JPNT Directed Writing 2006 - 2013

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TOV 2006 You are advised to spend about 45 minutes on this section.

You have just returned from a seven-day summer camp. As you were the only representative from your school, you have to write a report to the principal about your experiences at the camp. Write a report based on all the notes below: who organized the camp the date of the camp transport to the campsite number of participants location of the campsite accommodation give two relevant examples of: o activities o benefits o problems

When writing the report, you should remember: to lay out the report properly to use paragraphs that your report is for your principal

(35 marks)

OTI1 SPM 2006 You are advised to spend about 45 minutes on this section. During the last semester break, you joined a conducted tour to the Mulu Caves with your classmates. You had an amazing time there. Write an article for publication in your school magazine based on all the notes below. Mulu Caves: Worlds largest cave system Has four main caves: Clearwater Cave longest cave in South-East Asia cool and refreshing river inside Deer Cave worlds largest cave passage lead to panoramic view of greenery Lang Cave limestone art gallery al kinds of animal-like shapes Wind Cave wind whistles through the cave When writing the article, you should remember to - give a suitable title for the article - use all the points given - elaborate on four of the points given

(35 marks)

OTI2 2006 You are advised to spend about 45 minutes on this section. You are the President of English Language Society at your school. In your first meeting, you have to give a speech to tell the members some of the activities for this year. You think these activities are alternative ways of learning English. Write the text of your speech. Include the following points: Language games Surfing the internet Watching movies Listening to songs Storytelling Scrapbook projects

When writing the text, remember to: Address all those present Give a title to your speech Use all the points given Elaborate on each point End your speech with proper closure

(35 marks)

PERCUBAAN SPM 2006 You are advised to spend about 45 minutes on this section. Your school is organizing an awareness campaign on discipline. As the head prefect, you are asked to write an article on discipline in school to be published in a newsletter in conjunction with the campaign. Using all the notes below, write the article. What students should do: complete homework wear proper uniform keep classrooms clean show respect for teachers attend co-curricular activities

What students should not do: be late smoke vandalize play truant cheat in exam

When writing the article, you should remember to: - give a title to your article - use paragraphs - add any two new points of your own

(35 marks)

TAMBAH NILAI SPM 2006 You are advised to spend about 45 minutes on this section. In conjunction with the National Day celebration, your school is organizing a Public Speaking contest. You plan to participate and have chosen the topic How I can live in harmony with other races in Malaysia for your prepared speech. You have the following ideas in mind. Write out your speech in about 250 words. mix with people of different races respect any differences celebrate festivals together learn to speak as many languages as possible willing to help one another at any time enjoy one anothers traditional food

When writing your speech, you should remember: to use a suitable format to greet the judges, teachers and students use all information given above elaborate on each of the ideas you have listed

(35 marks)

TOV 2007 You are advised to spend about 45 minutes on this section. You are the president of your school Drama Club. You have been asked to write a report about your club and activities carried out throughout the year to be published in your school magazine. Write the report based on all the notes below: objectives of club o build up confidence o improve English o learn to mix with others o 40 in January o 10 joined later o inter-class drama competition o trip to theatre o drama workshop conducted by local actors



When writing the report, you should remember to: lay out the report properly use all the notes given elaborate on five of the points

(35 marks)

OTI 2 SPM 2007 You are advised to spend about 45 minutes on this section. Your school English Language Society is planning a visit to an orphanage. As the secretary of the English Language Society, you are required to write a letter to the orphanage asking permission to visit the place. Use the notes given below to write the letter. Details on the visit Date : 9 August 2007 Time : 9.00 am 4.00 pm No of students : 25 No of teachers : 2 Proposed activities Slide show on English Language Society activities Cleaning the compound Lunch picnic Reading story books Helping orphans with English homework Language games

When writing your letter, you should remember to include the following: Addresses Salutation/greeting Close Use of proper format of a formal letter All the notes given

(35 marks)

PERTENGAHAN TAHUN SPM 2007 You are advised to spend about 45 minutes on this section. As the head librarian of your school, you have been required to give a talk during your school assembly on the importance of reading newspapers. Reasons for reading newspaper: to know the happenings around you to improve your English and Bahasa Melayu for pleasure to get ideas for conversation

When writing the talk, you should remember to: address your audience use all the notes given state purpose of your talk provide two elaborations for each of the points given close your talk appropriately

(35 marks)

OTI 3 SPM 2007 You are advised to spend about 45 minutes on this section. As the President of the School Safety Club, you have been asked to give a talk during your school assembly on Personal Safety To, From and In School. In your talk, include the following points: Safety tips to and from school: move around in pairs or groups report suspicious strangers to school authorities return home immediately after school inform parents of any change of plans

Safety tips in school: request teachers permission to leave classroom follow school rules and regulations avoid empty classrooms and dark corners wait for transport at guardhouse

When writing the talk, you should remember to: address your audience state the purpose of your talk use all the notes given elaborate on some of the points given close your talk appropriately

(35 marks)

TOV SPM 2008 You are advised to spend 45 minutes on this section. Some students in your school feel ill after eating at the school canteen during recess. Two of them were admitted to the hospital. As the head prefect, you have been asked to write a report to the duty teacher about the incident. Include these points in your report: students had breakfast ate fried rice and sandwiches students vomited had stomach cramps were pale and weak warden rushed students to the hospital two students warded due to food poisoning school informed parents canteen operator was interviewed food was sent to the laboratory food tested caused food poisoning school warned canteen operator

When writing your report, you should remember to include the following: title receiver your signature all the notes given any other relevant information

(35 marks)

TOV SPM 2008 (ARAS RENDAH) You are advised to spend 45 minutes on this section. You have a cousin who lives in Singapore. You have decided to invite him or her to visit you in Terengganu. Write a letter to your cousin informing him or her of your plan. In your letter, you should also include the following information: Details of visit date invite sister along number of days you want her to stay take the bus

What you plan to do visit the Losong Museum shopping at Pasar Payang take a boat ride taste seafood

When writing the letter, you should remember to: use a suitable format use all the information given above elaborate on what you plan to do

(35 marks)

PERTENGAHAN TAHUN SPM 2008 You are advised to spend about 45 minutes on this section. You want to share with the rest of the students in your school on how to have a loving and caring family. You decide to write an article for your school newsletter on that. Using all the notes below, write the article. share hobbies plan family outings understand each others responsibility celebrate special occasions appreciate each other

When writing the article, you should remember to: give a title to your article use paragraphs elaborate on each of the points given add any two new points of your own

(35 minutes)

PEPERIKSAAN PERCUBAAN SPM 2008 You are advised to spend 45 minutes on this section. You find that your school is lacking in facilities. You have decided to give suggestions to the principal on the facilities needed by your school. Using the notes below, write a letter to the principal stating your suggestions. The school needs more of the following: sports equipment whiteboards for classrooms computers

New facilities to be added: school bus multi-purpose court mini garden

When writing the letter, you should remember: that the letter is formal to set the letter in the correct format to include all the points given to elaborate on each of the points

(35 minutes)

TOV SPM 2009 You are advised to spend 45 minutes on this section. Your school is organising a motivational camp for the students. As a student who had received an award of excellence, you have been invited to give a talk on how to be an excellent student during the camp. Write out your talk using the following notes. have right attitudes self discipline great determination positive thinking

Excellent students

have good habits

punctual organized neat and tidy

have good health

balanced diet regular exercise enough sleep

When writing the talk, you should remember to: Use an appropriate greeting and closing State the purpose of the talk Include all the points given

(35 marks)

PERTENGAHAN TAHUN SPM 2009 You are advised to spend 45 minutes on this section. The English Language Society of your school has organised an English Campaign. As the secretary of the society, you have been asked to write a report on the campaign to be published in the school newsletter. Write out your report using the following notes.
Details of the campaign Activities

Dates Organised by

: 1 31 March, 2009 : English Language Society

Reason for campaign : the decline in students performance in English Objective : to encourage the use of English among the students

public speaking language games drama talk on The Importance of English writing workshop promotion on English reading materials

When writing the report, you should remember to: give your report a title include all the points given add two new activities write in paragraphs

(35 marks)

PERCUBAAN SPM 2009 You are advised to spend 45 minutes on this section. You are the secretary of the Career Club in your school. The club is planning to visit a university. Write a letter to the principal asking permission to organise the educational visit to the university. Write your letter based on the notes below. name of the university date number of participants transport accommodation


Educational visit to a university


motivate the students to further studies increase awareness of studies opportunities expose the students to campus life


tour around the campus meet with the student council attend a talk on studies and career opportunities

When writing the letter, you should remember: to ask permission from the principal that the letter is formal to set the letter in the correct format to include all the points given

(35 marks) -

TOV SPM 2010 You are advised to spend 45 minutes on this section. Your school is organising Reading Month as many students are not interested in reading. As the head librarian, you have been asked to give a speech during the assembly in conjunction with the programme. In your speech, you should make the students aware of the advantages of reading and promote the activities that will be carried out during the programme. Use the following notes to write your speech. READING MONTH

Advantages of reading


increase knowledge learn new things get new ideas enrich vocabulary improve writing spend free time beneficially

book exhibition reading competition scrapbook making spelling contest poem recitation avid reader award

When writing the speech, you must: greet audience state the reason for your speech end your speech appropriately include all the notes given

(35 marks)

PERTENGAHAN TAHUN SPM 2010 The students in your school have been showing indiscipline lately. As a concerned student, you feel that the school should take immediate action to overcome the problem. Write a letter to the principal expressing your concern about the matter. You should also include the serious disciplinary cases that happen in your school, the effects of indiscipline and the suggestions to overcome the problem. Use the notes given below to write your letter. smoking playing truant being rude to teachers failing to do homework

Serious disciplinary cases

Indiscipline in school


lesson affected low academic achievement bad school reputation


enforce school rules organise more motivational programmes hold meetings with parents

When writing your letter, remember: to address the letter to the principal to lay out the letter in the correct format to include all the notes given to add two other suggestions of your own that the letter is formal

(35 marks)

PERCUBAAN SPM 2010 You are advised to spend 45 minutes on this section. Your friend who lives in Brunei wants to know about an important event celebrated in your school every year. You have decided to write a letter to your friend telling him/her about Teachers Day celebration. Use the notes given below to write your letter. Purposes to appreciate teachers and their effort to strengthen relationship between teachers and students

Activities speech by principal Teachers Day message reading award presentation Best Teacher of the Year performances by students and teachers. competitions between teachers and students Teachers Day card making competition telematch games for teachers song dedication

When writing your letter, you should remember: to use a suitable format to use all the notes given to provide two other activities of your own that your letter is to a friend

(35 marks)

TOV SPM 2011 You recently attended a seminar on stress management among students. You have decided to write an article for your school magazine to share the information on how to manage stress. Use the notes given below to write your article. Definition of stress: feeling of being unable to cope

Symptoms: headaches unable to sleep lack of concentration easily get angry

Tips on how to manage stress: exercise regularly eat balanced meals get enough rest discuss problems take up a hobby

When writing the article, you should remember to: give a title to your article write your name use paragraphs add any two new points of your own

(35 marks)

PEPERIKSAAN PERTENGAHAN TAHUN SPM 2011 In conjunction with the launching of the 1 student 1 sport policy by the Ministry of Education, your school is organising a Sports Week. As the president of the Sports Club, you have been asked to give a talk during the assembly regarding the programme. In your talk, you should make the students aware of the objectives of the Sports Week, as well as promote the activities that will be carried out during the programme. Use the following notes to write your speech. Objectives of the programme: promote active and healthy lifestyle inculcate moral values: - teamwork - sportsmanship - leadership identify talents for school teams Activities: Inter-house competitions Poster drawing competition Friendly matches against neighbouring schools Dialogue sessions with famous sports personalities

Sports Week

When writing the speech, you must: greet the audience state the purpose of your talk end your talk appropriately include all the notes given add two new activities of your own

(35 marks)

PEPERIKSAAN PERCUBAAN SPM 2011 You feel that your school library needs changes to attract more students to visit it. Write a letter to the library teacher stating your suggestions on the changes need to be done to the library. You should also provide reasons for the changes. Use the following notes to write your letter. Change s need to be done increase the number of novels get dictionaries of the latest edition rearrange the shelves and furniture repaint the walls add more fans / be air-conditioned place more librarians at the counter When writing the letter, you must: address the letter to the library teacher to lay out the letter in the correct format to include all the notes given that the letter is formal ns fiction section lacks books dictionaries not up-to-date positions not conducive to reading dull wall colour poor ventilation long queue during recess Reaso

(35 marks) TOV SPM 2012

Your school has conducted fire drill recently. As the secretary of the school Fire Cadet you have been asked to write a report about the drill by your teacher advisor. Write the report based on all the notes below:

Date of the drill Time of the drill Personnel in charge : fire department Target group : teachers and students Fire drill procedure sounding fire alarm evacuating buildings gathering at assembly area conducting headcount briefing by Fire Department

Problems faced: students did not obey instructions students were injured the drill exceeded the time given

When writing the report, you should remember to: address your report to the teacher advisor provide a title include your name include all the points given

(35 marks)

PEPERIKSAAN PERTENGAHAN TAHUN 2012 The Language Club of your school is planning to attend a Language Carnival organised by a university in a different state. As the president of the club, write a letter to your club teacher requesting the approval for the trip. Use the notes below to write your letter: Dates Name of university Number of students Number of accompanying teachers Mode of transportation Accommodation Suggested activities to participate in: o talent show o language games o treasure hunt o poetry workshop o visit to the Language Centre o foreign language exhibition

When writing the letter, you must remember: to address the letter to the club teacher to lay out the letter in the correct format to include all the points given that the letter is formal

(35 marks) UJIAN SUMATIF 2 2013 The board of prefects of your school finds that some matters in the school need to be improved. As the secretary to the board, you have been asked to write a report to the principal on the matters. Write out your report. Use the notes below to write your report. road safety o no guards controlling the traffic o students not wearing helmets field and courts o goals need nets o faded lines poor conditions of the toilets o flushes not working o doors without locks disciplinary problem o students being late to class o vandalism

When writing your report, remember to: address it to the principal provide a title give your name as the writer use all the notes given

(35 marks)

PEPERIKSAAN PERCUBAAN 2012 Time suggested: 45 minutes Recently, your school organised a cleanliness campaign. As the head of the organising committee, you have been asked to write an article for your school magazine about the campaign. In your article, include the following information. duration : one week purpose : to create a conducive learning environment activities : Classrooms beautifying classroom updating information board creating reading corner School compound decorating notice boards cleaning school area planting flowers painting murals Competitions most creative class essay writing on cleanliness poster drawing

When writing the article, you should remember: to give a suitable title to give your name as the writer to use all the information given to provide an ending that your readers are students of your school

(35 marks)

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