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Estimation of Drag Polar This chapter deals with the estimation of drag polar and thrust to weight ratios

for various performance conditions. DRAG ESTIMATION: The total drag of an airplane is considered to consist of three different types in the subsonic regime of flight. (i) zero-lift drag, or parasite drag, CD,0 (ii) Induced drag, or drag-due-to-lift, CD,i = kCL2 where k= 1/( e AR), and e = 0.8 (M < 0.7) (iii) compressibility, or wave, drag The zero-lift drag has two components, form drag and skin-friction drag. The former is due to the pressure field around the body and the latter is due to the shear stresses at the surface of the body. The induced drag arises as a consequence of the production of lift and represents the cost of producing lift by pushing a body through a fluid. The wave drag is a pressure drag that arises due to the effects of compressibility that form compression and expansion waves due to the body shape. CALCULATION OF ZERO-LIFT DRAG COEFFICIENT (Cd0): Component Buildup Method: The zero-lift drag of an aircraft is defined as: CD0 = D0 / (q Sref) Where D0 = total zero-lift drag of the aircraft q =dynamic pressure Sref = wing reference area.

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