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History Q $100 Q $200 Q $300 Q $400 Q $500

Indian John Ross Removal Act Cherokee

Q $100

Q $100

Q $100

Q $200
Q $300

Q $200
Q $300

Q $200
Q $300

Q $400
Q $500

Q $400
Q $500

Q $400
Q $500

Final Jeopardy

$100 History

During the American Revolution, who did the Cherokee side with?

$100 History

Who are the British?

$200 Question from H1

What did the case Cherokee Nation v. Georgia establish?

$200 History

Cherokee sovereignty

$300 History
Approximately how many died in the removal?

$300 History


$400 History
What group saved the life of President Jacksons military in the Battle of Horseshoe Bend?

$400 History

Who are the Cherokee?

$500 History
This group voluntarily moved to Arkansas in 1817 and established a peaceful way of life.

$500 History

Who are the Old Settlers?

$100 John Ross

Who was John Ross?

$100 John Ross

The principal chief of the Cherokee

$200 John Ross

What is biggest thing Chief John Ross is known for?

$200 John Ross

Leading the tribal government and majority of Cherokees opposed to removal.

$300 John Ross

John Ross was not full Cherokee, what was his descent?

$300 John Ross

Mix of Scottish and 1/8 Cherokee

$400 John Ross

True/False The Ross Part and most Cherokees opposed the New Echota Treaty

$400 John Ross


$500 John Ross

Which of John Rosss family members did not survive the Trail of Tears?

$500 John Ross

His wife

$100 Indian Removal Act

This person signed the act into law.

$100 Indian Removal Act

Who is Andrew Jackson?

$200 Indian Removal Act

The Indian Removal Act was signed into law on May 28th of what year?

$200 Indian Removal Act


$300 Indian Removal Act

What tribes were involved in the Indian Removal Act?

$300 Indian Removal Act

Cherokee, Creek, Chickasaws, and Seminoles

$400 Indian Removal Act

Who is known as the Five Civilized Tribes?

$400 Answer from H3

Choctaws, Chickasaws, Creeks, Seminoles, and Cherokees

$500 Indian Removal Act

Where did the tribes relocate?

$500 Indian Removal Act

West of the Mississippi River

$100 Cherokee

By what time did they have their own written language?

$100 Cherokee


$200 Cherokee
Why did many white settlers turn on their Cherokee neighbors?

$200 Cherokee
Much of the Cherokee land had gold, and the white settlers wanted to claim it.

$300 Cherokee

How many Cherokees were forced from their homes?

$300 Cherokee

About 17,000

$400 Cherokee
The Cherokee were rounded up in the summer of 1835 and loaded onto boats that traveled the Tennessee, Ohio, Mississippi and Arkansas Rivers into Indian Territory. Many were held in prison camps awaiting their fate.

$400 Cherokee


$500 Cherokee

True/False In 1835, some Cherokee leaders agreed to accept western land and payment in exchange for relocation.

$500 Cherokee


Final Jeopardy
Federal troops began pushing tribes off their land, when was the earliest this occurred?

Final Jeopardy Answer

As early as 1831, the army began to push the Choctaws off their lands to march to Oklahoma.

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