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The advantages and disadvantages of predicting earthquakes

Background Information
Scientists have attempted several ways to predict earthquakes, however, none have been successful. When observing the earth, there have been no obvious signs that indicate the event. Scientists have noted that just before an earthquake hits vibrations can be detected, although this leaves little to no time for escape (Planet Science, n.d.).

Advantages of Predictions
Ability to prepare belongings and evacuate areas Chance to disconnect gas, electricity and water Allows for life to be saved human and animal Evacuation centres can be organised and prepared Chance to alert relatives etc. of safety
(The Guardian, 2013)

Disadvantages of Predictions
Fear of false alarms no fail proof system in place No concrete evidence to prove an earthquake is about to occur If people leave their homes, the possibility of looting and criminal offences becomes an increased opportunity Disaster may occur within a certain radius of the prediction and false preparation or lower magnitude disaster could occur Economical barriers paying for research, closure of businesses when potential threats are predicted, loss of income
(The Guardian, 2013).

When attempting to predict earthquakes, it is evident that the disadvantages of a prediction system outweigh the advantages. As scientists have no concrete evidence to prove signals of an earthquake, any prediction made would encourage people to live in fear. Additionally, the warning would be disregarded by the public eventually, as the economic ramifications would take hold and affect all people involved in the prediction areas.

Planet Science. (n.d.). Over 11s: natural world. Retrieved September 22, 2013, from The Guardian. (2013). Attempts to predict earthquakes may do more harm than good. Retrieved September 22, 2013, from

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