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Central Processing Unit Architecture

Architecture overview Machine organization

von Neumann


Speeding up CPU operations

multiple registers pipelining superscalar and VLIW


Computer Architecture
Major components of a computer
Central Processing Unit (CPU) memory peripheral devices


Architecture is concerned with

internal structures of each interconnections
speed and width

relative speeds of components

Want maximum execution speed

Balance is often critical issue

Computer Architecture (continued)

performs arithmetic and logical operations synchronous operation may consider instruction set architecture
how machine looks to a programmer


detailed hardware design

Computer Architecture (continued)

stores programs and data organized as


bit byte = 8 bits (smallest addressable location) word = 4 bytes (typically; machine dependent)

instructions consist of operation codes and addresses oprn addr 1

oprn oprn addr 1 addr 1 addr 2 addr 2 addr 3

Computer Architecture (continued)

Numeric data representations
integer (exact representation)
sign-magnitude 2s complement
s magnitude


negative values change 0 to 1, add 1

floating point (approximate representation)

scientific notation: 0.3481 x 106 s exp inherently imprecise IEEE Standard 754-1985

Simple Machine Organization

Institute for Advanced Studies machine (1947)


von Neumann machine

ALU performs transfers between memory and I/O devices note two instructions per memory word
Arithmetic Logic Unit

main memory

InputOutput Equipment

Program Control Unit 0 op code 8 address 20 op code 28 address 39

Simple Machine Organization (continued)

ALU does arithmetic and logical comparisons AC = accumulator holds results MQ = memory-quotient holds second portion of long results MBR = memory buffer register holds data while operation executes


Simple Machine Organization (continued)


Program control determines what computer does based on instruction read from memory MAR = memory address register holds address of memory cell to be read PC = program counter; address of next instruction to be read IR = instruction register holds instruction being executed IBR holds right half of instruction read from memory

Simple Machine Organization (continued)

Machine operates on fetch-execute cycle Fetch


PC MAR read M(MAR) into MBR copy left and right instructions into IR and IBR

address part of IR MAR read M(MAR) into MBR execute opcode

Simple Machine Organization (continued)


Architecture Families
Before mid-60s, every new machine had a different instruction set architecture
programs from previous generation didnt run on new machine cost of replacing software became too large single instruction set architecture wide range of price and performance with same software memory path width (1 byte to 8 bytes) faster, more complex CPU design greater I/O throughput and overlap


IBM System/360 created family concept

Performance improvements based on different detailed implementations

Software compatibility now a major issue

partially offset by high level language (HLL) software

Architecture Families


Multiple Register Machines

Initially, machines had only a few registers
2 to 8 or 16 common registers more expensive than memory


Most instructions operated between memory locations

results had to start from and end up in memory, so fewer instructions
although more complex

means smaller programs and (supposedly) faster execution

fewer instructions and data to move between memory and ALU

But registers are much faster than memory

30 times faster

Multiple Register Machines (continued)

Also, many operands are reused within a short time
waste time loading operand again the next time its needed


Depending on mix of instructions and operand use, having many registers may lead to less traffic to memory and faster execution Most modern machines use a multiple register architecture
maximum number about 512, common number 32 integer, 32 floating point

One way to speed up CPU is to increase clock rate
limitations on how fast clock can run to complete instruction


Another way is to execute more than one instruction at one time



Pipelining breaks instruction execution down into several stages

put registers between stages to buffer data and control execute one instruction as first starts second stage, execute second instruction, etc. speedup same as number of stages as long as pipe is full

Pipelining (continued)
Consider an example with 6 stages
FI = fetch instruction DI = decode instruction CO = calculate location of operand FO = fetch operand EI = execute instruction WO = write operand (store result)


Pipelining Example


Executes 9 instructions in 14 cycles rather than 54 for sequential execution

Pipelining (continued)
Hazards to pipelining
conditional jump
instruction 3 branches to instruction 15 pipeline must be flushed and restarted


later instruction needs operand being calculated by instruction still in pipeline

pipeline stalls until result ready

Pipelining Problem Example


Is this really a problem?

Real-life Problem
Not all instructions execute in one clock cycle


floating point takes longer than integer fp divide takes longer than fp multiply which takes longer than fp add typical values
integer add/subtract memory reference fp add fp (or integer) multiply fp (or integer) divide 1 1 2 (make 2 stages) 6 (make 2 stages) 15

Break floating point unit into a sub-pipeline

execute up to 6 instructions at once

Pipelining (continued)


This is not simple to implement note all 6 instructions could finish at the same time!!

More Speedup
Pipelined machines issue one instruction each clock cycle
how to speed up CPU even more?


Issue more than one instruction per clock cycle

Superscalar Architectures


Superscalar machines issue a variable number of instructions each clock cycle, up to some maximum
instructions must satisfy some criteria of independence
simple choice is maximum of one fp and one integer instruction per clock need separate execution paths for each possible simultaneous instruction issue

compiled code from non-superscalar implementation of same architecture runs unchanged, but slower

Superscalar Example
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8



Each instruction path may be pipelined

Superscalar Problem
Instruction-level parallelism
what if two successive instructions cant be executed in parallel?


data dependencies, or two instructions of slow type

Design machine to increase multiple execution opportunities

VLIW Architectures


Very Long Instruction Word (VLIW) architectures store several simple instructions in one long instruction fetched from memory
number and type are fixed
e.g., 2 memory reference, 2 floating point, one integer

need one functional unit for each possible instruction

2 fp units, 1 integer unit, 2 MBRs all run synchronized

each instruction is stored in a single word

requires wider memory communication paths many instructions may be empty, meaning wasted code space

VLIW Example
Memory Ref 1 Memory Ref 2 FP 1 FP 2



LD F0, 0(R1) LD F6, 8(R1) LD F10, 16(R1) LD F18,32(R1) LD F26,48(R1) LD F14, 24(R1) LD F22,40(R1) AD F4,F0,F2 AD F8,F6,F2 AD F12,F10,F2 AD F16,F14,F2 SB R1,R1,#4 8

Instruction Level Parallelism


Success of superscalar and VLIW machines depends on number of instructions that occur together that can be issued in parallel
no dependencies no branches

Compilers can help create parallelism Speculation techniques try to overcome branch problems
assume branch is taken execute instructions but dont let them store results until status of branch is known


CISC = Complex Instruction Set Computer RISC = Reduced Instruction Set Computer


CISC vs. RISC (continued)

Historically, machines tend to add features over time
instruction opcodes


IBM 70X, 70X0 series went from 24 opcodes to 185 in 10 years same time performance increased 30 times

addressing modes special purpose registers

Motivations are to
improve efficiency, since complex instructions can be implemented in hardware and execute faster make life easier for compiler writers support more complex higher-level languages



Examination of actual code indicated many of these features were not used RISC advocates proposed
simple, limited instruction set large number of general purpose registers
and mostly register operations

optimized instruction pipeline

Benefits should include

faster execution of instructions commonly used faster design and implementation


Comparing some architectures
Year Instr. IBM 370/168 VAX 11/780 I 80486 M 88000 MIPS R4000 IBM 6000 1973 1978 1989 1988 1991 1990 208 303 235 51 94 184 Instr. Size 2-6 2 - 57 1 - 11 4 4 4 Addr Modes 4 22 11 3 1 2 Registers 16 16 8 32 32 32



Which approach is right? Typically, RISC takes about 1/5 the design time
but CISC have adopted RISC techniques


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