Mata Pelajaran Satap

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: Bahasa Inggris

: Selasa, 25 September 2007 : 60 menit



1. Tulis nama, kelas, nomor peserta Anda pada lembar jawab. 2. Arsirlah atau hitamkan huruf A, B, C, dan D yang menurut Anda merupakan jawaban yang paling tepat. 3. Gunakan pensil 2B, dan penghapus karet yang baik. 4. Apabila ingin mengganti jawaban hapuslah jawaban tersebut dengan karet penghapus dan arsir / hitamkan jawaban yang benar.

This dialog is for no. 1 up to 5 :

: : : : : : : : : ..(1) Morning. My name is Jaka. . (2) your name ? My name is Andre ..(3) are you from ? I am from Bekasi about you ? I am from Semarang (5) ? How do you do ?


Pelajaran Kelas Hari, tanggal Waktu





Fill the blank with suitable expression ! c. Good luck 1. a. Good day b. Good morning b. What is 2. a. Why b. What 3. a. Where b. Why
4. a. Where

d. Good Night d. Where is d. Who d. Who

c. Whose c. When c. What

b. How do you do 5. a. How are you

c. How is your life d. Hello

This conversation is for no. 6 up to c. mempertemukan 7:

Martha meets her old friend in a restaurant. Here is the conversation ! Ma : Are rth you a Ratih ? Rat : Yes, I ih am. You c. d. good Mar are right tha Martha, d. eat Rat right ? c. ih : Right. look .. 6. (6) to see you. a. : Nice to nic (7) e you too. 7. b a. . me w et e l l b . s e e frien d, Lia 10. Jenny : How are you, Sita Sita : Not good W ha t do es th e un de rli ne wo rd m ea n ?

d. memberi a. Sita is fine 11. You . My friend. a. am 12. She ..beautiful. a. is

b. Sita is not fine

c. Let me introduce my self . d. How do you do ? c. Sita is Ok d. Sita is happy b. am

c. are c. are

d. do d. do

13. Thats my teacher .Mrs.Martha. a. They are b. I am 14. Tiger is wild Animal. dangerous. a. They are b. I am . very

c. She is

d. He is

c. She is

d. It is

8. Let me introd uce my self. My name is The under line word (intro duce) mean s: a. mem perke nalka n b. menu gasi 9. To introd uce your friend you can say .. a. hello. My name s Rina b. Ratih. This is my

15. We have an umbrella. .umbrella is good. a. Their b. Our 16. I bring flower. .flower is Rose.

c. Her

d. His a. b. Their Ou r 17. Is it, Ani ? Yes, it is mine. a. Our b. Their 18. c. Her d. My

c. my d. your


a. Turn left, please ! b. Be silent, please ! c. Sit up, please ! d. eat it, please !

a. Park here !

20. 21. This sign is usually stick on the zoo.

d. Dont park here !

a. Turn around b. Turn left
c. Turn right

d. Go straight

a. Dont eat here b. Dont feed the animal c. No banana d. Give banana to Monkey

22. a . d o n t w a l k h e

r e

b. Park here c. Cross the street d. Dont cross it

Fina is a student in SMP Taruna Jakarta. She is in the seven grade now. She goes to school by car everyday. She always greets her teacher when they meet each other. She is very kind girl. All friends say thet she goes home at one o clock. She usually goes home with her father. She really likes her day. 23. Is Fina a student ? a. b. Yes, it is Yes, he is

c. Yes, they d. Yes, she is are

24. How does Fina go to c. by motor d. by train school ? a. by car c. her b. by bike brother d. her 25. Who say that Fina is friends a kind girl ? a. her classmates b. her boy friend

26. Does Fina like her day ? a. Yes, she does b. No, she does not

c. Yes, he is d. No, she is not : Excuse me, Can you tell me where is the 27. library ? Putr : ___________ you go straight and turn left. There i is a Library beside canteen.
F i r n i

a. b. Yes of course c. Pardon d. I dont know Im sor ry : ___________ can you take me a glass of water ? 28. : Yes of course
Fika r

Fan i a. b. Are you sure c. Excuse me d. Never mind Par do n : Your mark is good. I have a present for you. 29. : _______________. Mo the r B a n u a. b. Sorry c. No, I wont Th ank yo u : Im sorry I drop your bag 30. : Oh .. Siti
Sin di

d. Never mind

a. b. My God Never mind 31. Mo the r Fer di a. hel p 32. Din o

K i k i

c. Yes

d. No

: Can you open the door, c. All right _________? : Yes, Mom b. please : Excuse me, are you Ivan ? : No, Im not : Oh _______ : Never mind

D i n o
K i k i

a. b. see you goo d bye

d. pardon c. Ok

d. Im sorry

33. Those are . On the table. 3 3 .

3 4 . 3 5 . 3 6 .

a. books b. book c. pen d. pens

One ruler
a. This is

b. That is c. These are

d. Those are

34. : Sorry, I cannot return your money now. I really need it now. : ____________.

35. He ndr a
T u t i k

Tutik doesnt mind that hendra d. Forget it cannot return her money. What does she say ? a. Lucky b. Dont do that c. No 36. Puji : Congratulation Ana. You win the Speech competition, right ? Ana : a. b. Its me Just luck y 37. A : Hello, .? B : Good morning, how are you ? c. Im fine too A : Im fine d. Nice to meet you a. Whats your name b. Good morning 38. A : Im sorry. I have to go now. It is nice to meet you B : . Good bye A : Bye .Bye. a. You are welcome c. Never mind b. It is nice to meet d. I doubt it you, too : I return your bike. Thank you very much. 39. : Jho n U d i n c. Thank you very much d. good

a. You are welcome b. No, I wont 40. Martha Dana a. help : Can you open the door, _________ ! : Yes, I can b. All right

c. See you d. Are you Ok

d. pardon c. please

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