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Interpreting Texts: Class Ground Rules You are respectful to your peers by: o Letting others finish speaking

before interrupting o Offering help and support to students who need it o Speaking for yourself, your family, your society, but not for others o Respecting confidentiality o Never backbiting o Never ridiculing others or laughing at their efforts to participate o Speaking briefly and to the point, allowing time for others to speak o Raising your hand when you are ready to say something o Participating fully in group and pair work o Keeping an open mind, recognizing that you can learn from new perspectives You are respectful to your teacher by: o Respecting your peers in the above mentioned ways o Being in class one minute before it begins o Being prepared for class with all homework, readings, and needed materials o Giving your best attention and work in every class and every assignment o Asking questions o Keeping your mind active in the class o Being understanding when the teacher makes a mistake o Signing up for office hours when you want individual explanation and feedback o Following the class rules outlined in the syllabus; e.g., keeping mobiles silent The teacher is respectful to you by: o Designing lessons that are interesting to you or relevant to your life o Meeting objectives of the class syllabus to prepare you for UG work o Taking an active learning approach, including occasional games/physical activities o Listening attentively and asking questions o Being available for questions, concerns, or suggestions by email or during office hrs. o Accepting constructive feedback to improve the class

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