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Ancient Hebrew Education Center

Instructions: Memorize the picture, ancient name, and the sounds for each Ancient Hebrew letter. Flash cards may help.

Ancient Hebrew Alphabet Chart

Letter Picture Name Ancient Modern Aleph Beyt Gimel Dalet Hey Vav Zayin Hhet Tet Yud Kaph Lamed Mem Nun Samech Ayin Pey Tsadey Quph Resh Shin/Sin Tav b, bh (v) g d h w z hh t Y k, kh L M N S stop p, ph (f) Ts Q R (rolling) Sh T ee ey o, u Sound Cons. Vowel ah, eh, ey Strong, Power, Leader Family, House, In Gather, Walk Move, Hang, Entrance Look, Reveal, Breath Add, Secure, Hook Food, Cut, Nourish Outside, Divide, Half Surround, Contain, Mud Work, Throw, Worship Bend, Open, Allow, Tame Teach, Yoke, To, Bind Chaos, Mighty, Blood Continue, Heir, Son Grab, Hate, Protect Watch, Know, Shade Blow, Scatter, Edge Trail, hunt Condense, Circle, Time First, Top, Beginning Sharp, Press, Eat, Two Mark, Sign, Signal, Monument Meaning

Ox head Tent floorplan Foot Door Man with arms raised Tent peg Mattock Tent wall Basket Arm and closed hand Open palm Shepherd Staff Water Seed Thorn Eye Mouth Trail Sun on the horizon Head of a man Two front teeth Crossed sticks

El Beyt Gam Dal Hey Waw Zayin Hhets Tet Yad Kaph Lam Mem Nun Sin Ayin Pey Tsad Quph Resh Shin Taw

Copyright 2009 Ancient Hebrew Education Center Please feel free to use, copy or distribute this material for non-profit educational purposes only.

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