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Hand Therapy Using Hand Qigong

Hand qigong is employed as physical exercises of the hand or the entire body induced
by the hand, and is usually accompanied by breathing and mental exercises for
treating diseases.
1. Origin and classification of hand qigong
Hand qigong is a branch of medical qigong for treatment of diseases and has a long
developing history. There were an introduction and case reports mentioned in the
medical literature of the Sui (581-618), Tang, Ming (1368-1644), and Qing
Hand qigong can be divided into two types: The pure physical exercise of the hand
for treating diseases of the internal organs, and exercises of the entire body induced
by the hand with breathing and mental exercises to adjust meridians, qi, and blood
throughout the body.
2. Function and characteristics of hand qigong
The hand is closely connected to tissues and organs of the entire body through
meridians, and there are many sensitive and effective acupoints, such as Hegu (L1 4),
Laogong (PC 8) and Shaoshang (LU 11 ) on the hand. Therefore, the physical
exercises of the hand and physical exercises of the body induced by the hand with
breathing and mental exercises can adjust qi, breath and mental activity, promote
circulation of qi and blood through meridians, adjust deficiency and excess in internal
organs, and balance yin and yang throughout the body.
This exercise is simple, practical, easy to learn, and can be practiced by people of
all ages at any time and place. It is effective for treating many diseases, especially
chronic diseases, without harmful side effects.
3. Precautions:
Before doing qigong exercises the practitioner should get rid of mental distractions,
maintain a calm mental state, assume a proper posture, and develop a slow and even
breath. Then, various types of special hand exercises or physical exercises of the
entire body may begin.
Practical methods of qigong exercises will be discussed in the treatment of different
diseases included in the following chapter.

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Hand Therapy Usi ng Hand Qi gong
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