Diagnostic and Laboratory Procedure

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Diagnostic and laboratory Procedure Urinalysis

Normal findings

Actual findings


Nursing responsibilities

Date Ordered: June 17,2008 Color light yellow to amber transparent or clear 4.5-8.0 negative negative 1.002-1.035 2-10 pus cells Yellow



Reaction Albumin Sugar Specific gravity Pus Cells

6.5 trace negative 1.030 0-2

No deviation to normal

no deviation to normal no deviation to normal no deviation to normal

Instruct the patient to wash from front to back Instruct the patient to catch the midstream of the urine Instruct the patient to wash her hands before and after the procedure Use a sterile cup for the specimen

Diagnostic and laboratory Procedure Urinalysis date ordered: June 27,1008 Color Transparency Reaction Albumin Sugar Specific gravity Pus cells

Normal findings

Actual findings


Nursing responsibilities

light yellow to amber transparent or clear 4.5-8.0 negative negative 1.002-1.035 2-10 pus cells

dark yellow slight turbid 5.0 negative negative 1.030 0-2 result is within normal result is within normal result is within normal result is within normal result within normal

Instruct the patient to wash from front to back Instruct the patient to catch the midstream of the urine Instruct the patient to wash her hands before and after the procedure Use a sterile cup for the specimen

Diagnostic and Laboratory procedure Urinalysis Date ordered: July 4,2008

Normal Findings

Actual Findings


Nursing Responsibilities


light yellow to amber



transparent or clear 4.5-8.0 negative negative 1.002-1.035

slightly turbid

Reaction Albumin Sugar Specific gravity

6.0 negative negative 1.020

no deviation to normal no deviation to normal no deviation to normal no deviation to normal

Instruct the patient to wash from front to back Instruct the patient to catch the midstream of the urine Instruct the patient to wash her hands before and after the procedure Use a sterile cup for the specimen

Epithelial cells

Pus cells RBC

epithelial cells should not present in a urine 2-10 pus cells very few or no RBC found in the urine 30 ml/hour


2-3 0-1

no deviation to normal

Amount urates


Instruct the patient to increase fluid intake

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