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Speaking Proficiency English Assessment Proposed Syllabus (40 hours) Course requirements: Attendance is mandatory.

This course is inherently cumulative. As a result, any absences will create a snow-ball effect; any missed material will make future material more difficult to understand and more difficult to master. DATE September 15 ACTIVITY Course Introductions, Review syllabus and schedule Unit I: Study of Grammar A. Elements of a Sentence Parts of Speech and the Two-Branch Nature of Sentences Introduces parts of speech, the subject-predicate relationship, and the component sentence positions. Morphemes- Introduces the mechanics of word building: base forms, affixes, prefixes, suffixes, as well as derivation and inflection. Components of a sentence: Verbal and Nominal Components B. Sentence Transformations- major types of sentences; role of auxiliaries

September 22

September 29

ASSESSMENT Continuation of Grammar C. Modification and Transformation Verbal modifiers Nominal modification Punctuation of sentences Sentence modifiers Coordination conjunctions and parallelism ASSESSMENT Unit II: Reading Comprehension/Writing A. Reading Comprehension phonemes, fluency, vocabulary
development Understanding text structures

October 6

Preview strategies metacognition Tips B. Writing Process Strategies Types of Composition Unit III: Basic Pronunciation Listening and Speech Diagnostic samples A. Overview of the English Sound system B. Introduction to stress - word stress and sentence level stress Practice/Diagnostic Review/Analysis
Continuation of pronunciation C. Suprasegmentals major rise and fall, pitch, content vs function words

October 13

October 20
Marie Eugenie C. Soriano, RN SPEAK.09152013.v1

D. Introduction to IPA Practice/Diagnostic Review/Analysis Continuation of Pronunciation

October 27

IPA Consonants IPA Vowels vowel length and voicing PRACTICE Word stress; compound nouns Rhythm and Linking INTEGRATED PRACTICE Continuation of Integrated Practice Final Oral Presentation

NOTE: This course outline is an approximation and subject to revision by the instructor at any time. Detailed assignments are not included here.

Marie Eugenie C. Soriano, RN SPEAK.09152013.v1

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