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From the Desk of the Executive Director and Danish to see our gift shop and
There is so much planning and work ¾ June 4 Lockport Memorial Hospital
being done to insure future success for the Guild Visit at 2:00 PM.
Greece Historical Society and Museum. It’s a ¾ June 16 Greece Performing Arts Garden
good example of our progress. Tour will feature a special sale and
Under the leadership of Lee Strauss, the music under the large tent on our
years of accessioning artifacts by recording in a parking lot. The museum and gift shop
ledger and on cards is being shifted to a will be open.
computer, which by the way, is one of many ¾ June 17 Antique and Doll Appraisal
donations by Lee. from 1 – 4 PM under the big tent. This
All the accessioning from the beginning was very popular last year. Price
of this organization has been done weekly by Prazar will appraise the antiques and
Betty Fetter. The loft over the exhibit hall Helene Marlowe will do the dolls. The
measures 1400 sq. ft. and it full of articles only charge is $4.00 per article with a
cataloged and packaged to be shown in maximum three articles per person.
exhibits. Refreshments will be served.
Lee has had much help for many hours ¾ June 20 Strawberry Festival and Fund
from Fred Stock. Fred works under the Raiser. See Pages 7 and 8..
auspices of “Experience Works,” a “Senior ¾ September 11 First meeting of the new
Work Force Solutions Company.” Lee’s own season
hours are averaging 30 per week for the past ¾ October 20 Chili Historical Society
eight weeks, with another eight weeks Visits
expected. Fred’s hours are only slightly less. Please read the column in the “Greece
Lee’s family of Heidi, Holly, and Richard are Post” called the “Historical Notebook.” It
all helping. We thank them and Lee should get appears monthly and it gives me a space to talk
a gold key reward! about history.
May is going to see the annual Greece Call 225-7221 if you would like to help or
Garden Clubs Plant Sale on Saturday, May advise us.
19th. It runs from 9 ‘til 12, but don’t wait too Lorraine Beane, Executive Director
long because the sale is well known for top
quality and low prices so it sells out fast. Our
famous coffee and donuts will be available in
the kitchen from 8 am ‘til noon. Heidi Strauss
will hand out free seed packets from the The Museum
Animal Protection League. The Gift Shop will Curatorial
be open for people to see and buy our books, Committee will
gifts, and new historic Greece, NY throw. hold their annual
We are sure that the following events on our Recognition
2007 calendar will bring in many people to our Luncheon on
facility and fund-raisers. Mark your favorites. Monday, May
21, 2007, at the
¾ May 19 Greece Garden Clubs Plant Greece Historical Center at 12 noon. This is the
Sale day that we thank all our docents for their
¾ June 1 Greece Chamber of Commerce dedication and the time spent at the Museum.
members coming at 7:30 AM for coffee Current docents will provide the luncheon. The
after-luncheon program will be a talk on “19th
Century Irondequoit” by Patricia Wayne, Town of
Irondequoit Historian.
The Museum Gift Shop can supply your needs
for books well. New books and popular books
as well as Greece shirts, Greece mugs, and The “Dewey – Stone and Beyond” exhibit is a
other great shopping ideas are awaiting you. great success with many visitors on Sundays.
“Images of Irondequoit” by Patricia Wayne is Please come to visit the Museum to see what
our latest book offering. It is $21.50, including it’s all about. Even though it has been decided
tax. to keep this exhibit open until June, 2007,
please come to see it early. You may wish to
The regular Gift Shop hours are Sundays from
2:00 to 4:30 p.m. and during office hours on come a second time.
Mondays and Tuesdays from 9:30 A.M. to 12:30
P.M. Call 585-225-7221 for an appointment for
any other times.

“Eight Miles Along the Shore—An Illustrated

History of Greece, N.Y.” continues to be one of our
best selling books.

See you soon. The Gift Shop Staff

GREECE, NY THROW Featured is a model dollhouse made to

specifications of the houses on Strathmore Drive in
Our new colorful “Historic Greece, NY”
the 1930’s. Also, on display are pictures and
throw is on display above the fireplace in the articles about the original St. Charles Borromeo
living room and is for sale in the Gift Shop. It Church (see above) and the Bethany Presbyterian
is a multi-colored tapestry and the design is a and Hope Lutheran Churches. Also for Barnard
new version of the popular old buildings in School, Barnard Fire Department, St, Joseph’s
Greece. The price is only $38.00 including Villa, Northgate Plaza, Garage Houses, and stores
sales tax. They will make good gifts for around the Dewey – Stone area. “Then and Now”
Mother’s Day, Father’s Day, graduations, photos will be available also. This is one of the
showers, weddings, or for any other reason to earliest commercial areas in the Town of Greece.
give a nice gift. See how it compares to the new Dewey corridor
now under review by the Town.

Phyllis Brown, Committee Chairperson

If you have questions, contact Phyllis Brown
at (585) 865-4168 or 225-7221


2:00 until 4:30 pm


by: Bill Sauers
1 – 4 pm, SUNDAY, JUNE 17
The residents of the Town Greece enjoy a
On Sunday, June 17, 2007, from 1:00 to 4:00 variety of 18 town parks. Their features and
P.M., Helene Marlowe, doll size are certainly varied, from the 577 acre
appraiser, and Price Prazar, Greece Canal Park to the four acre Henpeck
antique appraiser, will be at Park. But their history and their names are just
the Greece Historical Center. as varied. Most park names are derived from
The cost for each item is $4.00 their location such as Barnard Park or
with a Grandview Park or from a prominent Greece
maximum of native such as Carter, Badgerow, or Basil
three items per person. Please Marella Parks. But one park, first developed for
note that the Museum will open recreation in 1935, is named after a Hilton
one hour earlier than usual this doctor.
one day only. Refreshments will
be served. For more It all began in 1924 when Doctor Sherwood
information, call 225-7221. Sawyer of Hilton purchased a parcel of land
near the intersection of Latta and Long Pond
Roads from William Hogan. Dr Sawyer had
Bloomin' Good Plant Sale purchased and developed other properties in the
SATURDAY, MAY 19, 2007 Hamlin and Parma area, so we can assume he
9:00 A.M. to Noon planned on developing this land at some time
(or until all plants are sold, whichever comes first) in the future. But with the depression of the
1930’s, the town did not develop quite as fast
Five Greece Garden Clubs - Lakeview, as the doctor had anticipated.
Shorewood, Thyme In The Garden,
Wildwood, and Woodside - will hold their Meanwhile Boy Scout Troop 14 at Barnard
Sixth Annual Plant School was in need of a sponsor. The troop had
Sale on Saturday, been sponsored by a series of different groups
May 19 . It will be since its forming in 1926 and by 1935 was in
held on the grounds of need of a permanent responsible sponsor. A
the Greece Historical group of concerned citizens stepped forward
Museum, 595 Long with a proposed program for the troop that
Pond Road, Greece. would eventually benefit the entire Town of
Perennials, annuals, Greece.
dahlias, hostas,
houseplants, and garden related items will In early 1935, a group of Greece men from the
be for sale from 9:00 a.m. until noon (or Dewey/Stone area formed a committee to
until sold out – whichever comes first), rain sponsor the troop. They called themselves the
or shine. In event of severe weather, the Barnard Civic Club, and civic-minded group
sale will be postponed until Sunday. The they were! Their first order of business was to
GHS Coffee Shop and Gift store will be find a suitable camp site for the boys. They
open. found the unused property owned by Dr.
Sawyer perfect for their purpose and the Doctor
offered the property to the club for $400.00. around the Museum with general maintenance
Antoinette Grabowski of Stone Road was the projects. Please call 225-7221 if you can help.
first to give the group $2.00 for the express
purpose of starting the camp site fund. The
remainder of the fund was raised by public
subscription. One Dollar Certificates were sold FROM THE HISTORIAN FILE
with the inscription "Invest In Youth Of Today Ancient "GEMS" from the Greece
For Better Manhood of Tomorrow".
Town Clerk File Circa 1909 to 1930
The Barnard Civic Club purchased the
property. They built a bridge over a creek, the Hidden away in the bottom file drawer in
scouts planted pine and spruce trees donated the office of the Historian Office is a wealth
from the State, and they built a log cabin. For of yellowing letters, memo's, receipts, paid
many years the scouts camped on their site. The bills, and numerous other piffle from eighty
called their special place "Camp Sawyer". to almost one hundred years ago, kept by
various Greece Town Clerks. As an
The years passed and their private camp-site occasional series, it might be interesting to
fell in to disuse. By the mid 1950’s private publish some of the more interesting, and
camps run by individual scout troops had sometimes amusing items. Below is another
became less common. A camp operated and in the series.
maintained by the Scout Council had opened To the Town Board of Greece,
nearby in Webster and other opportunities N.Y. Feb. 10, 1909
opened up with the availability of cheap, Gentlemen:
available transportation after world war II. In
1958 the site was offered to the Town of I hereby tender my resignation
Greece as long as it was used for public as constable of the town of
recreation. The Town accepted the site and in Greece, to take effect at once.
time officially opened it as a Town park. I find that my duty to my
family necessitates that I give
Doctor Sawyer died in 1944, the Barnard Civic my whole time and thought to my
Club eventually folded, Troop 14 lasted until farm, and therefore cannot take
1979, and Barnard School closed several years care of constable work as
ago. But the legacy of the Barnard Civic Club, formerly.
Boy Scout Troop 14, and the Hilton doctor
lives on in a pleasant picnic ground and park In conclusion, I wish to thank
behind our YMCA know as Sawyer Park. each and all of the gentlemen
of the town board for their
Learn more about the businesses and people of kindness and good will towards
the Dewey/Stone area at our Museum exhibit me and assure them that I will
“Dewey/Stone and Beyond.” The exhibit will always hold them in the highest
close after the Strawberry Festival in June. regard.
Yours very truly,
GENERAL MAINTENANCE (signed) Albert H. Baker
PEOPLE NEEDED Filed this 13th Day of February
H E L P ! We desperately need Jos. M. Donnelly, Town Clerk
several people who feel comfortable with their
home improvement skills to volunteer to help

Maintaining our museum and 100 + year old
house is an important and necessary function of the
Greece Historical Society. Unfortunately the
people who have been responsible for this job have
retired. We are now looking for a volunteer who
could organize a maintenance committee, be
responsible for the prioritizing our maintenance
needs, receive contractor estimates, report to the
board, and make minor maintenance and repairs as

If you are willing to help with this necessary

position call Bill Sauers at 225-3760

Pat Wayne , Irondequoit Historian, at book

HAPPENINGS – FOLLOW-UP signing of her book “Images of Irondequoit”
Photo by Bill Sauers

Over 150 people attended the

program on Prohibition and the
Lake Ontario Rum Runners
Photo by Alan Mueller

Fran Carisi-Paxton as Sophie Forrester reveals the

gossip she overheard in the house of her employer
as a maid in the 1890’s Rochester
Photo by Bill Sauers

Lorraine Beane relates area history to the September 11, 2007 First meeting of the new
Northgate Neighborhood Association season.
Photo by Fred Amato
Strawberry Festival and Fund Raiser
The Greece Museum
Wednesday, June 20, 2007 4:00 to 7:30 P.M.
FOR TOURS 595 Long Pond Road
Admission Includes
Country CHIPS
5:00 to 7:00 pm BAKED GOODS
Real Fresh Strawberries on Shortcake
FREE PARKING Great Musical Entertainment
$4.50 each FOLDING
For Groups of 5 or More, please notify 225-7221 in Advance
For admission tickets, make check payable to Greece Historical Society.
Send it and a self-addressed stamped envelope before June 12th to:
P.O. Box 16249, Rochester, NY 14616-0249 Information at (585) 225-7221

2007 Strawberry Festival & Fund Raiser Ticket Order

Mail by June 12 to: P.O. Box 16249, Rochester, NY 14616-0249
(please print) DATE__________________________
NAME__________________________________________________________________________________ PHONE_________________________
(Last) (First)
(Street) (City/Town) (State) (Zip Code+4)

Check Included for Number of Tickets ______ at $4.50 each = $ __________

This is our Annual Fund Raiser ) Optional Donation: $ __________

Check Total $ __________
+ Self-Addressed, Stamped Business-size Envelope
595 Long Pond Road U.S. POSTAGE
P.O. Box 16249 PAID
Rochester, NY 14616-0249 Rochester, NY
Permit #1188


Strawberry Festival and Fund Raiser

Greece Museum Under the Big Tent 595 Long Pond Road
Wednesday, June 20, 2007 4:00 until 7:30 p.m.
The Strawberry Festival and Fund Raiser will once again be a feast of fresh strawberries heaped on a biscuit
topped with whipped cream. This is our main annual fund raiser.
Planned activities will make the event special:
Entertainment will be provided by The Fox Den, playing Country and Western music from 5:00 to 7:00 pm.
There will be a Hot Dog Booth with Chips. So, you can eat before your dessert.
Beverages and baked goods will be optional.
The Gift Shop will be open and will feature many new items and special sales for birthdays, weddings, anniversaries,
graduations, and Christmas. Look for the new Greece, NY Throw!
Bring your families! The children will have lots of fun. They can play games on the large lawn on the north side of
the Museum. Tickets will be available at the May 8th general meeting.
Free Parking is plentiful behind the Town Hall. Ride the shuttle bus. Bring your folding lawn chairs.

Membership Application
† New Application † Renewal † Upgrade
(please print) DATE__________________________
(Last) (First) (M.I.) (Spouse, if Family Membership)

ADDRESS__________________________________________________________________________________ PHONE:
(Street) (City/Town) (State) (Zip Code + 4)
E-MAIL ADDRESS___________________________________________________________
† Student - Senior (65 & over) $10.00 † Individual $12.00 †
Family $20.00
† Family Contributing $35.00 † Business/Professional $50.00 † Family Supporting
† Sustaining $150.00 † Life Members (Each) $500.00 † Patron $75.00

Please Make Check Payable and Mail to:

Membership, Greece Historical Society • P.O. Box 16249 • Rochester, NY 14616-0249
(Include a self-addressed, stamped envelope to receive your membership card.)

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