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Antonio Amazona

Marcela Dajao

Narciso Khiong Sr.


Pilipe Amazona

Leticia Khiong

Anabelle A.

Ariel A.

Monalisa A.

Ismael Pahulayan

Arlene Amazona

Emily A.

Daryl Amazona

Karen Amazona



- Pregnant

- Measles (tipdas)

- Cervical cancer

- History of meningitis

- Male

- Female

- Diabetes


- lung & liver cancer

- High blood

According to the client, she does not remember well the name of her grandparents both on paternal and maternal side though she was able to state the names she is still not sure of it. Her father died because of the liver and lung cancer both at stage four. Her father also had diabetes and hypertension and was once a smoker who smokes more than one rim of cigarette per day and also drinks alcohol. Her mother died because of cervical cancer at stage four. The mother also had diabetes and hypertension. The client has four siblings but one of them died because of measles. On the other hand, the client does not know the names of her mother and father in law and also the siblings of her husband. Currently, the client is eight months pregnant and she is expected to give birth on October 12. She has two children and one of them had a past illness of meningitis which occurred last year but was treated immediately.

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