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Assignment 4 Digital Signal Processing EC-691

1. Plot the cross correlation for the following signal, x(n) = sin(2f1t) with f1 = 1 Hz y(n) = x(n) + w(n) where w(n) is a zeroes mean, unit variance of Gaussian random process. 2. Plot the autocorrelation of a sine wave with frequency of 1 Hz, sampling frequency of 200 Hz.

3. Plot the pole-zero plot of X(z) = z/ z2 -0.25 0.375 4. Find the partial fraction of X(z) = z/ z2 -0.25 0.375 . 5. Explain the functions of the commands ztrans & iztrans & freqz with examples (min. two for each). 6. Find the circular convolution of the following seq.s using DFT-IDFT method. Also plot the output. (a) x1(n) = {1, -1, 2, 3} x2(n) = {0, 1, 2, 3} (b) x3(n) = {2, 3, -1, 2} x4(n) = {-1, 2, -1, 2} 7. Write a program to find the linear convolution of two given seqs. using DFT-IDFT method & also plot the magnitude response of the output. 8. Write a program to find the DFT of a seq. & also plot magnitude & phase response of the o/p. 9. Determine the IDFT of the following. ( no need of plotting) (a) X(k) = {1, 1-j2, -1, 1+j2 } (b) X(k) = {1,0,1,0}

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