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Compare and Contrast Articles vs.

. the Constitution Articles of Confederation Levying Taxes Congress could only ask states for taxes No federal court The Constitution Congress has the right to collect taxes The Judiciary Act of 1789 established the Supreme Court Congress has the right to regulate interstate trade Executive branch established, elected by Electoral College 2/3 of both houses, and from state legislatures must approve House of Representatives have representation by population of each state. Senate has equal representation of 2 per state Congress can raise an army for military purposes Congress can control interstate commerce Federal court can handle disputes between states

Federal Courts

Regulation of Trade

Congress could not regulate interstate trade No executive power


Amending Documents

Unanimous votes from all 13 states to amend a document Each state received one vote

Representation of States

Raising an army

Unable to draft troops

Interstate Commerce

No control over interstate commerce Disorganized system to settle disputes

Disputes between states


Sovereignty was with each state

The Supremacy Act: The federal law is the supreme law of the land

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