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Iloneyrvell Pte Ltd

Ilone5nvcll Bullding Business l7 Changi ParkCentral I 486073 Singaporo Tel:(65)6355-262E Fax:(65)6445-3033

PurchaseContract No. ProjectName Subject

IK/PRw/PPMSIAUTO'HYW2OOs PPM5QCS & DCSProject gement FlnalAcceptanceReportAcknowled

projectand purchase contractnumberare qualified to This letteris to notiff that the abovementioned phase, reachthe FinalAcceptance as per the following conditions :
- attached TestAcceptance Certiflcateof Operation - aftached Test Acceptance Certificateof Performance Sparepartsstorageis full and sparespart guarantees are fulfilled.

1 2 3 4

.i Yes ./ Yes { Yes ./ Yes { Yes tr Yes

ONo ONo trNo ONo trNo Cl No

O N/A O N/A tr O

Guarantee has beenfulfilled. Availability moneybonowedby $upplierduring Allequipment,material, periodin changeorderlistbeen installation, tegtand guarantee / compensated 5 returned Damages havebeenpaid by the All Liquidated and charges 6 Supplier.

t r N/A .l N/A

is to be issued upon recelptof belowacknowledgements Certificate of FinalAcceptance from both parties. Forand on behalf of ; Pte Ltd Honeywell ' PT:lndahKiatPulp& Paper

cR. pe--

Title : Date :

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Attachment: TestAcceptance 1. Certificate of Operation 2. Certificate of Performance TestAcceptance

WARNING:Unauthorized use and misappropriation of this materlalis strictlyprohlbited, This material/document contains You are herebynotifiedthat any dissemination, Hone)rvellconfidentialinformation, distribution or copyingwhich amountsto of lhis material,is strictlyprohibited. in error, please notiff us misappropriation lf you have receivedthis material/document immediately, and retumthe original matedal/dodrment withoutmakingany coplesto us at: Hone;nrtell Re Ltd, Honeywell Building, 17 Changi ParkCentral 1, 486073, Attn: HR : Thank Business

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