Maulana Umar Palanpuri

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Maulana Umar Palunpuri; Golden

Voice of Tableeghi Jamaat (RA)

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The well-known ‘golden voice of da’wah work’, Moulana Muhammad Umâr Palanpuri
(RA) passed away on Wednesday, 21 May 1997 at 1.30pm in Nizamuddin, Delhi. The
previous day he had gone with other elders of the Markaz, for an Ijtima in Agra, a five-
hour journey by car. He fell ill en-route and returned to Delhi where he was immediately
admitted to hospital. He was discharged on Wednesday morning feeling much better.
Later during the day he had a heart attack and passed away.

Moulana (RA) was orphaned at an early age and was left solely to the care of his pious
mother. He showed signs of a brilliant mind front a young age. This prompted his uncle
to help him pursue a secular education. The Moulana’s mother however had other plans.
She wanted her son to devote his energies to acquiring the knowledge of Dîn. That is
what happened.

The Moulana (RA) studied at Darul Ulûm Deoband, from where he graduated with marks
which impressed even his teachers.For the purpose of tazkia [purification of the soul], he
approached Shaikhul Hadîth Moulana Zakariyya Kandalvi (RA) who in time granted the
Moulana khilafat.

He visited the UK several times. On each occasion he accompanied the late Amîr of the
Tablighi Jamaat, Moulana Inamul Hasan (RA). His last visit was in 1994 when he
attended the international gathering in Dewsbury. On this visit he related the following
story. As a young man his mother would ask him to read to her. On one such occasion,
overjoyed, she prayed, "May you see the day when you are speaking and thousands of
people are listening, as opposed to now, when your mother is your sole listener." Tears
welled in his eyes when Moulana (RA) narrated this incident. The mother's prayer, as the
world witnessed, was answered to the letter.

Moulana (RA) was sixty-five years old. He had memorized the Qur’ân during his old age
- a remarkable achievement. Hundreds of thousands of people have benefited immensely
from his discourses and pious company. He was erudite and a devoted saint of Allâh, yet
his humility cast a veil over his impressive ‘god-fearing’ qualities. His demise brings to
three the number of great personalities the world of Tabligh has lost in the last two years -
others being, Moulana Izhaar (RA) and Hazratjee Moulana Inamul Hasan (RA).

May Allâh grant them Jannah and replace them with noble personalities. Amîn.

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