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Ang Yee Hui Ruth Yu Len Ai Sharon Wong Xue Rou

To give an overview about the ways to stay motivated at work To understand the importance of stay motivated at work

Ride the wave of our successes

Establish a clear game plan for achieving our goals Keep things in perspective

Reward ourselves when we achieve our objectives

Think positively

Maintain a healthy work or life balance

It is essential for us to stay motivated at work Stay motivated at work can bring a lot of benefits to us There are other ways to stay motivated at work besides the tips in the article

Every workers shall always stay motivated at work. Although sometimes we may find it hard to retain motivation and focus on our works, even the most motivated of employees occasionally experience a slump. But, there are many tips which can help us to regain the motivation level. Therefore, we shall occasionally practice these tips to help us stay motivated all the time. (2010). Retrieved August 21,

2010, from

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