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Lyle Howe

A2 Music Video Research

Artist: Justin Bieber Song: Beauty and a Beat The artist Justin Bieber aims his music to teenagers aged 14+. Justin Biebers music is deemed only aimed at Females but in his recent work he has tried to target the Male audience.

In the first screen shot we have a hand held shot of the artist. I like this because it makes the viewer feel like they have a close connection with the artist as the artist has taken the shot himself. I like the lighting in the first screen shot as the light is shining right upon the artist which helps to identify who the main character is within this specific music video. The second screen shot with a swimming pool full of synchronised swimmers is very interesting as not many artist have included these within their music video before. The use of these dancers creates a fun atmosphere in the music video as they bring entertainment to the viewer when they are dancing. The lighting in this video is mainly in the water, this helps emphasise the swimmers as the lighting is beneath them. This use of lighting also draws attention to that specific area of the scene. In the third screen shot we have the artist dancing in a pool alongside lots of other dancers. This scene shows the rebellious and fun side of the artist as he is dancing in a pool full of water whilst fully clothed. The lighting is very bright in this scene and also makes the dancers as well as the artist stand out. I like this because even though the artist is in the same light as the dancer he still manages to stand out because the view is identifying him with the clothes he has worn throughout the whole music video. The forth screen shot is of dancers and performers. In this specific scene it is darkly lit this creates a party like atmosphere for the viewer due to the use of bright purple party lights. I would like to use a scene like this within my music video as it looks fun and will bring entertainment to the viewer. Justin Biebers Beauty and a Beat music video as a whole is a fun and entertaining video as there are a variety of different scenes. There are dancing scenes, underwater scenes, spoof scenes (Scenes that were filmed as a joke but actually got used) and lastly a scene with Nicki Minaj towards the end of the video.

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