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A2 FILM STUDIES FM4 SECTION A: WORLD CINEMA - Urban Stories Case Study Film 2 Cache, Haneke (2005, France)

Part 1 Reflecting on the film Reflect back on your screening notes, the notes from your teacher and your mind maps. Using these to help you, answer the questions below: 1. How does the mise-en-scene of the film establish privilege and social power?

2. How are issues of power and powerlessness represented in the film? How is this achieved through the stylistic features of the film?

3. How is conflict between those who have (Georges and Anne) and those who have not (Majid and son) represented in the film?

4. How does Haneke explore the idea of conflict and guilt through the characters of Georges and Anne? How do you feel about them as a spectator?

5. How is the City represented in this film? Is it essential to the lives of our main characters?

6. Pierrot and Majids son have few lines in the film but can be seen to be important characters. What do you think their role in the film is?

7. What is the significance of the final scene?

Part 2 Personal Response Write a personal response to the film and the question: How is Cache an Urban Story?

To hand in next lesson, Friday 04th October

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