Marcel Duchamp:Essay:Assessment:Part 2

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Using the source material provided to analyse how Duchamp subverted the artistic conventions of the time to challenge

the audience.

In order to shock audiences, artist need to consider how they would challenge traditions. Two particular artworks by Marcel Duchamp not only shock but also challenge the audience. These two artworks can be seen as challenging to the audience due to their meaning and the way they are put together. The Bicycle Wheel and also the Nude Descending a staircase can be considered the most challenging of all, partly because they are uncommon to the audiences eyes and unorthodox to what the on lookers are usually used to. Challenging what is customary considered art can be a huge risk, audiences can react in ways that can be positive to the artist artwork, or negative. Duchamp artwork the Bicycle Wheel has certain that weren't understood at rst because of its irregular qualities, Duchamp called this artwork readymades.The ready-made Bicycle Wheel was an experiment to break every rule of the usual artistic traditions. The Bicycle Wheel is an artwork which coveys the meaning of something which can not be sat/ridden on by any individual. This artwork consists of a typical stool which is a light shade of brown and one unicycle wheel attached on the top of the stool, the unicycle wheel is upside down. This artwork tests the audiences reaction, it causes them to question this artwork. This artwork was also considered hilarious to the audience since the unicycle what upside down. reaction

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