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American Cultural Studies- CLASS SYLLABUS


In American Cultural Studies, students are provided the opportunity to apply the knowledge and skills of the social sciences to a variety of topics and issues dealing with various cultural groups found in American society. This is a one semester (18 week) elective course in which students earn one-half credit after successful completion. Students use critical-thinking skills to locate, organize, analyze, and use data collected from a variety of sources and will communicate this information in written, oral, and visual forms. Students will explore the history, interactions, and contributions of men and women of the following cultural groups in the United States: Native Americans, Mexican Americans, African Americans, Jewish Americans, Asian Americans, and Middle Eastern Americans, Italian Americans and Irish Americans. Students will also examine the current socioeconomic status of these cultural groups and appraise current issues affecting them.

COURSE MATERIALS 1) Text Book (I get back to you on that one) 2) Spiral Notebook (provided by student) 3) Writing Utensil (provided by student) GRADING A = EXCELLENT AB+ B = GOOD C= Satisfactory D= Below Satisfactory F = MINIMAL GRADING SCALE 95% and above 90% to 94% 85% to 89% 80% to 84% 75% to 79% 70% to 74% 69% and down

GRADES ARE DETERMINED BY: A total of points earned, divided by points possible. All Social Studies grades will be weighted in the following manner: Assessments Course Work 50% 30%



LATE HOMEWORK ASSIGNMENTS 1. 10% will be deducted from an assignment for each day it is late. 2. Late assignments will be accepted, but after 5 days the max amount of points that can be earned is 50% 3. Absent students will be allowed one day for every day missed, following their return, to turn in missed work. 4. Students will have one day to make up a missed exam due to an absence. ATTENDANCE Please refer to Franklin High School Student Handbook. The school-wide policy will be strictly enforced and followed in this classroom. CLASSROOM RULES & PROCEDURES RESPECT (the special esteem or consideration in which one holds another person or thing) Respect yourself and others

Respect your property, others property, the classroom property, and teachers property LISTEN (to use ones ears consciously in order to hear) Listen to fellow classmates and teacher with open ears and closed mouth Do not talk while another classmate or teacher is talking Partake in active listening

LEARN (to acquire knowledge of or skill in by study) Participate in class activities and discussions

Approach each class with a clear head and open mind

PREPARE (to get ready for, to make necessary steps prior to) Bring all required materials to class everyday.

writing utensil, paper, notebook, folder, textbook, planner Sit correctly in assigned seat before the bell rings

ENJOY (to take pleasure or delight in, to have the use, benefit or advantage of) Bring a happy face and attitude to class each day

*In addition to the above referenced rules, school-wide rules and policies will be enforced in this class.*

Name:______________________ Rules will be respected and followed not only by myself, but by the students in the class and the guardians of said students. The syllabus is a contract and will be treated like one by all parties. This contract will be signed by all parties and returned. By signing below you are acknowledging the validity of the syllabus, acknowledge the rules and consequences and will respect and follow them.

Mr. Leeser






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