Activity 2 Reflection

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This assignemnt has really enlightened me to easier and more accurate ways of researching for information online.

Prior to this, searching for information online usually was about using google and simply typing in the subject and hoping to get the best results. This eportforlio activity was completed using the different search engine tools and strategies given in topic 6.

The search engines utilized in this activity were: Resource (i) : Google Advanced Search The feature of this advanced search engine that was helpful to my research was the last updated search box. With this feature I was able to access the most recent and up to date news articles available online concerning the topic. Resource (ii) Meta-Crawler The feature of this search engine that really assisted me in my work was that it searched the top search engines to give me the best results. I did not only have results from one particular search engine but from 5 search engines combined.

Resource (iii) PolyMeta This search engine really aided me in my

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