Colégio Estadual São Francisco Do Bandeira

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Colgio Estadual So Francisco do Bandeira

Name: Teacher: English Test 1- Responda as questes abaixo de acordo com os desenhos: Grade:_____

) Ride a bike ( ) Play Basketball

( ) Make popcorn

( ) Play the guitar ( ) ride a horse ( ) skip rope

2- Organize as atividades below: a- Play ________________________ b- Skip _______________________ c- Ride _______________________ d- Fly ________________________ e- Make _________________________

3- Do questions and answers: ABCDYou/ play soccer. Rita/ Ride a bike Pedro /make a kite Marta /skip rope

4- Faa a correspondncia dos verbos abaixo: a- Act ( ) Cantar b- Dance ( ) pintar c- Sing ( ) atuar d- Play ( ) desenhar e- Do ( ) fazer f- Draw ( ) danar g- Paint ( ) jogar

5- Answer the questions: a- Can you dance the samba? b- Can you play the guitar?

Colgio Estadual So Francisco do Bandeira

c- Can you make a kite?

6- Match the verbs and their complements: The guitar- a bike- magic tricks- a scooter- rope- popcorn- kite- maskscheckers- Flute- chess. Play Ride fly Skip Make Do

7-A aranha: a) Est se candidatando a um emprego como web-designer. b) Est cansada de trabalhar como web-designer c)Diz que o computador est atrapalhando as suas teias.

8-Choose the correct answer using the Verb to Be:Are/IS/Am 1 My name _______Sarah. 2 They ________teachers. 3 I_____a student. 4 You _________in class 6. 5 We ________from New York 6- She _________ American..

9- Complete the sentences with the followings words: (Bank, church, newsstand, drugstore, library, clothing store, bus station) a-You can catch a bus at the___________________10- Lets color: b-You can buy magazines at a__________________ a- Yellow kite c-On Sundays, I go to ________________________ d- You can deposit money in a_________________b- Red flute e-They buy medicine at the ___________________ f- She reads books in the______________________ c- Green ball. g-He buy clothes in a ________________________

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