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Age: Gender: What is your preferred genre?

Alternative rock Indie rock Pop Dance R&B Metal What is your favourite music video and why?

What was your favourite part of that video?

Do you like videos with a narrative, performance or artistic features and why?

What would you look for in a music video? Something that makes me think Someone I can identify with A diversion away from normal life Someone whos different form me so I can admire them Other (please specify):

Our music video will be a mixture of performance and narrative to go with the song R U Mine by the Arctic Monkeys, it will all be filmed on a GoPro attached to instruments. The video will feature a boy playing the song and walking with a camera on his head facing down to his feet. He will encounter various circumstances on his journey. From this summary, do you think our music video idea appeals to you and why?

What would you like to see in this video? Something that I can recognise and identify with A fantasy, glamourized reality Why:

Will you put your name down to give us feedback once our video is done? Yes No

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