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Mrunal [Rights issue] Education: Government schemes, organizations, SABLA, NPEGEL, Jalmani, Bal Shree, mock questions Print

[Rights issue] Education: Government schemes, organizations, SABLA, NPEGEL, Jalmani, Bal Shree, mock questions
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.
Introduction Constitutional provisions abt. Education Scheme: Food Schemes: infra/Services Organizations Schemes: CASH/scholarship/award Mock Questions

List is not exhaustive. Article is written mainly keeping the MCQs worthy information and skimming the rest. Article is subject to revision.

Constitutional provisions abt. Education

15 21/A 30/1 51h Right Right Right Duty Prohibition of discrimination. Free and compulsory education for 6-14 y.o. kids Minority educational institutions. Develop scientific temper, humanism, spirit of inquiry and reform (lolz tell that to devotees of Dhongi Baba-log) Parent/guardian provide education to their 6-14 y.o kids. State shall give early childhood care and education for all kids upto 6 y.o. State to look after Educational and economic interests of SC, ST,OBC. 1. SC=15% 2. ST=7.5% 3. OBC=27% ^these % apply to central (not state) educational institutions. In state edu. Institutes, reservation depends on population. E.g. Punjab has no ST reservation. Tamilnadu only 1% ST reservation. 1/12

51A(K) Duty 45 DPSP




Mrunal [Rights issue] Education: Government schemes, organizations, SABLA, NPEGEL, Jalmani, Bal Shree, mock questions Print



86th Constitutional amendment 2002 It inserts 21/A= kids have right to education. It inserts 51A(k)=adults have duty to provide education to their kids.



93rd Constitutional amendment act 2005 It amended art 15 (Fundamental Right) to provide reservation for SC,ST and OBC in private institutions. (including self-financed but excluding minority educational institutions.) it nullified Supreme courts judgment in Inamdar case that State cannot impose reservation on private unaided institutions.

Scheme: Food
Midday Kids meal Class 1 to 8. Applicable to Govt.schools, Government aided schools, local body schools, EGS, AIE centre , Madrasas and Maqtabs. Started in 1995. Rajiv Gandhi Scheme for Empowerment of Adolescent Girls To provide nutrition for growing adolescent girls by provision of food grains. All girls will be given a kishori card which will be updated with details of the girls growth and provision of the food grains.


Schemes: infra/Services
Term Target Provision notes Art 21A / 86th amendment 2002 Right to education act passed in 2009. Became operative from 1st April 2010 (april fool?) Free and compulsory edu. Age 6-14



Fundamental right


Mrunal [Rights issue] Education: Government schemes, organizations, SABLA, NPEGEL, Jalmani, Bal Shree, mock questions Print

Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan (SSA)



Started in 2001. RTE is being implemented via SSA. alternative schools, Bridging gender-social gaps in enrolment, learning. Rahstriya Madhyamik Shiksha Abhiyan Started in 2009. To enhance access to secondary education. To increase the enrollment rate from current 52% (2005-06s number) to 75% within five years. Provide secondary school within reasonable distance from any habitation. Provide affordable (not free) secondary education to all. universal access to secondary education by 2017 universal retention by 2020. Earlier known as National Literacy mission (NLM) For illeterates above 15+ age. Setup Lok Shiksha Kendras (Adult Education Centres). Primary focus is on Women. Residential upper primary schools for girl SC,ST,OBC,Minority girlsTarget: scattered habitation. National Programme for Education of Girls at Elementary Level to reduce the school dropouts by giving special attention to



Infra, services

Sakshar Bharat

Illiterate adults.


Kasturba Balika Vidhyalaya





Mrunal [Rights issue] Education: Government schemes, organizations, SABLA, NPEGEL, Jalmani, Bal Shree, mock questions Print


Mahila Samakya

@elementary Service/supervision weak girls. In villages, womens group are formed. level. These groups do follow up/supervision on girls enrollment, attendance, achievement. Educating rural women for empowerment. Under this scheme womens forums (Mahila Sangha) created. It Rural women Awareness provides space for rural women to meet, discuss issues, ask questions, make informed choices. Implemented in ten states. Class 9 to 12 SC/ST/OBC/BPL In educationally backward blocks. This will be merged with RMSA in 12th FYP. Inclusive Education for Disabled at Secondary StageEnroll disabled students in highschool (class 9-12) A wide range of activities to target healthiness among school students.Biannual health screenings and early management of disease,disability,etc. Weekly Iron and Folic Acid Supplement (WIFS) to tackle anemia in boys and girls. Immunization schemes,etc Hostel Facilities to SC boys and girls in Middle and Higher Secondary Schools, Colleges, Universities. Funds given to states, NGOs

Girls hostel 4 Girls secondary+higher

Infra (hostel)


Disabled students

Services + cash to girls.

School Health Programme



Babu Jagjivan Ram Chhatrawas Yojana

highschool Teens collegians

Hostel, infra


Mrunal [Rights issue] Education: Government schemes, organizations, SABLA, NPEGEL, Jalmani, Bal Shree, mock questions Print


Rural kids


to create infrastructure. Installation of standalone water purification systems in rural schools. 100% central assistance. This is done by Ministry of Drinking Water and Sanitation. Launched by national Bal bhavan. Identify kids in four areas of creativity : art, performance, science, writing And then train and nurture them. Education guarantee scheme 25 kids in the given habitation but no school within distance of 1 kms. (15 for hill, tribal, desert hemlet.)

Bal Shree scheme Kids



Kids in Teaching remote areas


Deprived kids child laborers street kids etc.


Alternative education interventions

ICT in schools



High speed internet connection. Virtual classrooms, online teaching and other fancy stuff.

Scheme target Notes Norms for techer training institutes 5/12


Mrunal [Rights issue] Education: Government schemes, organizations, SABLA, NPEGEL, Jalmani, Bal Shree, mock questions Print

National council Teachers for teacher education

Minimum qualification for appointment of teachers Survey, research and other fancy stuff.

National bal bhavan


Funded by HRD ministry Develop creativity in kids aged 5-16. Dance, drama, painting, craft workshop etc. fancy stuff. No fees for boys upto class 8 and SC/ST upto 12 100 KV in North East 100% centrally funded. Central Board of secondary education. Board exams (10,12) All India pre-Medical, dental, engineering exam Entrance test for Navodaya Vidhyalaya Designing syllabus National institute of open schooling. Distance education for secondary and senior secondary Vocational courses Largest open schooling org in the world Established in 60s. national council of educational research and training. Teacher training through EDUSAT Educational content via Gyan Darshan and Gyan Vani. Identify bright rural students give them better schooling. (free textbook, uniform, hostel). Class 6 to 12. Admission based on entrance test.

Kids of transferable central Kendriya Govt.employees vidhyalaya (KV) +Defence personnel.






Kids +Teens +UPSC aspirants

Jawahar Navodaya

Rural kids


Mrunal [Rights issue] Education: Government schemes, organizations, SABLA, NPEGEL, Jalmani, Bal Shree, mock questions Print

Vidhyalaya (JNV)

33% reservation for girls. National integration by exchanging students from hindi, non-hindi belt. Has 2 lakh + students, in 500+ JNV.

Jan Shikshan Sansthan


Vocational training to non-literate, neo-literature, school dropouts. Tailoring, soft toys, cottage, leather etc. University grants Commission. Statutory org. Established in 50s Coordination between union and states regarding higher education. Established in 85. Higher education for those who cannot attend regular college. Gyandarshan=24 hr edu. Channel Gyan Vani=Educational FM radio EDUSAT=exclusive educational satellite. Indian national digital library for scitech. Under HRD ministry National Book trust. Autonomous under HRD Ministry Publication of books Promotion of books abroad Increase reading habit Organize book fairs World intellectual property organization. Specialized agency of UN Indias Commerce ministry coordinates with WIPO.




Collegians, UPSC aspirants








Mrunal [Rights issue] Education: Government schemes, organizations, SABLA, NPEGEL, Jalmani, Bal Shree, mock questions Print

Model schools


These are based on Kendriya Vidhyalaya template. Setup in Educationally backward blocks under 11th FYP.

Schemes: CASH/scholarship/award
Conditional Cash Transfer for Girl Child following 3 conditions. At birth and Registration of Birth. Progress of Immunization and Completion of Immunization. Enrolment and Retention in School. The scheme is to change attitude of a thinking a girl child as financial burden. Assistance to SC/ST students for M.Phil, PhD programmes. UGC is the nodal agency. To SC,ST,artisans,tribals,weavers,etc. For higher studies abroad (Masters/PhD) in the field of Engineering,Technology,Science. One time cash award of Rs.1 lakh to 3 students scoring highest marks in class 10 Award for Research on Sanskrit / ancient Indian wisdom.



Rajiv Gandhi National Fellowship Scheme


National Overseas collegians Scholarship

Dr.Ambedkar national scholarship scheme.

Class 10 student from SC/ST/poor family

Maharshi Badrayan 30-40 yo Sanskrit Vyas Samman Scholars.

Mock Questions
1. Which of the following org. is associated with HRD ministry a. INDEST b. National Book Trust 8/12


Mrunal [Rights issue] Education: Government schemes, organizations, SABLA, NPEGEL, Jalmani, Bal Shree, mock questions Print










c. National Bal Bhavan d. All of above What is the purpose of Jan Sikshan Sansthan? a. Provide vocational training to non-literate, neo-litearate and school dropouts. b. Provide basic education to illiterate adults. c. Create awareness about health and reproduction among rural people. d. None of above. Correct chronological order? (older to newer) a. Mid Day meal, RTE, SSA b. SSA, Mid Day Meal, RTE c. RTE, Mid Day meal, SSA d. Mid Day Meal, SSA, RTE. What is the purpose of Jalmani Yojana? a. Install water purifiers in remote hemlets with population less than 500. b. Installation of water purifiers in rural schools. c. Provide drinking water in desert areas d. Provide subsidy to farmers for installing drip irrigation system. What is the primary aim of Dhanlakshmi Yojana? a. Prevent child marriages. b. Promote intercaste marriages c. Change the mentality of seeing girl child as a financial burden. d. Provide scholarship to bright girl students to pursue PG or Ph.D. Which among the following Indian ministry coordinates with WIPO? a. HRD b. External affairs c. Commerce and industries. d. Science and technology UGC is a a. Statutory organization b. Attached office of HRD ministry c. Constitutional body d. Subordinate office of HRD ministry Who releases Educational content via Gyan Darshan and Gyan Vani?* a. Education ministry b. IGNOU, NCERT c. National Bal Bhavan d. None of Above. Who is responsible for conducting All India Pre-Dental entrance test? a. AICTE b. Medical Council of India c. Dental Council of India d. CBSE Who among the following looks into the Minimum qualification for appointment of teachers?


Mrunal [Rights issue] Education: Government schemes, organizations, SABLA, NPEGEL, Jalmani, Bal Shree, mock questions Print

a. UGC b. HRD ministry c. NCERT d. National council for teacher education 11. What is the purpose of Bal Shree scheme? a. Identify creative children and nurture them. b. Provide extra protein and iron supplements to kids suffering from malnutrition c. Provide free medical checkup in Government schools. d. None of above. 12. Purpose of Mahila Samakhya scheme? a. Provide incentives to female graduates to join teaching profession. b. Provide reservation to females in Government college lecturer jobs. c. Empower rural women by educating them. d. None of above. 13. Target beneficiaries of SABLA scheme are a. Dowry victims b. Adolescent girls c. Rural women d. All of above. 14. The Kendriya vidhyalaya are meant for 1. 2. 3. 4. Wards of Transferable state Government employees Wards of Transferable central Government employees Wards of Defense personnel Bright students from naxal affected areas

Choice a. b. c. d. Only 1 and 4 Only 2 and 3 Only 1, 2 and 4 Only 2

15. Correct statements about Rahstriya Madhyamik Shiksha Abhiyan (RMSA) 1. Provide free and compulsory education to high school children. 2. Increase the highschool enrollment rate from 52% to 75% Choice a. b. c. d. Only 1 Only 2 Both none


Mrunal [Rights issue] Education: Government schemes, organizations, SABLA, NPEGEL, Jalmani, Bal Shree, mock questions Print

16. What was the purpose of 86th Constitutional amendment act? 1. Make right to education a fundamental right 2. Impose duty on parents and guardians to provide for education to their children. Choice a. b. c. d. Only 1 Only 2 Both none

17. correct statement 1. 93rd amendment inserted article 21/A and 51A(K) in the Constitution. 2. 86th amendment modified article 15 of the Constitution. Choice a. b. c. d. Only 1 Only 2 Both None

18. Correct chronological order? a. b. c. d. IGNOU, UGC, NCERT NCERT, UGC, IGNOU UGC, NCERT, IGNOU IGNOU, NCERT, UGC

*if we strictly go by India 2013, pg 245 and 255 then NCERT= Gyandarshan + Gyanvani and IGNOU=Gyandarshan. however, if we look @IGNOUs site, IGNOU is running both Gyandarshan + Gyanvani. While NIOS, NCERT etc. are providing content.

1. Major inputs from Mr.Shiva Ram 2. India 2013 aka India yearbook 3. Indian Polity by M.Laxmikanth

URL to article: 11/12


Mrunal [Rights issue] Education: Government schemes, organizations, SABLA, NPEGEL, Jalmani, Bal Shree, mock questions Print

Posted By Mrunal On 22/03/2013 @ 21:14 In the category polity


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