Apes - Ecological Footprint Calculator

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APES- Earth Day Network Footprint Calculator http://www.earthday.net/footprint/index.

html Name: ____Rafael Padilla______ Prediction: How many planets (Earth) does it take to support your lifestyle? Answer: _____5_____ Directions: 1) Make an Avatar of yourself 2) Answer using DETAILED answers to each lifestyle question Questions: 1) How often do you eat animal based products? Often. Why do you think this affects your footprint? Explain. It affects the human footprint because we feed ourselves from eating animals. 2) How much of your food is processed, packaged and not locally grown? About half. Why do you think this affects your footprint? Explain. Since it takes resources for transportation. 3) How much trash do you generate? I generate about the same as an average human. What affects does this have on your footprint? Why? It affects my foorprint because im generating trash. 4) Which housing type best describes your home? A standard house with running water. Why would this make a difference in your impact? if it was a larger house i could be wasting more resources.

5) Do you have electricity in your home? yes What are the environmental impacts of electricity? Explain. It affects it because we need electricity which comes from coal 6) How many people are in your home? 5 7) What is your house made of? I dont know Which building material is the most energy efficient? Explain. I dont know 8) Does anyone of your homes electricity come from renewable sources? (SDGE= no) Not sure 9) How far do you travel by car each week? 50-150 miles Do you carpool or do anything to reduce your impact? Yes 10) Do you ride a motorcycle? No 11) What is the gas mileage in your car/motorbike? I dont know 12) How often do you drive with someone else? Often. 13) How far do you travel by bus/train each week? 5-25 miles 14) How many hours do you fly each year? I never Fly

EDIT your Footprint by making CHANGES to your lifestyle. List the changes you have made to your lifestyle below and the impact it had on your ecological footprint. Show your new results.

Changes Made:

1) Eat fewer animal based products 2) Take less time to take a shower 3) Produce less waste 4) Recycle more 5) walk more often to places that are close. Impact on my Ecological Footprint: (Draw out NEW results based on changes made) REFLECT on what you learned by doing this activity: By doing this activity i learned that i8f almost everyone lived like me then we would need more earths than what we have which is one. It showed me that i need to stop eating more animal based products and produce less waste to help the environment.

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