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After the march today in Manchester...


housands of us are marching today, not just in defence of our NHSwhich is facing a huge attack by the Toriesbut against the entire assault we face in the name of austerity. We need to strike together if were going to beat the Tories. On Wednesday firefighters in the FBU struck over attacks on pensions. This Tuesday tens of thousands of teachers will strike in defence of education in the Midlands, Yorkshire and Humberside and Eastern regions. Postal workers have started their ballot for strikes over privatisation, workload, pay and pensions. PCS and NAPO members and workers in higher
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education are also considering action. Weve also seen some important victories. Hovis workers beat the bosses over zero hours contrtacts at the Wigan plant. Unite the union won the reinstatement of blacklisted electrician, Frank Morris, on the Crossrail project. Glasgow social care workers walked out unoffically and stopped the attack on one of their colleagues. We need to unite all the fights and strike back together if we want to see the back of this vicious Tory government. The TUCs talk of coordinated action and a general strike needs to be turned urgently into action.
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Return to: TUC, Congress House, 23-28 Great Russell St, City of London, Greater London WC1B 3LS This petition has been initiated by Socialist Worker

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