for his bad behaviour. This was reasonable. I. Przepisz zdania wedug przykadu . . . You did make a sharp comment. It WC!S C! YWLLtj ShC!rp CQV\lcV\lcevct to V\lcC!Re. 2. What a silly joke he told. 3. The suggestion she made was really extraordinary. l. You did mention a curious fact. 5. Alice really holds an interesting opinion about that. 31

I u nit 24 I - In!! / - ed I. Przepisz zdania stosujc odpowiedni form przymiotnika. 1. I attended a truly boring conterence. I was . 2. It is a very interesting experiment that we're making. We are o 3. The news he told us was very trustrating. We we re o o 4. Your honesty is most surprising to me. lam . 5. We went to see a very amusing performance. We were o 0 0 II. Przepisz zdania zastpujc odpowiednio form przymiotnika. 1. Aunt Christine was depressed by the high cost ot the operation . 2. Honestly, your triend's behaviour was annoying to us . 3. We were al! disgusted by the story you told us . 4. The girls were very embarrassed by the boy's rude remarks . 5. 6. I was excited at the idea ot going sailing in the morning. I found . It's astonishing to us to hear that you have to work after hours .

7. Their sudden withdrawal disappointed me . 8. Your praises were most encouraging to little Alex . 9. Many people telt trightened by the unpromising economic torecast. 10. We were amazed at the man's skill ot imitating other people. We found o o o o o o

ed Unit 25 II Przymiotnik + przyimek (1) L Przepisz zdania stosujc podane przymiotniki z waciwymi przyimkami. L Mr Hardy is well-known because of the funny stories he writes. (FAMOUS) 2. Stella can embroider beautifully. (GOOD) 3. David and Stanley aren't alike. (DIFFERENT) .!.. I know your son likes football very much. (FON D) 5. It's Rob's duty to keep order in the barracks. (RESPONSIBLE) 3. Do you recognise the problems that you are facing? (AWARE) ...,. We thanked them warmly for all they had done for us. (GRATEFUL) 3. The manager didn't complain about the quality this time. (SATISFIED) 3. I sympathised with Julia after her husband's death. (SORRY) .}, He always asks his parents for financial help. (DEPENDENT) ":. Only Roger does his duties with great care. (COMMITTED) "2. I have doubts about the man's honesty. (SUSPICIOUS) "J. Does anyone of you know the names of the physicists? (FAMILIAR) . . We take great pride in our children's achievements. (PROUD) -5. I am sure they know how to install the panel. (CAPABLE) I Unit 26 I I. Przepisz zdania stosujc podane przymiotniki z waciwymi przyimkami. 1. We constantly worry about our daughter's condition. (ANXIOUS) 2. Peter's cool manner doesn't surprise me any longer. (ACCUSTOMED) 12. She always finds fault with our projects. (CRITICAL) Ilike watching horse races. (KEEN) 'tJhe jury were convinced that the man had committed the crime. (GUIL TY) / I think he spends too much time reading about the supernatural. (OBSESSED) 7. George doesn't ever take interest in my suggestions. (INDIFFERENT) 8. Their unexpected visit really made me happy. (PLEASED) 't' . . . .. . . . . . . i. . .' .. . . . . i. . . . . .I. . ) 10. I believe Mark has al! the necessary qualifications to do the job. (FIT) 11. We cannot stand their rude behaviour any more. (TIRED) \ j( Jeff is a habitual smoker. (ADDICTED) 13. It is students who like spending their free time in our pub. (POPULAR) 14. Paul knows a lot about electronics. (EXPERIENCED) (../. .;. You should feel shame after what you have done. (ASHAMED) 34

i przyimkami. OMED)

(GUIL TY) , ' . (OBSESSED) ENT) PPOINTED) FIT) LAR) Unit 27 II Przymiotniki possible - probabIe - likely I. Przepisz zdania stosujc przymiotnik possible. 1. It may rain tomorrow. It . 2. Perhaps, they will come late. It . 3. She may be our new director. It . 4. Maybe, the suitcase was stolen. It . 5. Perhaps, he didn't like the job. It . II. Przepisz zdania stosujc przymiotnik probabie. 1. Tom may have forgotten my name. It : . 2. Probably, the tank is empty. It . 3. There is a probability that he is a spy. It . 4. Perhaps, we took the wrong route. It . 5. You will probably have to stay at home tomorrow. It . 111. Przepisz zdania stosujc przymiotnik Iikely. 1. 15 it possible that Steven will become the chief executive manager? Is Steven . 2. There is a probability that Jenny has lost the documents. Jenny . 3. 15 there a possibility of her arriving late? Is she . 4. It isn't possible that the value of the currency will go down. The value of the currency . 5. Perhaps, uncle Bob forgot about your birthday. Uncle Bob .

I Unit 28 I I. Przepisz zdania zamieniajc przymiotnik na przyswek sposobu. 1 . Her decision to check the codes was secret. She . 2. It was sensible ot David to avoid an open contlict. David . 3. She usually gives us a severe treatment. She . 4. Your behaviour was intolerable. V ou . 5. Mr Thomas is a caretuI driver. Mr Thomas . 6. Their answers to my questions were inaccurate. They . 7. Robert's objection to the project was strong. Robert 8. It was kind ot Susan to send the report to us. Susan . 9. It was Fiona who gave me an angry look. It was Fiona who . 10. Albert is a good swimmer. Albert 11. Your rejection ot their ideas was elear. Vou . 12. My French isn't f/uent. I . 13. The man's offer to give us a ride was unexpected. The man . 14. It was toolish ot you to reject their help. Vou . 15. I am a warm supporter of the Spanish team. I . 36

sobu. Unit 29 II Przyswek miejsca nowhere l Przepisz zdania stosujc przyswek nowhere. :. We don 't usually go anywhere on holiday . 2. He says he hasn't seen our suitcases anywhere . ... , . 3. Mike didn't travel anywhere last year.

!. We haven't gon e anywhere yet. 5. I watched carefully but I couldn't see you anywhere . L Przepisz zdania rozpoczynajc je od przyswka Nowhere. :. I haven't seen more beautiful flowers anywhere else. Nowhere else . 2. You will not buy these records anywhere . 3. She didn't stay anywhere else but in Oslo . .i. There were no shops anywhere in the area . 5. You may not smoke cigarettes anywhere here . 3. She doesn't let her children go alone anywhere . -. You won't see a more extraordinary place anywhere else in the worid . 3. The books didn't sell better anywhere than in Warsaw . s. One couldn't get tickets for the final game anywhere . -: .. The air isn't more polluted anywhere than in New York . I Unit 30 I ever I. Przepisz zdania stosujc przyswek never. 1. We haven't ever asked our neighbours a favour. 2. My wife doesn't ever let me out without eating breakfast. 3. I haven't ever explored any caves in the mountains . 4. Tom didn't ever visit us at weekends . 5. I don't suppose you ever prepare for your lessons . II. Przepisz zdania stosujc przyswek ever. 1. You have never been to Germany, have you? 2. Charles has never drunk a drop of alcohol. 3. Why do you never tell me about your problems? 4. Mary has never forgoUen about her best friend's birthday . 5. Did you never try to find a beUer work? III. Przepisz zdania stosujc przyswek hard/yever. 1. We rarely invite our teachers to our parties. We . 2. Tom almost never takes the dog out for a walk. Tom . 3. The Grimms seldom send postcards to us. The Joneses . 4. You rarely answer my questions politely. You . 5. lalmost never fali asleep during the day. I .

Unit 31 ] I Przyswki ever since - since Przepisz zdania stosujc przyswek since. - . My brother broke his leg last month. He is stil I wearing it in plaster. 2. They moved to Liverpool in 1992. They stilllive there. 3. Alice began typing letters at eight a.m. She is still typing them. !.. He set oft in October. He is still sailing in the ocean. 5. Ilost my old watch last Monday. IstiII don't have another one. 5. Mr Palmer started writing his new novellast year. He hasn't finished it yet. -. They're still renovating the church. They started the work in August. 2.. We ordered our din ner at about twelve. We are still waiting for it. s.. I began reading the magazine at ten o'clock. I haven't re ad it yet. "c.. He became a taxi driver in 1989. He still does the job . . Przepisz zdania rozpoczynajc je od przyswka Ever since . . You have looked happier since you made up with your girlfriend. 2.. Sylvia got married last year. She's been more responsible since then. 3 I have felt much better since I took up physical exercises. Brian and Josh quarrelled last Saturday. They haven't spoken to each other since then. :.. He changed his job a year ago. He has earned more since then. 39

I Unit 32 I I. Przepisz zdania w czasie Present Peect stosujc przyswek for. 1. Sam and Julie met each other ten years ago. 2. My older sister started studying twa years ago. 3. Mr Lens moved to Newcastle six months ago. 4. Eric got divorced four years ago. 5. They came here twa hours ago. II. Przepisz zdania w czasie Present Peect stosujc przyswek for lub since. 1. It's a year since we last heard tram him. We . 2. George got married last October. 3. The last time I went tishing was ten months ago. I _ 4. We last met each other in summ er. 5. Lisa's tather went to hospital a week ago. 6. It's six years since he has been missing. He . 7. It was Christmas when aur tamily last reunited. Our family . 8. Mr Duke bought a car one month ago. 9. The last time Sheila phoned us was three weeks ago. Sheila . 10. It was December when I last visited my dentist. I I is o since o o o Przepisz zdania stosujc konstrukcj It is ... since _ Sue and Bill have not visited us tor tour years. L We last occupied the barracks eleven months ago. 1. The Kellys got divorced one year ago . .!. We have not travelled abroad tor a year .. 5. You began working tor the firm five months ago. 5.. Mr Downey bought a digital camera two days ago. -. I have not used your computer tor two weeks. 5. Ms Simpson went on a diet a month ago. 9. The people have not been pa id their salaries tor more than three months. 0. We starte d growing these trees three years ago. - . The alarm system was damaged tive days ago. -2.. Albert has not smoked cigarettes tor ten years. -:lI was last in Copenhagen seven days ago. _ Ginger became an artist many years ago. 5. These twa pumps have not been in use tor eight years. 41 42 I Unit 34 I I was not unti! ... that ... I. Przepisz zdania stosujc konstrukcj It was not until ... that 1. My tather didn't return trom abroad until his pass port expired. 2. Jake didn't unwrap his presents until after supper. 3. Mr Jenkins didn't praise us until we al! passed our exams. 4. I didn't shave my tace untill turned eighteen. 5. Simon didn't receive any answer to his request untillast week. 6. We could only enter the nature reserve when we showed our tickets. 7. Lisa wasn't able to sleep until she took a tranquilliser. 8. The celebrations began only at ten a.m. 9. I couldn't eat anything until the pain subsided. 10. Only when it stopped raining did we dec ide to set oft. 11. They didn't start painting our house untillast week. 12. I could only go out when I did al! my duties. 13. The soldiers didn't tire until they were ordered to. 14. None ot us was allowed to leave the camp until our leaders arrived. 15. Only when his parents went home did he start to behave badly.

... ... .. ts. .. , . I Przyswek hardly + any, ever Przepisz zdania stosujc przyswek hard/y + any, ever . _ We have very little money on us . L aur neighbours very rarely clean the staircase . She has very few friends in the city . . I didn't attend the lectures oHen . .s.. Mr Howard doesn't speak much French . 5. Raymond seldom took part in our monthly meetings . -_ aur tutors don't cancel their lessons oHen. a. I know few foreigners. s. We have spent really !ittle money so far. - The student seldom answers my questions correctly. -- _ aur children don't oHen watch TV late at night.

;; This engine doesn't use much petroI. ':... The baby can say few words only. We don 't see much each other. 5.. He needed only little help with mathematics. 43

I Unit 36 I I. Przepisz zdania stosujc stopie wyszy przymiotnika. 1. We don't live in so big a house as they do. They . 2. She doesn't earn so much money as he does. He . 3. Angela isn't so intelligent as Betty iso Betty . 4. My car isn't as economical as yours iso y our car . 5. The Vistula isn't so lon g as the Rhine iso The Rhine . 6. His newest novel isn't so interesting as the previous one was. His previous novel . 7. The leather shoes aren't so comfortable as the canvas ones are. The canvas shoes . 8. I don't live so tar tram school as you do. You . 9. Chris wasn't so friendly as the other children were. The other children . 10. Their boss isn't as well-dressed as ours iso Our boss . 11. The new timetable isn't as convenient as the old one was. The old timetable . 12. William didn't have so many problems at school as John did. John . 13. The old construction isn't as light as the modern one. The modern construction . 14. The boy didn't look so apologetic as the girl did. The girl . 15. I haven't picked so many mushrooms as my father has. My father . 44

I Unit 37 ] .. nlowanle o I. Przepisz zdania stosujc stopie niszy przymiotnika. 1. Our project wasn't so elaborate as the other team's one was. Our project . 2. A mongrel would not be as demanding as the Collie iso 3. The river isn't as rough today as it was yesterday. 4. Adam is morecompassionate than Frank iso 5. I wasn't as curious about the details as you were. 6. We don't spend so much time in the garden as aur neighbours do. 7. My plan isn't as complicated as his iso 8. Practising sports is far more useful than watching TV. 9. The instructions that they have sent aren't so elear as we expected them to be . 10. Baseball isn't so popular in our country as it is in the USA. 11. I didn't collect so important information as my partner did. 12. You don't look so elegant in the grey jacket as you do in the black one . 13. The Parkers didn't buy so expensive a car as the Browns did . 14. Our products are far more admirable than their ones are. 15. The chicken soup isn't as tasty as the tomato soup iso 45 I Unit 38 I I. Przepisz zdania stosujc stopie najwyszy przymiotnika. 1. You are a better player than the other boys tram your team. 2. Michael is taller than all the children in his class. 3. No one in our group is as polite as Richard iso 4. Simon is more reliable than any other ot my triends. 5. No other car on oHer is as expensive as the red Ferrari. 6. I don't knowanyone more secretive than Caroline. 7. Ralph is more intelligent than any other child in his age group. 8. Nobody is a better cook than my wite iso 9. There is no place more wonderful than Vienna. 10. Your idea was better than anyone else's was. 11. I have never seen a more sophisticated outfit than this one.

12. There aren't more stresstul events than a life partner's death iso 13. No other family in the neighbourhood is as rich as the Bells are. 14. This performance was more interesting than any other one I have ever seen. 15. The pop group are more popular than any other one in our country. 46

n. I Unit 39 II Stopie wyszy i najwyszy przymiotnika I. Przepisz zdania stosujc stopie wyszy przymiotnika. 1. This is the most extravagant place I have ever been to. I . 2. She is the nicest girll have ever met. I . 3. They are the most reliable people we have ever co-operated with. We . 4. It is the most unusual dish she has ever eaten. She . 5. This is the worst message I have ever received. I . 6. Jim Crane is the most eloquent man I have ever spoken to. I . 7. It is the most expensive watch that we have ever made. We . 8. This is the funniest comedy Greg has ever watched. Greg . 9. It is the most difficult discipline that he has ever practised. He . 10. Mike is the most hard-working person that we have ever employed. We . II. Przepisz zdania stosujc stopie najwyszy przymiotnika. 1. They have never built a higher building. It is . 2. I have never lived in a more elegant apartment. This is . 3. Sally has never earned a bigger sum of money. This is . 4. We have never discovered a more precious treasure than this one. It is . 5. Peter has never dated a more beautifu.l girl than Jenny. Jenny . 47 I Unit 40 I Porwnanie as ... as - not so ... as I. Przepisz zdania stosujc porwnanie as ... as. 1. Ted is 180 cm tall. His father is 180 cm tall, too. 2. This rope is two metres long. That line is two metres long, too. 3. Alice is fourteen. Sara is fourteen, too. 4. I weigh sixty kilos. George weighs sixty kilos, too. 5. John is very intelligent. His older brother is very intelligent, too. II. Przepisz zdania stosujc porwnanie przeczce not SD as. 1. I gave ten pounds. Mary gave twenty pounds. 2. Ronald has fewer foreign friends than Eric. 3. Last year, we invited a hundred guests. This year, we have invited only fifty. 4. Jack Nicholson owns five houses. Bruce Willis owns three houses. 5. Last Christmas, Tommy received more presents than this winter. 6. You paid much more for the tickets than we did. 7. Mr Wells ate ten potatoes. Mrs Wells ate three potatoes. 8. Alice's clothes are usually more elegant than Betty's ones. 9. I need twenty minutes to shave. You need ten minutes to shave. 10. We offer two million pounds for the factory. They offer seventy thousand only. 48

y. I Unit 41 II Porwnanie such ... that - SD that I. Przepisz zdania stosujc porwnanie 5uch ... that. 1 . The seulpture was sa heavy that a erane had to be used to earry it. 2. The area is sa dangerous that we hardly ever enter it. 3. The alarm-eloek was sa laud that it woke up the people in the next room. 4. The test was sa diffieult that only few of us eompleted it. 5. The water is sa elear that you ean see the bottom. II. Przepisz zdania stosujc porwnanie 50 ... that. 1. He is sueh a rieh man that he ean afford a new house every year. 2. It was sueh a pleasant trip that no one wanted to go baek. 3. It was sueh a poor show that people asked for their money to be returned. 4. She is sueh a popular aetress that she has fans al! over the worid. 5. It is sueh an interesting offer that we are going to give it priority. III. Przepisz zdania zaczynajc je od przyswka Sa. 1. His eondition was sa eritieal that he beeame a beggar. So .

2. 3. 4. 5. 49 .;;II;;;,

The city was sa devastated that we eouldn't reeognise its streets. So . They worked sa ineffieiently that I deeided to tire them. So . The seene was sa funny that she eouldn't help laughing. So . Moniea was sa angry that she retused to talk to anyone. So .

I Unit 42 I Porwnanie the"" the ... I. Przepisz zdania stosujc porwnanie The ... , the 1. It you start earlier, you will arrive saoner. The . 2. I smoke tewer cigarettes and I teel healthier. 3. It you eat more and more hamburgers, you get fatter and tatter. 4. My eyes suffer more it I read longer. 5. Learn more and you will be wiser. 6. As she earned more she became more greedy. 7. He told me more and more, but I understood less and less. 8. He practises more and more and sa he runs taster and taster. 9. As it was getting hotter and hotter people were sweating more and more. 10. She bets more and more but she wins less and less. 11. The children were playing more and more noisily and their tather was more and more upset. 12. As you get more experience you wark more efficiently. 13. With every minute I was waiting I was becoming more bored. 14. It prices are higher the society is more dissatistied. 15. Diane jogs more regularly and she gets titter. 50

I Unit 43 II Porwnanie czasownik + as + przyswek + as I. Przepisz zdania stosujc porwnanie as + przyswek + as. 1 . Cathy is the best singer in her class. Nobody . 2. Only Jacob can paint such wondeul pictures. No one . 3. Simon is the most caretui driver I know. No one . 4. You are a better player than anyone else iso Nobody else . 5. Protessor Dean's explanations are more clear that any other tutor's ones are. No other tutor . 6. Peter can swim better than the rest ot us. None of us . 7. Mr Berkley is our best advisor. No one . 8. Only you gave the correct answers to our questions. No one eise . 9. There's nobody whose French is more tluent than Sonia's iso Nobody . 10. Frank was the most solid worker ot alI. No one . 11. I think he is the tastest runner in the world. Nobody . 12. John's letters were more passionate than the other boys' were. No other boy . 13. We live in a bigger comtort than anyone else in the neighbourhood. No one . 14. Mr W ren is the most attentive listener ot my lectures. Nobody else . 15. Alice's clothes are more tashionable than the other girls' are. No other girl . 51 I Unit 44 II Porwnanie the same ... as ... I. Przepisz zdania stosujc porwnanie the same ... as. Rick is seven years old and Mike is seven years old, too . '2. Patrick is 175 cm high, so is his twin brother, George. (, ! . 3. I work in Dover. Mr Martin works in Dover, too. 4. We own our shop in Boulder Street, so do the Finns. 5. Susan weighs torty two kilos and BeUy weighs torty two kilos, too. 6. The red skirt is neither bigger nor smaller than the blue one. 7. She reads Newsweek, and so do I. 8. The TV tower is tifty metres high, so is the water tower. 9. Shimizu comes tram Japan and Yoko comes trom Japan, too. 10. I pa id twenty pounds tor the delivery and so did my triend. 11. My bicycle is green and hers is green, too. 12. The Grays paid a hundred pounds and so did the Robsons. 13. The qua:!ity ot the Korean camera is neither beUer nor worse than the one ot the Japanese camera. 14. Our company operates on the western market, so does their company.

15. I sold tive paintings, so did the other painter. 52

I Unit 45 II Przyswek foo I. Przepisz zdania stosujc przyswek too . 1. The luggage is so heavy that I cannot carry it. 2. The exercise was so ditficult that I couldn't do it. 3. The pain was so harsh that he couldn't bear it. 4. His idea is so illogical that it cannot be accepted. 5. Your plan is so complicated that we cannot understand it. II. Przepisz zdania stosujc przyswek too. 1. Mark was such a caretui player that he never lost agame. 2. She is such an ambitious researcher that she never gives up. 3. Tom is such a logical boy that he doesn't believe in supernatural phenomena. 4. Arnold Knox is such a tierce competitor that he will never surrender. 5. This is such a solid construction that it will not break up easily. III. Przepisz zdania stosujc przyswek too oraz sowa podane w nawiasach. ),:. Jetf isn't brave enough to ask Doris tor adate. (shy) )2. I am not good enough to get the job of a manager. (inexperienced) le 3. The man isn't responsible enough to be trusted. (irresponsible) 4. I don't know much enough about genetics to take part in the quiz. (little) 5. Mr Holmes isn't com petent enough to give you any intormation. (incompetent) 53

I Unit 46 I I. Przepisz zdania stosujc przyswek enough z form bezokolicznikow. _/ /1. It is too late to play outside . ' He is too short to wear the trousers . ./ 3. I am too weak to carry the box. . It was too cold to bathe. 5. Mr Woods is too old to climb wit h us . 6. She is too impatient to wait calmly. 7. Frank is too timid to join us. 8. The plan is too bad to work wall. 9. I am too young to know everything. 10. The socks are too tight to be worn. II. Przepisz zdania stosujc przyswek enough z form bezokolicznikow. 1. This old coach is so uncomfortable that no body wants to sleep on it. 2. This place is so unsafe that you shouldn't play in it. 3. The rope bridge was so strong that we could walk on it. 4. The musie was 50 unpleasant that I didn't want to listen to it. 5. We had solittle money that we couldn't pay with it. III. Przepisz zdania stosujc przyswek enough + for + sb + bezokolicznik. 1. The place is so noisy that the baby cannot sleep. 2. He spoke German so fast that we couldn't understand him. 3. This example is so hard that I don 't know how to do it. 4. The bed was 50 short that my brother couldn't sleep in it. 5. The date of the meeting was so inconvenient that we couldn't arrive. 54

I Unit 47 II Przyswki stnl - yet I. Przepisz zdania stosujc przyswek 10 /r. Mark hasn't gone out of the house yet. . 2/.We haven't stopped working yet. . / 3. They haven't done the task yet. 4. Ann hasn't woken up yet. 5. I haven't painted the whole room yet. . 6. They haven't stopped arguing yet. 7. The children haven't washed yet. 8. It hasn't stopped snowing yet. 9. Tom hasn't finished studying yet. 10. She hasn't stopped crying yet . II. Przepisz zdania stosujc przyswek'yet. ) '1. My brother is still writing his Ph.D. dissertation. \ 'Z Mrs Abercrombie is still washing her children's clothes. 3. The ministers are still discussing their decision. 4. I am still doing my homework. 5. Brian is stilllearning to drive a car. 6. The lorry drivers are still waiting to pass the border. 7. The farmer is still ploughing his field. 8. The student still doesn't understand the theory. 9. Lorna is still translating the novel. 10. Gili is stilllooking for a job. 55

I Unit 48 I rzvimka w zdaniu I. Przepisz pytania w postaci nieformalnej. 1. In which raom did you sleep? 2. On whom does she rely? 3. For what were they punished? 4. At whom was she looking? 5. With whom did you like to play? 6. For what was he asked? 7. To whom are they talking naw? 8. With which gun did he shoot? 9. For what did they apologise? 10. In whose story do you believe? II. Przepisz zdania w postaci nieformalnej. 1 . Michael Flurr is the only man with whom we can co-operate. 2. The bench on which he sat was wet. 3. The city fram which the refugees come was destroyed during the war. 4. It is her boyfriend for whom she is longing. 5. This is the job advertisement to which I am going to answer. 6. The place in which Roger was bom is somewhere south. 7. Thomas Dallas is the person for whom we work. 8. The people in whom I trusted disappointed me. 9. The fiat in which they are moving is on the fifth floor. 10. The gun wit h which he terrorised the clerks wasn't real. 56

I Unit 49 II Przyimek to I. Przepisz zdania umieszczajc przyimek to przed dopenieniem bliszym. 1. Alice offered me her helping hand. Al ce offeyecl !tIey !tIelp !tICV\-c1 to V1A.e. 2. Jack usually gives us advice. 3. She sends her boyfriend love letters quite often. 4. Show me the brochure, please. 5. He left his sons a tremendous legacy. 6. Our mother has promised us ice cream. 7. They didn't tell us the whole truth. 8. Alice lent Christopher a tew pounds. 9. Mr Ray sold me his old car. 10. She will pass him a note with a message. 11. I asked Mary to hand the people the certificates. 12. It was the Japanese merchant who wanted to pay us a huge sum ot money. 13. Judith will torget to send us an invitation as usual. 14. Why don't you tell us the same story again? 15. Did you give Ronald any present tor his birthday? 57 I Unit 50 II Wyraenia przyimkowe I. Przepisz zdania stosujc podane sowa z waciwymi przyimkami. 1. Did Jack and his company arrive punctually? (TIME) 2. We don't usually launch big parties on New Year's Eve. (HABIT OF) 3. I am sure it was his true intention to hit you. (PURPOSE) 4. It was a coincidence that we met in Paris. (CHANCE) 5. It is said no body helped him with doing the research. (OWN) 6. The prosecutor asked me to tell him everything I remembered about the event. (DET AIL) 7. Taking everything into consideration, Brian is a decent man. (WHOLE) 8. She was fined for driving very fast. (FULL SPEED) 9. I'd like to be informed about your plans beforehand. (ADV ANCE) 10. I didn't really intend to take your briefcase home. (MIST AKE) 11. His condition is rather poor presently. (BEST) \ 12. . . . . .. . .. ; . ' ' f '; ' ; ', " ';i' ' ' ' ' ; ' 'I' ;"'" - ----- -13. You can buy this wondertul villa now. (SALE) 14. They say Peter loves Angelica. (LOVE) .. .\ 15. Mr Williams will speak for us at the conference. (BEHALF) 58

nt. Unit 51 II Przyimek until I. Przepisz zdania stosujc przyimek until. 1. Sam only told me about the changes when I asked him to. 2. The girl only ealmed down when she heard the comtorting news. 3. We will start packing our things only when you show us the tiekets. 4. Mark said he'd resume working only when he reeeived a higher tee. 5. The witness only agreed to testity when she was promised security. 6. The parrot will only speak when you give it a grain. 7. You will be able to see the eomet only when you look through the teleseope. 8. Only when he apologises to us will we speak to him again. 9. I only learnt about the seandal when I re ad about it in a newspaper. 10. She only began to learn English when she turned eighteen. II. Przepisz zdania stosujc zwrot It wasn't until 1. We only met the Parkers last week. It wasn't until .

2. Only when we entered the house did we realise it had been burgled. 3. I didn't wake up until the alarm-eloek rang. 4. Lisa agreed to marry Joel only when he said he loved her. 5. It was only last month when the ehild started speaking. 59 I Unit 52 II Przyimki an - upan / On - Upan + -ing I. Przepisz zdania rozpoczynajc je od podanych przyimkw. 1. When I came home I saw I hadn't switched oft the lighl. On . 2. We opened the chest and found silver cutlery. Upon . 3. They left their house and they saw rain clouds in the sky. On . 4. When Tom reached Vatican City he sawa tremendous basilica. Upon . 5. She pressed the red button and so the machine stopped. On . 6. When we arrived at the frontier we sawa long line of cars in wait. Upon . 7. I got angry when Ilearnt about my bad luck. On . 8. Susan smelt smoke after she had entered the toilet room. Upon . 9. He lost consciousness when he hit his head on the tree branch. On . 10. When Mike finished his last picture he decided to make an exhibition. Upon . II. Przepisz zdania stosujc spjnik when. 1. On placing another bet I realised I had got no more money left. 2. Upon hearing the good news Peter jumped in the air. 3. On moving north they found life was even harder there. 4. Upon com ing into the class the teacher found it in a terrible mess. 5. On touching the insect she got bitten . 60

] I Unit 53 II Przyimki but - except I. Przepisz zdania stosujc przyimek but. 1. Only Alice didn't look forward to holidays. Everyone . 2. The only person who likes pudding is George. Nobody . 3. Complaining is the only thing you do all the time. y ou . 4. Only Sarah can play the piano so beautifully. No one . 5. Waiting patiently is the only thing I can suggest. I can not . 6. The only way to win with their team is to play fast. There isn't . 7. You only pick on your wife al! the time. y ou do . 8. Harry is the only student who hasn't gone through the examination. Ali students . 9. Money is the only reason for which they committed the robbery. There is no . 10. Only James thanked aunt Ann for her gifts. Nobody . II. Przepisz zdania stosujc spjnik except. 1. Only Jeftrey knows how to use this device. Nobody . 2. The only country in Europe that I haven't been to is Finland. I . 3. Sleeping is the only thing Frank does in the afternoon. Frank . 4. Only you didn't participate in the training yesterday. Everybody . 5. The only thing he does all the time is show oft. He does . 61 I Unit 54 II Przyimki during - while I. Przepisz zdania stosujc przyimek during. 1 . Someone took our tools while we were having a break. 2. There was a tremendous applause while the champions were fighting. 3. While they were trekking in the jungle they came across an Aztec tempie. 4. Sony screamed several times while he was sleeping. 5. Nobody came to check our tickets while we were travelling on the train. II. Przepisz zdania stosujc spjnik while. 1. The boys went on playing football during the heavy rain. 2. During my exploration of the cave I got bitten by a poisonous spider.

3. The woman gave shelter to refugees during the war. 4. Ronald felt a bit uneasy during the interview. 5. He woke up three times during the operation. 6. Someone broke into their house during the outdoor celebrations. 7. During our drive home we were stopped by policemen six times. 8. The sprinter sprained his ankle during the run. 9. One ot the musicians fainted during his performance. 10. No government otticial appeared to negotiate during the workers' strike. 62

I Unit 55 II Czasownik + przyimek (1) I. Przepisz zdania stosujc podane czasowniki z waciwymi przyimkami. "l. Is Klaus a native German? (COME) /" 2. How does he use his pocket money? (SPEND) What . '3. She sa id Peter had broken the windowo (ACCUSE) I )( They really want to visit the Old Town square. (INSIST) ) I am against sleeping in the open. (OBJECT) "-' p. He says he is sorry that he called you names. (APOLOGISE) 7. We have a fuli confidence in our leader. (REL Y) ) Jenny would like to see her family very much. (LONG) 9. I think classical music is better than rock. (PREFER) I 10. Your satchel is not the same as mine. (DIFFER) )e1. Have you managed to repair the faulty oven? (COPE) " /12. Be careful not to exceed the speed limit. (BEWARE) 13. Tomato soup isn't my favourite dish at all. (CAR E) ;tA. Mike hasn't written any letter to us for about two months. (HEAR) We . 15. The teacher sa id she didn't like us to shout in the corridor. (DISAPPROVE) 63 I Unit 56 II Czasownik + przyimek (2) I. Przepisz zdania stosujc podane czasowniki z waciwymi przyimkami. "'-i l. The man is very good at healing people wit h his hands. (SPECIALlSE) ",2. They say I am responsible tor the misunderstanding. (BLAME) (3. Who takes care ot all these dogs and cats? (LOOK) c " 4{ I called an ambulance because Tom had terrible pains in his stomach. , (SUFFER) "5. I guess she is the one who revealed the secret to everyone. (SUSPECT) I "6,. Don't torget to sen d a message to Mr Gordon. (REMEMBER) i 7. This photo makes me think about my native town. (REMIND) 8. Josh and Frank had and argument yesterday. (QUARREL) 9. 'You are a very good skier, indeed.' - she said to me. (COMPLlMENT) 10. The police have been trying to tind the missing child tor two days. (SEARCH) tb -11. What is your opinion about this modern technology? (THINK) 1'2. Despite having no map we tailed to reach our destination. (SUCCEED) I 13. The judge said Ben Brute was guilty ot the assault. (CHARGE) 14. There are tive departments in our company. (CONSIST) J l 15. We get our equipment trom our sponsors. (PROVIDE) 64

I Unit 57 II Rzeczownik + przyimek I. Przepisz zdania stosujc podane rzeczowniki z waciwymi przyimkami. 'f Why did he resign trom his lucrative position? (REASON) I AWe don't have to clean the deck daily. (NO NEED) ----\ p: Do you know how to solve the problem? (SOLUTlON) '" 4. Lots ot people have bought this medicine sa tar. (DEMAND) '5. These two receivers aren't the same. (DIFFERENCE) I ", p. What do you think about my scheme? (OPINION) ,j " 7. Food prices have gon e up considerably recently. (INCREASE) ':j8., It makes no sense to replace the new tyre with the old one. (POINT) , There's . 9. Why did you argue with your neighbour? (CAUSE) 10. We hope that we will win the competition. (HOPE) We have . 1t. What do you think ot the plan? (ATTITUDE) ... , . 12. He said he was dissatistied with the quality ot the sound. (COMPLAINT) He made 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.0 13. My parents don't rule me any more. (INDEPENDENCE) 14. Ms Deacon can torecast the tuture. (APTITUDE) 15. My mother loves travelling in the mountains. (FONDNESS) 65

66 I Unit 58 II Have i dane - forma 'kauzatywna' I. Przepisz zdania stosujc konstrukcj 'kauzatywn'. 1. We pay the people to clean our windows every month. 2. I employed some man to tow my car to a garage. 3. I will ask somebody to install the pipes in the bathroom. 4. They have ordered som e children to sweep the courtyard clean. 5. He paid the mechanie to repair the gear box. 6. The men are repainting our rooms. 7. I persuaded my triend to write the homework tor me. 8. She paid the dentist to pull the sore tooth out. 9. We are going to ask someone to mend the shoes. 10. I went to the barber. He cut my hair. II. Przepisz zdania stosujc konstrukcj 'kauzatywn'. 1. Somebody stole my suitcase while I was looking the other way. 2. Our clothes were blown away by the gust ot wind. 3. Her T -shirt was tom by someone during the game. 4. They broke the windows in our raom. 5. Some people picked all truit tram the trees in our garden. ] I Unit 59 II Be + bezokolicznik / perfeet infinitive I. Przepisz zdania stosujc konstrukcj be + bezokolicznik czasownika. 1. They want us to work longer. 2. She wants you to give a speech. 3. I don't want him to wear a hat. 4. She mustn't drink cold water. 5. We wanted them to come. 6. You should ask me tor advice. 7. Mike must wait till we arrive. 8. We don't want her to play with Tom. 9. I want you to keep order. 10. They mustn't go to bed late. We . II. Przepisz zdania stosujc konstrukcj be + bezokolicznik czasownika. 1. According to an official plan, the President is arriving in Berlin on Monday. 2. The tria I is starting tomorrow. 3. Following the agenda, the Emperor will end his visit wit h an official address. 4. Our plan is to greet the Prime Minister with bread and salt. 5. According to the plan, the toreign guests are departing next Sunday. III. Przepisz zdania stosujc konstrukcj be + perfect infinitive. 1. We planned to visit another country, but we didn't. 2. They tai led to produce one thousand cars as they had prQmised to beto re. 3. I was meant to pick the guests up trom the airport, but I didn't. 4. She had a plan to go on holiday, but it tai led. 5. Mark planned to build a garden shed, but he didn't. 67 I Unit 60 II Be about to - be on the point of I. Przepisz zdania stosujc zwrot be about to. 1. I was just going to leave my house when the phone rang. 2. We were just going to start the ceremony when the loudspeaker broke down. 3. Look at him, he is on the point of jumping from the bridge. 4. I was just going to cali the police when the clerk found my luggage. 5. The Jollys are setting oft in a short while. 6. The child was on the point of crying when she suddenly saw her mother. 7. I am starting my next lesson in a moment. 8. Frank was on the point of quitting the job when he was promised a rise. 9. They're driving too fas L They're going to crash into the car in front of them. 10. My parents are leaving for a party in a second. II. Przepisz zdania stosujc zwrot be on the point ot 1. He was about to break down when she finally agreed to marry him. 2. We're ready. We're going out in a while. 3. I was just going to give up fishing when the float went under water sharply. 4. The poor people are about to go mad, I am afraid. 5. Sam was almost fali ing asleep when he heard a knock at the door. 68

I Unit 61 IIHad better I. Przepisz zdania stosujc zwrot had better. 1. I advise you to mind what you eat. 2. We think David should put on warmer clothes . 3. If I were you, I wouldn't tease the dog . 4. It's advisable for Joan to give up smoking . 5. They shouldn't travel in the region without a guide. (uyj: hire) 6. I think Mr Palm er ought to visit a psychologist. 7. If I were in your place I wouldn't act on my own .

8. It would be advisable for your san to learn more . 9. I advise you not to go down the cave . 10. If I were you, I would not marry the man . 11. We suggest they should change their teaching methods . 12. Ms Dowson shouldn't keep her money under the pillow . 13. I would not take such a big loan if I were you . 14. We advise you not to bathe in the river. 15. It think it would be good for Cindy to change her company . 69 I Unit 62 II Do - forma 'emfatyczna' J. Przepisz zdania stosujc do 'emfatyczne'. 1. I really want to see the film on TV . 2. We really sold our Ferrari that cheap . 3. She really insists on climbing the mountain tomorrow . 4. Mickey really started his career as a sales representative . 5. Alice really loves Thomas . 6. The people really expected to see their favourite film star . 7. Mr Jelly really spends a lot of money on charity . 8. Lisa wants to meet that handsome boy very much . 9. I really won a tri p around the world last year. 10. My tather really works as a stunt man . II. Przepisz zdania w trybie rozkazujcym stosujc do 'emfatyczne'. 1. We really want you to visit us in winter. 2. I really want you to tell me the whole truth . 3. I really want you to come with me . 4. We really want you to take this money . 5. I advise you strongly to read the agreement beforehand . 70

I Unit 63 II Can - be able to I. Przepisz zdania stosujc zwrot be able to. 1. I can spell in English. 2. Can you swim well? 3. Fred can drive a car. 4. Betty can not cook at alI. 5. We can work fast. 6. They can sing beautifully. 7. I can not play cards. 8. Can Jim repair watches, too? 9. We can train all dogs. 10. Can you draw nicely? II. Przepisz zdania stosujc zwrot be able to. 1. We could make a bonfire. 2. Could you run quickly? 3. I could not fight wall. 4. She could not speak French. 5. Could they climb the rocks? 6. You could calculate wall. 7. He could not lift sixty kilos. 8. Could you translate into Spanish? 9. I could mend socks. 10. They could not type. III. Przepisz zdania stosujc czasownik can lub could. 1. Harry was not able to pronounce some words in French . 2. Are you able to play chess? 3. Mary is not able to write yet. 4. We were able to remem ber al! the foreign names . 5. Were they able to give you any help?

71 I Unit 64 II May - be allowed to I. Przepisz zdania stosujc zwrot be allowed to. 1. I may drive a car. 2. May we play here? 3. You may not smoke. 4. They may use our tools. 5. May Oebbie come home late? 6. Jack may not eat sweets. 7. You may not open the gate. 8. May they watch TV at night? 9. She may eat ice cream. 10. May we camp in this place? II. Przepisz zdania stosujc zwrot be allowed to. 1. If she had a driving licence, she might drive a car. 2. You might enter the building if you showed a pass. 3. We might not smoke here even if we we re grown-up. 4. Might I bathe in the lake if it were not 50 cold? 5. If they had nothing to declare, they might go through the border at once. III. Przepisz zdania stosujc czasownik may lub might. 1. We are not allowed to reveal the secret message. 2. You would be allowed to go wit h us if you behaved better. 3. Are the children allowed to wander alone? 4. She is allowed to inspect all our files. 5. If only the weather were better, we would be allowed to play in the open air. 72

I Unit 65 II Be capable of - have an ability to - manage to I. Przepisz zdania stosujc czasownik manage to. 1. Despite that horrible pain in my leg I was able to reach the peak. 2. Were you able to repair Tom's bike? 3. Sue wasn't able to arrive on time because her train was delayed. 4. Mark was able to tinish his project betore he was moved. 5. We weren't able to satisty everybody's expectations, tor sure. II. Przepisz zdania stosujc zwrot be capable of. 1. Could you recite poems when you were a chiid? 2. Jim does not know how to set the video recorder. 3. My grandmother could embroider beautitully. 4. Was Mr Coxton able to teach smali children? 5. We didn't know how to introduce these new systems. III. Przepisz zdania stosujc zwrot have an abi/ity to. 1. Can you learn toreign languages tast? 2. My triend is able to calculate quickly without using a calculator. 3. She could not act so well as the other actresses. 4. Mrs Woods was able to write very interesting reports. 5. Can this applicant provide solutions quickly? 73 Cnit 66 Could l? - Do / Would you mind if l ... ? I. Przepisz zdania stosujc czasownik Co u/d. 1. Do you mind it we take a look round the place? 2. Would you mind it I asked your wite a tew questions? 3. Is it al! right it we take photographs here? 4. Do you mind it I use your computer? 5. Would you mind it we spent the night in your house? II. Przepisz zdania stosujc zwrot Do you mind if ... ? 1. May I borrow som e ot your books? 2. Could we pay tor the accommodation later? 3. Can I try on your new suit? 4. Could she leave her luggage in the spare room? 5. May I phone you in the evening? III. Przepisz zdania stosujc zwrot Wou/d you mind if ... ? 1. Can we have a look at your pictures? 2. May I have a rest in your garden? 3. Could our children play in tront ot your house? 4. Could I bring your tapes back tomorrow? 5. May Steven leave his car in your garage? 74

I Unit 67 II May - might - H's possible / probabIe / likely I. Przepisz zdania stosujc czasownik may. 1. Perhaps, she is apolicewoman. 2. It's possible that he works here. 3. It's probabie that they know the truth. 4. Perhaps, you are iiI. 5. Perhaps, Jenny doesn't know him. 6. It's possible that he isn't from here. 7. Perhaps, they don't speak English. 8. Possibly, you learn too little.

9. It's probabie that he doesn't like you. 10. Perhaps, she is afraid of us. II. Przepisz zdania stosujc zwrot It is possible 1. Mike might be at school naw. 2. She may represent another firm. 3. We may not be right. 4. You might not know everything. 5. They may have a lot of money. III. Przepisz zdania stosujc zwrot It is probabie 1. Maybe, John is aur supporter. 2. A film star may live in this house. 3. Julia might be using the phone. 4. Probably, it will be hot tomorrow. 5: You are likely to waste your money. IV. Przepisz zdania stosujc zwrot Jt is Iikely 1 . They may be having a party. 2. Harry is probably very unhappy . 3. Possibly, you eat too much. 4. This man may hurt you. 5. Maybe, she is a notorious liar. .. 75 I Unit 68 II Be likely to - There is a probability / likelihood I. Przepisz zdania stosujc zwrot be likey to. 1. It is likely that she knows about it. 2. It is likely that it will snowo 3. It is likely that he is Iying. 4. It is likely that we are wrong. 5. It is likely that he suffers a lot. 6. It is likely that you will arrive late. 7. It is likely that it will be eold. 8. It is likely that I have an infeetion. 9. It is likely that you misunderstand us. 10. It is likely that he is sleeping nowo s\t1e Ls W eLtJ to RV\-OW bo(,{t Lt. II. Przepisz zdania stosujc zwrot There is a probability ot. 1. I think it's most probabie that she is a KGB agent. , 2. He will probably be the man we have been looking for. 3. It is probabie that there will be another war in the region. 4. They are probabie to stand a good ehanee in the eompetition. 5. Ronald is probably playing eards with Andy nowo III. Przepisz zdania stosujc zwrot There is a likelihood ot. 1. You are likely to win the mateh. 2. It is likely that our guests travelled all night long. 3. She is likely to make a good daneer. 4. We are likely to have made another mistake. 5. It is likely that the weather will improve soon. 76

Jod I I Unit 69 II May / might / could + have done I. Przepisz zdania stosujc form dokonan z czasownikiem may. 1. Perhaps, som e of them discovered the truth. 2. It is possible that Mr Garret was kidnapped. 3. It is likely that you have lost your way. 4. Perhaps, somebody came into your office while you were out. 5. Maybe, Michael told his parents about our intentions. II. Przepisz zdania stosujc form dokonan z czasownikiem might. 1. Possibly, they forgot the name of the street we live in. 2. It is likely that Mr Hoops became angry. 3. Perhaps, Gina broke the engagement. 4. It is probabie that they spent the day in Disneyland. 5. Perhaps, she was busy when we arrived . III. Przepisz zdania stosujc form dokonan z czasownikiem co u/d. 1. Maybe, 1 ate too much chocolate. 2. There was a likelihood of their being in favour of the concept. 3. It is probabie that your brother took your shoes by mistake . 4. Possibly, the people got on the wrong train 5. They are likely to have met each other in America . 77 I Unit 70 11 Can't / Couldn't + do / have done I. Przepisz zdania stosujc czasownik can not. 1. It isn't possible that she is a student. 2. It is hardly possible that they com e from the South. 3. l1's impossible that Mr Hornby spends twelve hours a day in the laboratory. 4. I am sure Alex doesn't know anything about me. 5. It is impossible that she is having a love affair.

II. Przepisz zdania stosujc form dokonan z czasownikiem couldn't. 1 . Surely, the policeman didn't see us. 2. It's not possible that the boy attacked the elderly lady. 3. It's impossible that she was working at that time. 4. I am sure the man didn't know my real name. 5. It is not possible that she forgot my face. 6. I don't think it is possible that he was a priest. 7. I am certain that the radio wasn't damaged by my younger sister. 8. It's impossible that he paid so much for this old eloek. 9. Surely, professor Blaekley wasn't with his students this morning. 10. I don't think it is possible that you saw me in the store yesterday. 78

I Unit 71 II Likely to have done - likelihood of having done I I. Przepisz zdania stosujc przymiotnik like/y. 1. It is likely that some of the boys took part in the assault. Some ot the boys . 2. It is likely that the caretaker discovered my presence in the building. 3. It is likely that your son was absent during most of the lectures. 4. It is likely that the sausage was stale. 5. It is likely that Mr Johnson had a love affair. II. Przepisz zdania stosujc przymiotnik like/y. 1. It is likely that the secretary was dismissed. The secretary . 2. It is likely that the man was found unconscious. 3. It is likely that the secret passage was discovered. 4. It is likely that the case was investigated by the police. 5. It is likely that you were being folIowed by someone. III. Przepisz zdania stosujc zwrot There is a likelihood ot. 1. He probably damaged his tendon. There is a likelihood ot . 2. It is likely that she was too tired to come. 3. Possibly, the director was infuriated by someone. 4. My sister is likely to have forgotten about our meeting. 5. It is likely that you have misunderstood what 1 said. 79 I Unit 72 II Be certain to - be bound to D I. Przepisz zdania stosujc zwrot be certain to. I. 1. You will certainly forget my name soon. You . 2. The policeman will certainly give you a fine. The policeman . 3. I is certain that he will be awarded an order. He . 4. I am certain that Ben will bring us only trouble. Ben . 5. Ms Thorn will certainly score the most points. Ms Thorn . 2 3 4 5. 6. II. Przepisz zdania stosujc zwrot be bound to. 1. There is no doubt that Patrick will become a great musician. Patrick . 2. I am certain that you will be chosen for our representative. 7. 8. 3. Mr Plum p is certain to win the biggest share. 9. 4. You will certainly be punished if you keep on acting like this. 10. 5. Hundreds of people will surely lose their jobs after the reforms. II. 6. We have not paid taxes. We will certainly have troubles. 1. 7. It is certain that Andrew will be promoted quickly. 2. 8. These old buildings will certainly be pulled down. 3. 9. The fire brigade will be praised for their bravery and dedication, for sure. 10. I is certain that he will win the elections again. 80 I Unit 73 II Must - have to I. Przepisz zdania stosujc czasownik have to. 1. It is our duty to clean the floor everyday. 2. Everyone is required to obey the regulations. 3. You will be required to sign the documents again .

4. It has been her duty to supervise the production line since February . 5. I was under an obligation to report to the boss . 6. 15 Mike required to wake everyone up? 7. It wasn't Dorothy's duty to wash the dishes . 8. They are obliged to keep quiet in the evening . 9. I have been obliged to continue the diet for six weeks . 10. Will it be our duty to mind the children? II. Przepisz zdania stosujc czasownik must. 1. 15 Bill required to get up at dawn? 2. We are obliged to pay monthly instalments . 3. It is Henry's duty to look after the animals . 4. Are you under an obligation to chair every assembly? 5. Everybody is required to maintain secrecy . 81 Unit 74 II Be obliged to, be under I have an obligation to I. Przepisz zdania stosujc zwrot be obliged to. 1. Did Lucy have to organise all the conferences? 2. We will have to answer all these letters. 3. I don't have to pay alimony to my farmer wife. 4. Since when have they had to inform you about their decisions? 5. We would also have to testify if we were witnesses. II. Przepisz zdania stosujc zwrot be under an obligation to. ,tDo we have to read all these books at home? J .. 2. It wasn't Peter's duty to check the calculatlons. 3. He has had to practise the violin everyday since he started the musical college. 4. You will not be required to retake the exam if you score enough points. 5. The officer's duty was to teach the young soldiers how to re ad a map. III. Przepisz zdania stosujc zwrot have an obligation to. 1. We hadn't been required to wear uniforms before he became aur headmaster. 2. Is it your duty to contra I the students' progress? 3. It wasn't my obligation to feed the lions. 4. When you start your wark you will be required to share the responsibility. 5. Are you obliged to wash dirty linen? 82 [

I Unit 75 II Must do - must have done I. Przepisz zdania stosujc czasownik must. 'l I am sure he is the man who started the tighL ( 2. She will be the one we have been waiting tor. 3. I am certain that Gregory is having a good time at a party naw . 4. This will be the expensive car that they bought last month . 5. I am sure he has a lot ot money . . '" II. Przepisz zdania stosujc czasownik must z form perlect infinitive. ) - - - -----1. We are certain samebody saw you in the garage last nighL 2. Surely, Betty received a message tram sameone . . 3. lam quite sure Tom was involved in the accidenL 4. It is certain that they knew about aur intentions . 5. I am convinced you have made same mistake . III. Przepisz zdania stosujc must lub must have dane. 1. It was certain he had learnt the bad language at school. 2. Surely, same ot them understand Swedish . 3. It is certain the woman works tor the police . 4. It sticks out a mile Dave was in love with Muriel. 5. Mr Higgins had problem s with his memory, tor sure .

83 I Unit 76 II Need do - need to do I. Przepisz zdania stosujc czasownik need. 1. Is it necessary for us to wait for the instructions? 2. It isn't Mark's obligation to pay the bills. 3. I am not required to cook dinners for everybody. 4. Our students aren't obliged to take all their exams at once. 5. Are they under an obligation to carry their ID cards on them? II. Przepisz zdania stosujc czasownik need to. 1. You aren't required to type all these letters. 2. It was necessary for Nigel to ask the consultant for advice. 3. Is Lucy obliged to translate the documents into French? 4. It isn't necessary for me to take the medicine everyday. 5. Was it Adam's obligation to clean the stables? 6. Will it be necessary for me to stay in the office eight hours a day? 7. Only Jenny wasn't required to prove that she was an adult. 8. We have an obligation to look after the plants. 9. You wouldn't be obliged to foliowali these procedures if you worked in a different department. 10. I think she will be required to face al! the difficulties by herself. 84

I Unit 77 I [ There is a I no need for ... to ... I. Przepisz zdania stosujc zwrot There is a need to. 1. This regulation must be changed as soon as possible . 2. The injured player must be substituted quickly . ... , . 3. The pile of rubbish must be removed . 4. Must this water be filtered again? 5. The missing files must be found immediately . II. Przepisz zdania stosujc zwrot There is a / no need for ... to 2. You must be checked by a cardiologist. 3. Michael didn't have to go on a diet. 4. I think the car must be overhauled . 5. Is it necessary for us to do every exercise at home? 6.You don't have to show your pass every time you go through the gate . 7. It is obligatory that we should act on our leader's command . 8. I don't think we need to take part in every training . 9. It will not be necessary for her to write a new CV . 10. We need to eliminate stressful situations at work . 85 I Unit 78 II Didn't have I need to do - needn't have done I. Przepisz zdania stosujc czasownik didn't need to. 1. It wasn't my obligation to sweep the floor. 2. You weren't required to take part in the interview. 3. There was no need for us to wait long. 4. The children didn't have an obligation to go to bed before ten. 5. It wasn't necessary for you to visit the doctor every week, was it? II. Przepisz zdania stosujc didn't have to lub needn't have dane. 1. Susan notified all aur customers, which wasn't necessary, in fact. 2. It wasn't necessary for us to take aur umbrellas because the day was sunny. 3. There was no need for me to make a speech and I didn't. 4. The man wasn't obliged to show in court as he had nothing to do with the case. 5. You gave the waiter a tip, which wasn't necessary. 6. Although it wasn't necessary, Peter locked the gates at night. 7. You told them much more than was necessary. 8. Alice didn't water the flowers because it wasn't her obligation to do it. 9. They brought food even though we had enough in aur fridge. 10. It wasn't necessary for him to buy a ticket and sa he didn't. 86 1. It isn't necessary for our workers to buy their own equipment.

I Unit 79 II Ought to - should - be advisable to I. Przepisz zdania stosujc czasownik ought to. 1. It is your duty to com e on time.

2. It is advisable for them to learn English. 3. It would be better if she forgot about the boy. 4. It isn't advisable for you to smoke so much. 5. Is it advisable for us to wait tiU tomorrow? II. Przepisz zdania stosujc czasownik should. 1 . Mrs Rask had better not eat fatty food . 2. Is it advisable for Stanley to take a course in programming computers? 3. It would be better if you were listening to what she is saying . 4. It isn't advisable for Nick to walk in the city at night. e. 5. It would be good for us to take a short rest. III. Przepisz zdania stosujc zwrot be advisable for ... to 1 . He oughtn't to play truant. 2. Should I refuse to go? 3. You ought to be patient. 4. We shouldn't was te our savings. 5. Ought she to apply again? 6. They should learn more . 7. Mary ought to stop overworking. 8. Should we co-operate with him? 9. I oughtn't to drink any alcohol. 10. You shouldn't be driving so fast. . 87 I Unit 80 II Ought (not) to / should (not) + have done I. Przepisz zdania stosujc czasownik ought to z form dokonan. 1. Why didn't you tell me about your problems? You . 2. Why didn't Mary consult her decisions wit h a specialist? Mary . 3. Why didn't Mr Sparrow keep his money in a bank? Mr Sparrow . 4. Why didn't the children behave properly? The children . 5. Why didn't your boyfriend cali for a taxi? Your boyfriend . II. Przepisz zdania stosujc czasownik should z form dokonan. 1. Why did you cali him a Har? It wasn't sensible. 2. It wasn't the right thing to give the baby black coffee. 3. Why didn't she remem ber about her father's birthday? 4. It would have been better if you had apologised for your misbehaviour. 5. It was advisable for them not to walk alone but they didn't listen to this advice. 6. Why did you go sailing in such awful weather? 7. Why didn't you wait for the agent to contact you? 8. It was wrong of Eddie to lie to his parents. 9. You weren't right to cheat at the exam. 10. Why didn't you tell your teacher about the threat? 88 I. F 1. I 2. : 3.1 . .:.r. ::>. , o. 7. ' 8. 9. '0. i. - 2.

I Unit 81 II_U_se_d_to _ I. Przepisz'zdania stosujc czasownik used to. 1. Once, he was a very important person. 2. She had a habit of interfering in other people's matters. 3. Mr Wobble usually spent a lot ot time in pubs when he was younger. 4. It was my past habit to bite nails. 5. At one time, my grandtather worked for the State. 6. Mary Holmes was once a very good actress. 7. Was he in the habit of getting up tOG late? 8. Andrew wasn't that fussy in the past. Now, he picks on everything. 9. At one time, we were very close friends. 10. My brother never smoked cigars in the past. Now, he does. 11. Were you a habitual cinema-goer in times gone by? 12. It was George's habit to re ad books at night. Now, he reads only by day.

13. I always worked in my garden in the afternoon. Now, I am tOG old to do it. 14. Once, the store brought enormous profit to its owners. 15. Charles would suffer trom indigestion. Now, he doesn't. 89 I Unit 82 II Shall I ... ? - Would you like me to ... ? I. Napisz pytania stosujc czasownik Shall. 1. Do you want me to help you in the garden? 2. We could stay and tidy the classroom up. 3. Would you like me to close the windows? 4. I can easily write the homework for you. 5. Do you want us to pick all the ap pies fram this tree? 6. I could prepare a good breakfast tomorrow. 7. Would you like me to read the letter aloud? 8. We can keep guard at night if you wish. 9. Do you want me to cali Mrs Lee? 10. Would you like me to remove the rusty screws? II. Przepisz zdania stosujc zwrot Would you like ... to? 1. Shalll paint the walls pink? 2. I could represent you in court if you wish. 3. Shall we tow your car to a petrol station? 4. Shalll translate the article for you? 5. We could easily pay you in cash. 90 I. I '1. I 3. 4. 5.1 5. Ii -.U ?i 2-1 n I 3.. \1 - lA L V fi

I Unit 83 II Past Simple - Present Perfect I. Przepisz zdania stosujc czas IPresent Perlect oraz przyimki for lub since. ''l. It was a month ago when Ilast saw your wife. { ,2. We last met each other ten days ago. / '\ , 3. Ilast talked to Brian before he moved to Boston. 4. Simon last visited us at Christmas. 5. Last time Pauline telephoned me was seven weeks ago. 6. It was ten years ago when the building was last renovated. 7. Last time Arnold dropped a line was in Oecember. 8. Our parents last went on holiday two years ago. 9. It was a week ago when she last appeared in my office in London. 10. Last time Poland played England was in 1998. II. Przepisz zdania stosujc czas Past Simple. j-. I haven't received any bonuses for three months. Last time . 2. Robert hasn't been abroad since 1988. It was .. : . 3. We haven't made any workers redundant since September. We last . 4. Ms Fowler hasn't answered my letters for ten weeks nowo Last time .' . 5. My mother hasn't had a headache for a month nowo Itwas : . 91 I Unit 84 II Be going to - intend to - have an intention of I. Przepisz zdania stosujc zwrot be going to. I. P 1. Do you have an intention of oftering money to charity? 1. \( 2. We don't intend to travel to Sweden by terry. 2. \ 3. She has an intention ot working at night. 4. Do they intend to notity the police about the strange occurrence? \ 4.1 5. I intend to retire next year. II. Przepisz zdania stosujc czasownik intend to. 6. \ 1. We are not going to make a party tonight. 7. l

2. Henry is going to take a tew days oft soon. 8. l 3. Our parents are going to sell the house. 9. ( 4. 1 am not going to give the dog away. 10.1 5. Is Fiona go ing to take a tour round Europe? II. P III. Przepisz zdania stosujc zwrot have an intention ot. 1. 1. Cindy doesn't intend to wear a tancy dress tonight. I 2. l, 2. 1 am going to change my job next year. 3. , 4.1 r 5. ), 3. We are intending to have a burglar alarm installed in our house. 4. Is your tather going to attend the ceremony? 5. You aren't going to tollow in my tootsteps, are you? 92

I Unit 85 II Present Continuous - arrange to I. Przepisz zdania stosujc czas Present Continuous. 1. We-have arranged for our son to go on holiday to Spain. Our son ; . 2; She has arranged to start her new work next Monday. J . 3. Mr Dalton has arranged for us to be collected from the airport at ten a.m. \ \ . 4. I have arranged to spend the weekend at the seaslde. 5_. Have you arranged to leave earlier tomorrow? 6. We have arranged for the musicians to stay in the best hotel. 7. The secretary has arranged for the boss to meet Mr Grudge on Friday. 8. They have arranged for us to be auditioned tomorrow. 9. Celia has arranged for you to start your appointment at eleven. 10. I have arranged for my daughter to visit the dentist on Wednesday. II. Przepisz zdania stosujc czasownik arrange (for ... ) to. 1. You are taking part in the conference, too. I . 2. The Miltons are leaving for Texas tomorrow. The Miltons . 3. Your luggage is being delivered byair. We . 4. I am seeing my superior on Friday. My secretary o o. o o . 5. Adam is being promoted soono The boss. o .. o. o o .. o. o. 0 0 o o 0 93 I Unit 86 II Nastpstwo czasw I. Przepisz zdania stosujc zasad nastpstwa czasw. 1. 'I am feeling unwell.' - she said. She sa id that . 2. 'We usually go on holiday to France.' - he told me . 3. 'Ilike sweets very much.' - she confessed . 4. 'Freddie has changed a lot since last summer.' - he said . 5. 'We will wait till the politicians arrive at the airport.' - the reporters said . 6. 'Our former director died in 1999.' - she explained. 7. 'I understand what you mean.' - she to Id me. 8. 'I am having a date with the beautiful girl tomorrow.' - he said. 9. 'The golden watch doesn't belong to me.' - he admitted. 10. 'I have decided to quit my job.' - Tom told us. 11. 'We are seeing our solicitor next week.' - they said. 12. 'I will stand by you forever.' - the boy promised the girl. 13. 'I am not going to change the schedule any more.' - he exclaimed. 14. 'Our brother has been playing outdoors.' - she told me. 15. 'I am afraid my husband doesn't love me any more.' - Sue said. 94

I Unit 87 II Tryb warunkowy I - unless I. Przepisz zdania w trybie warunkowym stosujc spjnik uniess. 1. If you don't grease the mechanism, it will break down. .

I 2. Jack will be expelled fram school if he doesn't start attending lessons. \_----.-/ , , . l jrhey won't settle any matter if you don 't offer a bribe. 4. If we don't hurry up, we won't get tickets. 5. If the baby doesn't stop crying soon, we will have to cali a doctor. 7. If the driver doesn't slow down, he will cause an accident. 8. Nobody willlike the girl if she doesn't become more friendly. 9. I will tell my parents if you don't stop laughing at me so rudely. . li O. If the weather doesn't improve, we will have to forget about going sunbathing . II. Przepisz zdania zastpujc spjnik unless przez if. 1. Unless I am informed about everything, I will write a complaint. 2. You will be moved to a lower graup unless you make a quick progress. 3. Unless you stop quarrelling all the time, you will never reach an agreement. . 4. Unless there is a bigger demand for our products, we will go bankrupt. 5. The children will be punished unless they stop being unruly . 95 I Unit 88 II Tryb warunkowy I - should I happen to I. Przepisz zdania stosujc czasownik posikowy should. 1. It he comes again, tell him we have no vacancies. If he . 2. It they happen to discover your identity, you will get into trouble . 3. It things get worse, you can always ask me tor help. 4. It the culprit manages to escape punishment, the public will go crazy about it. 5. It your lorry stops dead on the road, cali tor hel p by the satellite. II. Przepisz zdania rozpoczynajc je od Should. 1. It it should begin to rain, don't go on climbing. Shou Id . 2. It you should torget my personal data, ask Mrs Lewis tor help. 3. It there should be a lon g queue, we'lI try passing the border somewhere else. 4. It one ot the candidates should resign, you will take the place. 5. It postmen should go on strike, mail will not be delivered. III. Przepisz zdania stosujc czasownik happen to. 1. Should somebody tind these documents, my lite will be in danger. If somebody . 2. It you should tail to pass the exam, don't show a sign ot irritation. 3. Should the chairman ask you to comment, remem ber to be briet. 4. It anyone should offer you a low price jewellery, retuse tirmly. 5. Should the older boys tease at you, stay cool. 96 Un 1.. Pr.

I Unit 89 IlOn condition that / Provided that I. Przepisz zdania stosujc spjnik provided tJ1itl,.. l2J1 won't work for you if you don't offer a higher salary to me. 121 We'lI come to the party on condition that you don't serve alcoholic drinks. -\ . I \ Unless Alex apologises for his bad behaviour, we won't invite him any more. t. 4. I will take the children for a walk on condition that it gets warmer. 5. We won't dance unless you change the musie into a softer one. 6. I can tell you the news if you promise to keep it secret. 7. You will never find true friends unless you change your lifestyle . 8. The terrorists will set the hostages free on condition that they're paid a ransom. 9. We'lI keep the dog at home if you promise to look after it. 10. He will never lose weight if he doesn't reduce the num ber of meals . II. Przepisz zdania stosujc zwrot on condition th_L 1. I willlet you go if you promise to come back before midnight: 2. We can lend you our car if you return it clean . 4. I willleave you the keys to my house if you do not bring in strangers . 97 I Unit 90 II Tryb warunkowy II I. Przepisz zdania stosujc drugi tryb warunkowy.

il-:J1 tb;,Mike is iiI. He cannot go to see the match with us. If . 2. We are busy. We don't have time to play cards. 3. She isn't happy. She doesn't smile often. , . r 4. iYou aren't rich. You don't spend much on entertainment. 5. I am tired. I go to sleep early. II. Przepisz zdania stosujc drugi tryb warunkowy. -t11Jack doesn't live in the country. He doesn't know much about farm ing. If . I 2>We have the key. We are able to open the door. f3-,... Tom doesn't learn much. He gets poor marks. l 4. Their petroi is expensive. People don 't buy it. 5. Leila doesn't know Harry. She will not invite him to her party. 6. The book doesn't interest me. I will not read it. 7. They aren't at home. They will not answer the phone. 8. Simon isn't feeling well. He will have to stay in bed. L9:Your meals contain tOG much fat. You put on weight quickly. I 10. It isn't cold. We can play outdoors. I Unit 91 II Tryb warunkowy II - II I were / Were I I. Przepisz zdania stosujc konstrukcj If + were + bezokolicznik. r;:J she ever changed her job, she would certainly regret it. t::-J: If she were . 2. If they intended to stay in our hotel, they would book rooms in advance. 3. If we ever wanted to introduce this technology, we would need huge subsidies. 4. If he ever left his wife, he would have nowhere to go to. 5. If I ever intended to mak a proposal, I would consider it thoroughly. II. Przepisz zdania rozpoczynajc je od czasownika Were . . .----. r 1. i1f he were the first to be promoted, we would support him. ; 'were . If we were to spend the night in the open, we would need warm clothes. I '3. If Mark were to change his school, he would have to discuss it with his parents. I 4. If I were to sign the contraet, I would expect high incomes . 5. If they were to escape punishment, they would have to present an alibi. III. Przepisz zdania rozpoczynajc je od czasownika Were. 1. If I were a miner, I would have to work night shifts. Were . 2. If she were alone, she would feel terrible . 3. If they were my relatives, I would put them up in my house . 4. If we were in a critical condition, we would ask you for assistance . 99 I Unit 92 II Tryb warunkowy III I. Przepisz zdania stosujc trzeci tryb warunkowy. -rt.-1he road workers didn't rem ave the rubble and that's why the accident !?-happened. 11 . f' Mary came late and sa her boyfriend went mad . The lookout feli asleep. He didn't notice the iceberg .. J . 4. Vou weren't prepared for the exam and sa you failed it. 5. The man was driving too fast. He didn't manage to brake in time . 6. We didn't sign the deal because we didn't reach an agreement. 7. Vou got up too late and that's why you didn't see the sunrise . 8. I wasn't able to understand the speaker as he was speaking too fast. 9. We couldn't use the TV set because the aerial was missing . 10. The policemen didn't recognise the fugitive as he was wearing a false beard . II. Przepisz zdania stosujc trzeci tryb warunkowy. / ,\ \ 1. Because he was drunk he couldn't enter the restaurant. \/ V 11 . 2. The kids were making a lot of noise sa the neighbours complained about them . 3. We couldn't save his life. He was injured too badly . 4. Ben wasn't listening to the tutor. He didn't hear his question, then .

5. I couldn't invite the girl to din ner because I didn't have enough money . 100 .t I' I Unit 93 II Tryb warunkowy III - If I had / Rad I I. Przepisz zdania rozpoczynajc zdanie warunkowe od czasownika Had(n't). If they had invited more friends, their party would have been more enjoyable. " Had . 2. We'd have won the game if our best players had taken part in it. 3. If he had read the novel, he wouldn't have had problems with summarising it. 4. If you hadn't taken a loan in a bank, you wouldn't have had to pay interest. 5. Your tent wouldn't have collapsed if you had put it up correctly. 6.The meeting wouldn't have been such a success if they hadn't invited the famous sportsmen. 7. If there had been a bigger interest in the show, it wouldn't have been cancelled. 8. If Jake hadn't was te d all his money, he would have returned home by taxi. 9. Her reputation wouldn't have suffered if she had not acted so improperly. 10. If you had warned us beforehand, we would have known how to react. II. Przepisz zdania rozpoczynajc zdanie warunkowe od czasownika Had(n't). 1. 1. If I hadn't been wearing a helmet, I could have been injured more seriously. Hadn't . 2. You would have known everything if you had been listening to me carefully. 3. You might have woken everyone up if you had been talking so loudly. 4. If you hadn't been walking on thin ice you wouldn't have fallen into cold water. 5. We could have reached the place on time if we hadn't been walking so slowly. 101 I Unit 94 II But for - If it weren't / hadn't been for I. Przepisz zdania rozpoczynajc je od But for. 1. If you hadn't offered your help, I'd have never managed to complete the task. But for . 2. If he weren't so lazy, he would be a better student. 3. If Tom weren't ill, he would go with you to see the fireworks display. 4. If Mary hadn't been so hospitable, I wouldn't have felt so well in their house. 5. If they hadn't been so obstinate, we'd have reached an agreement much earlier. II. Przepisz zdania rozpoczynajc je od If it weren't / hadn't been for. 1. But for Mike's good humour, the party would have been perfectly boring. 2. But for your wisdom, we'd have never coped with our problems. 3. But for Mr Rask's assistance, I would have to do everything on my own. 4. But for her own effort, she would never be able to earn so much. 5. But for the detective's dedication, the case wouldn't have been solved. III. Przepisz zdania stosujc inwersj czasownika. 1. If it weren't for your good mood, we'd all feel bored. Weren't . 2. If it hadn't been for your brother's active participation, the job wouldn't have been done. 3. If it weren't for the boy's wealth, the girl wouldn't date him. 4. If it hadn't been for my wariness, we' d all have been in danger. 5. If it weren't for your influences, he wouldn't want to co-operate with you. 102 I. 2 3 "" I I I Unit 95 II In case - in case of I. Przepisz zdania stosujc spjnik in case. 1. I don't want to leave him alone because he might do something wrong. 2. Let's book tickets in advance as they might be sold out when we arrive. 3. We'd better move away; otherwise the youngsters could start a fight. 4. Write down a note because you may forget about the appointment. ier. 5. You will keep guard as somebody may try to penetrate the site. 6. We'd better change our clothes because it may get cold high in the mountains. 7. Why don't you check the man's profile? He may tum out to be a conman. Check . 8. I have to hire a bodyguard as I am afraid someone might try to kidnap me. 9. Don't to uch the bags as someone might accuse you of trying to steal them. 10. 1'11 get everything ready now because our parents may arrive earlier. II. Przepisz zdania stosujc spjnik in case of. 1. It there's a tire, use the emergency exit. 2. Swallow these pills if there's more pain. 3. If there's another bomb attack, hide in the shelter. 4. If there's any trouble, contact me immediately. 5. Don't panic if there's a distress calI. 103

I Unit 96 II Wish I If anly + Past Simple I. Przepisz zdania stosujc czasownik wish. , ) 1. Ws a pity I don 't have enough time to practise sports. l->J ,; Iwish . 2. He is sorry that he doesn't earn much money. I. P ,/, I, 2. 3. She would like to be as beautiful as the model iso 3. I 4. I am sorry I am not a politician. 4.1 5. They say it's a pity they don't live in an exotic country. 5. 6. What a pity we don't have a camera. 6. 7. George would prefer to be at his own home now. 7. 8. It's a pity we cannot speak to the President. 8. 9. We would like our son to behave more politely. 9. 10. I am sorry I don't know the correct answer. 10. II. Przepisz zdania rozpoczynajc je od /f on/y. . /'7 ( It'S a pity D Vid lives so far away fram us. If only David . 2. It would be great if we could spend our holidays at the seaside. II. ! -,...1. 2. 3. We're sorry we aren't students any more. 3. 4. What a pity you don't know how to operate the computer. 4. 5. I am sorry I am too busy to spend the evening with my girlfriend. 5. 104 I Unit 97 II Wish / If only + Past Perfect I. Przepisz zdania stosujc czasownik wish. -0,s a pity we didn't invite our parents to the ceremony. We . 2. Tom regrets Iying to his wife. 3. I should have studied the document carefully before signing it. 4. What a pity they didn't bring their baby with them. 5. You shouldn't have wasted your savings in the casino. 6. We are sorry we didn't go to Spain with you. 7. It's a pity I have quarrelled with my best friend. 8. Stella regrets having given up the self-defence course. 9. What a pity you didn't tell me about the concert. 10. Mr and Mrs Tandy shouldn't have rejected our offer. II. Przepisz zdania rozpoczynajc je od /f on/y. }: I am sorry Phil has sold all these old records. If only . 2. It's a pity we didn't consult the matter with our solicitor. 3. I definitely regret not having proposed to Linda. 4. My parents sent me to school abroad, which was a mistake. 5. We regret that we invested so much in the decaying business. 105 I Unit 98 I Prefer - would urefer - would rather I. Przepisz zdania stosujc czasownik preter. 1. Freddie thinks country life is better than city life. Freddie prefers . 2. I like dogs more than cats. 3. She thinks going to a cinema is better than staying at home. 4. We like classical music more than rock. 5. James likes reading books more than playing with other boys. II. Przepisz zdania stosujc zwrot would prefer. 1. He says he doesn't want to dance. He would prefer . 2. I'd rather drink something cold. 3. She doesn't want to write the report by herself. 4. We would rather live in a youth hoste!. 5. They would rather not use their real names. III. Przepisz zdania stosujc zwrot would rather. 1. We think watching TV is better than wandering in the rain. We would rather . 2. Ilike serving more than being served. 3. They say that keeping the facts secret is better than making a fuss about them. 4. Ann prefers dancing to singing.

5. I think it's more interesting to observe nature than waste time gossiping. 106

I Unit 99 II Would rather I prefer + have done I. Przepisz zdania stosujc zwrot would ratherz form perfect infinitive. 1. We wanted to go on holiday abroad but it was impossible. 2. Sue would like to have made the appointment before Saturday. 3. I wish I had settled in Canada. 4. Andrew wanted to be employed in the Public Relations but there was no vacancy for him. 5. We have travelled by train but we wish we had taken a piane. II. Przepisz zdania stosujc zwrot would sooner z form perfect infinitive. 1. Daisy wanted to get hot chocolate but she got coffee instead. 2. I was paid by cheque but I wished I had been paid in cash. 3. We all wanted to learn English but we were made to learn German. 4. Mark wishes he had bought a Mercedes. 5. They watched cartoons but they wished they had watched films. III. Przepisz zdania stosujc zwrot would prefer z form perfect infinitive. 1. I wanted to become a pilot but I became a sailor. 2. They worked in a greenhouse but they wish they had worked in an orchard. 11. 3. Steve wishes he had emigrated to America, not Australia. 4. We asked for three meals a day, but we got two instead. 5. Mr Cohen studied mathematics but he wishes he had studied economics. 107 I Unit 100 II W ould rather / ou ... I. Przepisz zdania rozpoczynajc je od podanych zwrotw. 1. It is a pity you don't have your own dictionary. I would rather you .. :/2:1. . '3:.": : .:. .'. f : . 2. You are too noisy. I would prefer you . 3. What a pity she lives so far away fram us. We' d rather . 4. Don't tease the dogs, please. J'd prefer . 5. It's a pity he doesn't have his driving licence. I'd rather . 6. I would like you to be more patient. I'd prefer . 7. Cindy never gets up in time. I'd prefer . 8. What a pity you don't learn foreign languages. We'd rather . 9. It would be much better if he paid at once. We'd prefer . 10. We wouldn't like them to tell the story to everybody. We'd rather . 11. She would like the goods to be delivered before the weekend. She'd prefer . 12. Don't drink too much carbonated water. I'd rather . 13. It is a pity you never bring me any flowers. I'd prefer . 14. It would be better if Adam substituted William. J'd rather . 15. You don't tell us truth, which is a pity. We' d prefer . 108

I Unit 101 II Would like to have done I. Przepisz zdania stosujc konstrukcj would /ike to have dane. 1. We wish we had taken our children with us. 2. It's a pity I didn't apologise to my girlfriend. 3. My daughter wishes she had stayed in London longer. 4. What a pity I didn't buy this unique picture . 5. It's a pity we didn't arrive two days earlier . II. Przepisz zdania stosujc konstrukcj would have /iked to do. 1. What a pity I didn't keep fit when I was young . 2. Mary wishes she had gone with us to admire the sunset. 3. l1's a pity we weren't at home at that time . 4. I wish I had sent a postcard to my parents . 5. Harry wishes he had notified the police of the unpleasant occurrence . 6. l1's a pity I didn't notice all these mistakes before . 7. We wish we had filmed the whole ceremony .

8. Ronald says i1's a pity he wasn't able to come to your birthday party . 9. The people wish they had called an ambulance . 10. What a pity I didn't take a spare wheel. 109 I Unit 102 I ret - rather than I. Przepisz zdania stosujc czasownik regret. 1. I think I was wron g to ask Mr Phillips for co-operation. 2. We wish we had employed fewer workers for the task. 3. Linda wishes she had answered Peter's letters. 4. If only I hadn't gone into the No-entry area. 5. Tom wishes he hadn't forgotten about his parents' wedding anniversary. 6. It wasn't the right thing to hire the private detective. I . 7. I wish I had accepted the preliminary conditions. 8. It was a mistake we had gone by train. 9. If only I had folIowed my older brother's advice. 10. Betty wished she hadn't refused to date Paul. II. Przepisz zdania rozpoczynajc je od Rather than. 1. They'd rather limit the hours than pay extra money to their employees. Rather than . 2. We prefer going ski ing to having a snowball battle. 3. I think it would be better to pay a fine than spend a few days in arrest. 4. Judy would rather take up Spanish than go on learning Latin. 5. The boys prefer playing football to making a bonfire. 110

I Unit 103 II As if / as though I. Przepisz zdania stosujc spjnik as if. 1. Perhaps, he is the boss here. He acts like one. He acts . 2. It seems they know the place well. They talk . 3. I guess he is seriously iiI. He looks like that. He looks . 4. Perhaps, they are good friends. They behave . 5. From what he says I reckon he is an expert on foreign exchange. He ta'ks . 6. Perhaps, she is a married woman. It looks . 7. It seems he is a professionaj actor. He acts . 8. I assume they are foreigners. The look like ones. They look . 9. Maybe, she doesn't love him any more. That's how she behaves. She behaves . 10. J think the girl is going to faint. It looks like this. It looks . II. Przepisz zdania stosujc spjnik as though. 1. Perhaps, the dog was hurt by someone. It seems . 2. It is possible they haven't seen one another for a Jon g time. They behave . 3. Have you seen a ghost? You Jook so pale. You 'ook so pale . 4. Probably, he has found out the truth. It seems . 5. From what they say I assume they have met Mr Jackson, too. They talk . 111 I Unit 104 II I is high labout time ... I. Przepisz zdania stosujc zwrot It is time. 1. It is high time for me to go. It is time I . 2. It is high time for you to improve your behaviour. 3. It is high time for her to start thinking about higher education. 4. It is high time for us to make progress. 5. It is high time for Eric to apologise for his misdeeds. II. Przepisz zdania stosujc zwrot It is about time . 1. It is high time for you to leave for your bus. It is about time you . 2. It is high time for Danny to get up. 3. It is high time for us to purchase same new equipment. 4. It is high time for Alice to start acting her age . 5. It is high time for Mr Phillips to go back to England. III. Przepisz zdania stosujc zwrot Isn't it high tirne ... ? 1. Shouldn't you be going out for your train naw?

Isn't it high time you . 2. Shouldn't Stanley be milking his cows naw? 3. Shouldn't they be starting their lessans? 4. Shouldn't Betty be going home? 5. Shouldn't Mr Horn be finishing his wark? I Unit 105 II Konstrukcje bezokolicznikowe (1) I. Przepisz zdania rozpoczynajc je od formy bezokolicznikowej. 1. It is tactless to ask a woman about her age. To ask . 2. It is difficult to cook for fifty people . 3. It seems absurd to look for treasures in a place like this . 4. It is inadvisable to study at night. 5. It appears reasonable to keep money in a bank . II. Przepisz zdania rozpoczynajc je od formy bezokolicznikowej. 1. It seemed unbelievable to have seen a ghost in the cellar. To have seen . 2. It appeared impossible to have escaped from the besieged city . 3. It was unusual to have travelled alone in the jungle . 4. It seemed expensive to have lived in the hotel for 50 long . ." . 5. It was silly to have taken the books without asking for a permission . III. Przepisz zdania rozpoczynajc je od It. 1. To cook without water seems impossible. It . 2. To have lived among the Aborigines seemed interesting . 3. To have resisted their attacks was most brave . 4. To open the wine bottle turned out difficult. 5. To have rejected her hel p seems irresponsible .

I Unit 106 II Konstrukcje bezokolicznikowe (2) I. Przepisz zdania stosujc konstrukcj bezokolicznikow. 1. Driving a lorry isn't very easy. It . 2. Jumping into cold water was pretty risky. It . 3. Making comments like this isn't polite. It : . 4. Smoking cigarettes is bad for one's health. It . 5. Kissing a woman on the hand is very courteous. It . II. Przepisz zdania stosujc konstrukcj bezokolicznikow. 1. I think that traveliing by car is more expensive. I think that it . 2. We have discovered that paying by credit cards can save a lot of trouble. 3. She believed that keeping her life facts in secret was necessary. 4. I have found that wearing contact lenses is comfortable. 5. Diane thinks that using electrical equipment is dangerous. II. III. Przepisz zdania stosujc konstrukcj bezokolicznikow. 1. We think that it is useful to have friends in many countries. We think it . 2. I tound that it was nice to chat in front ot the tireplace. I found it . 3. They think that it is useless to build another laboratory. They think it . 4. Tom has tound that it is hard to earn his own money. Tom has found it . 5. Have you found that it's easy to teach young children? Have you found it . I Unit 107 II Konstrukcje bezokolicznikowe (3) I. Przepisz zdania stosujc konstrukcj bezokolicznikow. 1. Pamela has decided that she will go on holiday to Greece. 2. Did he promise that he would show you round the place? 3. I think he only pretends that he is someone important. 4. They claim that they know Mr Davids vel}' well. 5. We've agreed that we will dean the cottage betore leaving home. 6. I have resolved that I will spend some time improving my English. 7. Did he threaten that he would beat you up? 8. Sue has arranged that she'lI be driven to Leeds by a chauffeur. 9. We guarantee that we will exchange the set if it breaks down. 10. He says that he will soon prove that he is innocent.

II. Przepisz zdania stosujc konstrukcj bezokolicznikow 1. It appeared that the men were secret agents. The men . 2. It seems that your new friend likes you a lot. Your new friend . 3. It soon turned out that the jewellery was take. The jewellery . 4. It happened that the beautiful girl was my friend's sister. The beautifu' gir' . 5. It seems that the place has been unoccupied tor a long time. The place . 115 I Unit 108 II Konstrukcje bezokolicznikowe (4) I. Przepisz zdania stosujc podane czasowniki oraz form bezokolicznikow. /t"-VOU weren't successful in beating your brother at chess. (FAIL) Unfortunately, she says she will not support our ideas. (REFUSE) I Jj i . '-.j . J:.--At weekends, they usually go to bed late and sleep till midday. (TENO) I .' . 4. Have you succeeded in reading the coded message? (MANAGE) 5. My sister says that she wilIIend us som e money in cash. (OFFER) 6.Mark came first and sa id 'Ves, I want to organise the demonstration.' (VOLUNTEER) 7. We really believe that we will get a chance to speak wit h the Pope. (HOPE) 8. I don 't buy sweets everyday. I don't earn much enough. (AFFORD) i . .Vou needn't feed the goldfish everyday. (BOTHER) t Don't . The worker made an effort at lifting the box but it was tOG heavy. (A TTEMPT) \ fo lo 0 lO o 10 10 II. Przepisz zdania stosujc konstrukcj bezokolicznikow. 1. We demand that we shou/d be to/d the who/e truth. 2. She has arranged that her brother will be seen by the doctor tomorrow. 3. I have decided that my fiat shou/d not be wall-papered. 4. They agree that they shou/d share the responsibility for the enterprise. 5. It seems he has resolved that he will go on tour with his farni/y. 116 I Unit 109 II Konstrukcje bezokolicznikowe (5) I. Przepisz zdania stosujc konstrukcj bezokolicznikow. 1. We expect that you will obey all our orders. 2. They convinced me that I should accept their conditions. 3. She requires that we should either agree or resign. She wants . 4. The Headmaster warned the pupils that they should not play truant. 5. I instructed them that they should not ever smoke in the garage. II. Przepisz zdania stosujc podane czasowniki oraz form bezokolicznikow. "'1.'You must check the brakes before driving.' - he told me. (REMINO) ( 'f.'Oo come with us to see the exhibition.' - they said to us. (PERSUAOE) i '3.'Stand upright and don't move.' - the Offic said to the recruits. (ORDER) /I , 4.'Oon't lie again or you will be spanked.' - she_ us..:. (W ARN) ii.'You are welcome to come to the ceremony.' - he said to me:- VITE) --'6.'You may act on my behalf.' - he told us. (ENTITLE) 7.'Jenny, you are the one who will fulfil the task.' - the boss said. (APPOINT) " 8.'This will surely be a great picture when you finish painting it.' - he told me. (INSPIRE) 9. 'I will give you money if you don't tell George what happened.' - he told the the girl. (TEMP) >'1 O.'Your chances are real. You ought to take part in the competition.' - she told her husband. (ENCOURAGE) 117 I Unit 110 II Konstrukcje bezokolicznikowe (6) I. Przepisz zdania stosujc konstrukcj bezokolicznikow. 1. People say that he owns huge riches. He . 2. It is believed that your husband is a healer. y our husband . 3. It seems that the printer is out of order. The printer . 4. They claim that Mr Wizard knows magie. Mr Wizard . 5. Everybody says that the castle is haunted. The castle . II. Przepisz zdania stosujc konstrukcj bezokolicznikow 1. It is believed that Gregory has become a monk. Gregory . 2. People say that the general died in battle.

The general . According to what they say, the old monument has stood here for centuries. The old monument . 4. It seems that boy-scouts camped here. Boy-scoiJts : . 5. It appears that the thieves worked together. The thieves . III. Przepisz zdania stosujc konstrukcj bezokolicznikow. 1. It is said that the church was plundered by the enemy troops. The church . 2. It seemed that som e of the bottles had been emptied before. Som e of the bottles . 3. People believed that the politicians had been kidnapped by terrorists. The politicians . 4. It is estimated that the local sports centre has been builtfor ten years now. The local sports centre . 5. They say that our car was stolen by a professional. Our car . 3. I Unit 111 II Gerund (1) I I. Przepisz zdania stosujc form Gerund zamiast bezokolicznika. 1. It is unhealthy to consume tatty tood. 2. To study medicine is a great challenge. 3. It seems interesting to watch nature. 4. To hunt with a bow and arrows is cruel. 5. It is pleasant to doze in a hammock on a sunny day. II. Przepisz zdania stosujc form Gerund zamiast zdania podrzdnego. 1. That she is a native speakerwon't make a big difference in this case. 2. That you live in the country and work in the cityappears uncomtortable. 3. The fact that you are a police officer is ot primary importance to me. 4. That they went home so earty is still a riddle to me. 5. That he had been executed caused a real outcry trom the public. 6. The fact that t am rich is not as relevant as the fact that t am hard-working. 7. That she has emigrated is a common knowledge. 8. That you were against the idea made the problem even worse. 9. That he had wasted alf his money on gambIing amazed everybody. 10. The fact that you live near the city centre makes it easy tor you to do shopping. 119 I Unit 112 II Gerund (2) -------------I. Przepisz zdania stosujc form Gerund zamiast zdania podrzdnego. 1. Michael admits that he is involved in the tra ud . 2. Someone suggested that we should se" the land to the State. 3. I remem ber that you we re rather naughty as a chi/d. 4. She denies that she was there at the time ot the murder. 5. We propose that you should interview more applicants at a time. II. Przepisz zdania stosujc podane czasowniki z form Gerund. 1. We have decided to stage the show later in time. (POSTPONE) You may even lose your job if you disobey the regulations. (RISK) ... .. 3. I walked fast because I didn't want to meet Mr Graham. (A VOIO) I ' )4.." Do you have anything against if I return home late? (MINO) "$, Although I've punished him several times he is still very unruly. (KEEPS) i" 6. It's very nice of you to be so generous to us. (APPREClATE) f' I am sorry if I am nosy but how long have you been divorced? (EXCUSE) 8. I don't really remember that he was our chet. (RECOLLECT) re you a keen golf player? (ENJOY) 10. She eats so many sweets. She likes them so much. (RESIST) I Unit 113 II_G_eru_nd_<_3) _ I. Przepisz zdania stosujc podane sowa i zwroty oraz form Gerund. /1;-we dor11 want to spend the whole day in the city. do we? (FEEL LlKE) 2,..,)Oon't ever cali me by my surname!' - he shouted. (OISAPPROVE OF) ,,/ '3/She told us not to play music at night. (OBJECT TO) / \4':<O cme with me.' - she said to me. (INSIST ON) ;5. I can't wait tilll meet my girlfriend again. (LOO FORW ARO TO) I 6. Oon't evem try to, us the wall. It's bone dry. (NO GOOO) 7. That she is wearing these old-fashioned clothes is nothing new to me. (ACCUSTOMMEO TO) (BS-Mark doesn't smoke cigarettes any more. (GIVE UP) );Why do you want to change your testimony? (THE POINT OF) 10. It was Andrew who broke the windowo (RESPONSIBLE FOR) 11. She says that she wasn't born to be a teacher. (OISLlKE) 12. If you invite more guests, you will also have to prepare more food. (INVOLVE) 13. I think the film is so good that we should watch it again. (WORTH) 14. It is high time you cleaned your shoes. (NEEO) 15. Jeff has begun to practise jogging regularly. (T AKE TO) I Unit 114 II Imiesw czynny I. Przepisz zdania stosujc imiesw czynny. 1. They are the people who wish to congratulate you. 2. She is the girl who is trying to make a career as a model. 3. He was the jumper who attempted to beat the world record. 4. Are you the man who threatens to beat my son up? 5. We aren't the ones who ask for financial support. II. Przepisz zdania stosujc imiesw czynny.


She works in her garden every afternoon. I always see her there. I always see ' . 2. The sewing machine is working. I can hear it. I can hear . 3. He was breaking into a shop. We noticed him. We noticed . 4. My fingers are going numb. I can feel it. I can feel . 5. They were kissing under a palm tree. We watched them. We watched . III. Przepisz zdania stosujc imiesw czynny. 1. The boy was looking through the files as we caught him. We caught , . 2. The cat was hiding in a dog's house as I found it. I found . 3. They were stil! arguing when we left them. We left . 4. He was treading on the lawn when the const ble caught him. The constable caught . 5. Wendy was resting in the armchair when Ileft. Ileft . I Unit 115 II Imiesw czynny i bierny J. Przepisz zdania stosujc imiesw czynny. 1 . As they knew how to make the caretaker angry the boys played tricks on him. 2. Because she is an honorary member ot our club, she needn't pay contributions. 3. As they work together they know each other very wall. 4. As he didn't have enough experience he was bound to mismanage the task. 5. Because we understood oursituation wellwe decided not to take another loan. II. Przepisz zdania stosujc imiesw bierny. 1. After I had answered all the questions, Ileft the room quietly. 2. When we had split up, we went aur separate ways. 3. After she had graduated, she made up her mind to move abroad. 4. When we had worked out the pass word, we could easily open the vault. 5. After Tom had drunk the tirst glass ot wine, his mood began to improve. III. Przepisz zdania stosujc imiesw bierny w postaci strony biernej. 1. When he had been released trom prison, he promised never to steal again. 2. After I had be en dismissed tor the third time, I decided to change my protession. 3. When the people had be en made to pay extra tor the accommodation, they said they would never stay in the hotel again. 4. As she had been robbed in the street, she went to the police station. 5. When they had been interviewedthe, applicants were asked to wait in the hall. 123 124 I Unit 116 I [ Strona bierna (1) I. Przepisz zdania stosujc stron biern. 1. We read novels. 2. I am eating lunch. 3. Tom wrote a letter. 4. People spend money. 5. They are using the tools. 6. Eddie has recorded a song. 7. They were digging the garden. 8. You will answer the question. 9. I have spoiled the plan. 10. Does she keep cats? 11. They trimmed the hedges. 12. Has he launched a party? 13. We aren't listening to musie. 14. She had cancelled the show. 15. Will you mend the socks? 16. I don't pay bills. 17. Did they invite their teachers? 18. Alex hasn't lost a wallet. 19. She would cook a mea!. 20. We weren't building a castle. 21. Had he cut the tree down? 22. I haven't turned the radio aft. 23. She drives a van. 24. Tim isn't washing the dishes. 25. They wanted a specialist. 26. Would he hurt her? 27. You have forgotten the name. 28. She will not give the cat away. 29. I made them apologise. 30. He was carrying same boxes. I Unit 117 II Strona bierna (2) I. Przepisz zdania stosujc stron biern. 1. I can repair the clock. 2. You must follow the regulations. 3. We should remem ber the figures. 4. Must they write reports? 5. He needn't show the label.

6. I ought to revise the text. 7. They may know our strategy. 8. He could protect us. 9. You shouldn't even touch the button. 10. Might she fail the test? II. Przepisz zdania stosujc stron biern. 1. We want you to repair the camera. We want the camera . 2. She would like us to paint the walls white. She would like the walls . 3. Do you want me to check the accounts? Do you want the accounts . 4. He wouldn't like you to show his documents to everybody. He wouldn't like his documents . 5. Oid they want him to switch oft the alarm? Did they want the alarm . III. Przepisz zdania stosujc stron biern. 1. He is looking after the baby. 2. I approved of the idea. 3. Have you seen to the camera? 4. They are laughing at the drawing. 5. She paid for the accommodation. 6. You must write to her at once. 7. We were looking for the cat all night. 8. What did he cover the tab le with? 9. We shouldn't carry on the strike. 10. Who operated on Mr Lewis? 125 I Unit 118 II Strona bierna (3) I. Przepisz zdania stosujc stron biern. 1. People say that he is a heavy drinker. He . 2. Everybody knows that the government is working on a new tax law. 3. People think that Julia is the most reliable person. 4. Everyone believed that Arthur Grim had been bom in England. 5. People claim that the book was written byan unknown author. II. Przepisz zdania stosujc stron biern. 1. We have advised to carry out a detailed investigation. We have advised that . 2. The management have decided to issue the annual report next month. The management have decided that . 3. They demand to reinstall the socket. They demand that . 4. lam anxious to deliver the ordered goods by tomorrow. lam anxious that . 5. We recommend to make the office more spacious. We recommend that . III. Przepisz zdania stosujc form Gerund w postaci strony biernej . 1 . She denied that they had paid her photograph the secret files. 2. I remember that they asked me questions about my childhood. 3. They admitted that someone had urged them to disrepute Mr Howard. 4. Can you imagine that someone is chasing you in a dark street? 5. He says he recollects that some people approached him afterwards. 126 LI1 ., J ] - 0' ". I Unit 119 II Mowa zalena (1) I. Przepisz zdania stosujc mow zalen. 1. '1like porridge a lot.' 2. 'We are busy at weekends.' 3. 'I will send you a postcard.' 4. 'I cannot explain it to you.' 5. 'He lives alone.' 6. 'We have no chances.' 7. 'I am the best.' 8. 'The fiat isn't new.' 9. 'They are a married couple.' 10. 'Gur dog is missing.' He says that . They claim . She promises . He says . She thinks . They suppose . She believes . We guess . He is sure . They say . II. Przepisz pytania stosujc mow zalen.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

'What is your name?' 'Why is the child erying?' 'Why do they feel alone?' 'When is John leaving?' 'Where did you work before?' 'How is your mother?' 'Why are you complaining?' 'Whose is that notebook?' 'What has she told you?' 'Who gives them money?' She is asking . I want to know . He wonders . We'd like to know . He is asking . She is asking . I am curious . We want to know . They wonder . We are curious . III. Przepisz pytania stosujc mow zalen. 1. 'Does Bob know Ann?' 2. 'Is George your relative?' 3. 'Have you worked together?' 4. 'Did she invite her friends?' 5. 'Were you smoking, too?' 6. 'Has Tom been sunbathing?' 7. 'Was Brian praised, too?' 8. 'Will you visit us tomorrow?' 9. 'Is there any food in the fridge?' 10. 'Do you like your new school?' I want to know . They are asking . We are curious . I won der . We'd like to know . She is asking . lam curious . We want to know . She wonders . They are curious . 127 u I Unit 120 II Mowa zalena (2) I. Przepisz zdania stosujc mow zalen. 1. 'We will come late.' 2. 'I am busy now.' 3. II have rejected his oHer.' 4. 'We don't use much gas.' 5. 'My wife didn't go with me.' 6. 'You must be careful.' 7. 'The men are looking for you,' 8. 'I will give you protection.' 9. 'We have finished our job.' 10. 'You shouldn't surrender.' II. Przepisz zdania stosujc mow zalen. 1 . IShe left yesterday.' 2. 'We will visit you tomorrow.' 3. 'I cannot meet you next week.' 4. 'I am working today.' 5. 'Jim went on holiday two days ago.' 6. IWe are getting married next week.' 7. IHe died six weeks ago.' 8. 'I met Paul yesterday.' 9. IShe changed her job last year.' 10. 'We will contact you next month.' They said . He explained . She answered . They told me . He said . They advised us that . She told me . He promised that . They said . He said to me . Her mother said . They promised . She to Id me . He explained to me . He sa id . She informed us . They told me . I told her . He explained .

They promised . III. Przepisz pytania stosujc mow zalen. 1. 'Who was wit h you yesterday?' 2. 'Where do you live?' 3. IHow did he get here?' 4. 'Why have you dropped out?' 5. 'What made them split up?' 6. 'When is he driving to Leeds?' 7. 'Why were they arguing?' 8. 'Who will stand in for me?' 9. 'Was your brother bom in Italy?' 10. Have you met Cindy?' He asked . She wanted to know . We were curious . He wanted to know I asked . I wanted to know . We wondered . I was curious . She asked Tom . He wanted to know . 128 I. F 1. ' 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 3.

I Unit 121 II Mowa zalena (3) I. Przepisz zdania stosujc mow zalen. 1. 'I will come before noon if I get up early enough.' - he said. He promised that . 2. 'Oon't touch the fuse?' - he exclaimed. He warned me . 3. 'Will you be able to help us with the bricks tomorrow?' - she asked. She asked him . 4. 'I didn't sell any secret information.' - he said. The suspect denied . 5. 'Oon't forget to thank your aunt for her hospitality.' - she said. Diane reminded us . 6. 'Yes, I have been involved in black marketing.' - he said. He admitted . 7. 'Oon't move or else 1'11 shoot?' - he shouted. The terrorist threatened . 8. 'Would you mind if I took the bed near the window?' - she asked. She asked me . 9. 'You'd better not hesitate too lon g or you willlose another chance.' - he said. He advised her . 10. 'Oon't be afraid to comment on everything you consider to be wrong.' - he said. He encouraged us . 11 . 'Let's book tickets for the flight.' - he said. He suggested . 12. 'Change your clothes and wash your hands immediately.' - she said. She ordered her children . 13. 'Make yourselves comfortable, please.' - she said. She invited her guests . 14. 'Could you write a prescription for me, please.' - I said. I asked the doctor .. .. 15. 'If you had turned the headlights on, I wouldn't have crashed into you.' - I said. I told the other driver . 129 I Unit 122 II Zdania okolicznikowe celu I. Przepisz zdania stosujc konstrukcj bezokolicznikow in order to. 1. She went to the library because she wanted to borrow same novels . 2. We will pay more because we would like to stay longer in the spa . 3. Dave has gone to wark as he wants to earn same money for his studies . 4. I will switch on the TV because I want to listen to the news . 5. Let's have an inoculation. We don't want to get an infection, do we? II. Przepisz zdania stosujc spjnik 50 that. 1. I've hired a disc-jockey as I want my guests to have a good fun . 2. We pay for private lessans as we want aur children to learn more efficiently .

3. Turn on the siren to let other drivers know we're hurrying to an emergency . 4. She has lent me a phrase book as she wants me to learn everyday English. 5. They put a band over my eyes. They didn't want me to see their faces. III. Przepisz zdania stosujc czasownik avoid lub prevent. 1. We usually lock the garden gate sa that people will not steal aur fruit. 2. Nadine hid in the spare room because she didn't want to meet Peter. 3. He didn't say anything as he didn't want to be criticised. 4. We're going to put a fence round the area sa that people can't enter it. 5. He took up same wrongful practices as he didn't want to pay taxes. 130

I Unit 123 II Zdania okolicznikowe ugody I. Przepisz zdania stosujc podane spjniki. 1. He was very wealthy but he never shared his money with other people. Although . 2. You may work hard but you will never earn enough. However . 3. She's considered to be nice but she never says Hello to anyone. Even though . 4. Wherever you go, always remem ber to be polite. No matter . 5. The actors may have been good but the whole play was rather boring. Though . 6. No matter who asks you this question, don't tell the truth. Whoever . 7. Children may not like cod-liver oil, but it's still considered a good medicine. Even if . 8. The temperature may have been high, but there were lots of people on the beach. However . 9. Whatever they will tell you, remember that I am your friend. No matter . 10. Mary isn't the most beautiful girl in town, but she is still very popular with boys. Although . II. Przepisz zdania stosujc spjnik as. 1. Though they are famous, they are also very pompous. Famous . 2. Even though he is intelligent, he can also be unpleasant. Intelligent . 3. My father may look calm, but he gets excited very quickly. Calm . 4. Even though the device is very expensive, it is very useful to us. Expensive . 5. Even if he is hard-working, he seldom does his work well. Hard-working . 131 I Unit 124 II Zdania okolicznikowe czasu I. Pocz zdania stosujc podane spjniki. 1. I will do my homework. Then, I will go to see my friends. As soon as . 2. The visitors will arrive at noon. Setore that, we will prepare food and drinks. Before . 3. You will tinish your work at five I will wait till then. (TILL) 4. She willlearn about your misbehaviour. Then, she will get angry. When . 5. I will write a statement. Then, I will hand it to him. After . 6. He will come soon. Then, I will tell him the good news. Immediately . 7. The conference will finish at seven. I will wait till then. (UNTIL) 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. We'lI have finished the operation in a few seconds. Then, the patient will be woken up. The moment . I will read the article. Then, I will give it to you. When . First, the chairman will greet the audience. Then, you will deliver your speech. Before . She will cook din ner. Then, she will clean the house. After . He will come in a while. I will tell him about your requesL The minute . The rain will subside soon. Then, we will continue our work. As soon as . My favourite rock artist will start playing at ten. I will stay till then. (TILL)

15. You will get better soon. Then, you will be taken back home from hospital. Immediately . ] I Unit 125 II Spjniki (1) I. Przepisz zdania stosujc podane spjniki oraz przymiotniki.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 133

He spent a lot ot time learning but he never got good marks at school No matter . Ronald is a skilled sculptor. He can also paint beautitully. Besides . These shoes are rather costly, but dem and tor them is high. Though . Although we had smali savings, we decided to start building a house. In spite ot . His ofter is tempting, but I am not going to accept it. Even though . We won't admit Mr Bead in our team because his experience is too poor. Since . Although we all work efticiently, they never praise us. Efficiently . It you don't stop spreading gossips, we'lI never talk to you again . . or else . I respect Mrs Dwight very much, but I don 't always agree with her. M uch as . The competitor had a good knowledge ot ancient history, yet he didn't win the main prize. Despite . We'lI walk wit h the torches turned oft tor tear that som eon e might see us . lest . It you don't return the books in time, the library will send you areminder . ... otherwise . Even though Mark works hard, his employer never gives him any bonuses. However . The elderly lady would carry an electric paralyser as she was atraid somebody might assault her. For tear ot . In spite ot our eftort, we haven't succeeded in tinding any clues or proots. For al! .

I Unit 126 II Spjniki (2) I. Przepisz zdania stosujc podane spjniki oraz przymiotniki. 1. As they are very obstinate, we won 't waste our time trying to convince them. Seeing that . 2. Gloria is very courteous, but she can also be very unkind. Courteous . 3.1 don't allow my children to go camping alone because I am afraid something wrong might happen to them . ... in case . 4. The detective looked very suspicious, but he didn't ask a single question. However . 5. Even though there is a strong wind outside, we won't give up going fishing. Despite . 6. Jeff runs a store in Dublin and he also owns a smali shop in Dalkey. Besides . 7. You will miss the best part of the show if you don't come early enough . . or else . 8. If she doesn't phone me tonight, I won't ask her for a date any more. Unless : . 9. However rich the people were, they never donated any money to charity. Rich . 10. Taking the man's proper behaviour into account, the judge decided to reduce the pen alty. In view ot . 11. We have taken warm clothes as we're afraid the weather may get worse . .. lest . 12. However incompetent she was, the boss never agreed to tire her. No matter . 13. Jake never suffers trom high blood pressure even though he drinks five coffees a day. In spite ot . 14. Even if llike having fun at the seaside, I haven't had any tor ages. Much as . 15. I had solved their problem but they refused to pay me money. Despite . I Unit 127 II Inwersja czasownika f I. Przepisz zdania stosujc inwersj czasownika. 1. The captain didn't only receive a honorary award but he was also promoted by the President himself. Not on Iy . 2. We don't ask the Council for their opinion very often. Seldom . 3. Right after we had collected our salaries we went to buy furniture to our fiat. No sooner . 4. You shouldn't ignore the officers' orders on any account. On no account . 5. If there had been more time, more people would have been rescued. Had . 6. Mr Trump didn't know whether his child was a girlor a boy until his wife phoned him from hospital. Not tiU . 7. There was no other way we could make her stay but offer her more money. Only by . 8. This is the first time I have seen a structure like this in my life. Never : . 9. Adam hardly ever forgets to walk the dog in the morning. Scarcely ever .

10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15.

As soon as we had returned from the trip we starte d planning another one. Hardly . He only agreed to see me when I mentioned my father's name. Only when . You mustn't forget about the appointment under any circumstances. Under no circumstances . If youhappen to fin d the girl's phone num ber, let me know. Should . My husband seldom brings me flowers. Rarely . The woman knew very little about the matter you asked about. Little .

I Unit 128 II I4iomy, zwroty, kolokacje (1) I. Przepisz zdania stosujc podane sowa, nie zmieniajc ich postaci. *- . My friend smokes a lot of cigarettes. (habitual) Have you considered all the pros and cons of the operation? (account) 3. The stormis likely to hit the coastline within the next three days. (probability) \jI Why don't we stop working now? (cali) v' -{' 5. It is useless trying to repair the old w,ater h.eater. (point) 6. The question of overdue bills appeared unexpectedly. (blue) / 7 I upport the Lib ral Party in the ele:tions. favour f) r;) . *- 8. v:e weren't aU wed to use any electrical devices in the hostel. (permission) 9. It was impossible for us to reach the village on foot in two days. (question) L- \ . The ceremony was postponed because there w;s an electricity shortage. J l1 /Our effort IkWin/hig er wages didn't b ing the expected result. (vain) I Unit 129 II Idiomy, zwroty, kolokacje (2) I I. Przepisz zdania stosujc podane sowa, nie zmieniajc ich postaci. 1. emember always to listen caretully to what your teachers say'- (attention) The audience were amazed at the Italian violinist's performance. (storm) & They made me pay tor the repair ot the camera. (expense) 5. My younger sister is tond ot sweets. (liking) 6. We expect you to deliver an address at the banquet. (supposed) I telt helpless with al! the problems I had. (overcome) . Don't torget this kind ot responsibility is very demanding. (bear) . I Susan me1 Helen in Tokyo completely by ch ance. (coincidence) ' The costs ot bank services have gone up recently. (increase) ObOdY believed in the excuse the boy gave. (beyond) I Ian says that playing s uash ives him a lot ot pleasure. (delight) The boy escapes trom lessons uite oHen. (truant) ome ot our clients said they didn't like the quality ot our services. (critical of) 0 O \ \n

I Unit 130 II Idiomy, zwroty, kolokacje (3) I. Przepisz zdania stosujc podane sowa, nie zmieniajc ich postaci. 1. I guess it was Raul who revealed our secret to everybody. (cat) o Q aur new neighbours appear -ja' nice couple. (judging) 3. Erik comes trom the Netherlands. (native) 4. Jackets like this aren't tashio ble nowadays. (date) , o 5. I advise you not to interfere in your daughter's matters. (shoes) "6. We don agree to be replaced by another crew. (objection) - '8. It is a pity so much money has been wasted. (dr 9. According to the doctor, my baby will be born next month. (due) I don't know who the black-skinned man iso (clue) " 11. It was wrong you didn't write down the man's personal details. (ought to) Judy hasn't decided where to go on holiday yet. (mind) (i'Y. The police managed to trace the culprit's car using satellite links. (means) 14. DO'n't torget to write a letter when you arrive in New York. (drop) The newsp pers write that the dangerous murderer has 't been caught yet. (Iarge) I Unit 131 II Idiomy, zwroty, kolokacje (4) I. Przepisz zdania stosujc podane sowa, nie zmieniajc ich postaci. ()Jw,e have decided to limit the amount of gas we use. (economise) cg)She did 't really want to give me any information about the campaign. (reluctant) 3. I'd rather you threw away all these empty beer cans. (rid) 4. None of us needed to write an entry test. (necessary) & Ir he journalist has criticised the government's helplessness severely. (scorn) the count;Yside because I want to keep health . been lowered considerably . .-\( w o:.:..:n'-L) ----; 9. I ave heard the Compton have got divorced. (Sflit) i . 1 The younger scouts lost their courage when it got pitch dark. (feet) is undoubtedly, the best accountant he (denying) 13. I isn't your business how much Irearn: (none) h 14. It was Arnold who wanted to watch the football game so much. (desperate) 15. The secretary was made redundant last week. (sack) I Unit 132 II Idiomy, zwroty, kolokacje (5) I. Przepisz zdania stosujc podane sowa, nie zmieniajc ich postaci. WHe had a lot of trouble when he revealed he was a secret agent. (water) 3. It wasn't necessary for you to c/ean all the rooms on the floor. (needn't) oon't be afraid, the substance isn't harmful to health. (do) 6. She looks as if she were a very poor person. (impression) 7,:-- The younger children miss their parents the most. (lon g) "'S:-It was Elisabeth who was our father's most favoured child. (apple) (0/ I can hardly understand what the lecturer is saying. (tai) 10. My brother, Tom, earnschis livIng as a coal miner. (makes) T :se golden earrings are much too expensive for me. (purse) . (12l No civilian was allowed to enter the area during the manoeuvres. (admission) 13. It appears the members of the party don't agree with each other. (division)

We di 't have to pay for the food and drinks we had in the res;aura t. I Unit 133 II Idiomy, zwroty, kolokacje (6) I. Przepisz zdania stosujc podane sowa, nie zmieniajc ich postaci. 1. Dorothy knows a lot about the history of the Roman Empire. (knowledge) '2<Jheir advice isg -enough t be taken into consideration. (worth) O Chris says he isn't good at biology. (suit) . You must obey the safety regulations. (obligatory) n that situation, I had no other option but knock the man down. (resorted) 6. Fr ha pt his promise as usual. (broken) 7. (!) am sorry but all your answers were incorrect. (wide) r8JThe actor is definitely past his best. (tooth) hhey say they will do anything to recover from their bad condition. (Iengths) 11. The patient is almost deaf. (hardly) c1 It would be much beUer if you stopped using salt at alI. (refrained) 13. Your daughter is rather weak at spelling. (well) 14. It wasn't my intention to offend you, believe me. (mean) (15. He says elegance isn't important to him. (attach)

. (house)

I Unit 134 II Idiomy, zwroty, kolokacje (7) I. Przepisz zdania stosujc podane sowa, nie zmieniajc ich postaci. 'jl They always pretend everything is all right when they are in trouble. (appearances) 3. These tlowers typically go yellow in spring. (characteristic ot) -l(t) bom'mg . "t'- Do you know why Simon dropped out ot school? (reason) 5. My role he enterprise was ot secondary importance. (tiddle) (6) Because ot the scandal, the minister's reputation was ruined. lj. It is o vious one oi them has hidden the stolen goods somewhere. (a mile) I am going to launch the tarewell party ven though it may cost a lot. (regardless) . "91 We expected that the quality ot the woodwork would be much better. (match) Y1. Robert aid he d;dn't like porridge too much. (distaste) /l?7oo-'J") 12. Mary can dance really wall. (sklIled) We wis h to continue our research as long as possible. (intent) 14. Bill is much different trhm Raymond. (comparison) g Have you benetited trom th retorms in any way? (advantage) I Unit 135 II Idiomy, zwroty, kolokacje (8) I. Przepisz zdania stosujc podane sowa, nie zmieniajc ich postaci. /) (j/lt was Peter who we expected to oHer support. (dependent) 2. Multiple wounds and injuries were the outcome ot the disturbances. (resulted) (J.,lNObOdY came to oHer a helping hand to me. (devices) GThe unemployment rate is increasing steadily in the region. (rise) /()!We won't ai:!mit Steward; he is too inexperienced. (wet) 6. I wish she hadn't quit the job sa quickly. (pity) G The burglar got in while we were away. (absence) 8. Our children are not allowed to speak to strangers. (Jet) ()( 9. To my knowledge, they are going to legalise abortion in their country. (legaJ) 11J. There is no denying that Alice is very ambitious. (hand it) 13. David cannot speak Italian better than Susan can. (no match) 14. My younger sister is as thin as a rake. (bag) 15. Did he mention his last interview? (reference)

Unit 1 Zaimki dzierawcze my - mine I. 1. This new record-player is mine. 2. Are these glasses yours? 3. That idea was hers. 4. These records aren't ours. 5. Is that boarding card his? 6. Those tools are theirs. 7. Is that electric razor yours? 8. That photograph wasn't mine. 9. This newspaper is his. 10. Are these tickets ours? II. 1. A teacher of ours will supervise the game. 2. A friend of mine works as an orderly. 3. An employee of theirs has had an accident. 4. A relative of his owns a farm. 5. A lover of hers was a millionaire. III. 1. Yours was the best plan of alI. 2. Hers is the most favourable attitude. 3. His is a very sympathetic character. 4. Theirs are the most effective systems. 5. Ours were really noisy parties. Unit 2 Zaimki zwrotne I each other - one another I. 1. George and Michael know each other. 2. We love each other. 3. Pam and her best friend support each other. 4. The Boultons and the Gales helped each other. 5. Cindy and Ken like each other. II. 1. Oid you and Jim recognise one another? 2. Brian and Eric used to hate one another. 3. Sue and Alice don't remember one another. 4. Do you and Ronald look after one another? 5. Mr Red and Mr Green never talk to one another. III. 1. Have you and Sony been introduced to each other? 2. Jenny and her brother are angry wit h each other. 3. Steve and Paul are known to dislike each other. 4. We don't disturb each other. 5. Jim and Sam were made to reconcile with each other. Unit 3 Zaimki nieokrelone sny - no I. 1. My cousin has got no hobbies. 2. There were no keys in the bag. 3. Jules made no progress at alI. 4. The company has received no subsidies as yet. 5. I usually have no time for watching TV in the afternoon. II. 1. The castaways hadn't / didn't have any chance to survive. 2. She doesn't show any interest in chemistry. 3. I can see you don't put any effort in your job. 147 4. There isn't any more washing powder in that bag. 5. We don't make any exceptions to this rule. III. 1. Don't give any chance to your opponents. 2. Don't say any more of this lie, please. 3. Don't put any trust in these people. 4. Don't make any losses this time. 5. Don't show any sign of irritation in the chairman's presence. Unit 4 Zaimek nieokrelony no - no other I. 1. We found no tree seats for ourselves. 2. Peter's mother has no objections to this idea. 3. The medicine did no good to me. 4. He puts no effort in his work. 5. I see no point in using this complicated equipment. II. 1. No other singer sang without accompaniment but / except Jeff. 2. No other child can paint so beautitully as / but / except Mike. 3. No other swimmer can beat the record but / except Angelica. 4. No other pupil could read so fast as / but / except Simon. 5. No other worker has been promoted so tar but / except Mr Dean. III. 1. No resolutions were submitted at the assembly (by the party members). 2. No changes in the system are accepted (by him). 3. No fields have been ploughed (by the farmers) vet. 4. No wreath will be lain at the tomb (by them). 5. No exhibits must be touched in the museum (by you). Unit 5 Zaimek nieokrelony none - no one I. 1. None of the members of the band retused to give an interview. 2. None of us want(s) to leave early. 3. None of them is going to spend her money. 4. None of the players ot our team has been shown a red card. 5. None of these stories sounds true. 6. None of their comments made me angry. 7. None of the offers came up to our expectations. 8. None of us has operated the panel vet.

9. None of us has any complaints about the scheme. 10. None of the actors from our group is popular vet. II. 1. No one else could recite more poe'Tls h;:m ,Ioan could. 2. No one has a bigger collection ot old coins than our cousin has / does. 3. No one has a better knowledge ot languages than you do. 148

4. No one has given me any warning. 5. No one else (in the class) can run faster than Robert can. Unit 6 Zaimki zoone somebody - anybody - nobody I. 1. We have seen someone in the cellar. 2. They told us something important. 3. Alex is waiting for somebody at the moment. 4. You should do something about the case. 5. Ronald was inquired about the accident by someone. II. 1. We have nothing expensive in these boxes. 2. I cannot see anyone standing on the roof of the building. 3. Brian has not bought anything for us. 4. Nobody suggested changing the schedule. 5. He never does anything in his free time. III. 1. There isn't anything (for us) to do on a rainy day like this. 2. I have no one / nobody to talk to. 3. We haven't anybody to rely on. 4. There is nothing (for me) to expect. 5. She knows no one / no body to trust in. Unit7 Zaimki zoone somewhere - anr..where - nowhere I. 1. She isn't going anywhere tonight. 2. We couldn't find you anywhere last night. 3. There is nowhere that we can feel safe. 4. Arnold hasn't been anywhere this summer. 5. You travelled nowhere last year, did you? II. 1. The children need somewhere to play in. 2. We didn't have anywhere to hide in. 3. Let's find somewhere to set up a camp in. 4. They want to have somewhere to speak about their problems in. 5. There is not anywhere / nowhere to sleep peacefully in. III. 1. Nowhere will you find a better resting area . 2. Nowhere do I feel so well as I do at my own home. 3. Nowhere could we buy any more of these tapes. 4. Nowhere else will you be able to eat so much for so little. 5. Nowhere else in the world can you find more hospitable people. 149 Unit 8 Zaimek both, both ... and ... I. 1. 80th ot them are as competitive as their tather iso 2. 80th ot us want to tind out the truth. 3. 80th ot you 'ook like a million dollars. 4. 80th ot us have suggested changing the strategy. 5. 80th ot them must write the test again. II. 1. Peter studies both mathematics and economics. 2. 80th I and my wite like sweets. 3. We both buy shares and sell them. 4. 80th George and Mickey are going to retire. 5. Jenny is both very pretty and intelligent. III. 1. 80th my mother and my tather do not work at school. 80th ot my parents do not work at school. 2. We both didn't panie. 3. 80th Mr Robson and Mr Hardy don't earn more than Mr Twickey. 4. 80th ot these paintings are less expensive than that one. aren't as expensive as that one. 5. 80th ot the roads were open / were not closed. Unit 9 Zaimek either, either ... or ... I. 1. Either map can be usetul to uS. 2. You will have to choose either set. 3. We will subsidise either tactory. 4. Either hoarding will have to be removed. 5. The commission can inspect either plant. II. 1. We will either go abroad or we will t rave I around Poland. 2. Jack can either leave or he can stay and work tor less. 3. Let's either move now or 'et's wait till the next year. 4. You could either wash the curtains or clean the windows. 5. She will put on either a cocktail dress or a skirt. III. 1. Jeff doesn't either compose musie or play a musical instrument. 2. This scheme isn't either practical or sensible. 3. We didn't either complain to the manager or were willing to do it. 4. She hasn't got either a computer or a printer. 5. The installers haven't either phoned us or left a message. 150 -_c -_ -:--:-=-

Unit 10 Zaimek neither, neither ... nor ... I. 1. Neither ot them likes tast tood. 2. Neither ot these newspapers sells we'!. 3. Neither ot us wants to take part in the game. 4. Neither ot these teachers is pleasant. 5. Neither ot you has scored well at the test. II. 1. I know neither Ann Parker nor Lisa Bones. 2. We have got neither dogs nor cats. 3. Louis can speak neither 'talian nor German. 4. This jacket is neither elegant nor tashionable. 5. She will neither recite a poem nor sing a song. III. 1. My grandtather was neither very rich nor very poor. 2. It is neither hot nor cold outside. 3. Mrs Blank neither teels well nor looks healthy. 4. I practise neither running nor swimming. 5. It neither rained nor snowed last Saturday. Unit 11 Zaimki aU - every - each I. 1. Each ot us is pleased with the quality ot the services. 2. Each ot us expected some kind ot compensation. 3. Each ot them has to report on their progress. 4. Each ot these houses was built betore the war. 5. Each ot us spends a lot ot money on c'othes. II. 1. Each unit was ordered to march quickly. 2. Every one ot us noticed the mistake he made. 3. Ali of us / We all are ted up with the noise. 4. Every artetact is hand-made. 5. Ali pet animals need to be looked after. III. 1. Ali (that) she eats is porridge. 2. Ali (that) he told us was his name and age. 3. Ali (that) l am going to buy is a pair ot socks. 4. Ali (that) we need is tresh air. 5. Ali (that) he asked tor was a cup ot tea. Unit 12 Zaimki wzgldne who - whom - which I. 1. This is the man who saved my lite. 2. I have met a gir' who comes trom Australia. 3. We have neighbours who breed goats. 151 4. They are the people who represent our school. 5. He is the one who created the machine. II. 1. These are the buildings which we own. 2. llike the picture which you are looking at. 3. I am listening to the music which my brother recorded. 4. This is the statue which we spoke about last week. 5. She knows the place which she lived in before. III. 1. He is the boy whom I otfered my help. 2. They were the people whom we trusted very much. 3. Mr Taylor is the neighbour whom I have invited for a drink. 4. The Cusacs are the relatives whom we have not seen for so long. 5. This is the film star whom I am going to ask for an interview. Unit 13 Zaimki wz dne whose - of which I. 1. This is Peter whose parents are divorced. 2. My nove' is about castaways whose ship sank in a storm. 3. Angela is the one whose ideas are very successful. 4. I will introduce you to a film director whose films win international awards. 5. They travelled with a guide whose knowledge about Egypt was amazing. II. 1. We stayed in a room whose windows looked south. 2. I was passed by a car whose engine was roaring. 3. You have chosen a box whose cover is broken. 4. It was a strange machine whose lights were flashing in ditferent colours. 5. She was reading a book whose pages were dog-eared. III. 1. They showed us a sink the surface of which was enamelled. 2. This is the recorder the qualities of which are unmatched. 3. We own a house the price of which was tremendous. 4. I picked out a mirror the frame of which was boautifully ornamented. 5. Let's cut down the tree the branches of which are thick. Unit 14 Zaimki wzgldne when - where - why I. 1. Dortmund is the city where Jens was bom. 2. I broke my leg the same day when you broke yours. 3. The restaurant where we had our dinner was rather expensive. 4. High temperature was why we made the baby stay at home. 5. He still remembers the year when the war broke out. 6. The garden where the treasure was dug out belongs to Mr Lean. 7. Tell me why you dropped out of school. 8. What was the age when the Roman Empire collapsed? 152 9. The place where we are supposed to gather is at Walton Street. 10. Poverty wasn't only why the poor man committed suicide. II. 1. The hotel in which we stayed is high in the mountains.

The hotel which we stayed in is high in the mountains. 2. Honestly, I don 't remember the reason for which she was so angry with us. 3. We need to know the correct place in which the suspect was seen. We need to know the correct place which the suspect was seen in. 4. I don't know at what time the accident happened. 5. Do you know the reason for which they refused to talk to us yesterday? Unit 15 Zaimki wz dne - zdania bezokolicznikowe I. 1. Thomas was the first student to be awarded a scholarship. 2. Are you the only employee to look after the premises? 3. She is the last person to interfere in other people's matters. 4. You are the third customer to ask this question. 5. Is Marie the only child to come from abroad. 6. I've heard you were the only one to be / to have been promoted. 7. They are the only workers to be supervised constantly. 8. 1'11 be the second manager to be sent on a course abroad. 9. Hopefully, it is the last match for you to play. 10. Peter's reports are the only ones to be checked carefully. 11. Joan Hill wasn't the only foreign reporter to take part in the conference. 12. You are the tirst competitor to score / to have scored the maximum points. 13. Unhappily, I am the only person to have been removed trom the office. 14. It is said that David is the last man to see / to have seen Ms Woods. 15. Is it the only tault to have been tound in the construction? Unit 16 Zaimki wzgldne - zdania imiesowowe I. 1. In the hall, there were a lot ot people waiting tor a departure calI. 2. We sawa crowd ot photographers wishing to take a photo ot the tilm star. 3. Everybody hoping for a subsidy will have to fili in a tew torms. 4. He is the doctor recommending to drink a glass ot dry wine daily. 5. We have created a machine tacilitating the process ot restoring pictures. 6. The boy-scouts travelling south lost their way. 7. This is a project providing for lite essentials. 8. Paul, wishing to earn more money, moved abroad tor a few years. 9. This is a decision creating a possibility ot turther progress in our action. 10. There are a tew ot us expecting to be interviewed. II. 1. I hate people who show too much pride. 2. Let's get rid ot the old machine which makes / is making so much noise. 3. The man who tollowed / was tollowing us at night was dressed in a black leather coat 153 4. In our centre, we have cured quite a few patients who suffered from insomnia. 5. Ted, who assumed that I was home, kept knocking at the door for five minutes. Unit 17 Zdania wzgldne nie-definiujce I. 1. Mr Robson, who offered to help with installing the pipes, is our best neighbour. 2. Michael, whom , met in the street, invited me for a cup of coffee. 3. The leather jacket, which I have worn for six years, was given to me by my uncle. 4. The Browns, whom we offered a 'oan, are our relatives. 5. Our van, which we have only owned for a week, broke down yesterday. 6. Her husband, whom she trusts very much, is very loya' to hero 7. Alex, whose earnings are poor, works as a ticket collector. 8. Doctor Railey, who has treated me for two years, wrote this prescription. 9. Ms Duli, who always spends holidays in our resort, has just phoned to book a place. 10. David, who is preparing a speech, will open the ceremony. 11. The minister, whose secretary acted irresponsibly, apologised to the press yesterday. 12. Muriel, whom I trust very much, will make a perfect accountant. 13. This crime story, which makes my flesh creep, is by Agatha Christie. 14. Our solicitor, whom we have hired for three years, has disappointed us recently. 15. Her younger brother, who was born with a physical defect, seldom leaves home. Unit 18 Zaimki wzgldne z przyimkami (1) I. 1. This is the man who I that I worked with. 2. Those were the magazines which I that I was looking for. 3. These are the pictures which I that she was looking at. 4. He is the officer who I that the briefcase belongs to. 5. This was the hotel which I that we stayed in for ten days. II. 1. Is she the woman (who) you have longed for? 2. We have removed the cloth (which) the table was covered with. 3. I didn't recognise the boy (who) you were speaking with. 4. You are the men whose well-being I am responsible for. 5. Is this the strange sculpture (which) they laughed at? 6. The gun (which) the murder was committed wit h hasn't been found vet. 7. The businessmen (who) we were waiting for were arriving from Japan. 8. Did you go to the party (which) you had been invited to by Greg? 9. I don't know the place (which) she comes from. 10. Will you show us the house (which) you lived in before? 154 Unit 19 Zaimki wzgldne z przyimkami (2) I. 1. Robert was the boy at whom Mary smiled. 2. The danger about which we had warned you was real. 3. Whose was the article to which you referred? 4. Nobody could understand the theory in which I believed. 5. My mother was the only person on whom I depended.

] II. 1. Celine, wit h whom llived, was the only girlI loved. 2. Our villa, on which we have spent a fortune, is well protected. 3. Mr Ray, to whom you will have to talk, is a very demanding employer. 4. The Simpsons, with whom you have quarrelled, are rather intolerant people. 5. Mr Davies, to whom we must report, never makes us feel interior. III. 1. Peter, at whom I have shouted, can be really naughty at times. 2. Frank, about whose laziness everyone complains, never works hardo 3. Ms Conway, who I talked to last week, is a tamous artist. 4. Daniel Dickinson, who we co-operate with, runs a store in Leeds. 5. My relatives, tor whom I waited at the station, arrived late. Unit 20 There + is I was I can be I may be I. 1. There is a cupboard in the living room. 2. There are bushes near the fence. 3. There is jam in the jar. 4. There are fruit in the basket. 5. There was a pen in the drawer. 6. There are workers in the canteen. 7. There is a radio on the shelf. 8. There were some papers on my desko 9. There are clouds in the sky. 10. There is a camera on the display: II. 1.There is someone at the door. 2. There is nothing we can do to help you. 3. There is something wrong with my radio 4. There is somebody I know in the city. 5. There wasn't much they could do tor us. 6. There is nobody she can talk to. 7. There is li!tle I have to say in this case. 8. Is there anything you do for your body? 9. There is nothing he knows about it. 10. There is someone I can trust in. III. 1. There must be someone in the cellar. 2. Could there be a mistake in the calculations? 3. There might have been trost in the morning. 4. There cannot be any defects in this device. 5. There must have been somebody who showed them the way. Unit 21 It is ... to do lit is ... who I. 1. It was Susan (who) Michael argued with. 2. It was a cat (that) we boughl. 3. It is Spain (that I where) they come from. 155 4. It is strawberries (that) llike. 5. It was a key ring (that) he lost. II. 1. It was unwise ot her not to stop at the red light. 2. It is typical ot Adam always to come late. 3. It was very noble ot him to otter his coat to hero 4. It was generous ot them to pay tor aur meals. 5. It was unkind ot you to torget / to have torgotten about Ann's birthday. III. 1. It is bad tor your throat to drink cold water. 2. It is inadvisable to make offensive remarks in front ot the boss. 3. It is forbidden to take photographs in this area. 4. It is difficult to earn money without working hardo 5. It is good for your health to practise sports in free time. Unit 22 There - It I. 1. There is a lot ot sun in the room. 2. There is a big crowd in Ihe place. 3. There was a 101 of dirt in the area. 4. There isn't much grass in the field. 5. There is a lot ot sand on the beach. 6. There weren't any storms at the weekend. 7. There was a lot of tun at the party. 8. There are a lot ot clouds in the sky. 9. There isn't any wind outside. 10. There is a lot ot tat in the soup. II. 1. It is a stany road. 2. It was a snowy hill. 3. It is foggy outdoors. 4. It was abloody cloth. 5. It is a tlowery skirt. 6. It wasn't rainy yesterday. 7. It is a rusty lid. 8. It was a smoky hall. 9. It is a messy cellar. 10. It wasn't a glossy surface. Unit 23 Przymiotnik + bezokolicznik I. 1. It was generous ot you to give the waiter a tipo 2. It was careless of her to drive too tast. 3. It was nice ot Tom to bring tlowers. 4. It is unkind ot you to retuse to talk to Ihe men. 5. It was cruel ot them to beat the boy with wooden clubs.

6. It is seltish ot Sheila to buy sweets tor herselt only. 7. It is sensible ot him to have begun to learn hardo 8. It was wrong ot us to hide the truth. 9. It is brave ot him to put his hand in the lion's cage. 10. It was reasonable ot Sam lo apologise tor his bad behaviour. II. 1. II was a really sharp comment to make. 2. It was a silly joke to tell. 156 3. It was a really extraordinary suggestion to make. 4. It was a curious fact to mention. 5. It is a really interesting opinion to hold about that. Unit 24 Przymiotniki z kocwk I - ed I. 1. I was truly bored at the conterence. 2. We are interested in the experiment that we're making. 3. We were trustrated with the news he told us. 4. I am surprised with your honesty. 5. We were amused at the performance. ] II. 1. The high cost of the operation was depressing for au nt Christine. 2. Honestly, we were annoyed with your triend's behaviour. 3. The story you to Id us was disgusting. 4. The boy's rude remarks were embarrassing to the girls. 5. I found the idea of going sailing in the morning exciting. 6. We are astonished to hear that you have to work after hours. 7. Their sudden withdrawal was disappointing to me. 8. Little Alex was most encouraged by your praises. 9. The unpromising economic forecast was frightening to many people. 10. We found the man's skill of imitating other people amazing. Unit 25 Przymiotnik + orzyimek (1) ] I. 1. Mr Hardy is tamous for the funny stories he writes. 2. Stella is good at embroidering. 3. David and Stanley are different trom each other. 4. I know your son is fond of football. 5. Rob is responsible for keeping order in the barracks. 6. Are you aware of the problems that you are facing? 7. We were very grateful to them for all they had dane for us. 8. The manager was satisfied wit h the quality this time. 9. I was sorry for Julia after her husband's death. 10. He is (financially) dependent on his parents. 11. Only Roger is committed to his duties. 12. I am suspicious of the man's honesty. 13. Is anyone of youtamiliar wit h the names of the physicists? 14. We are very proud of our children's achievements. 15. I am sure they are capable of installing the panel. -157 Unit 26 Przymiotnik + przyimek (2) I. 1. We are constantly anxious about / for our daughter's condition. 2. I am accustomed to Peter's cool manner. 3. She is always critical of our projects. 4. I am keen on watching horse races. 5. The jury were convinced that the man was guilty of the crime. 6. I think he is obsessed with the supernatural. 7. George is always indifferent to my suggestions. 8. I was really pleased wit h their unexpected visit. 9. I was disappointed wit h the performance of the car. 10. I believe Mark is fit for (doing) the job. 11. We are tired of their rude behaviour. 12. Jeff is addicted to cigarettes / smoking. 13. Gur pub is popular with students. 14. Paul is experienced at / in electronics. 15. You should feel ashamed of what you have done. Unit 27 Przymiotniki possible - probabIe - Iikely I. 1. It is possible that it will rain tomorrow. 2. It is possible that they will come late. 3. It is possible that she is our new director. 4. It is possible that the suitcase was stoJen. 5. It is possible that he didn't like the job. II. 1. It is probabie that Tom has forgotten / forgot my name. 2. It is probabie that the tank is empty. 3. It is probabie that he is a spy. 4. It is probabie that we took the wrong route. 5. It is probabie thal you will have lo stay at home tomorrow. [ III. 1. Is Steven likely to become the chief executive manager? 2. Jenny is likely to have losl Ihe documents. 3. Is she IikeJy to arrive late? 4. The value of the currency isn't likely to go down. 5. Uncle Bob is likely to have forgotten about your birthday. Unit 28

Przxswek sposobu I. 1. She secretly decided to check the codes. 2. David sensibly avoided an open conflict. 3. She usually treats us severely. 4. You behaved intolerably. 5. Mr Thomas drives carefully. 158 6. They answered my questions inaccurately. 7. Robert objected to the project strongly. 8. Susan kindly sent the report to us. 9. It was Fiona who looked at me angrily. 10. Albert swims well. 11. You clearly rejected their ideas. 12. I don't speak French fluently. 13. The man unexpectedly offered to give us a ride. 14. You foolishly rejected their help. 15. I support the Spanish team warmly. Unit 29 Przxswek miejsca nowhere I. 1. We usually go nowhere on holiday. 2. He says he has seen our suitcases nowhere. 3. Mike travelled nowhere last year. 4. We have gone nowhere yet. 5. I watched carefully but I could see you nowhere. ] II. 1. Nowhere else have I seen more beautiful flowers. 2. Nowhere will you buy these records. 3. Nowhere else did she stay but in Oslo. 4. Nowhere were there any shops in the area. 5. Nowhere here may you smoke cigarettes. 6. Nowhere does she let her children go alone. 7. Nowhere else in the world will you see a more extraordinary place. 8. Nowhere did the books sell better than in Warsaw. 9. Nowhere could one get tickets for the final game. 10. Nowhere is air more polluted than in New York. Unit 30 Przyswki czstotliwoci ever - hard/y ever I. 1. We have never asked our neighbours a favour. 2. My wife never lets me out without eating breakfast. 3. I have never explored any caves in the mountains. 4. Tom never visited us at weekends. 5. I suppose you never prepare for your lessons. ] II. 1. You have not ever been to Germany, havs you? 2. Charles has not ever drunk a drop of alcohol. 3. Why do you not ever tell me about your problems? 4. Mary has not ever forgotten about her best friend's birthday. 5. Oid you not ever try to find a better work? 159 III. 1. We hardly ever invite our teachers to our parties: 2. Tom hardly ever takes the dog out for a walk. 3. The Grimms hardly ever send postcards to us. 4. You hardly ever answer my questions politely. 5. I hardly ever fali asleep during the day. [ Unit 31 Przyswki czasu ever since - since I. 1. My brother has been wearing / has worn his leg in plaster since (he broke it) last month. 2. They have been living / have lived in Liverpool since 1992. 3. Alice has been typing letters since eight a.m. 4. He has been sailing in the ocean since October. 5. I have not had a watch since (1Iost my old one) last Monday. 6. Mr Palmer has been writing his new novel since last year. 7. They have been renovating the church since August. 8. We have been waiting for our din ner since about twelve. 9. I have been reading the magazine since ten o'clock. 10. He has been / has been working / has worked as a taxi driver since 1989. [ II. 1. Ever since you made up with your girlfriend you have looked happier. 2. Ever since Sylvia got married last year she has been more responsible. 3. Ever since I took up physical exercise I have felt much better. 4. Ever since Brian and Josh quarrelled last Saturday they haven't spoken to each other. 5. Ever since he changed his job a year ago he has earned more. Unit 32 Przyswki czasu for - since I. 1. Sam and Julie have known each other for ten years. 2. My older sister has been studying for two years. 3. Mr Lens has been living / has lived in Newcastle for six months. 4. Eric has been divorced for four years. 5. They have been / have been staying here for two hours. II. 1. We have not heard from him for a year. 2. George has been married since last October.

3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. [ 160

I have not gone fishing for ten months. We have not met each other since summer. Lisa's father has been in hospital for a week. He has been missing for six years. Our family has not reunited since Christmas. Mr Duke has had / has owned a car for a month. Sheila has not phoned us for three weeks. I have not visited my dentist since December.

Unit 33 Konstrukcja It is ... since ... ] I. 1. It is four years since Sue and Bill have visited us. 2. It is eleven months since we last occupied the barracks. 3. It is one year since the Kellys got divorced. 4. It is a year since we have travelled abroad. 5. It is five months since you began working for the firm. 6. It is two days since Mr Downey bought a digital camera. 7. It is two weeks since I have used your computer. 8. It is a month since Ms Simpson went on a diet. 9. It is more than three months since the people have been paid their salaries. 10. It is three years since we started growing these trees. 11. It is five days since the alarm system was damaged. 12. It is ten years since Albert has smoked cigarettes. 13. It is seven days since I was last in Copenhagen. 14. It is many years since Ginger became an artist. 15. It is eight years since these two pumps have been in use. Unit 34 Konstrukcja It was not until ... that ... ] I. 1. It was not until his passport expired that my father returned from abroad. 2. It was not unti' after supper that Jake unwrapped his presents. 3. It was not until we all passed our exams that Mr Jenkins praised us. 4. It was not untill turned eighteen that , shaved my face. 5. It was not untillast week that Simon received an answer to his request. 6. It was not until we showed our tickets that we could enter the nature reserve. 7. It was not until Lisa took a tranquilliser that she was able to sleep. 8. It was not until ten a.m. that the celebrations began. 9. It was not until the pain subsided that I could eat something. 10. It was not until it stopped raining that we decided to set oft. 11. It was not untillast week that they started painting our house. 12. It was not untill did all my duties that I could go out. 13. It was not until they were ordered to that the soldiers fired. 14. It was not until our leaders arrived that we were allowed to leave the camp. 15. It was not until his parents went home that he started to behave bad'y. Unit 35 Przyswek hardly + any, ever 1.1. We have hardly any money on us. 2. Our neighbours hardly ever clean the staircase. 3. She has hardly any friends in the city. 4. I hardly ever attended the lectures. 5. Mr Howard speaks hardly any French. 6. Raymond hardly ever took part in our monthly meetings. 7. Our tutors hard'y ever cancel their lessons. 161 8. I know hardly any foreigners. 9. We have spent hardly any money so far. 10. The student hardly ever answers my questions correctly. 11. aur children hardly ever watch TV late at nighL 12. This engine uses hardly any petrol. 13. The baby can say hardly any words. 14. We hardly ever see each other. 15. He needed hardly any help with mathematics. Unit 36 Stopie wyszy przymiotnika I. 1. They live in a bigger house than we do. 2. He earns more money than she does. 3. Betty is more intelligent than Angela iso 4. Your car is more economical than mine iso 5. The Rhine is longer than the Vistula iso 6. His previous novel was more interesting than his newest one iso 7. The canvas shoes are more comfortable than the leather ones are. 8. You live farther / further from school than I do. 9. The other children were more friendly than Chris was. 10. aur boss is better-dressed than theirs iso 11. The old timetable was more convenient than the new one iso 12. John had more problems at school than William did. 13. The modern construction is lighter than the oJd one iso 14. The girllooked more apologetic than the boy did. 15. My father has picked more mushrooms than I have. Unit 37 Stopniowanie opadajce less ... than ...

I. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 162

1. aur project was less elaborate than the other team's one was. A mongrel would be less demanding than the Collie iso The river is less rough today than it was yesterday. Frank is less compassionate than Adam iso I was less curious about the details than you were. We spend less time in the garden than our neighbours do. My plan is less complicated than his iso Watching TV is less useful than practising sports. The instructions that they have sent are less elear than we expected them to be. Baseball is less popular in our country than it is in the USA. I collected less important information than my partner did. You Jook less elegant in the grey jacket than you do in the black one. The Parkers bought a less expensive car than the Browns did. Their products are less admirable than their ones are. The chicken soup is less tasty than the tomato soup iso

Unit 38 Stopie najwyszy przymiotnika I. 1. You are the best player in your team. 2. Michael is the tallest child in his class. 3. Richard is the most polite in our group. 4. Simon is my most reliable triend. 5. The red Ferrari is the most expensive car on offer. 6. Caroline-is the most secretive person I know. 7. Ralph is the most intelligent child in his age group. 8. My wite is the best cook. / My wite cooks the best. 9. Vienna is the most wonderful place. 10. Your idea was the best. 11. This is the most sophisticated outfit I have ever seen. 12. A lite partner's death is the most stresstul event. 13. The Bells are the richest tamily in the neighbourhood. 14. This was the most interesting performance that I have ever seen. 15. The pop group are the most popular in our country. Unit 39 Stopie wyszy i najwyszy przymiotnika I. 1. I have never been to a more extravagant place. 2. I have never met a nicer gir!. 3. We have never co-operated with more reliable people. 4. She has never eaten a more unusual dish. 5. I have never received a worse message. 6. I have never spoken to a more eloquent man than Jim Crane. 7. We have never made a more expensive watch. 8. Greg has never watched a tunnier comedy. 9. He has never practised a more difficult discipline. 10. We have never employed a more hard-working person than Mike. II. 1. It is the highest building they have ever built. 2. This is the most elegant apartment I have ever lived in. 3. This is the biggest sum ot money Sally has ever earned. 4. It is the most precious treasure that we have ever discovered. 5. Jenny is the most beautitul girl Peter has ever dated. Unit 40 Porwnanie as n' as - not sa n. as I. 1. Ted is as tall as his tather iso 2. This rope is as long as that line iso 3. Alice is as old as Sara iso 4. I weigh as much as George does. / I am as heavy as George iso 5. John is as intelligent as his older brother iso 163 II. 1. I didn't give sa many pounds I much money as Mary did. 2. Ronald does not have sa many foreign friends as Eric does. 3. This year, we have not invited sa many guests as we did last year. 4. Bruce WiIIis does not own sa many houses as Jack Nicholsan does. 5. This winter, Tommy did not receive sa many presents as he did last Christmas. 6. We did not pay sa much for the tickets as you did. 7. Mrs Wells did not eat sa many potatoes as Mr Wells did. 8. Betty's clothes are not usually sa elegant as Alice's ones are. 9. You do not need sa many minutes I much time to shave as I do. 10. They do not offer sa much (money) for the factory as we do. Unit 41 Porwnanie 5uch ... that - 50 ... that I. 1. It was such a heavy sculpture that a crane had to be used to carry it. 2. It is such a dangerous area that we hardly ever enter it. 3. It was such a laud alarm-clock that it woke up the people in the next room. 4. It was such a difficult test that only few of us completed it. 5. It is such a clear water that you can see the bottom. II. 1. He is sa rich a man that he can afford a new house every year. 2. The trip was so pleasant that no one wanted to go back. It was so pleasant a trip that no one wanted to go back. 3. The show was so poor that people asked for their money to be returned. It was so poor a show that people asked for their money to be returned. 4. She is sa popular an actress that she has fans all over the world. 5. The offer is sa interesting that we are going to give it priority. It is sa interesting an offer that we are going to give it priority.

III. 1. So critical was his condition that he became a beggar. 2. So devastated was the city that we couldn't recognise its streets. 3. Sa inefficiently did they work that I decided to fire them. 4. Sa funny was the scene that she couldn't help laughing. 5. Sa angry was Monica that she refused to talk to anyone. Unit 42 Porwnanie the ... , the ... I. 1. The earlier you start, the saoner you will arrive. 2. The fewer cigarettes I smoke, the better I feel. 3. The more hamburgers you eat, the fatter you get. 4. The longer I read, the more my eyes suffer. 5. The more you learn, the wiser will be I are . 6. The more she earned, the more greedy she became. 7. The more he told me, the less I understood. 8. The more he practises, the faster he runs. 9. The hotter it was getting, the more people were sweating. 164 10. The more she bets, the less she wins. 11. The more noisily the children were playing, the more upset their father was. 12. The more experience you get, the more efficiently you work. 13. The longer I was waiting, the more bored I was becoming. 14. The higher the prices are, the more dissatisfied the society iso 15. The more regularly Diane jogs, the fitter she gets. Unit 43 Porwnanie czasownik + as + przyswek +as I. 1. Nobody in the class sings / can sing as well as Cathy does / can . 2. No one can paint as wonderfully as Jacob can. 3. No one (I know) drives as carefully as Simon does. 4. Nobody else plays as well as you do. 5. No other tutor can explain / explains as clearly as Mr Dean does. 6. None of us swims as well as Peter does. 7. No one advises / can advise as well as Mr Berkley does / can. 8. No one else answered our questions as correctly as you did. 9. Nobody speaks French as fluently as Sonia does. 10. No one worked as solidly as Frank did. 11 . Nobody (in the world) runs as fast as he does. 12. No other boy wrote as passionately as John did. 13. No one in the neighbourhood lives as comfortably as we do. 14. Nobody else listens to my lectures as attentively as Mr Wren does. 15. No other girl dresses as fashionably as Alice does. Unit 44 Porwnanie the same no as I. 1. Rick is the same age as Mike iso 2. Patrick is the same height as his twin brother George iso 3. I work in the same place / city as Mr Martin does. 4. We own our shop in the same street as the Finns do. 5. Susan is the same weight as Betty iso 6. The red skirt is the same size as the blue one. 7. She reads the same magazine as 1 do. 8. The TV tower is the same height as the water tower iso 9. Shimizu comes from the same country as Yoko does. Shimizu is the same nationality / origin as Yoko iso 10. I paid the same price for the delivery as my friend did. 11. My bicycle is the same colour as hers iso 12. The Greys paid the same (amount of / sum of) money as the Robsons did. 13. The Korean camera is the same quality as the Japanese one iso 14. Our company operates on the same market as their company does. 15. I sold the same number of paintings as the other painter did. 165 Unit 45 Przyswek foo [ I. 1. The luggage is too heavy (for me) to carry. 2. The exercise was too difficult (for me) to do. 3. The pain was too harsh (for hi m) to bear. 4. His idea is too illogical to be accepted. 5. Your plan is too complicated (for us) to understand. II. 1. Mark was too careful a player to ever lose agame. 2. She is too ambitious a researcher to ever give up. 3. Tom is too logical a boy to believe in supernatural phenomena. 4. Arnold Knox is too tierce a competitor to ever surrender. 5. This construction is too solid to break up easily. This is too solid a construction to break up easily. III. 1. Jeff is too shy to ask Doris for adate. 2. I am too inexperienced to get the job of a manager. 3. The man is too irresponsible to be trusted. 4. I know too little about genetics to take part in the quiz. 5. Mr Holmes is too incompetent to give you any information. [ Unit 46 Przyswek enough I. 1. It is not early enough to play outside. 2. He is not tall enough to wear the trousers. 3. I am not strong enough to carry the box.

4. It was not warm enough to bathe. 5. Mr Woods is not young enough to climb with us. 6. She is not patient enough to wait calmly. 7. Frank is not brave enough to join us. 8. The plan is not good enough to work wel!. 9. I am not ord enough to know everything. 10. The socks are not comfortabre enough to be wam. II. 1. This ord coach is not comfortable enough to sleep on. 2. This place is not safe enough to play in. 3. The rope bridge was strong enough to walk on. 4. The music was not pleasant enough to listen to. 5. We had not enough money to pay with. [ III. 1. The place is not quiet enough for the baby to sleep. 2. He did not speak German slowly enough for us to understand. 3. This example is not easy enough for me to do. 4. The bed was not long enough for my brother to sleep in. 5. The date of the meeting was not convenient enough for us to arrive. 166 Unit 47 Przyswki sti/l - vet I. 1. Mark is still in the house. 2. We are stil! working. 3. They are stil! doing the task. 4. Ann is still sleeping. 5. I am stil! painting the room. 6. They are stil! arguing. 7. The children are stil! washing. 8. It is stil! snowing. 9. Tom is still studying. 10. She is still crying. II. 1.My brother has not written his PhD. dissertation vet. . 2. Mrs Abercrombie has not washed her children's clothes vet. 3. The ministers have not made / taken a decision vet. 4. I have not don e my homework vet. 5. Brian has not learned to drive a car vet. 6. The lorry drivers have not passed the border vet. 7. The farmer has not ploughed his field vet. 8. The student has not understood the theory vet. 9. Lorna has not translated the novel vet. 10. Gil! has not found a job vet. Unit 48 Miejsce przyimka w zdaniu ] I. 1. Which room did you sleep in? 2. Who does she rely on? 3. What were they punished for? 4. Who was she looking at? 5. Who did you like to play with? 6. What was he asked for? 7. Who are they talking to now? 8. Which gun did he shoot with? 9. What did they apologise for? 10. Whose story do you believe in? II. 1. Michael Flurr is the only man (who) we can co-operate with. 2. The bench (which) he sat on was wet. 3. The city (which) the refugees com e from was destroyed during the war. 4. It is her boyfriend (who) she is longing for. 5. This is the job advertisement (which) I am going to answer to. 6. The place (which) Roger was bom in is somewhere south. 7. Thomas Dallas in the person (who) we work for. 8. The people (who) I trusted in disappointed me. 9. The fiat (which) they are moving in is on the fifth floor. 10. The gun (which) he terrorised the clerks with wasn't real. Unit 49 Przyimek to I. 1. Alice offered her helping hand to me. 2. Jack usually gives advice to uS. 3. She sends love letters to her boyfriend quite often. 4. Show the brochure to me, please. 5. He left a tremendous legacy to his sons. 167 6. Our mother has promised ice cream to us. 7. They didn't tell the whole truth to us. 8. Alice lent a tew pounds to Christopher. 9. Mr Ray sold his old car to me. 10. She will pass a note with a message to him. 11. I asked Mary to hand the certiticates to the people. 12. It was the Japanese merchant who wanted to pay a huge sum ot money to us. 13. Judith will torget to send an invitation to us as usual. 14. Why don 't you tell the same story to us again? 15. Did you give any present to Ronald tor his birthday? Unit 50 Wyraenia przyimkowe

I. 1. Did Jack and his company arrive on time? 2. We are not in the habit ot launching big parties on New Year's Eve. 3. I am sure he hit you on purpose .. 4. We met in Paris by chance. 5. It is said he did the research on his own. 6. The prosecutor asked me to tell him about the event in detail. 7. On the whole, Brian is a decent man. 8. She was tined tor driving at tuli speed. 9. I'd like to be intormed about your plans in advance. 10. I took your brietcase home by mistake. 11. He is not at his best presently. 12. He kept on knocking at the door:in vLn. 13. This wonderful villa is tor / on sale nowo 14. They say Peter is in love with Angelica. 15. Mr Williams will speak on ou beh lt at the conterence. Unit 51 Przy!mek until I. 1. Sam didn't tell me about the changes untill asked him to. 2. The girl didn't cal m down until she heard the comtorting news. 3. We will not start packing our things until you show us the tickets. 4. Mark said he would not resume working until he received a higher tee. 5. The witness didn't agree to testity until she was promised security. 6. The parrot will not speak until you give it a grain. 7. You will not be able to see the comet until you 'ook through the telescope. 8. We will not speak to him again until he apologises to uS. 9. , didn't 'earn about the scandal unti'l read about it in a newspaper. 10. She didn't begin to learn English until she turned eighteen. II. 1. It wasn't until'ast week that we met the Parkers. 2. It wasn't until we opened the house that we realised it had been burgled. 168 3. It wasn't until the alarm-clock rang that I woke up. 4. It wasn't until Joe' said he loved Lisa that she agreed to marry him. 5. It wasn't untillast month that the child started speaking. Unit 52 Przyimki on - upon I On - Upon + -ing ... I. 1. On com ing home I saw I hadn't switched oft the light. 2. Upon opening the chest we found silver cutlery. 3. On leaving their house they saw rain clouds in the sky. 4. Upon reaching Vatican City Tom sawa tremendous basilica. 5. On pressing the red button the machine stopped. 6. Upon arriving at the frontier we sawa long line of cars in wait. 7. On learning about my bad luck I got angry. 8. Upon entering the toilet room Susan smelt smoke. 9. On hitting his head on the tree branch he lost consciousness. 10.Upon finishing his last picture Mike decided to make an exhibition. II. 1. When I (had) placed another bet I realised I had got no more money left. 2. When Peter heard the good news he jumped in the air. 3. When they (had) moved north they found life was even harder there. 4. When the teacher came into the class he found it in a terrible mess. 5. When she touched the insect she got bitten. Unit 53 Przyimki but - except I. 1. Everyone looked forward to holidays but Alice. 2. Nobody likes pudding but George. 3. You do nothing but comp'ain all the time. 4. No one can play the piano 50 beautifully but Sarah. 5. I cannot suggest anything but wait patiently. 6. There isn't any other way to win with their team but play fast. 7. You do nothing but pick on your wife all the time. 8. Ali students have gone through the examination but Harry. 9. There is no other reason for which they committed the robbery but money. 10. Nobody thanked au nt Ann for her gifts but James. II. 1. Nobody knows how to use this device except Jeftrey. 2. I have been to all the countries in Europe except Fin'and. 3. Frank does nothing except sleep in the afternoon. 4. Everybody participated in the training yesterday except you. 5. He does nothing except show oft all the time. 169 Unit 54 Przyimki during - while I. 1. Someone took our tools during our break. 2. There was a tremendous applause during the champions' tight. 3. During their trek in the jungle, they came across an Aztec tempie. 4. Sony screamed several times during his sleep. 5. Nobody came to check our tickets during our travel on the train. II. 1. The boys went on playing tootball while it was raining heavily. 2. While I was exploring the cave I got bitten by a poisonous spider. 3. The woman gave shelter to retugees while the war was going on / being waged. 4. Ronald telt a bit uneasy while he was giving the interview / being interviewed. 5. He woke up three times while he was being operated on / the operation was being performed / the doctors were operating him. 6. Someone broke into their house while they were celebrating outdoors. 7. While we were driving home we were stopped by policemen three times. 8. The sprinter sprained his ankle while he was running.

9. One ot the musicians tainted while he was performing. 10. No government official appeared to negotiate while the workers were striking. / Unit 55 Czasownik + przyimek (1) I. 1 . Does Klaus come trom Germany? 2. What does he spend his pocket money on? 3. She accused Peter ot breaking / having broken the windowo 4. They insist on visiting the Old Town square. 5. I object to sleeping in the open. 6. He apologises tor calling you names. 7. We rely on our leader tully. 8. Jenny is longing tor her tamily. 9. I preter classical music to rock. 10. Your satchel differs trom mine. 11. Did you cope with repairing the taulty oven? 12. Beware ot exceeding the speed limit. 13. I do not care tor tomato soup at alI. 14. We have not heard trom Mark tor two months. 15. The teacher disapproved ot our shouting in the corridor. Unit 56 Czasownik + przyimek (2) I. 1. The man specialises in healing people with his hands. 2. They blame me tor the misunderstanding. / They blame the misunderstanding on me. 3. Who looks after all these dogs and cats? 4. I called an ambulance because Tom suffered trom terrible pains in his stomach. 5. I suspect her ot revealing / having revealed the secret to everyone. 170 6. Remember about sending a message lo Mr Gordon. 7. This photo reminds me ot my native town. 8. Josh and Frank quarrelled with each olher yesterday. 9. She complimenled me on being a very good skier. 10. The police have been searching tor the missing child tor two days. 11. What do you think .about / ot this modern technology? 12. Despite having no map we succeeded in reaching our destination. 13. The judge charged Ben Brute with the assault. 14. Our company consists ot tive departments. 15. Our sponsors provide us with our equipment. Unit 57 Rzeczownik + przyimek I. 1. What was the reason tor his resignation trom his lucrative position? 2. There is no need tor our cleaning the deck daily. 3. Do you knowa solution lo the problem? 4. There has been a big demand tor Ihis medicine. 5. There is a difference belween these Iwo receivers. 6. What is your opinion about / ot my scheme? 7. There has been a considerable increase in tood prices recently. 8. There's no point in replacing the new tyre with the old one. 9. What was the cause ot your argument with your neighbour? 10. We have a hope ot winning Ihe competition. 11. What is your attitude to / towards the plan? 12. He made a complaint about the quality ot the sound. 13. I have achieved / gained independence trom my parents. 14. Ms Oeacon has an aptitude tor torecasting the tuture. 15. My mother has a tondness tor travelling in the mountains. Unit 58 Have it dane - forma 'kauzatywna' ] I. 1. We have our windows cleaned every month. 2. I had my car lowed to a garage. 3. I will have the pipes inslalled in the balhroom. 4. They had the courtyard swept clean. 5. He had Ihe gear box repaired. 6. We are having our rooms repainted. 7. I had my homework written. 8. She had Ihe sore tooth pulled out. 9. We are going to have the shoes mended. 10. I had my hair cut. II. 1. I had my suitcase stolen while I was looking the other way. 2. We had our clothes brown away by the gust ot wind. 3. She had her T-shirt tom during the game. 171 4. We had the windows broken in our room. 5. We had all truit picked trom the trees in our garden. Unit 59 Be + bezokolicznik I p"erlect infinitive I. 1. We are to work longer. 2. You are to give a speech. 3. He is not to wear a hat. 4. She is not to drink cold water. 5. They were to come. 6. You are to ask me tor advice. 7. Mike is to wait till we arrive. 8. She is not to play with Tom.

9. You are to keep order. 10. They are not to go to bad late. II. 1. The President is to arrive in Berlin on Monday. 2. The tria' is to start tomorrow. 3. The Emperor is to end his visit with an ofticial address. 4. We are to greet the Prime Minister with bread and salt. The Prime Minister is to be greeted with bread and salt. 5. The toreign guests are to depart next Sunday. III. 1. We were to have visited another country. 2. They were to have produced one thousand cars. 3. I was to have picked the guests up trom the airport. 4. She was to have gon e on holiday. 5. Mark was to have built a garden shed. Unit 60 Be about to - be on the point 01 I. 1. I was about to leave my house when the phone rang. 2. We were about to start the ceremony when the loudspeaker broke down. 3. He is about to jump trom the bridge. 4. I was about to phone the police when the clerk tound my luggage. 5. The Jollys are about to set oft. 6. The child was about to cry when she suddenly saw her mother. 7. I am about to start my next lesson. 8. Frank was about to quit the job when he was promised a rise. 9. They are about to crash into the car in tront ot them. 10. My parents are about to leave tor a party. II. 1. He was on the point ot breaking down when she tinally agreed to marry him. 2. We are on the point ot going out. 3. I was on the point ot giving up tishing when the tloat went under water sharply. 4. The poor people are on the point ot going mad, I am atraid. 5. Sam was on the point ot talling asleep when he heard a knock at the door. 172 Unit 61 Had better I. 1. You had better mind what you eat. 2. David had better put on warmer clothes. 3. You had better not tease the dog. 4. Joan had better give up smoking. 5. They had better hire a guide. 6. Mr Palmer had better vi sit a psychologist. 7. You had better not act on your own. 8. Your son had better leam more. 9.You had better not go down the cave. 8. You had better not marry the man. 9. They had better change their teaching methods. 10. Ms Dowson had better not keep her money under the pillow. 11. You had better not take such a big loan. 12. You had better not bathe in the river. 13. Cindy had better change her company. Unit 62 Do - forma 'emfatyczna' I. 1. I do want to see the film on TV. 2. We did sell our Ferrari that cheap. 3. She does insist on climbing the mountain tomorrow. 4. Mickey did start his career as a sales representative. 5. Alice does love Thomas. 6. The people did expect to see their favourite film star. 7. Mr Jelly does spend a lot of money on charity. 8. Lisa does want to meet that handsome boy. 9. I did win a trip around the world last year. 10. My father does work as a stunt man. II. 1. Do visit us in winter. 2. Do tell me the whole truth. 3. Do come with me. 4. Do take this money. 5. Do read the agreement beforehand. Unit 63 Can - be able to I. 1. I am able to spell in English. 2. Are you able to swim well? 3. Fred is able to drive a car. 4. Betty is not able to cook at alI. 5. We are able to work fast. 6. They are able to sing beautifully. 7. I am not able to play cards. 8. Is Jim able to repair watches, too? 9. We are able to train all dogs. 10. Are you able to draw nicely? 173 II. 1. We were able to make a bonfire. 2. Were you able to run quickly? 3. I was not able to fight we'l. 4. She was not able to speak French. 5. Were they able to climb the rocks? 6. You were able to calculate well. 7. He was not able to lift sixty kilos.

8. Were you able to trans'ate into Spanish? 9. I was able to mend socks. 10. They were not able to type. III. 1. Harry could not pronounce some words in French. 2. Can you play chess? 3. Mary can not write yet. 4. We could remember all the foreign names. 5. Could they give you any help? Unit 64 May - be allowed to I. 1. I am allowed to drive a car. 2. Are we allowed to play here? 3. You are not allowed to smoke. 4. They are allowed to use our tools. 5. 's Debbie allowed to come home late? 6. Jack is not allowed to eat sweets. 7. You are not allowed to open the gate. 8. Are they allowed to watch TV at night? 9. She is allowed to eat ice cream 10. Are we allowed to camp in this place? II. 1. If she had a driving licence, she would be allowed to drive a car. 2. You would be allowed to enter the building if you showed a pass. 3. We would not be allowed to smoke here even it we were grown-up. 4. Would I be allowed to bathe in the lake if it were not so cold? 5. If they had nothing to declare, they would be allowed to go through the border at once. III. 1. We may not reveal the secret message. 2. You might go with us if you behaved better. 3. May the children wander alone? 4. She may inspect all our files. 5. It only the weather were better, we might play in the open air. Unit 65 Be capable ot - have an ability to - manage to I. 1. Despite that horrible pain in my leg I managed to reach the peak. 2. Did you manage to repair Tom's bike? 3. Sue did not manage to arrive on time because her train was de'ayed. 4. Mark managed to tinish his project betore he was moved. 5. We did not manage to satisfy everybody's expectations, for sure. II. 1. Were you capable ot reciting poems when you were a chiid? 2. Jim is not capable of setting the video recorder. 3. My grandmother was capable of embroidering beautifully. 4. Was Mr Coxton capable of teaching smali children? 5. We were not capable of introducing these new systems. 174 l? III. 1. Do you have an ability to learn foreign languages fast? 2. My friend has an ability to calculate quickly without using a calculator. 3. She did not have an ability to act so well as the other actresses. 4. Mrs Woods had an ability to write very interesting reports. 5. Ooes this applicant have an ability to provide solutions quickly? Unit 66 Could I ... ? - Do / Would you mind i I ... ? I. 1. Could we take a look round this place? 2. Could I ask your wife a few questions? 3. Could we take photographs here? 4. Could I use your computer? 5. Could we spend the night in your house? II. 1. Do you mind if I borrow some of your books? 2. Do you mind if we pay for the accommodation later? 3. Do you mind if I try on your new suit? 4. Ooyou mind if she leaves her luggage in the spare room? 5. Do you mind if I phone you in the evening? . III. 1. Would you mind if we had a look at your pictures? 2. Would you mind if I had a rest in your garden? 3. Would you mind if our children played in front of your house? 4. Would you mind if I brought your tapes back tomorrow? 5. Would you mind if Steven left his car in your garage? Unit 67 May - might / It's possible / probabie / likely I. 1. She may be apolicewoman. 2. He may work here. 3. They may know the truth. 4. You may be ill. 5. Jenny may not know him. 6. He may not be from here. 7. They may not speak English. 8. You may learn too little. 9. He may not like you. 10. She may be afraid of us. II. 1. It is possible (that) Mike is at school nowo 2. It is possible (that) she represents another firm. 3. It is possible (that) we are not right. 4. It is possible (that) you do not know everything. 5. It is possible (that) they have a lot of money. III. 1. It is probabie (that) John is our supporter.

2. 3. 4. 5. 175

It is probabie (that) a film star lives in this house. It is probabie (that) Julia is using the phone. It is probabie (that) it will be hot tomorrow. It is probabie (that) you waste your money.

IV. 1. It is likely (that) they are having a party. 2. It is likely (that) Harry is very unhappy. 3. It is likely (that) you eat too much. 4. It is likely (that) the man will hurt you. 5. It is likely (that) she is a notorious liar. Unit 68 Be likely to - There is a probability Ilikelihood I. 1. She is likely to know about it. 2. It is likely to snowo 3. He is likely to be Iying. 4. We are likely to be wrong. 5. He is likely to suffer a lot. 6. You are likely to arrive late. 7. It is likely to be cold. 8. I am likely to have an intection. 9. You are likely to misunderstand us. 10. He is likely to be sleeping nowo II. 1. There is a probability ot his being a KGB agent. 2. There is a probability ot his being the man we have been looking tor. 3. There is a probability ot there being another war in the region. 4. There is a probability ot their standing a good chance in the competition. 5. There is a probability ot Ronald playing cards with Andy nowo III. 1. There is a likelihood ot your winning the match. 2. There is a likelihood ot our guests having travelled all night long. 3. There is a likelihood ot her making a good dancer. 4. There is a likelihood ot our having made another mistake. 5. There is a likelihood ot the weather improving soon. Unit 69 May I Might I Could + have done I. 1. Som e ot them may have discovered the truth. 2. Mr Garret may have been kidnapped. 3. You may have lost your way. 4. Somebody may have come into your office while you were out. 5. Michael may have told his parents about our intentions. II. 1. They might have torgotten the name ot the street we live in. 2. Mr Hoops might have become angry. 3 .. Gina might have broken the engagement. 4. They might have spent the day in Disneyland. 5. She might have been busy when we arrived. III. 1. I could have eaten too much chocolate. 2. They could have been in tavour ot the concept. 3. Your brother could have taken your shoes by mistake. 4. The people could have got on the wrong train. 5. They could have met each other in America. 176 Unit 70 Can't I Couldn't + do I have dane I. 1. She can not be a student. 2. They can not come from the South. 3. Mr Hornby can not spend twelve hours a day in the laboratory. 4. Alex can not know anything about me. 5. She can not be having a love affair. II. 1. The policeman couldn't have seen us. 2. The boy couldn't have attacked the elderly lady. 3. She couldn't have been working at that time. 4. The man couldn't have known my real name. 5. She couldn't have forgotten my face. 6. He couldn't have been a priest. 7. The radio couldn't have been damaged by my younger sister. My younger sister couldn't have damaged the radio. 8. He couldn't have paid so much for this old clock. 9. Professor Blackley couldn't have been with his students this morning. 10. You couldn't have seen me in the store yesterday. Unit 71 Likely to have dane - likelihood ot having dane I. 1. Some of the boys are likely to have taken part in the assault. 2. The caretaker is likely to have discovered my presence in the building. 3. Your son is likely to have been absent during most of the lectures. 4. The sausage is likely to have been stale. 5. Mr Johnson is likely to have had a love affair. II. 1. The secretary is likely to have been dismissed. 2. The man is likely to have been found unconscious. 3. The secret passage is likely to have been discovered. 4. The case is likely to have been investigated by the police. 5. You are likely to have been folIowed by someone. III. 1. There is a likelihood of his having damaged his tendon. 2. There is a likelihood of her having been too tired to come. 3. There is a likelihood of the director having been infuriated by someone. 4. There is a likelihood of my sister having forgotten about our meeting.

5. There is a likelihood of your having misunderstood what I said. Unit 72 Be certain to - be bound to I. 1. You are certain to forget my name soon. 2. The policeman is certain to give you a fine. 3. He is certain to be awarded an order. 177 4. Ben is certain to bring us only trouble. 5. Ms Thorn is certain to score the most points. II. 1. Patrick is bound to become a great musician. 2. You are bound to be chosen for aur representative. 3. Mr Plump is bound to win the biggest share. 4. You are bound to be punished if you keep on acting like this. 5. Hundreds of people are bound to lose their jobs after the reforms. 6. We are bound to have troubles (for not having paid taxes). 7. Andrew is bound to be promoted quickly. 8. These old buildings are bound to be pulled down. 9. The fire brigade are bound to be praised for their bravery and dedication. 10. He is bound to win the elections again. Unit 73 Must - have to I. 1. We have to clean the floor everyday. 2. Everyone has to obey the regulations. 3. You will have to sign the documents again. 4. She has had to supervise the production line since February. 5. I had to report to the boss. 6. Does Mike have to wake everyone up? 7. Dorothy did not have to wash the dishes. 8. They have to keep quiet in the evening. 9. I have had to continue the diet for six weeks. 10. Will we have to mind the children? II. 1. Must Bill get up at dawn? 2. We must pay monthly instalments. 3. Henry must look after the animals. 4. Must you chair every assembly? 5. Everybody must maintain secrecy. Unit 74 Be obliged to - be under I have an obligation to I. 1. Was Lucy obliged to organise all the conferences? 2. We will be obliged to answer all these letters. 3. I am not obliged to pay alimony to my former wife. 4. Since when have they been obliged to inform you about their decisions? 5. We would also be obliged to testify if we were witnesses. II. 1. Are we under an obligation to read all these books at home? 2. Peter wasn't under an obligation to check the calculations. 3. He has been under an obligation to practise the violin everyday since he started the musical college. 178 4. You will not be under an obligation to retake the exam if you score enough points. 5. The officer was under an obligation to teach the soldiers how to read a map. III. 1. We had not had an obligation to wear uniforms before he became our headmaster. 2. Do you have an obligation to control the students' progress? 3. I did not have an obligation to feed the lions. 4. When you start your work you will have an obligation to share the responsibility. 5. Do you have an obligation to wash dirty linen? Unit 75 Must do - must have done I. 1. He must be the man who started the fight. 2. She must be the one we have been waiting for. 3. Gregory must be having a good time at a party nowo 4. This must be the expensive car that they bought last year. 5. He must have a lot of money. II. 1. Somebody must have seen you in the garage last night. 2. Betty must have received a message from someone. 3. Tom must have been involved in the accident. 4. They must have known about our intentions. 5. You must have made some mistake. III. 1. He must have learnt the bad language at school. 2. Some of them must understand Swedish. 3. The woman must work for the police. 4. Dave must have been in love wit h Muriel. 5. Mr Higgins must have had problems wit h his memory. Unit 76 Need do need to do I. 1. Need we wait for the instructions? 2. Mark needn't pay the bills. 3. I needn't cook dinners for everybody. 4. Our students needn't take all their exams at once. 5. Need they carry their ID cards on them? II. 1. You don't need to typ e all these letters. 2. Nigel needed to ask the consultant for advice. 3. Does Lucy need to translate the documents into French. 4. I don't need to take the medicine everyday. 5. Did Adam need to clean the stables?

6. 7. 8. 179

Wilii need to stay in the office eight hours a day? Only Jenny didn't need to prove that she was an adult. We need to 'ook after the plants.

9. You wouldn't need to foliowali these procedures if you worked in a different department. 10. I think she will need to face all the difficulties by herself. [ Unit 77 There is a / no need for .. to ... I. 1. There is a need to change this regulation as soon as possible. 2. There is a need to substitute the injured player quickly. 3. There is a need to remove the pile of rubbish. 4. Is there a need to filter this water again? 5. There is a need to find the missing files immediate'y. II. 1. There is no need for our workers to buy their own equipment. 2. There is a need for you to be checked by a cardiologist. 3. There was no need for Michael to go on a diet. 4. There is a need for the car to be overhau'ed. 5. Is there a need for us to do every exercise at home? 6. There is no need for you to show your pass every time you go through the gate. 7. There is a need for us to act on our leader's command. 8. There is no need for us to take part in every training. 9. There will be no need for her to write a new CV. 10. There is a need for us to eliminate stressful situations at work. Unit 78 Didn't have / need to do - needn't have done I. 1. I didn't need to sweep the floor. 2. You didn't need to take part in the interview. 3. We didn't need to wait 'ong. 4. The children didn't need to go to bed before ten. 5. You didn't need to visit the doctor every week, did you? II. 1. Susan needn't have notified all our customers. 2. We didn't have to take our umbrellas because the day was sunny. 3. I didn't have to make a speech. 4. The man didn't have to show in court. 5. You needn't have given the waiter a tipo 6. Peter needn't have locked the gates at night. 7. You needn't have told them more than was necessary / so much. 8. Alice didn't have to water the flowers. 9. They needn't have brought food. 10. He didn't have to buy a ticket. 180 Unit 79 Ought to - should - be advisable to I. 1. You ought to come on time. 2. They ought to learn English. 3. She ought to forget about the boy. 4. You ought not to smoke so much. 5. Ought we to wait til! tomorrow? II. 1. Mrs Rask should not eat fatty food. 2. Stanley should take a course in programming computers. 3. You should be listening to what she is saying. 4. Nick should not walk in the city at nighL 5. We should take a short resL III. 1. It isn't advisable for him to play truant. 2. 15 it advisable for me to refuse to go? 3. It is advisable for you to be patien!. 4. It isn't advisable for us to waste our savings. 5. Is it advisable for her to apply again? 6. II is advisable for them to learn more. 7. II is advisable for Mary to stop overworking. 8. Is it advisable for us to co-operate with him? 9. It isn't advisable for me to drink any alcohol. 10. It isn't advisable for you to be driving 50 fasL Unit 80 Ought (not) to I should (not) to + have done I. 1. You ought to have told me about your problems. 2. Mary ought to have consulted her decisions with a specialist. 3. Mr Sparrow ought to have kept his money in a bank. 4. The children ought to have behaved properly. 5. Your boyfriend ought to have called for a taxi. II. 1. You should not have called him a 'iar. 2. I / you shou'd not have given the baby black coffee. 3. She should have remembered about her father's birthday. 4. You should have apo'ogised for your misbehaviour. 5. They should not have walked alone. 6. You should not have gone sailing in such awful weather. 7. You should have waited for the agent to contact you. 8. Eddie should not have lied to his parents. 9. You should not have cheated at the exam. 10. You should have told your teacher about the threaL 181

Unit 81 Used to I. 1. He used to be a very important person. 2. She used to interfere in other people's matters. 3. Mr Wobble used to spend a lot of time in pubs when he was younger. 4. I used to bite nails. 5. My grandfather used to work for the State. 6. Mary Holmes used to be a very good actress. 7. Did he use to / Used he to get up too late? 8. Andrew didn't use to be / used not to be so fussy. 9. We used to be very close friends. 10. My brother didn't use to / used not to smoke cigars. 11. Did you use to / Used you to go to the cinema? 12. George used to read books at night. 13. I used to work in my garden in the afiernoon. 14. The store used to bring enormous profit to its owners. 15. Charles used to suffer from indigestion. II Unit 82 Shalll ... ? - Would you like me to ... ? I. 1. Shalll hel p you in the garden? 2. Shall we stay and tidy the classroom up? 3. Shalll close the windows? 4. Shalll write the homework for you? 5. Shall we pick all the apples from this tree? 6. Shalll prepare a good breakfast tomorrow? 7. Shalll read the letter aloud? 8. Shall we keep guard at night? 9. Shalll cali Mrs Lee? 10. Shalll remove the rusty screws? II II. 1. Would you like me to paint the walls pink? 2. Would you like me to represent you in court? 3. Would you like us to tow your car to a petroi station? 4. Would you like me to translate the article for you? 5. Would you like us to pay you in cash? [ Unit 83 Past Simple - Present Perfect I. 1. I haven't seen your wife for a month. 2. We haven't met each other for ten days. 3. I haven't talked to Brian since he moved to Boston. 4. Simon hasn't visited us since Christmas. 5. Pauline hasn't telephoned me for seven weeks. 6. The building hasn't been renovated for ten years. 182 7. Arnold hasn't dropped a line since December. 8. aur parents haven't gone on holiday for two years. 9. She hasn't appeared in my office in London tor a week. 10. Poland hasn't played England since 1998. II. 1. Last time (when / that) I received a bonus was three months ago. 2. It was in 1988 when Robert was last abroad. 3. We last made workers redundant in September. 4. Last time (when / that) Mr Fowler answered my letters was ten weeks ago. 5. It was a month ago when my mother last had a headache. Unit 84 Be going to . intend to . have an intention 01 I. 1. Are you going to ofter money to charity? 2. We aren't going to travel to Sweden by ferry. 3. She is going to work at nighL 4. Are they going to notify the police about the strange occurrence? 5. I am going to retire next year. II. 1. We don't intend to make a party tonighL 2. Henry intends to take a few days oft. 3. aur parents intend to sell the house. 4. I don't intend to give the dog away. 5. Does Fiona intend to take a tour round Europe? III. 1. Cindy doesn't have an intention of wearing a fancy dress tonighL 2. I have an intention of changing my job next year. 3. We have an intention of having a burglar alarm installed in our house. 4. Does your father have an intention of attending the ceremony? 5. You don't have an intention of following in my footsteps, do you? Unit 85 Present Continuous - arrange to I. 1. aur son is going on holiday to Spain. 2. She is starting her new work next Monday. 3. We are being collected trom the airport at ten a.m. Mr Dalton is collecting us trom the airport at ten a.m. 4. I am spending the weekend at the seaside. 5. Are you leaving earlier tomorrow? 6. The musicians are staying in the best hotel. 7. The boss is meeting Mr Grudge on Friday. 8. We are being auditioned tomorrow. 9. You are starting your appointment at eleven.

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My daughter is visiting the dentist on Wednesday.

II. 1. I have arranged for you to take part in the conference, too. 2. The Miltons have arranged to leave for Texas tomorrow. 3. We have arranged for your luggage to be delivered by air. 4. My secretary has arranged for me to see my superior on Friday. 5. The boss has arranged to promote Adam / for Adam to be promoted. [ Unit 86 Nastpstwo czasw I. 1. She said that she was feeling unwell. 2. He told me that they usually went on holiday to France. 3. She confessed that she liked sweets very much. 4. He said that Freddie had changed a lot since the previous summer. 5. The reporters said that they would wait till the politicians arrived at the airport. 6. She explained that their former director had died in 1999. 7. She told me that she understood what I meant. 8. He said that he was having a date wit h that beautiful girl the next / following day. 9. He admitted that the gol den watch did not belong to him. 10. Tom told us that he had decided to quit his job. 11. They said that they were seeing their solicitor the following week. 12. The boy promised the girl that he would stand by her forever. 13. He exclaimed that he was not going to change the schedule any more. 14. She told me that their brother had been playing outdoors. 15. Sue said that she was afraid her husband did not love her any more. [ Unit 87 Tryb warunkowy I - un/ess J. 1. Unless you grease the mechanism, it will break down. 2. Jack will be expelled from school unless he starts attending lessons. 3. They won't settle any matter unless you offer a bribe. 4. Unless we hurry up, we won't get tickets. 5. Unless the baby stops crying soon, we will have to cali a doctor. 6. You will spoi' the toy un/ess you handle it gently. 7. Unless the driver slows down, he will cause an accident. 8. Nobody willlike the gir/ un/ess she becomes more friendly. 9. I will tell my parents unless you stop laughing at me so rude/y. 10. Unless the weather improves soon, we will have to forget about going sunbathing. II. 1. If I am not informed about everything, I will write a complaint. 2. You will be moved to a lower group if you do not make a quick progress. 3. If you do not stop quarrelling all the time, you will never reach an agreement. 4. If there is not a bigger demand for our products, we will go bankrupt. 5. The children will be punished if they do not stop being unruly. [ 184 Unit 88 Tryb warunkowy I - should / happen to I. 1. If he should come again, tell him we have no vacancies. 2. If they should discover your identity, you will get into trouble. 3. If things should get worse, you can always ask me for help. 4. If the culprit should manage to escape punishment, the pub lic will go crazy about it. 5. If your lorry should stop dead on the road, cali for help by the satellite. II. 1. Should it begin to rain, don't go on climbing. 2. Should you forget my persona' data, ask Mrs Lewis for help. 3. Should there be a 'ong queue, we'lI try passing the border somewhere else. 4. Should one of the candidates resign, you will take the place. 5. Should postmen go on strike, mail will not be delivered. III. 1. If somebody happens to find these documents, my life will be in danger. 2. If you happen to fail to pass the exam, don 't show a sig n of irritation. 3. If the chairman happens to ask you to comment, remember to be brief. 4. If nyone hap pens to offer you a low price jewellery, refuse firmly. 5. If the older boys hap pen to tease at you, stay cool. Unit 89 On condition that I.e.rovided that I. 1. I will work for you provided that you offer a higher salary. 2. We'lI come to the party provided that you don't serve alcoholic drinks. 3. Provided that Alex apologises for his bad behaviour we will invite him again. 4. I will take the children for a walk provided that it gets warmer. 5. We will dance provided that you change the music into a softer one. 6. I can tell you the news provided that you promise to keep it secret. 7. You will find true friends provided that you change your lifestyle. 8. The terrorists will set the hostages free provided that they are paid a ransom. 9. We'lI keep the dog at home provided that you promise to look after it. 10. He willlose weight provided that he reduces the number of meals. II. 1. I willlet you go on condition that you promise to come back before midnight. 2. We can lend you our car on condition that you return it clean. 3. Mary will be accepted for the job on condition that she continues her studies. 4. I willleave you the keys to my house on condition that you don 't bring in strangers. 5. You may eat cherries on condition that they are ripe. Unit 90 Tryb warunkowy II I. 1. If Mike was I were not iII, he could go to see the match with us. 2. 'f we were not busy, we would have time to play cards.

3. 185

If she was I were happy, she would smile often.

4. If you were rich, you would spend much / more on entertainment. 5. If I was / were not tired, I would not go to sleep early. II. 1. If Jack lived in the country, he would know much I more about farming. 2. If we did not have the key, we would not be able to open the door. 3. If Tom learned more, he would not get poor marks. 4. If their petroi was / were not expensive, people would buy it. 5. If Leila knew Harry, she would invite him to her party. 6. If the book interested me, I would read it. 7. If they were at home, they would answer the phone. 8. If Simon was I were feeling well, he would not have to stay in bed. 9. If your meals did not contain too much fat, you would not put on weight quickly. 10. If it was I were cold, we could not play outdoors. Unit 91 Tryb warunkowy II - li I were / Were I I. 1. If she was I were to change her job, she would certainly regret it. 2. If they were to stay in our hotel, they would book rooms in advance. 3. If we were to introduce this technology, we would need huge subsidies. 4. If he was I were to leave his wife, he would have nowhere to go to. 5. If I was / were to make a proposal, I would consider it thoroughly. II. 1. Were he the first to be promoted, we would support him. 2. Were we to spend the night in the open, we would need warm clothes. 3. Were Mark to change his school, he would have to discuss it with his parents. 4. Were I to sig n this contract, I would expect high incomes. 5. Were they to escape punishment, they would have to present an alibi. III. 1. Were I a miner, I would have to work night shifts. 2. Were she alone, she would feel terrible. 3. Were they my relatives, I would put them up in my house. 4. Were we in a critical condition, we would ask you for assistance. 5. Were I in your position, I would object strongly. Unit 92 Tryb warunkowy III I. 1. If the road workers had removed the rubble, the accident would not have happened. 2. If Mary had not come late, her boyfriend would not have gone mad. 3. If the lookout had not fallen asleep, he would have noticed the iceberg. 4. If you had been prepared for the exam, you would not have failed it. 5. If the man had not been driving too fast, he would have managed to brake in time. 6. We would have signed the deal if we had reached an agreement. 7. If you had not got up too late, you would have seen the sunrise. 8. I would have been able to understand the speaker if he had not been speaking too fast. 186 9. We would have been able to use the TV set if the aerial had not been missing. 10. The police men would have recognised the fugitive if he had not been wearing a false beard. II. 1. If he had not been drunk, he would have been allowed / able to enter the restaurant. 2. If the kids had not been making 50 much noise, the neighbours would not have complained about them. 3. We would have been able to save his life if he had not been injured too badly. 4. If Ben had been listening to the tutor, he would have heard his question. 5. I would have been able to invite the gir' to dinner if , had had enough money. Unit 93 Tryb warunkowy III - If I had / Had I I. 1. Had they invited more friends, their party would have been more enjoyable. 2. We'd have won the game had our best players taken part in it. 3. Had he read the nove', he wouldn't have had problems with summarising it. 4. Had you not taken a loan in a bank, you wouldn't have had to pay interest. 5. Your tent wouldn't have collapsed had you put it up correctly. 6. The meeting wouldn't have been such a success had they not invited the famous sportsmen. 7. Had there been a bigger interest in the show, it wouldn't have been cancelled. 8. Had Jake not wasted all his money, he would have returned home by taxi. 9. Her reputation wouldn't have suffered had she not acted 50 improperly. 10. Had you warned us beforehand, we would have known how to react. II. 1. Hadn't I been wearing a helmet, I could have been injured more seriously. 2. You would have known everything had you been listening to me carefully. 3. You might have woken everyone up had you been talking 50 loudly. 4. Hadn't you been walking on thin ice you wouldn't have fallen into cold water. 5. We could have reached the place on time hadn't we been walking 50 slowly. Unit 94 But for - If it weren't / hadn't been for I. 1. But for your help, I'd have never managed to complete the task. 2. But for his laziness, he would be a better student. 3. But for Tom's iIIness, he would go wit h you to see the fireworks dis play. 4. But for Mary's hospitality, I wouldn't have felt 50 well in their house. 5. But for their obstinacy, we'd have reached an agreement much earlier. II. 1. If it hadn't been for Mike's good humour, the party wou'd have been perfectly boring. 2. If it hadn't been for your wisdom; we'd have never coped wit h our problems. 3. If it weren't for Mr Rask's assistance, I would have to do everything on my own. 4. If it weren't for her own effort, she would never be able to earn 50 much. 5. If it hadn't been for the detective's dedication, the case wouldn't have been solved. 187

III. 1. Weren't it tor your good mood, we'd all teel bored. 2. Hadn't it been tor your brother's active participation, the job wouldn't have been done. 3. Weren't it tor the boy's wealth, the girl wouldn't date him. 4. Hadn't it been tor my wariness, we'd ali have been in danger. 5. Weren't it tor your intluenees, he wouldn't want to co-operate with you. L Unit 95 In case - in case ot I. 1. I don't want to leave him alone in case he does / should do something wrong. 2. Let's book tickets in advanee in case they are / should be sold out when we arrive. 3. We'd better move away in case the youngsters start / should start a tight. 4. Write down a note in case you (should) torget about the appointment. 5. You will keep guard in case somebody tries / should try to penetrate the site. 6. We'd better change our clothes in case it gets / should get cold high in the mountains. 7. Check the man's protile in case he turns out / should turn out to be a conman. 8. I have to hire a bodyguard in case som eon e tries / should try to kidnap me. 9. Don't touch the bags in case someone aecuses / should accuse you ot trying to steal them. 10. 1'11 get everything ready now in ease our parents arrive / should arrive earlier. [ II. 1. In case ot tire, use the emergency exit. 2. Swallow these piUs in case ot more pain. 3. In case ot another bomb attack, hide in the shelter. 4. In case ot trouble, contact me immediately. 5. Don't panie in ease ot a distress calI. Unit 96 Wish / It only + Past Simple I. 1. I wish I had more time to practise sports. 2. He wishes he earned more money. 3. She wishes she were as beautitul as the model iso 4. I wish I were a politician. 5. They wish they lived in an exotic country. 6. We wish we had a camera. 7. George wishes he were at his own home nowo 8. We wish we could speak to the President. 9. We wish our son behaved more politely. 10. I wish I knew the correct answer. II II. 1. It only David did not live so tar away trom us. 2. /f on'y we cou'd spend our holidays at the seaside. 3. It only we were students nowo 4. It only you knew how to operate the computer. 5. It only I were not too busy to spend the evening with my gir'triend. [ 188 Unit 97 Wish I If oni}': + Past Peect ] I. 1. We wish we had invited our parents to the ceremony. 2. Tom wishes he had not lied to his wife. 3. I wish I had studied the document carefully before signing it. 4. I wish they had brought their baby with them. 5. I wish you had not wasted your savings in the casino. 6. We wish we had gone to Spain with you. 7. I wish I had not quarrelled with my best friend. 8. Stella wishes she had not given up the self-defence course. 9. I wish you had told me about the concert. 10. We wish Mr and Mrs Tandy had not rejected our offer. II. 1. If only Phil had not sold all these old records. 2. If only we had consulted the matter wit h our solicitor. 3. If only I had proposed to Linda. 4. If only my parents had not sent me to school abroad. 5. If only we had not invested so much in the decaying business. Unit 98 Prefer - would erefer - would rather I. 1. Freddie prefers country life to city life. 2. I prefer dogs to cats. 3. She prefers going to a cinema to staying at home. 4. We prefer classical musie to rock. 5. James prefers reading books to playing with other boys. II. 1. He would prefer not to dance. 2. I would prefer to drink something cold. 3. She would prefer not to write the report by herself. 4. We would prefer to live in a youth hostel. 5. They would prefer not to use their real names. III. 1. Would rather watch TV than wander in the rain. 2. I would rather serve than be served. 3. They would rather keep the facts secret than make a fuss about them. 4. Ann would rather dance than sing. 5. I would rather observe nature than waste time gossiping. Unit 99 Would rather I prefer + have done I. 1. We would rather have gone on holiday abroad. 2. Sue would rather have made the appointment before Saturday. 3. I would rather have settled in Canada.

189 4. Andrew would rather have been employed in the Pub lic Relations. 5. We would rather have travelled by plain than by train. II. 1. Oaisy would sooner have got hot chocolate than coffee. 2. I would sooner have been paid in cash than by cheque. 3. We would sooner have learned English than German. 4. Mark would sooner have bought a Mercedes. 5. They would sooner have watched films than cartoons. [ III. 1. I would prefer to have become a pilot (instead of a sailor). 2. They would prefer to have worked in an orchard (instead of a greenhouse). 3. Steve would prefer to have emigrated to America (instead of Australia). 4. We would prefer to have got three meals a day (inslead of Iwo). 5. Mr Cohen would prefer lo have sludied economics (inslead of malhemalics). Unit 100 Would rather / prefer + you ... I. 1. I would rather you had your own diclionary. 2. I would prefer you not to be too noisy. 3. We'd rather she did not live so far away from us. 4. I'd prefer you not to tease the dogs. 5. I'd rather he had his driving licence. 6. "d prefer you to be more patient. 7. "d prefer Cindy to get up in time. 8. We'd rather you learned foreign languages. 9. We'd prefer him to pay at once. 10. We'd rather they did not tell the story to everybody. 11. She'd prefer the goods to be delivered before the weekend. 12. "d rather you did not drink too much carbonated water. 13. I'd prefer you to bring me f'owers. 14. I'd ralher Adam subsliluted William. 15. We'd prefer you lo tell us truth. [ Unit 101 Would like to have done I. 1. We would 'ike to have taken our chi Id ren with us. 2. I would like to have apologised lo my gir'friend. 3. My daughter would like to have stayed in London longer. 4. I would like to have bought Ihis unique picIu re. 5. We would 'ike to have arrived Iwo days earlier. II. 1. I would have liked to keep fit when I was young. 2. Mary would have liked to go wilh us to admire the sunset. 3. We would have liked to be at home at thal time. 4. I would have liked lo send a postcard lo my parenls. 190 5. Harry would have liked to notify the police of the unpleasant occurrence. 6. I would have liked to notice all these mistakes before. 7. We would have liked to film the whole ceremony. 8. Ronald would have liked to come to your birthday party. 9. The people would have liked to cali an ambulance. 10. I would have liked to take a spare wheel. Unit 102 Regret - rather than I. 1. I regret as king Mr Phillips for co-operation. 2. I regret employing too many workers for the task. 3. Linda regrets not answering Peter's letters. 4. 1 regret going into the No-entry area. 5. Tom regrets forgetting about his parents' wedding anniversary. 6. I regretted hiring/having hired the private detective. 7. 1 regret not accepting the preliminary conditions. 8. We regretted going/having gone by train. 9. I regret not following my older brother's advice. 10. Betty regretted refusing/having refused to date Paul. II. 1. Rather than pay extra money to their employees they would limit the hours. 2. Rather than have a snowball battle we would go skiing. 3. Rather than spend a few days in arrest I would pay a fine. 4. Rather than go on learning Latin Judy would take up Spanish. 5. Rather than make a bonfire the boys would play football. Unit 103 As i, as though I. 1. He acts as if he were a boss here. 2. They talk as if they knew the place well. 3. He looks as if he were seriously iiI. 4. They behave as if they were good friends. 5. He talks as if he were an expert on foreign exchange. 6. It looks as if she were a married woman. 7. He acts as if he were a professional actor. 8. They look as if they were foreigners. 9. She behaves as if she did not love him any mO,re. 10. It looks as if the gir' were going to fai nt. II. 1. It seems as though the dog had been hurt by someone. 2. They behave as though they hadn't seen one another for a long time. 3. You look so pale as though you had seen a ghost. 4. It seems as though he had found out the truth.

5. 191

They talk as though they had met Mr Jackson, too.

Unit 104 It is hi.9h labout time I. 1. It is time 1 went. 2. It is time you improved your behaviour. 3. It is time she started thinking about higher education. 4. It is time we made progress. 5. It is time Eric apologised for his misdeeds. II. 1. It is about time you left for your bus. 2. It is about time Danny got up. 3. It is about time we purchased some new equipment. 4. It is about time Alice started acting her age. 5. It is about time Mr Phillips went back to England. III. 1. Isn't it high time you were going out for your train? 2. Isn't it high time Stanley was mil king his cows? 3. Isn't it high time they were starting their lessons? 4. Isn't it high time Betty was going home? 5. Isn't it high time Mr Horn was finishing his work? Unit 105 Konstrukcje bezokolicznikowe (1) I. 1. To ask a woman about her age is tactless. 2. To cook for fifty people is difficult. 3. To look for treasures in a place like this seems absurd. 4. To study at night is inadvisable. 5. To keep money in a bank appears reasonable. II. 1. To have seen a ghost in a cellar seemed unbelievable. 2. To have escaped from the besieged city appeared impossible. 3. To have travelled alone in the jungle was unusual. 4. To have lived in the hotel for so long seemed expensive. 5. To have taken the books without asking for a permission was silly. III. 1. It seems impossible to cook without water. 2. It seemed interesting to have lived among the Aborigines. 3. It was most brave to have resisted their attacks. 4. It turned out difficult to open the wine bottle. 5. It seems irresponsible to have rejected her help. Unit 106 Konstrukcje bezokolicznikowe (2) I. 1. It isn't very easy to drive a lorry. 2. It was pretty risky to jump into cold water. 3. It isn't polite to make comments like this. 192 ] 4. It is bad for one's health to smoke cigarettes. 5. It is very courteous to ki ss a woman on the hand. II. 1. , think that it is more expensive to travel by car. 2. We have discovered that it can save a lot of trouble to pay by credit cards. 3. She believed that it was necessary to keep her life facts in secret. 4. I have found that it is comfortable to wear contact lenses. 5. Oiane thinks that it is dangerous to use electrical equipment. III. 1. We think it (to be) useful to have friends in many countries. 2. I found it (to be) nice to chat in front of the fireplace. 3. They think it (to be) useless to build another laboratory. 4. Tom has found it (to be) hard to earn his own money. 5. Have you found il (to be) easy to leach young children? Unit 107 Konstrukcje bezokolicznikowe (3) ] I. 1. Pamela has decided lo go on holiday to Greece. 2. Oid he promise to show you round the place? 3. I Ihink he only prelends lo be someone important. 4. They claim to know Mr Oavids very wel!. 5. We've agreed lo clean the cottage before leaving home. 6. I have resolved to spend some lime improving my English. 7. Oid he threaten lo beal you up? 8. Sue has arranged to be driven to Leeds by a chauffeur. 9. We guarantee to exchange the set if il breaks down. 10. He says that he will soon prove to be innocent. II. 1. The men appeared to be secret agents. 2. Your new friend seems to like you a lot. 3. The jewellery soon turned out to be fake. 4. The beautiful gir' happened lo be my friend's sister. 5. The place seems lo have been unoccupied for a long time. Unit 108 Konstrukcje bezokolicznikowe (4)' ] I. 1. You fai led to beat your brother at chess. 2. She refuses to support our ideas. 3. At weekends, they ten d to go to bed late and sleep til! midday. 4. Have you managed to read the coded message? 5. My sister offers to len d us some money in cash. 6. Mark volunteered to organise the demonstration. 7. We hope to get a chance to speak wit h the Pope.

8. 9. 10. 193

I cannol afford to buy sweets everyday. Oon't bother to feed the goldfish everyday. The worker attempted to lift the box but it was too heavy.

II. 1. We demand to be told the whole truth. 2. She has arranged tor her brother to be seen by the doctor tomorrow. 3. I have decided tor my tlat not to be wall-papered. 4. They agree to share the responsibility tor the enterprise. 5. It seems he has resolved to go on tour with his tamily. Unit 109 Konstrukcje bezokolicznikowe (5) II. I. 1. We expect you to obey all aur orders. 2. They convinced me to accept their conditions. 3. She wants us either to agree ar resign. 4. The Headmaster warned the pupils not to play truant. 5. I instructed them not to ever smoke in the garage. II. 1. He reminded me to check the brakes beto re driving. 2. They persuaded us to come to see the exhibition with them. 3. The officer ordered the recruits to stand upright and not to move. 4. She warned us not to lie again ar we would be spanked. 5. He invited me to come to the ceremany. 6. He entitled us to act on his behalt. 7. The boss appointed Jenny to tultil the task. 8. He inspired me to tinish painting the picture. 9. He tempted the girl (with money) not to tell George what had happened. 10. She encouraged her husband to take part in the competition. l Unit110 Konstrukcje bezokolicznikowe (6) I. 1. He is said to own huge riches. 2. Your husband is believed to be a healer. 3. The printer seems to be out ot order. 4. Mr Wizard is claimed to know magic. 5. The castie is said to be haunted. II. l l II. 1. Gregory is believed to have become a monk. 2. The genera is said to have died in battle. 3. The old monument is said to have stood here tor centuries. 4. Boy-scouts seem to have camped here. 5. The thieves appear to have worked together. III. 1. The church is said to have been plundered by the enemy troops. 2. Same ot the bottles seemed to have been emptied beto re. 3. The politicians were believed to have been kidnapped by terrorists. 4. The local sports centre is estimated to have been built tor ten years naw. 5. Dur car is said to have been stolen by a protessional. 194 Unit 111 Gerund fi I. 1. Consuming fatty food is unhealthy. 2. Studying medicine is a great challenge. 3. Watching nature seems interesting. 4. Hunting with a bow and arrows is cruel. 5. Dozing in a hammock on a sunny day is pleasanL II. 1. Her being a native speaker won't make a big difference in this case. 2. Your living in the country and working in the city appears uncomfortable. 3. Your being a police officer is of primary importance to me. 4. Their going / having gone home so early is stil! a riddle to me. 5. His having been executed caused a realoutcry from the pub lic. 6. My being rich is not as relevant as my being hard-working. 7. Her having emigrated is a common knowledge. 8. Your being against the idea made the problem even worse. 9. His having wasted all his money on gambIing amazed everybody. 10. Your living near the city centre makes it easy for you to do shopping. Unit 112 Gerund 0 I. 1. Michael admits being involved in the fraud. 2. Someone suggested our selling the land to the State. 3. I remember your being rather naughty as a chiid. 4. She denies being there at the time of the murder. 5. We propose your interviewing more applicants at a time. ] II. 1. We have decided to postpone staging the show. Q.,yOU risk losing your job if you disobey the regulations. 'y,->! walked fast to avoid meeting Mr Graham. 0. Do you mind my returning home late? . ( 5.Although I've punished him several times he keeps being unruly. '-./ 6. We appreciate your being so generous to us. t]) Excuse my being nosy but how long have you been divorced? 8. I don't recollect his being our chief.

9. Do you enjoy playing golf? 10. She cannoVfinds it hard to resist eating sweets. Unit 113 Gerund (3) I. 1. We don't feellike spending the whole day in the city, do we? 2. He disapproved of being called by his surname. 3. She objected to our playing musie at nighL 4. She insisted on my coming with hero 5. Ilook forward to meeting my girlfriend again. 195 6. It is not good using the wall. It's bone dry. 7. I am accustomed to her wearing these old-fashioned clothes. 8. Mark has given up smoking cigarettes. 9. What is the point of changing your testimony? 10. Andrew was responsible for breaking the windowo 11. She dislikes being a teacher. 12. If you invite more guests it will also involve preparing more food. Inviting more guests will also involve preparing more food. 13. I think the film is worth watching / being watched again. 14. Your shoes need cleaning (badly). 15. Jeff has taken to jogging. [ Unit 114 Imiesw czl!!!!Y. J. 1. They are the people wishing to congratulate you. 2. She is the girl trying to make a career as a model. 3. He was the jumper attempting to beat the world record. 4. Are you the man threatening to beat my son up? 5. We aren't the ones asking for financial support. II. 1. I always see her working in her garden in the afternoon. 2. I can hear the sewing machine working. 3. We noticed him breaking into a shop. 4. I can feel my fingers going numb. 5. We watched them kissing under a palm tree. III. 1. We caught the boy looking through the files. 2. I found the cat hiding in a dog's house. 3. We left them arguing. 4. The constable caught him treading on the lawn. 5. Ileft Wendy resting in the armchair. [ Unit11S' Imiesw czynny i bierny I. 1. Knowing how to make the caretaker angry the boys played tricks on him. 2. Being an honorary member of our club she needn't pay contributions. 3. Working together they know each other very wall. 4. Not having enough experience he was bound to mismanage the task. 5. Understanding our situation well we decided not to take another loan. II. 1. Having answered all the questions Ileft the room quietly. 2. Having split up we went our separate ways. 3. Having graduated she made up her mind to move abroad. 4. Having worked out the password we could easily open the vault. 5. Having drunk the first glass ot wine Tom's mood began to improve. 196 III. 1. Having been released from prison he promised never to steal again. 2. Having been dismissed for the third time I decided to change my profession. 3. Having been made to pay extra for the accommodation the people said they would never stay in the hotel again. 4. Having been robbed in the street she went to the police station. 5. Having been interviewed the applicants were asked to wait in the hall. Unit 116 Strona bierna (1) ] I. 1. Novels are read (by us). 2. Lunch is being eaten (by me). 3. A letter was written (by Tom). 4. Money is spent (by people). 5. The tools are being used (by them). 6. A song has been recorded (by Eddie). 7. The garden was being dug (by them). 8. The question will be answered (by you) 9. The plan has been spoilt / -ed (by me) . 10. Are cats kept by her? 11. The hedges were trimmed (by them). 12. Has a party been launched (by hi m)? 13. Musie isn't being listened to (by us). 14. The show had been cancelled (by her). 15. Will the socks be mended (by you)? 16. BiIIs are not paid by me. 17. Were their teachers invited (by them)? 18. A wallet has not been lost (by Alex). 19. A meal would be cooked (by her). 20. A castle was not being built (by us). 21. Had the tree been cut down (by him)? 22. The radio has not been turned oft (by me).

23. A van is driven (by her). 24. The dishes are not being washed (by Tim). 25. A specialist was wanted (by them). 26. Would she be hurt (by him)? 27. The nam e has been forgotten (by you). 28. The cat will not be given away (by her). 29. They were made to apologise (by me). 30. Some boxes were being carried (by him) Unit 117 Strona bierna (2) I. 1. The clock can be repaired (by me). 2. The regulations must be folIowed (by you). 3. The figures should be remembered (by us). 4. Must reports be written (by them)? 5. The label need not be showed / shown (by him). 6. The text ought to be revised (by me). 7. Our strategy may be known (by them). 8. We could be protected (by him). 9. The button should not be even touched (by you). 10. Might the test be fai led (by her)? ] II. 1. We want the camera to be repaired (by you). 2. She would like the walls to be painted white (by us). 3. Do you want the accounts to be checked (by me). 4. He wouldn't like his documents to be showed / shown to everybody (by you). 5. Oid they want the alarm to be switched oft (by hi m)? 197 III. 1. The baby is being looked atter (by him) 2. The idea was approved of (by me). 3. Has Ihe camera been seen lo (by you)? 4. The drawing is being laughed al (by Ihem). 5. The accommodalion was paid for (by her). 6. She must be written to at once (by you). 7. The cat was being looked for all nighl (by us). 8. What was the table covered with (by hi m)? 9. The strike should not be carried on (by us). 10. Who was Mr Lewis operated on by? Unit 118 Strona bierna I. 1. He is said to be a heavy drinker. 2. The government is known to be working on a new tax law. 3. Julia is Ihoughl lo be Ihe most reliable person. 4. Arthur Grim was believed to have been bom in England. 5. The book is claimed to be written / have been written by an unknown author. II. 1. We have advised that a detailed investigation (should) be carried out. 2. The management have decided that the annual report (should) be issued next month. 3. They demand that the socket (should) be reinstalled. 4. I am anxious that the ordered good (should) be delivered by tomorrow. 5. We recommend that the office (should) be made more spacious. III. 1. She denied having been paid to photograph the secret files. 2. I remember being / having been asked questions about my childhood. 3. They admitted having been urged to disrepute Mr Howard. 4. Can you imagine being chased in a dark street? 5. He says he recollects being / having been approached by some people afterwards. Unit 119 Mowa zalena (1) I. 1. He says that he likes porridge a lot. 2. The claim that they are busy at weekends. 3. She promises that she will send me a poslcard. 4. He says that he cannot explain it to me. 5. She thinks that he lives alone. 6. They suppose that they have no chances. 7. She believes that she is the best. 8. We guess that the fiat isn't new. 9. He is sure that they are a married couple. 10. They say that their dog is missing. 198 II. 1. She is asking what your name iso 2. I want to know why the child is crying. 3. He wonders why they feel alone. 4. We'd like to know when John is leaving . 5. He is asking where you worked before. 6. She is asking how your mother iso 7. lam curious why you are complaining. 8. We want to know whose that notebook iso 9. They wonder what she has told you. 10. We are curious who gives them money. III. 1. I want to know if Bob knows Ann. 2. They are asking if George is your relative. 3. We are curious if you have worked together. 4. Iwonder if she invited her friends. 5. We'd like to know if you were smoking, too.

6. She is as king if Tom has been sunbathing. 7. I am curious if Brian was praised, too. 8. We want to know if you will visit us tomorrow. 9. She wonders if there is any food in the fridge. 10. They are curious if you like your new school. Unit 120 Mowa zalena (2) I. 1. They said that they would come late. 2. He explained that he was busy then. 3. She answered that she had rejected his offer. 4. They told me that they did not use much gas. 5. He said that his wife had not gone with him. 6. They advised us that we must / had to be careful. 7. She told me that the men were looking for me. 8. He promised that he would give me protection. 9. They said that they had finished their job. 10. He said to me that I should not surrender. II. 1. Her mother said that she had left the day before. 2. They promised that they would visit us the following day. 3: She told me that she could not meet me the following week. 4. He explained to me that he was working that day. 5. He sa id that Jim had gone on holiday two days before. 6. She informed us that they were getting married the following week. 7. They told me that he had died six weeks before. 8. I told her that I had met Paul the day before. 9. He explained that she had changed her job the previous year. 10. They promised that they would contact us the following month. 199 III. 1. He asked who was / had been wit h me the day before. 2. She wanted to know where Ilived. 3. We were curious how he had got there. 4. He wanted to know why I had dropped out. 5. I asked what had made them split up. 6. I wanted to know when he was driving to Leeds. 7. We wondered why they were arguing. 8. I was curious who would stand in for me. 9. She asked Tom if his brother was / had been born in Italy. 10. He wanted to know if I had met Cindy. [ Unit 121 Mowa zalena (32 I. 1. He promised that he would come before noon if he got up early enough. 2. He warned me not to touch the fuse / that I should not touch the fuse. 3. She asked him if he would be able to help them wit h the bricks the following day. 4. The suspect denied 1. selling / having sold any secret information. 2. that he had sold any secret information. 5. Diane reminded us to thank / that we should thank our aunt for her hospitality. 6. He admitted having been / that he had been involved in black marketing. 7. The terrorist threatened to shoot / that he would shoot if l/we moved. 8. She asked me if I would mind if she took the bed near the windowo 9. He advised her not to hesitate too long or she would lose another chance. 10. He encouraged us to comment on everything we considered to be wrong. 11. He suggested that we (should) book / (our) booking tickets for the flight. 12. She ordered her children to change their clothes and wash their hands immediately. 13. She invited her guests to make themselves comfortable. 14. I asked the doctor to write / if he could write a prescription for me. 15. I to Id the other driver that if he had turned the headlights on I would not have crashed into him. [ Unit 122 Zdania okolicznikowe celu I. 1. She went to the library in order to borrow some novels. 2. We will pay more in order to stay longer in the spa. 3. Dave has gone to work in order to earn some money for his studies. 4. I will switch on the TV in order to listen to the news. 5. Let's have an inoculation in order not to get an infection. II. 1. I've hired a disc-jockey so that my guests will / may have a good fun. 2. We pay for private lessons so that our children will / may learn more efficiently. 3. Turn on the siren so that other drivers will / may know we hurrying to an emergency. 4. She has lent me a phrase book so that I will / may learn everyday English. 5. They put a band over my eyes so that I would not / might not see their faces. 200 III. 1. We usually lock the garden gate to prevent people (tram) stealing our truit. 2. Nadine hid in the spare raom to avoid meeting Peter. 3. He didn't say anything to avoid being criticised. 4. We're going to put a tence raund the area to prevent people (trom) entering it. 5. He took up some wrongtul practices to avoid paying taxes. Unit 123 Zdania okolicznikowe u ] I. 1. Although he was very wealthy, he never shared his money wit h other people. 2. However hard you work, you will never earn enough. 3. Even though she is considered to be nice, she never says Hello to anyone. 4. No matter where you go, always remember to be polite. 5. Though the actors may have been good , the whole play was rather boring.

6. Whoever asks you this question, don 't tell the truth. 7. Even it children do not / may not like cod-liver oil, it is considered a good medicine. 8. However high the temperature was, there were lots ot people on the beach. 9. No matter what they will tell you, remember that I am your triend. 10. Although Mary isn't the most beautitul girl in town, she is very popular with boys. II. 1. Famous as they are, they are also very pompous. 2. Intelligent as he is, he can also be unpleasant. 3. Calm as my tather may look, he gets excited very quickly. 4. Expensive as the device is, it is very usetul to us. 5. Hard-working as he is, he seldom does his work wall. Unit 124 Zdania okolicznikowe czasu ] I. 1. As soon as I do / have done my homework, I will go to see my triends. 2. Betore the visitors arrive at noon, we will prepare tood and drinks. 3. I will wait till you tinish your work at tive. 4. When she learns about your misbehaviour, she will get angry. 5. After I write / have written a statement, I will hand it to him. 6. Immediately he comes, I will tell him the good news. 7. I will wait until the conterence tinishes at seven. 8. The moment we tinish the operation, the patient will be woken up. 9. When I read / have read the article, I will give it to you. 10. Betore you deliver your speech, the chairman will greet the audience. 11. After she cooks I has cooked dinner, she will clean the house. 12. The minute he comes, I will tell him about your request. 13. As soon as the rain subsides, we will continue our work. 14. I will stay till my tavourite rock artist starts playing at ten. 15. Immediately you get better, you will be taken back home tram hospital. 201 Unit 125 Spjniki (1) I. 1. No matter how much time he spent learning he never got good marks at school. 2. Besides being a skilled sculptor Ronald can also paint beautitully. 3. Though these shoes are rather costly, dem and tor them is high. 4. In spite ot having / the tact that we had smali savings we decided to start building a house. 5. Even though his offer is tempting, I am not going to accept it. 6. Since Mr Bead's experience is too poor we won't admit him in our team. 7. Efficiently as / though we work, they never praise us. 8. Stop / You had better stop spreading gossips or else we'lI never talf-; you again. 9. Much as I respect Mrs Dwight, I don't always agree with hero 10. Despite having a good knowledge ot ancient history, the competitor didn't win the main prize. 11. We'lI walk with the torches switched off lest someone should see us. 12. Return / You had better return the books in time otherwise the library will send you a reminder. 13. However hard Mark works, his employer never gives him any bonuses. 14. For tear ot being assaulted the elderly lady would carry an electric paralyser. 15. For all our effort, we haven't succeeded in tinding any clues or proots. Unit 126 Spjniki (2) I. 1. Seeing that they are very obstinate we won't waste our time trying to convince them. 2. Courteous as / though Gloria is, she can also be very unkind. 3. I don't allow my children to go camping alone in case something wrong happens / should happen to them. 4. However suspicious the detective looked, he didn't ask a single question. 5. Despite there being a strong wind outside we won't give up going tishing. 6. Besides running a store in Dublin Jeff also owns a smali shop in Dalkey. 7. Come early enough or else you will miss the best part ot the show. 8. Unless she phones me tonight, I won't ask her tor a date any more. 9. Rich as / though the people were they never donated any money to charity. 10. In view ot the man's proper behaviour the judge decided to reduce the penalty. 11. We have taken warm clothes lest the weather should get worse. 12. No matter how incompetent she was the boss never agreed to tire hero 13. In spite ot drinking tive coffees a day, Jake never suffers trom high blood pressure. 14. Much as llike having tun at the seaside, I haven't had any tor ages. 15. Despite having solved their problem they retused to pay me money. Unit 127 Inwersja czasownika I. 1. Not only did the captain receive a honorary award but he was also promoted by the President himself. 2. Seldom do we ask the Council tor their opinion. 202 3. No sooner had we collected our salaries than we went to buy turniture to our tlat. 4. On no account should you ignore the officers' orders. 5. Had there been more time, more people would have been rescued. 6. Not till Mr Trump's wite phoned him trom hospital did he know whether his child was a girlor a boy. 7. Only by offering her more money could we make her stay. 8. Never (beto re) have I seen a structure like this in my lite. 9. Scarcely ever does Adam torget to walk the dog in the morning. 10. Hardly had we returned trom the trip when we starte d planning another one. 11. Only when I mentioned my tather's name did he agree to see me. 12. Under no circumstances must you torget about the appointment. 13. Should you tind the girl's phone number, let me know.

14. Rarely does my husband bring me tlowers. 15. Little did the woman know about the matter you asked about. Unit 128 Idiomy, zwroty, kolokacje (1) I. 1. My triend is a habitual cigarette smoker. 2. Have you taken account ot / into account all the pros and cons ot the operation? 3. There is a probability that the storm will hit the coastline within the next three days. In all probability, the storm will hit the coastline within the next three days. 4. Why don't we cali it a day? 5. There is no / I can see no point in trying to repair the old water heater. 6. The question ot overdue bills appeared out ot the blue. 7. I am in tavour ot the Liberal Party in the elections. 8. We did not have / get a permission to use any electrical devices in the hoste!. 9. Our reaching the village on toot in two days was out ot the question. It was out ot the question tor us to reach the village on to ot in two days. 10. They say they have taith in our chances ot winning the game. 11. I am not accustomed to being treated badly. 12. The ceremony was postponed owing to an electricity shortage. 13. Heavy rain prevented us trom continuing repairing the root. 14. What is your viewpoint on the suggestions Mrs Lark has made? 15. Our efforts to win higher wages was in vain. Unit 129 Idiomy, zwroty, kolok.acje (2) J. 1. Remember always to pay attention to what your teachers say. 2. The Italian violinist's performance took the audierfc'e by storm. 3. We are running short ot petroi supplies. / Our "troi supplies are running short. 4. They repaired the camera at my exp mse. 5. My younger sister has a liking tor sweets. I 6. You are supposed to deliver an address at the banquet. 7. He does nothing but complain about everything. 8. I was overcome with all my problems. 203

9. Bear in mind that this kind ot responsibility is very demanding. 10. Susan met Helen in Tokyo by (sheer) coincidence. It was a coincidence that Susan met Helen in Tokyo. 11. There has been an increase in the costs ot bank services. 12. The excuse the boy gave was beyond everybody's beliet. 13. Alan says he takes delight in playing squash. 14. The boy plays truant quite often. 15. Some ot our clients were critical ot the quality ot our services. Unit 130 Idiomy, zwroty, kolokacje (3) I. 1. I guess it was Raul who let the cat out ot the bag. 2. Judging by appearances, our new neighbours are a nice couple. 3. Erik is a native Dutch. 4. Jackets like this are out ot date. 5. It I were in your shoes, I would not interfere in your daughter's matters. 6. We have / raise an objection to being replaced by another crew . 7. She expressed her gratitude tor all the help she received. 8. It is a pity so much money has gone down the drain. 9. According to the doctor, my baby is due next month. 10. I don't have a clue who the black-skinned man iso 11. You ought to have written down the man's personal details. 12. Judy hasn't made up her mind where to go on holiday yet. 13. The police managed to trace the culprit's car by means ot satellite links. 14. Don't forget to drop a line when you arrive in New York. 15. The newspapers write that the dangerous murderer is still at large. Unit 131 Idiomy, zwroty, kolokacje (4) I. 1. We have decided to economise on the amount of gas we use. 2. She was reluctant to give me any intormation about the campaign. 3. I'd rather you got rid ot all these empty beer cans. 4. It was not necessary tor any of us to write an entry test. 5. The journalist has poured scorn on the government's helplessness. 6. I'm going to move to the countryside tor the sake ot my health. 7. The other man put / laid the blame on me tor stealing his handbag. 8. Our products have won approval ot customers because their prices have been lowered considerably. 9. I have heard the Comptons have split up. 10. You have a chance in a million to chose the correct answer. 11. The younger scouts got cold te et when it got pitch dark. 12. There is no denying that Mrs Grady is the best accountant we have. 13. It is none of your business how much I earn. 14. It was Arnold who was desperate to watch / for watching the football game. 15. The secretary got / was given the sack last week. 204 II Iij I I I I I t

. 1. 1 -'j

I ,F Unit 132 Idiomy, zwroty, kolokacje (5) I. 1. He got into deep / hot water when revealed he was a secret agent. 2. There is achance that som e ot us will be accepted. There is a chance ot some ot us being accepted. Some ot us have / stand a chance ot being / to be accepted. 3. You needn't have cleaned all the rooms on the tloor. 4. You lacked strength. 5. Don't be atraid, this substance does not do harm to health . 6. She makes an impression ot a very poor person. 7. The younger children long tor their parents the most. 8. It was Elisabeth who was the apple in our tather's eye. 9. , can hard'y make head or tai ot what the lecturer is saying. 10. My brother, Tom, makes a living as a coal miner. 11. These golden earrings are beyond my purse. 12. There was no admission to the area tor civilians during the manoeuvres. No civilian was granted admission to this area during the manoeuvres. 13. I appears there is a division between the party members. 14. The tood and drinks we had in the restaurant were on the house. 15. Protessor Shean has an inclination to stray / tor straying trom the main topic ot his lecture. Unit 133 Idiomy, zwroty, kolokacje (6) I. 1. Dorothy has a good / thorough knowledge ot the history ot the Roman Empire. 2. Their advice is worth being taken into consideralion. 3. Chris says biology is not his strong(est) suit. 4. It is obligatory tor you to obey the satety regulations. 5. In that situation, I had lo resort to knocking Ihe man down. 6. Frank has broken his promise / word as usual. 7. I am sorry but all your answers were wide ot the marko 8. The actor is detinitely fong in the tooth. 9. They say they will go to any lengths to recover trom their bad condition. 10. Untortunately, we have / suffer trom a scarcity ot protessiona' programmers nowo 11. The patient can hardly hear anything. 12. It would be much better it you retrained trom using salt. 13. Your daughter cannot / does not spell well. 14. I did not mean to offend you, believe me. 15. He says he does not attach importance to efegance. Unit 134 Idiomy, zwroty, kolokacje (7) I. 1. They always keep up appearances. 2. Our house is still tor / on sale. 3. It is characteristic ot these flowers to go yellow in spring. 205

3. No sooner had we collected our salaries than we went to buy turniture to our fiat. 4. On no account should you ignore the officers' orders. 5. Had there been more time, more people would have been rescued. 6. Not till Mr Trump's wite phoned him trom hospital did he know whether his child was a gir' or a boy. 7. Only by offering her more money could we make her stay. 8. Never (beto re) have I seen a structure like this in my lite. 9. Scarcely ever does Adam torget to walk the dog in the morning. 10. Hardly had we returned trom the trip when we started planning another one. 11. Only when I mentioned my tather's name did he agree to see me. 12. Under no circumstances must you torget about the appointment. 13. Should you tind the girl's phone number, let me know. 14. Rarely does my husband bring me tlowers. 15. Little did the woman know about the matter you asked about. Unit 128 Idiomy, zwroty, kolokacje (1) I. 1. My triend is a habitual cigarette smoker. 2. Have you taken account ot / into account all the pros and cons ot the operation? 3. There is a probability that the storm will hit the coastline within the next three days. In all probability, the storm will hit the coastline within the next three days. 4. Why don't we cali it a day? 5. There is no / I can see no point in trying to repair the old water heater. 6. The question ot overdue bills appeared out ot the blue. 7. I am in tavour ot the Liberal Party in the elections. 8. We did not have / get a permission to use any electrical devices in the hoste!. 9. Our reaching the village on to ot in two days was out ot the question. It was out ot the question tor us to reach the village on toot in two days. 10. They say they have taith in our chances ot winning the game. 11. I am not accustomed to being treated badly. 12. The ceremony was postponed owing to an electricity shortage. 13. Heavy rain prevented us trom continuing repairing the reot. 14. What is your viewpoint on the suggestions Mrs Lark has made?

15. Our efforts to win higher wages was in vain. Unit 129 Idiomy, zwroty, kolok.acje (2) / I. 1. Remember always to pay attention to what your teachers say. 2. The Italian violinist's performance took the audie,ic'e by storm. 3. We are running short ot petroi supplies. / our/ trol supplies are running short. 4. They repaired the camera at my expense. 5. My younger sister has a liking tor sweets. I 6. You are supposed to deliver an address at the banquet. 7. He does nothing but complain about everything. 8. I was overcome with all my problems. 203

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