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0 Malaysia: Tourism Destination for Education

Malaysia, tropical paradise in the heart of Southeast Asia is a fascinating
amalgamation of different races, cultures and religions that have coexisted in harmony for
centuries. Great cultural diversity, rapid economic growth along with peace and
tranquillity are the main attractions for international students coming to study at the local
and international colleges that make up the Malaysian educational offering. It is an
invitation to experience academic excellence in a truly Asian setting with a global touch.
The Malaysian education sector has grown tremendously during the past decade, giving
Malaysia the recognition as a centre of educational excellence in the region. This is
indeed a befitting acknowledgement of the effective strategy Malaysia is pursuing to
become the World Seat of Learning.
The Malaysia education today is at par with international education and indeed
gives a global competitiveness to its students. Established and reputed universities from
around the globe have set up their campuses working jointly with Malaysia universities
and colleges to offer international diplomas and degrees in almost all disciplines.
Studying in Malaysia not only broadens the intellectual horizons but also gives the
students a wide knowledge and understanding of international, political and economic
issues. It is a unique experience of enjoying both Asian culture along with an
international cross cultural experience and one that is thriving in a modern Islamic

Malaysia is also increasingly being recognized as a preferred choice for tertiary

and continuing education among foreign students. There are several reasons for this,
among them are the country's relatively low cost of living, easy accessibility, state-of-the-
art educational aids and a wide choice of public and private educational institutions to
choose from. These include excellent homegrown institutions with numerous foreign
affiliations as well as a number of branch campuses of distinguished foreign universities.
Foreign students who are considering Malaysia as an option for further education but are
undecided can enroll in one of many short-term education tourism programmes. These
programmes are extremely successful in providing students with the opportunity to
decide on their choice of programme and institution while enjoying an exciting holiday in
one of the most beautiful and vibrant nations in the world.

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