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The Funneling Technique Taking a Complete History

The goal of the funneling technique is to move from general, open-ended questions to specific, direct questions that help you thoroughly assess violence in a relationship. This technique can also be applied to assessing past partner violence by asking about past relationships. "Tell me about your relationship with your partner." "People have different ways of showing disagreement or anger in relationships. Sometimes people talk loudly, shout, threaten, hit, or use weapons. How does your partner show anger and disagreement?"

Wait for a response, then ask "Anything else?" or "And then what happens?" Repeat until patient offers nothing else. Probe for specific types of violence, beginning with the least severe.

"Has your partner ever yelled at you" "Have they ever demeaned or berated you?" "Have they ever threatened you, your children or someone else?" "Have they ever destroyed your property or other things? "Have they ever tried to control your movements and activities?" "Have they ever pushed or hit you?" "Have they ever forced unwanted sexual or physical contact?" "Have they ever threatened you with a weapon?" "Have they ever hurt you with weapon or object?" "How do you show anger and disagreement to your partner?"

Wait for a response, then ask "Anything else?" or "And then what happens?" Repeat until patient offers nothing else. Probe for specific types of violence.

"Have you ever yelled at them" "Have you ever demeaned or berated them?" "Have you ever threatened them, their children or someone else?" "Have you ever destroyed their property or other things? "Have you ever tried to control their movements and activities?" "Have you ever pushed or hit them?" "Have you ever forced unwanted sexual or physical contact?" "Have you ever threatened them with a weapon?"

"Have you ever hurt them with a weapon or object?" B. Ambuel & L. K. Hamberger, Family Peace Project, Family & Community Medicine, Medical College of Wisconsin, 210 NW Barstow, #201, Waukesha, WI, 53188, (262) 548-6903. The Family Peace Project provides training and consultation to professionals, organizations & communities. Permission granted to copy this protocol for noncommercial use. Your contribution to the Family Peace Project is tax-deductible.

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